DXperience 8.1.0 (Release Candidate 1) released on 2 March 2008 and What'a New

What's Included & New
.NET Product Line - v2008 vol 1.0

Release Notes

To learn about our new ASP.NET controls, as well as get acquainted with other major improvements introduced in this version, please check the following page:

What's New in DXperience v2008 vol 1

To learn about breaking changes in this version, please refer to the following article:

Breaking changes for DXperience v2008 vol 1

The following sections list all minor and major changes, as well as issue fixes in DXperience v2008 vol 1, Release Candidate 1.

New Features/Changes

ASPxGridView and Editors Suite
  • S18263 - Add a client-side method to determine if a group row is expanded or not
  • S18502 - Add a client-side method to determine the number of visible rows on the Page
  • S18501 - Add a client-side method to determine the top VisibleRowIndex
  • AS17472 - Add a new client-side method, which will return the number of visible rows in the ASPxGridView
  • S18568 - Add the "Enable Inserting" tag to the ASPxGridView's SmartTag
  • S90372 - Add the Button's Collection to the CommandColumn
  • S18821 - Add the IsGroupRow client-side method
  • S18739 - Add the MasterRowExpanding and MasterRowCollapsing client side events
  • AS17370 - Add the ParseEditValue server-side event, which will allow a developer to change values that come from the client side before they are converted to the datacolumn's Type
  • S18576 - Allow a PopupEditForm to be used in Modal mode
  • S18442 - ASPxGridView - add a client-side method to determine the row count
  • S18638 - ASPxGridView - add a Footer Template container
  • S18756 - ASPxGridView - add a method to retrieve the grid's grouped columns
  • S18593 - ASPxGridView - add a new property to define the New row position
  • S18495 - ASPxGridView - add a RowCancelling event
  • S19094 - ASPxGridView - Add an ability to sort columns displayed within the Field Chooser alphabetically
  • S19087 - ASPxGridView - Add the CustomGroupDisplayText event
  • S19194 - ASPxGridView - CustomSummaryCalculate - add the GetValue parameter to the CustomSummaryEventArgs class to be able to obtain a field value in a certain record
  • S18816 - ASPxGridView - the Sort By Summary feature is needed
  • S19043 - ASPxListBox - add the client-side ItemDoubleClick event
  • S50103 - Export only selected rows
  • S90734 - Implement an ASPxFileUploadControl to allow uploading files
ASPxperience Suite
  • CS8867 - Add an ability to center a popup window relative to the browser's window
  • AS15223 - Add an ability to hide tabs on the client
  • S20183 - Allow Redirects on a callback
  • S18738 - ASPxDateEdit - Add an ability to share a single calendar control between several ASPxDateEdit editors
  • AS17285 - ASPxMenu - add a style for an item's disabled state
  • AS16558 - ASPxMenu - Add an ability to define different popup images for an item's normal and hovered states
  • S18584 - ASPxPopupControl - Implement a new client CorrectPosition method to resize and reposition a popup window without hiding it
  • AS14376 - ASPxRoundPanel - Add an ability to modify the header's text on the client side
  • S90024 - Create a new control to upload files using AJAX
  • B91950 - EndCallback event should be raised after all scripts are initialized
  • CS60830 - Provide consistent themes for various controls
  • S19065 - Add a FieldAreaIndexChanged event
  • S19039 - Add a FieldFilterChanged event
  • S18709 - Add a new event, which is triggered when a control's hierarchy is created
  • S19055 - Add an event that is raised when a field is moved to 'Field List', or its Visible property is set to False
  • Q95175 - Add new ExpandAllRows and ExpandAllColumns methods
  • S19054 - Add new properties to define the customization window's size
  • S18091 - Export to PDF - Provide the ability to use Landscape page orientation
  • S19152 - Improve the ExpandAll function performance in OLAP mode
  • S18625 - OLAP sorting - Provide an ability not to sort data by the grid
  • S19213 - Provide an ability to hide field headers
  • S90446 - Provide an ability to set the name of an exported spreadsheet
  • AS15199 - Support groups of fields
ASPxScheduler Suite
  • S19027 - Add an ability to customize pop-up menus at runtime
  • S18599 - Add Office skins support
  • S19272 - Add the ability to customize a vertical resource header area ( to change it's width)
  • S19218 - Add the ability to customize Appointment style within the ASPxScheduler.AppointmentViewInfoCustomizing event (An example: changing the Font color at runtime)
  • S18915 - Data binding - add UnitOfWork support
  • Q93819 - Implement AllowAppointment* events similar to that found in XtraScheduler
  • S18714 - MonthView,WeekView - Provide an ability to customize the DateCellHeader via a template
  • S18956 - Usability - Add the GoToDate method (similar to the SchedulerControl.GoToDate method)
DXperience Suite
  • AS5738 - New Product - ASP.NET HTML Editor
  • AS17084 - New Product - ASP.NET Spell Checker
  • AS6329 - New Product - ASP.NET TreeView/TreeList
  • S90467 - Include new Office2007, Pink and Green skins into the OfficeSkins.dll and BonusSkins.dll libraries
eXpress Persistent Objects
  • S18946 - Class Generator Wizard must display all tables and views from the database
  • S18623 - The XPObjectType table for a certain data layer (IDataLayer) should be accessed only once
  • S18988 - Wizard - The ability to import smalldatetime fields from an existing database
  • AS15888 - XPO class generator - Select/Unselect All
XtraBars Suite
  • S18518 - Provide a new "ShowInCaption" property for the PageCategory
  • S18517 - Provide the color property for the DefaultPageCategory
  • S20287 - Stand-alone Toolbar - Improve support for a StandaloneBarDockControl to be used with an XtraLayoutControl
XtraCharts Suite
  • AS15070 - Bar Series View - Add an option to show bars of the same size in the side-by-side series view
  • AS8925 - Bar Series View - Add an option to show labels for series points with a zero value
  • AS5057 - Design Time - Add import and export links to a ChartControl's smart tag (as well as to WebChartControl and XRChart), so to be able to save a chart to XML in VS IDE
  • DS6511 - Labels - Ability to fully customize their text
  • AS4481 - Pie/Doughnut Series View - Ability to paint separate titles for every chart series
  • S18907 - Serialization - the ability to save a chart to XML format
  • AS7804 - Series View - Add a Spline series view type
  • AS7366 - Web - Support the Medium Trust permission level
  • AS10978 - WebChartControl - Add the ability to store/restore a chart's layout at design time
XtraEditors Library
  • S18308 - Add the ability to immediately hide a tooltip by clicking on it
  • AS15650 - CheckedComboBoxEdit - editor that displays a checked listbox in the dropdown
  • S19175 - Create a list of all available skins in one topic
  • S19177 - Documentation - In the CustomDrawDayNumberCellEventArgs.Style Property topic, add that only the ForeColor style may be changed for a cell
  • S19195 - DXValidationProvider - InvalidControls collection must not return null
  • S18792 - FilterControl - Support the IBindingListView interface
  • CS64511 - Proportional resizing of panels separated by a Splitter Control when a form is resized
  • CS48127 - Provide Close buttons in tab pages
  • A2207 - SimpleButton - Add an ImageLocation property
  • A1480 - Take look and feel into account when painting scroll bars for PanelControl and GroupControl in AutoScroll mode
  • B2465 - XtraTabControl - Configuration of close buttons in tab headers
XtraGrid Suite
  • AS4577 - Add a column filter list with check boxes for multiple choices
  • S19258 - Create the ability to hide a vertical scrollbar for the LayoutView in a way it could be done with the help of the GridView's VertScrollVisibility property
  • AS3274 - Export to XLS - Intelligent data type detection for exporting
  • S90491 - LayoutView - Marquee selection of cards
  • S90533 - LayoutView - Multiple row/column Print Preview
  • S19174 - LayoutView - provide the ability to automatically change a focused card when scrolling is performed
  • S90037 - LayoutView - Runtime layout customization
  • S90056 - Rename the "Clear" button under "In-Place Editor Repository"
  • AS4469 - Support a column's ImageIndex and ImageAlignment properties in the LayoutView
XtraLayout Suite
  • AS4239 - Ability to create a custom customization form at design time
  • DS37585 - Add a property to allow a group to be expanded by double-clicking its header
  • DS11693 - Add Click and DoubleClick events to the LayoutControlItem class
  • A2001 - Add Hints for layoutItems
  • AS17342 - Add the ability to hide specific layout items when a LayoutControl is being printed
  • CS45937 - Add TooltipController support
  • A1783 - BaseLayoutItem - Add the Shown event
  • CS30759 - Constraints and long item text
  • S19066 - Customization - provide the ability to add "fixed" items to the customization, so they work in a similar way as the EmptySpaceItem does
  • S19135 - CustomizationForm - add Filter properties to the Property Grid
  • S18818 - Designer - Set a common property for multiple selected layout items in PropertyGrid
  • AS15679 - Display icons in layout items
  • S18753 - Don't create additional labels for fields when a Table is dropped onto the LayoutControl from the Data Source window as a detail table
  • AS9107 - Improve painting when the LayoutControl is set to Enabled (each layout item shouldn't be repainted individually)
  • AS8474 - Improve the design-time Undo of the Layout control
  • CS66356 - Make labels easy to edit
  • AS4578 - More flexibility in layout labels
  • AS6185 - Provide multi-line tabbed groups in XtraLayoutControl
  • DS59751 - Splitter - Add Click and DoubleClick events
  • S18168 - TabbedGroup - Add the HeaderOrienation property
  • AS10174 - The CustomizationForm property cannot be set to a new instance
  • DS30676 - Use different LayoutControlItem.MinSize values for RadioGroups with more than one column
  • S18579 - XtraLayout validating demo: deny navigation if validation failed
XtraPivotGrid Suite
  • CS34617 - Add a CellClick event
  • S18023 - Add a CustomGroupInvervalValue event - custom group intervals and custom display text for groups
  • S90142 - Add a new Group Interval type that groups by hours
  • B91685 - Add a PrefilterCriteriaChanged event
  • S20296 - Add an OptionsBehavior.CopyToClipboardWithFieldValues option
  • S19045 - ChartControl integration - Add the ability to produce null values, which are treated as empty points when setting the ChartControl.DataSource property to the PivotGridControl instance
  • AS13146 - Implement a SavePivotGridToStream method and a corresponding PivotFileDataSource constructor
  • S18886 - OLAP: Implement a CreateDrillDownDataSource method
  • S18630 - Pass a painter object to the PivotCustomDrawFieldHeaderEventArgs object
  • AS15016 - PivotFileDataSource - Add a DataSource property that will provide access to raw data and allow the number of records to be obtained
  • S19131 - Provide an ability to disable the prefilter functionality
  • S18748 - Provide an ability to obtain the bounds of a specific cell
  • S18660 - RetrieveFields must generate a unique name for fields
XtraPrinting Library
  • A947 - Export to XLS - Export an object's value and string format to Excel (use native format)
  • AS6501 - Localization - All resource names in the DevExpress.XtraPrinting assembly must include the default namespace (DevExpress.XtraPrinting)
XtraReports Suite
  • A1153 - Controls - Add a Cross-Tab report control based on XtraPivotGrid
  • S18112 - Localization - All forms must be converted to .NET 2.0
  • AS6691 - Page Builder - Add the ability to keep the Detail band and its Detail Report together
  • AS6172 - Page Builder - Add the ability to skip duplicate labels
  • AS6171 - Page Builder - Add the ability to skip empty labels
  • AS16584 - Page Builder - Add the PrintOn property to PageHeader and PageFooter bands
  • AS4534 - Page Builder - Support the KeepTogether feature for splitting in the vertical direction (when a control's contents are not printed on a page in case it cannot be completely visible there)
  • AS5964 - Styles - Add the ability to specify whether BackColor, BorderColor, etc. property values should be taken from a control or from its style
  • A1621 - Web - Provide the ability to use a report's printing settings instead of that of a Web browser when printing a report on the client side
  • B19721 - XRChart - Add the XRChart.DataMember property to make it easier to create data-bound charts
XtraScheduler Suite
  • S18550 - Add a possibility to set up the XtraScheduler time zone irrespective of the system time zone
  • S90370 - Add overloads to importing methods to accept a string parameter (path)
  • S90337 - Add simple calendar navigation depending on ActiveView
  • AS15709 - Add the Appointment Drop event
  • S90371 - Database schema for use with XtraScheduler - document the field required for Outlook synchronization
  • AS15348 - Documentation - Add a topic about the AppointmentConflictsCalculator class
  • S18614 - Documentation - Describe the OccurrenceCalculator class
  • Q93371 - Make it possible to specify the company name for the vCalendar export
  • S19044 - Outlook synchronization - Add LastModificationTime and CreationTime properties to the _AppointmentItem class
  • AS17170 - Provide an ability to filter Appointments and Resources by using the FilterControl
  • AS6073 - Recurrent event edit confirmation
  • S18542 - Scheduler Storage - Add an ability to define a color format for a resource (OLE or ARGB)
  • S18337 - SnapToCell - Extend the SnapToCell property (Create a three-state switcher: Always, Auto or Never)
  • S18340 - Dictionary - Ability to store *.txt, *.aff and *.xlg files as embedded resources
XtraVerticalGrid Suite
  • AS6408 - Add the ability to display a property description in the PropertyGridControl
  • B3294 - Add the ability to display unbound rows within a bound vertical grid
  • S130007 - Change the name of the ScaleRowHeaderPanel property to FixRowHeaderPanelWidth
  • S18745 - Implement the BestFit method
  • CS58719 - Repository - Show a warning message box before performing an action of the Clear button
  • AS17414 - Support methods for block data notifications

Resolved Issues

ASPxGridView and Editors Suite
  • B90644 - An issue in the Interval Grouping demo
  • B91650 - ASPxButton has an inconsistent behavior if the UseSubmitBehavior property is true
  • B19731 - ASPxGridView - does not use the editor's value changed in the editor's Validation event
  • Q95730 - ASPxGridView - PopupEditForm is shown in the top left corner of the browser when a new row is inserted into an empty DataSource
  • B19978 - ASPxGridView.SettingsText is not effective for EditForm commands if there is no CommandColumn
  • B92098 - Security Exception (Medium Trust)
ASPxperience Suite
  • B30135 - ASP.NET Web Application does not add references to DevExpress.xx assemblies
  • B90876 - ASPxPageControl - The WebChartControl's series are gone (deleted) after passing to another tab
  • B50215 - ASPxPopupControl - When creating resource files, resource strings for controls placed within the default popup window are not generated
ASPxScheduler Suite
  • B19523 - Data binding - problems when editing or adding the appointments data when bound to XPO
DXperience Suite
  • B92420 - DevExpress.Office2007Bonus library has a wrong version number
  • B91551 - SkinEditor fails with the "ExternalException: A generic error occurred in GDI+." exception when a user doesn't have permissions to write into the Program Files directory
XtraBars Suite
  • CB63244 - ItemLinks Help Topic points to a wrong location
XtraCharts Suite
  • B92424 - Tickmarks - Reducing the minor tickmarks length to zero via the Chart Wizard (at runtime) causes an unhandled exception
XtraEditors Library
  • CB63896 - Creating Window Handle error in the ScrollBarBase class
XtraLayout Suite
  • B19784 - Export - Display formatting settings (the DisplayFormat property) are ignored for the focused editor
  • CB51794 - Splitter item shown in the HiddenItems array
  • B19837 - The top left editor within a LayoutControl is not focused on application startup
XtraPivotGrid Suite
  • B92035 - CreateDrillDownDataSource method causes an exception
  • B30065 - FieldValue header is cut when PivotGridControl is placed in a report, which in its turn is displayed in ReportViewer (ASP.NET)
XtraReports Suite
  • B92280 - Documentation - Description for the XRSummary.Running property is incorrect
  • B19839 - Documentation - ReportViewer.WriteTextTo method contains incorrect parameter information (string exportType)
  • B20630 - Styles - Styles property values (e.g. BackColor, Font), which are displayed in the Toolbar and PropertyGrid, are not the same as that actually used
XtraScheduler Suite
  • B92174 - A wrong appointment is resized when working with two appointments that are set one after another
  • B19949 - If an Appointment starts or ends in another year (the visible one), start and end times should be rendered with this year (as in MS Outlook)
  • B30094 - Printing - Setting the ArrangeDays property to "LeftToRight" within the Weekly Style of PrintStyles makes appointment text wrapping ineffective
  • B91983 - RestoreLayout issue
  • B30079 - The SchedulerStorage.Resources.Items.WriteXml method doesn't save custom fields data
XtraTreeList Suite
  • B30045 - Data is not visible when the control is displayed


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