PC Server远程管理卡用户管理脚本实现







  1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
  3 # Author      : JACK ZHAO
  4 # Date        : 2017/11/7
  5 # Description : This script is userd to manage the PC server remote management card account.
  7 ###Global variable###
  8 WORKDIR=`pwd`
  9 SSH_PORT=22
 10 IPMI_PORT=623
 11 instool=${WORKDIR}/instool3.0-pre/instool.sh
 12 export PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin 
 13 export LC_ALL=C
 15 /bin/stty erase ^H
 16 [ -f /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions ] && . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
 17 [ ! -d ${WORKDIR}/temp ] &&  mkdir ${WORKDIR}/temp
 19 ###Common function###
 20 colour (){
 21 case $1 in
 22 default)
 23   echo -ne "\033[0m"
 24   ;;
 25 default_red)
 26   echo -ne "\033[31m"
 27   ;;
 28 esac
 29 }
 31 aciton_false(){
 32     action "$1" /bin/false
 33 }
 35 action_true(){
 36     action "$1" /bin/true
 37 }
 39 ###Defining countdown###
 40 readsecond(){
 41     for i in `seq -w 20 -1 1 `;do 
 42         echo -ne "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\bCountdown:\033[1;34m${i}\033[0ms"
 43         sleep 1
 44     done
 45 }
 47 ###Check the IP format###
 48 check_ip_format(){
 49     ipcalc -cs $1
 50     if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
 51         return 0
 52     else
 53         return $RC
 54     fi
 55 }
 57 ###Check whether IP is online###
 58 check_ip_alive(){
 59     ping -c 2 -w 2 $1 &>/dev/null 
 60     if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
 61         return 0
 62     else
 63         return $RC
 64     fi
 65 }
 67 ###Check Port###
 68 check_port(){
 69     nc -vuz $1 $2 &>/dev/null
 70     if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
 71         return 0
 72     else
 73         return 110
 74     fi
 75 }
 77 ###Summary of inspection conditions###
 78 chenck_ip_port(){
 79     check_ip_format $1
 80     if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
 81         aciton_false "$1 Invalid IP."
 82         return 110
 83     fi
 84     check_ip_alive $1
 85     if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
 86         aciton_false "$1 Network connection failed."
 87         return 110
 88     fi
 89     check_port $IP $IPMI_PORT
 90     if [ $? -ne 0 ];then 
 91         aciton_false "$1 UDP 623 Port connection failed."
 92         return 110        
 93     fi
 94     return 0
 95 }
 97 ###Public function 1###
 98 enter_account_ip(){
 99     while true;do
100         read -p "Input Your IP:" IP
101         chenck_ip_port ${IP}
102         [ $? -ne 0 ] && enter_account_ip
103         read -p "Input Your Administrator:" USERNAME
104         read -s -p "Input Your Password:" PASSWORD
105         echo ""
106         read -p "Are You Sure?(y/n):" ANSWER
107         if [ -z $USERNAME ] && [ -z ${PASSWORD} ];then
108             colour default_red
109             echo "Username and password cannot be empty."
110             colour default 
111             continue
112         fi    
113         case ${ANSWER} in 
114             y|Y|yes|YES) break;;
115             *) ;;
116         esac    
117     done    
118 }
120 ###Check the DELL IPMI state###
121 check_dell_ipmi(){
122     DELL_IPMI_STATUS=`sshpass -p $3 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -n -o LogLevel=quiet ${2}@$1 racadm get iDRAC.IPMILan.Enable | tail -n1 | awk -F "=" '{print$2}'`
123     if [ "$DELL_IPMI_STATUS"  == "Disabled" ];then
124         sshpass -p $3 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -n -o LogLevel=quiet ${2}@$1    racadm set iDRAC.IPMILan.Enable Enabled
125         if [ $? -ne 0 ];then 
126             aciton_false "$1 Open the IPMI server failure."
127             exit 110
128         fi
129     fi
130 }
132 ###User list###
133 query_user_list(){
134 echo "-----------------------User List---------------------------"
135 ipmitool -I lanplus -U ${USERNAME} -P ${PASSWORD} -H ${IP} user list
136 if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
137     colour default_red 
138     echo "ERROR: Incorrect username or password,Please try again!"
139     colour default
140 fi 
141 return 110
142 }
144 ###Use help###
145 useage(){
146 cat << EOF
147 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
148 |Notice:Please save the server IP address to the file in the following format. |
149 |For example:                                                                  |
150 |--------------+--------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------|
151 |Create user:                                                          |
152 |IP             Login_username Login_password new_username    new_password     |
153 | root           calvin         userid          hdli2016         |
154 |...                                                                    |
155 |Update user:                                                            |
156 |IP             Login_username Login_password update_username new_password     |
157 | root           calvin         userid          hdli2016         |
158 |...                                                                     |
159 |Delete user:                                                          |
160 |IP             Login_username Login_password delete_username                  |
161 | root           calvin         userid                        |
162 |...                                                                    |
163 |Disable user:                                                         |
164 |IP             Login_username Login_password Disable_username                 |
165 | root           calvin         userid                        |
166 |...                                                                           |
167 |--------------+--------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------|
168 |NAME                                                                          |
169 |  PC_RAC_ACCOUNTS_MGT_TOOL.sh  version 1.0.0                                  |
170 |Detailed                                                                      |
171 |  http://www.cnblogs.com/changmingzhao/p/7826333.html                         |
172 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
173 EOF
174 readsecond
175 }
177 ###Check whether the user exists###
178 check_user_exist(){
179     ipmitool -I lanplus -U $1 -P $2 -H $3 user list | grep  -wv "ID" | awk '{print$1"\t"$2}' | egrep -v "true|false"  > ${WORKDIR}/temp/user_info.temp 2> /dev/null
180     if `grep -wq "$4" ${WORKDIR}/temp/user_info.temp`;then
181         return 0
182     else
183         return 110
184     fi
185 }
187 ###Check the username and password###
188 check_login_username_passwd(){
189     ipmitool -I lanplus -U $1 -P $2 -H $3 user list &> /dev/null
190     if [ $? -eq 0 ];then 
191         return 0
192     else
193         return 110
194     fi
195 }
197 ###2.3 Adding HP server ILO users###
198 add_user_hp(){
199     check_login_username_passwd $2 $3 $1
200     if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
201         aciton_false "$1 Incorrect Login account."
202     else
203         check_user_exist $2 $3 $1 $4
204         if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
205             aciton_false "$1 User:$4 Already Exist."
206         else
207             sshpass -p $3 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -n -o LogLevel=quiet $2@$1    create /map1/accounts1 username=$4 password=$5 name=$4 group=admin,config,oemhp_vm,oemhp_rc,oemhp_power &> /dev/null
208             if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
209                  SN=`ipmitool -I lanplus -U $4 -P $5 -H $1 fru list | grep -aw "Product Serial" | awk -F ":" '{print$2}' | head -n1 | sed 's#[[:space:]]##g'`    
210                  action_true "$1 SN:$SN User:$4"
211             else 
212                  aciton_false "$1 Unknown Error."
213             fi
214         fi
215     fi
216 }
218 ###2.2 Adding Inspur server BMC users###
219 add_user_inspur(){
220     check_login_username_passwd $2 $3 $1
221     if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
222         aciton_false "$1 Incorrect Login account."
223     else
224         check_user_exist $2 $3 $1 $4
225         if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
226             aciton_false "$1 User:$4 Already Exist."
227         else
228             ${instool} $1 $2 $3  -lan  -user -list | awk '{print$1}' | grep -v "ID" > ${WORKDIR}/temp/user_id_inspur.temp 2> /dev/null
229             for ((i=2;i++;i<=15));do
230                 grep -qw $i ${WORKDIR}/temp/user_id_inspur.temp && continue
231                 ${instool} $1 $2 $3  -lan  -user -addm $i  $4 $5 admin &> /dev/null
232                  break
233             done 
234             ${instool} $1 $4 $5  -lan  -user -list &>/dev/null
235             if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
236                  SN=`ipmitool -I lanplus -U $4 -P $5 -H $1 fru list | grep  "Product Serial" | awk -F ":" '{print$2}'`
237                  action_true "$1 SN:$SN User:$4"
238             else 
239                  aciton_false "$1 Unknown Error."
240             fi
241         fi
242     fi
243  }
245 ###2.1/2.4/2.5 Adding Lenovo, Huawei, DELL server to remote management users###
246 add_user_common(){
247     check_login_username_passwd $2 $3 $1
248     if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
249         aciton_false "$1 Incorrect Login account."
250     else
251         check_user_exist $2 $3 $1 $4
252         if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
253             aciton_false "$1 User:$4 Already Exist."
254         else
255             USERID=`awk '{print$1}' ${WORKDIR}/temp/user_info.temp`
256             for ((i=2;i++;i<=13));do
257                 echo $USERID | grep -qw $i && continue
258                 ipmitool -I lanplus -U $2 -P $3 -H $1 user set name $i $4 &>/dev/null
259                  ipmitool -I lanplus -U $2 -P $3 -H $1 user set password $i $5 &>/dev/null
260                  ipmitool -I lanplus -U $2 -P $3 -H $1 user priv $i 4 &>/dev/null
261                  ipmitool -I lanplus -U $2 -P $3 -H $1 channel setaccess 1 $i  callin=on ipmi=on link=on privilege=4
262                  ipmitool -I lanplus -U $2 -P $3 -H $1 user enable $i  &>/dev/null
263                  if [ ${CHOICE_STEP2} -eq 25 ];then
264                      sshpass -p $3 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -n -o LogLevel=quiet $2@$1    racadm set idrac.users.${i}.Privilege 0x1ff &>/dev/null
265                  fi
266                  ipmitool -I lanplus -U $2 -P $3 -H $1 user test $i 16  $5 &>/dev/null
267                  STATUS_RC=$?
268                  break
269             done
270             if [ $STATUS_RC -eq 0 ];then
271                 if [ ${CHOICE_STEP2} -eq 25 ];then
272                     sshpass -p $3 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -n -o LogLevel=quiet $2@$1    racadm get BIOS.SysInformation.SystemServiceTag | tail  -n1  >  ${WORKDIR}/temp/dell_sn.temp
273                     SN=`awk -F "=" '{print$2}' ${WORKDIR}/temp/dell_sn.temp`
274                 else
275                     SN=`ipmitool -I lanplus -U $2 -P $3 -H $1 fru list | grep -w "Product Serial" | awk -F ":" '{print$2}'`
276                 fi
277                  action_true "$1 SN:$SN User:$4"
278             else 
279                  aciton_false "$1 Unknown Error."
280             fi
281         fi
282     fi
283  }
285 ###2.Add the user's common function###
286 add_batch_task(){
287 while true;do
288     read -p "[Please enter the path to the IP list File]:" FILE_PATH
289     if [ ! -e ${FILE_PATH} ] || [ -z ${FILE_PATH} ]; then
290         colour default_red  
291          echo "Error: ${FILE_PATH}: No such file or directory." 
292          colour default 
293         continue
294     fi
295     read -p "Are You Sure?(y/n):" ANSWER
296     case ${ANSWER} in 
297         y|Y|yes|YES) echo "Adding user.This may take serveral minutes,Please wait......";;
298         *) continue;;
299     esac
300     sed '1d' ${FILE_PATH} > ${WORKDIR}/temp/list.temp 2>/dev/null 
301     while read line;do
302         IP=`echo $line | awk '{print $1}'`
303         chenck_ip_port ${IP}
304         if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
305             continue
306         fi    
307         LOGIN_USERNAME=`echo $line | awk '{print $2}'`
308         LOGIN_PASSWORD=`echo $line | awk '{print $3}'`
309         NEW_USERNAME=`echo $line | awk '{print $4}'`
310         NEW_PASSWORD=`echo $line | awk '{print $5}'`
311         if [ ${CHOICE_STEP2} -eq 21 ];then
313         elif [ ${CHOICE_STEP2} -eq 22 ];then
315         elif [ ${CHOICE_STEP2} -eq 23 ];then
317         elif [ ${CHOICE_STEP2} -eq 24 ];then
319         elif [ ${CHOICE_STEP2} -eq 25 ];then
320             check_dell_ipmi $IP $LOGIN_USERNAME $LOGIN_PASSWORD
322         fi    
323     done < ${WORKDIR}/temp/list.temp
324     break
325 done
326 }
328 ###3.1/3.2/3.3/3.4/3.5Modify Lenovo, Inspur, HP, Huawei, Dell server user password###
329 update_user_common(){
330 check_login_username_passwd $2 $3 $1
331     if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
332         aciton_false "$1 Incorrect Login account."
333     else
334         check_user_exist $2 $3 $1 $4
335         if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
336             aciton_false "$1 User:$4 Not Exists."
337         else
338             USER_ID=`ipmitool -I lanplus -U $2 -P $3 -H $1 user list | grep -w "$UPDATE_USERNAME" | awk '{print$1}'`
339             ipmitool -I lanplus -U $2 -P $3 -H $1 user set password $USER_ID $5 &>/dev/null 
340             ipmitool -I lanplus -U $2 -P $3 -H $1 user test $USER_ID 16  $5 &>/dev/null
341             if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
342                 if [ ${CHOICE_STEP3} -eq 35 ];then
343                     sshpass -p $3 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -n -o LogLevel=quiet $2@$1    racadm get BIOS.SysInformation.SystemServiceTag | tail  -n1  >  ${WORKDIR}/temp/dell_sn.temp
344                     SN=`awk -F "=" '{print$2}' ${WORKDIR}/temp/dell_sn.temp`
345                 else
346                     SN=`ipmitool -I lanplus -U $2 -P $3 -H $1 fru list | grep -w "Product Serial" | awk -F ":" '{print$2}' | head -n1 | sed 's#[[:space:]]##g'`
347                 fi
348                  action_true "$1 SN:$SN User:$4"
349             else 
350                  aciton_false "$1 Unknown Error."
351             fi
352         fi
353     fi
354 }
356 ###3.Modifying the user password public function###
357 update_batch_task(){
358     while true;do
359         read -p "[Please enter the path to the IP list File]:" FILE_PATH
360         if [ ! -e ${FILE_PATH} ] || [ -z ${FILE_PATH} ];then
361             colour default_red  
362                 echo "Error: ${FILE_PATH}: No such file or directory."
363             colour default 
364             continue
365         fi
366         sed '1d' ${FILE_PATH} > ${WORKDIR}/temp/list.temp 2>/dev/null 
367         read -p "Are You Sure?(y/n):" ANSWER
368         case ${ANSWER} in 
369             y|Y|yes|YES) echo "Updating user.This may take serveral minutes,Please wait......";;
370             *) continue;;
371         esac    
372         while read line;do
373             IP=`echo $line | awk '{print $1}'`
374             chenck_ip_port ${IP}
375             if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
376                 continue
377             fi    
378             LOGIN_USERNAME=`echo $line | awk '{print $2}'`
379             LOGIN_PASSWORD=`echo $line | awk '{print $3}'`
380             UPDATE_USERNAME=`echo $line | awk '{print $4}'`
381             NEW_PASSWORD=`echo $line | awk '{print $5}'`
382             if [ ${CHOICE_STEP3} -eq 35 ];then
383                 check_dell_ipmi $IP $LOGIN_USERNAME $LOGIN_PASSWORD
384             fi
386         done < ${WORKDIR}/temp/list.temp
387         break
388     done    
389 }
391 ###4.1 Delete lenovo server IMM users###
392 delete_user_lenovo(){
393 check_port $1 $SSH_PORT
394 if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
395     aciton_false "$1 TCP 22 Port connection failed."
396 else
397     check_login_username_passwd $2 $3 $1
398     if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
399         aciton_false "$1 Incorrect Login account."
400     else
401         check_user_exist $2 $3 $1 $4
402         if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
403             aciton_false "$1 User:$4 Not Exists."
404         else        
405             USER_ID_LENOVO=`sshpass -p $3 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -n -o LogLevel=quiet $2@$1 -n "users" | grep  -w "$4" | awk '{print$1}'`
406              sshpass -p $3 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -n -o LogLevel=quiet $2@$1 users -${USER_ID_LENOVO}  -clear &> /dev/null
407             if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
408                  SN=`ipmitool -I lanplus -U $2 -P $3 -H $1 fru list | grep  "Product Serial" | awk -F ":" '{print$2}'`
409                  action_true "$1 SN:$SN User:$4"
410             else 
411                  aciton_false "$1 Unknown Error."
412             fi
413         fi
414     fi    
415 fi 
416 }
418 ###4.2 Delete the Inspur server BMS user###
419 delete_user_inspur(){
420 check_login_username_passwd $2 $3 $1
421     if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
422         aciton_false "$1 Incorrect Login account."
423     else
424         check_user_exist $2 $3 $1 $4
425         if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
426             aciton_false "$1 User:$4 Not Exists."
427         else
428             USER_ID=`${instool} $1 $2 $3  -lan  -user -list |grep -w "$4" | awk '{print$1}'`
429             ${instool} $1 $2 $3  -lan  -user -del ${USER_ID}
430             if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
431                  SN=`ipmitool -I lanplus -U $2 -P $3 -H $1 fru list | grep  "Product Serial" | awk -F ":" '{print$2}'`
432                  action_true "$1 SN:$SN User:$4"
433             else 
434                  aciton_false "$1 Unknown Error."
435             fi
436         fi
437     fi    
438 }
440 ###4.3 Delete the HP server BMS user###
441 delete_user_hp(){
442 check_login_username_passwd $2 $3 $1
443     if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
444         aciton_false "$1 Incorrect Login account."
445     else
446         check_user_exist $2 $3 $1 $4
447         if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
448             aciton_false "$1 User:$4 Not Exists."
449         else
450             sshpass -p $3 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -n -o LogLevel=quiet $2@$1 delete /map1/accounts1/$4  &> /dev/null
451             check_user_exist  $2 $3 $1 $4
452             if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
453                 SN=`ipmitool -I lanplus -U $2 -P $3 -H $1 fru list | grep -aw "Product Serial" | awk -F ":" '{print$2}' | head -n1 | sed 's#[[:space:]]##g'`
454                  action_true "$1 SN:$SN User:$4"
455             else 
456                  aciton_false "$1 Unknown Error."
457             fi
458         fi
459     fi     
460 }
462 ###4.4 Delete the HUAWEI server BMS user###
463 delete_user_huawei(){
464 check_login_username_passwd $2 $3 $1
465     if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
466         aciton_false "$1 Incorrect Login account."
467     else
468         check_user_exist $2 $3 $1 $4
469         if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
470             aciton_false "$1 User:$4 Not Exists."
471         else
472             /usr/bin/expect << EOF
473             set timeout 20
474             log_user 0
475             spawn sshpass -p $3 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o LogLevel=quiet ${2}@$1
476             expect "*iBMC:/->"
477             send "ipmcset -t user -d deluser -v ${4}\r"
478             expect "Input your password:"
479             send "${3}\r"
480             expect "*iBMC:/->"
481             send "exit\r"
482             expect "*#"
483 EOF
484             check_user_exist  $2 $3 $1 $4
485             if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
486                 SN=`ipmitool -I lanplus -U $2 -P $3 -H $1 fru list | grep -aw "Product Serial" | awk -F ":" '{print$2}' | head -n1 | sed 's#[[:space:]]##g'`
487                  action_true "$1 SN:$SN User:$4"
488             else 
489                  aciton_false "$1 Unknown Error."
490             fi
491         fi
492     fi     
493 }
495 ###4.Delete server remote management card user common function ###
496 delete_batch_task(){
497 while true;do
498     read -p "[Please enter the path to the IP list File]:" FILE_PATH
499     if [ ! -e ${FILE_PATH} ] || [ -z ${FILE_PATH} ];then
500         colour default_red  
501             echo "Error: ${FILE_PATH}: No such file or directory."
502         colour default 
503         continue
504     fi
505     sed '1d' ${FILE_PATH} > ${WORKDIR}/temp/list.temp 2>/dev/null 
506     read -p "Are You Sure?(y/n):" ANSWER
507     case ${ANSWER} in 
508         y|Y|yes|YES) echo "Deleting user.This may take serveral minutes,Please wait......";;
509         *) continue;;
510     esac    
511     cat ${WORKDIR}/temp/list.temp | while read line;do
512         IP=`echo $line | awk '{print $1}'`
513         chenck_ip_port ${IP}
514         if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
515             continue
516         fi    
517         LOGIN_USERNAME=`echo $line | awk '{print $2}'`
518         LOGIN_PASSWORD=`echo $line | awk '{print $3}'`
519         DELETE_USERNAME=`echo $line | awk '{print $4}'`
520         if [ ${CHOICE_STEP4} -eq 41 ];then
521             delete_user_lenovo $IP $LOGIN_USERNAME $LOGIN_PASSWORD $DELETE_USERNAME
522         elif [ ${CHOICE_STEP4} -eq 42 ];then
523             delete_user_inspur $IP $LOGIN_USERNAME $LOGIN_PASSWORD $DELETE_USERNAME
524         elif [ ${CHOICE_STEP4} -eq 43 ];then
526         elif [ ${CHOICE_STEP4} -eq 44 ];then
527             delete_user_huawei $IP $LOGIN_USERNAME $LOGIN_PASSWORD $DELETE_USERNAME
528         fi    
529     done
530     break
531 done    
532 }
534 ###5.1/5.2/5.3/5.4/5.5 Disable Lenovo, Inspur, HP, Huawei, Dell server user###
535 disable_user_common(){
536 check_login_username_passwd $2 $3 $1
537     if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
538         aciton_false "$1 Incorrect Login account."
539     else
540         check_user_exist $2 $3 $1 $4
541         if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
542             aciton_false "$1 User:$4 Not Exists."
543         else
544             USER_ID=`ipmitool -I lanplus -U $2 -P $3 -H $1 user list | grep -w "${DISABLE_USERNAME}" | awk '{print$1}'`
545             ipmitool -I lanplus -U $2 -P $3 -H $1 user disable $USER_ID  &>/dev/null
546             if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
547                 if [ ${CHOICE_STEP5} -eq 55 ];then
548                     SN=`sshpass -p $3 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -n -o LogLevel=quiet ${2}@$1 racadm get BIOS.SysInformation.SystemServiceTag | tail  -n1 | awk -F "=" '{print$2}'`
549                 else
550                     SN=`ipmitool -I lanplus -U $2 -P $3 -H $1 fru list | grep -w "Product Serial" | awk -F ":" '{print$2}' | head -n1 | sed 's#[[:space:]]##g'`
551                 fi
552                  action_true "$1 SN:$SN User:$4"
553             else 
554                  aciton_false "$1 Unknown Error."
555             fi
556         fi
557     fi
558 }
560 ###5. Disable server remote management card user common function ###
561 disable_batch_task(){
562 while true;do
563     read -p "[Please enter the path to the IP list File]:" FILE_PATH
564     if [ ! -e ${FILE_PATH} ] || [ -z ${FILE_PATH} ];then
565         colour default_red  
566             echo "Error: ${FILE_PATH}: No such file or directory."
567         colour default 
568         continue
569     fi
570     sed '1d' ${FILE_PATH} >${WORKDIR}/temp/list.temp 2>/dev/null 
571     read -p "Are You Sure?(y/n):" ANSWER
572     case ${ANSWER} in 
573         y|Y|yes|YES) echo "Disabling user.This may take serveral minutes,Please wait......";;
574         *) continue;;
575     esac    
576     while read line;do
577         IP=`echo $line | awk '{print $1}'`
578         chenck_ip_port ${IP}
579         if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
580             continue
581         fi    
582         LOGIN_USERNAME=`echo $line | awk '{print $2}'`
583         LOGIN_PASSWORD=`echo $line | awk '{print $3}'`
584         DISABLE_USERNAME=`echo $line | awk '{print $4}'`
585         if [ ${CHOICE_STEP5} -eq 55 ];then
586             check_dell_ipmi $IP $LOGIN_USERNAME $LOGIN_PASSWORD
587         fi
588         disable_user_common $IP $LOGIN_USERNAME $LOGIN_PASSWORD $DISABLE_USERNAME        
589     done < ${WORKDIR}/temp/list.temp
590     break
591 done        
592 }
594 ###6.1/6.2/6.3/6.4/6.5 enable Lenovo, Inspur, HP, Huawei, Dell server user###
595 enable_user_common(){
596 check_login_username_passwd $2 $3 $1
597     if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
598         aciton_false "$1 Incorrect Login account."
599     else
600         check_user_exist $2 $3 $1 $4
601         if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
602             aciton_false "$1 User:$4 Not Exists."
603         else
604             USER_ID=`ipmitool -I lanplus -U $2 -P $3 -H $1 user list | grep -w "${DISABLE_USERNAME}" | awk '{print$1}'`
605             ipmitool -I lanplus -U $2 -P $3 -H $1 user enable $USER_ID  &>/dev/null            
606             if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
607                 if [ ${CHOICE_STEP6} -eq 65 ];then
608                     sshpass -p $3 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -n -o LogLevel=quiet $2@$1    racadm get BIOS.SysInformation.SystemServiceTag | tail  -n1  >  ${WORKDIR}/temp/dell_sn.temp
609                     SN=`awk -F "=" '{print$2}' ${WORKDIR}/temp/dell_sn.temp`
610                 else
611                     SN=`ipmitool -I lanplus -U $2 -P $3 -H $1 fru list | grep -w "Product Serial" | awk -F ":" '{print$2}' | head -n1 | sed 's#[[:space:]]##g'`
612                 fi
613                  action_true "$1 SN:$SN User:$4"
614             else 
615                  aciton_false "$1 Unknown Error."
616             fi
617         fi
618     fi
619 }
621 ###6. enable server remote management card user common function ###
622 enable_batch_task(){
623 while true;do
624     read -p "[Please enter the path to the IP list File]:" FILE_PATH
625     if [ ! -e ${FILE_PATH} ] || [ -z ${FILE_PATH} ];then
626         colour default_red  
627             echo "Error: ${FILE_PATH}: No such file or directory."
628         colour default 
629         continue
630     fi
631     sed '1d' ${FILE_PATH} > ${WORKDIR}/temp/list.temp 2>/dev/null 
632     read -p "Are You Sure?(y/n):" ANSWER
633     case ${ANSWER} in 
634         y|Y|yes|YES) echo "Enabling user.This may take serveral minutes,Please wait......";;
635         *) continue;;
636     esac    
637     while read line;do
638         IP=`echo $line | awk '{print $1}'`
639         chenck_ip_port ${IP}
640         if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
641             continue
642         fi    
643         LOGIN_USERNAME=`echo $line | awk '{print $2}'`
644         LOGIN_PASSWORD=`echo $line | awk '{print $3}'`
645         DISABLE_USERNAME=`echo $line | awk '{print $4}'`
646         if [ ${CHOICE_STEP6} -eq 65 ];then
647             check_dell_ipmi $IP $LOGIN_USERNAME $LOGIN_PASSWORD
648         fi
650     done < ${WORKDIR}/temp/list.temp
651     break
652 done
653 }
655 ###1.query user action###
656 step1_1(){
657     enter_account_ip
658     query_user_list
659 }
661 step1_5(){ 
662     enter_account_ip
663     check_dell_ipmi $IP $USERNAME $PASSWORD
664     query_user_list
665 }
666 ###2.add user action###
667 step2_1(){
668     add_batch_task
669     echo -e  "\nIt's Completed."
670     rm -f ${WORKDIR}/temp/*.temp
671 }
673 ###3.update user action###
674 step3_1(){
675     update_batch_task
676     echo -e  "\nIt's Completed."
677     rm -f ${WORKDIR}/temp/*.temp
678 }
680 ###4.delete user action###
681 step4_1(){
682     delete_batch_task
683     echo -e  "\nIt's Completed."    
684     rm -f ${WORKDIR}/temp/*.temp
685 }
687 ###5.disable user action###
688 step5_1(){
689     disable_batch_task
690     echo -e  "\nIt's Completed."
691     rm -f ${WORKDIR}/temp/*.temp
692 }
694 ###6.enable user action###
695 step6_1(){
696     enable_batch_task
697     echo -e  "\nIt's Completed."
698     rm -f ${WORKDIR}/temp/*.temp
699 }
701 ###Two level menu1###
702 menu_level2(){
703 cat << EOF
704 --------------------------------------------------------------
705 [${CHOICE_STEP0}1] ## For Lenovo SystemX
706 [${CHOICE_STEP0}2] ## For Inspur YingXin
707 [${CHOICE_STEP0}3] ## For HP ProLiant
708 [${CHOICE_STEP0}4] ## For Huawei RH
709 [${CHOICE_STEP0}5] ## For DELL PowerEdge
710 [01] ## Return To Previous Menu...
711 [00] ## Exit
712 --------------------------------------------------------------
713 EOF
714 }
716 ###Two level menu2###
717 menu_level2_1(){
718 cat << EOF
719 --------------------------------------------------------------
720 [${CHOICE_STEP0}1] ## For Lenovo SystemX
721 [${CHOICE_STEP0}2] ## For Inspur YingXin
722 [${CHOICE_STEP0}3] ## For HP ProLiant
723 [${CHOICE_STEP0}4] ## For Huawei RH
724 [01] ## Return To Previous Menu...
725 [00] ## Exit
726 --------------------------------------------------------------
727 EOF
728 }
730 ###query user###
731 step1(){
732 while true;do
733     menu_level2 
734     read -p "Input Your Choice:" CHOICE
735     read -p "Are You Sure?(y/n):" ANSWER
736     case ${ANSWER} in 
737         y|Y|yes|YES) echo "Your Choice Is:[${CHOICE}]";sleep 1;;
738         *) CHOICE="other";;
739     esac
740     case ${CHOICE} in
741         11) step1_1;exit 0;;
742         12) step1_1;exit 0;;
743         13) step1_1;exit 0;;
744         14) step1_1;exit 0;;
745         15) step1_5;exit 0;;
746         01) clear;menu_level1_action;exit 0;;
747         00) echo "You've quit the program.";exit 0;;
748         *) clear;;
749     esac
750 done
751 }
753 ###add user###
754 step2(){
755     while true;do
756     menu_level2
757     read -p "Input Your Choice:" CHOICE_STEP2
758     read -p "Are You Sure?(y/n):" ANSWER
759     case ${ANSWER} in 
760         y|Y|yes|YES) echo "Your Choice Is:[${CHOICE_STEP2}]";sleep 1;;
761         *) CHOICE_STEP2="other";;
762     esac
763     case ${CHOICE_STEP2} in
764         21) step2_1;exit 0;;
765         22) step2_1;exit 0;;
766         23) step2_1;exit 0;;
767         24) step2_1;exit 0;;
768         25) step2_1;exit 0;;
769         01) clear;menu_level1_action;exit 0;;
770         00) echo "You've quit the program.";exit 0;;
771         *) clear;;
772     esac
773 done
774 }
776 ###update user###
777 step3(){
778     while true;do
779     menu_level2
780     read -p "Input Your Choice:" CHOICE_STEP3
781     read -p "Are You Sure?(y/n):" ANSWER
782     case ${ANSWER} in 
783         y|Y|yes|YES) echo "Your Choice Is:[${CHOICE_STEP3}]";sleep 1;;
784         *) CHOICE_STEP3="other";;
785     esac
786     case ${CHOICE_STEP3} in
787         31) step3_1;exit 0;;
788         32) step3_1;exit 0;;
789         33) step3_1;exit 0;;
790         34) step3_1;exit 0;;
791         35) step3_1;exit 0;;
792          01) clear;menu_level1_action;exit 0;;
793         00) exit 0;;
794         *) clear;;
795     esac
796 done
797 }
799 ###delete user###
800 step4(){
801     while true;do
802     menu_level2_1
803     read -p "Input Your Choice:" CHOICE_STEP4
804     read -p "Are You Sure?(y/n):" ANSWER
805     case ${ANSWER} in 
806         y|Y|yes|YES) echo "Your Choice Is:[${CHOICE_STEP4}]";sleep 1;;
807         *) CHOICE_STEP4="other";;
808     esac
809     case ${CHOICE_STEP4} in
810         41) step4_1;exit 0;;
811         42) step4_1;exit 0;;
812         43) step4_1;exit 0;;
813         44) step4_1;exit 0;;
814         01) clear;menu_level1_action;exit 0;;
815         00) exit 0;;
816         *) clear;;
817     esac
818 done
819 }
821 ###disable user###
822 step5(){
823     while true;do
824     menu_level2
825     read -p "Input Your Choice:" CHOICE_STEP5
826     read -p "Are You Sure?(y/n):" ANSWER
827     case ${ANSWER} in 
828         y|Y|yes|YES) echo "Your Choice Is:[${CHOICE_STEP5}]";sleep 1;;
829         *) CHOICE_STEP5="other";;
830     esac
831     case ${CHOICE_STEP5} in
832         51) step5_1;exit 0;;
833         52) step5_1;exit 0;;
834         53) step5_1;exit 0;;
835         54) step5_1;exit 0;;
836         55) step5_1;exit 0;;
837         01) clear;menu_level1_action;exit 0;;
838         00) exit 0;;
839         *) clear;;
840     esac
841 done
842 }
844 ###enable user###
845 step6(){
846     while true;do
847     menu_level2
848     read -p "Input Your Choice:" CHOICE_STEP6
849     read -p "Are You Sure?(y/n):" ANSWER
850     case ${ANSWER} in 
851         y|Y|yes|YES) echo "Your Choice Is:[${CHOICE_STEP6}]";sleep 1;;
852         *) CHOICE_STEP6="other";;
853     esac
854     case ${CHOICE_STEP6} in
855         61) step6_1;exit 0;;
856         62) step6_1;exit 0;;
857         63) step6_1;exit 0;;
858         64) step6_1;exit 0;;
859         65) step6_1;exit 0;;
860         01) clear;menu_level1_action;exit 0;;
861         00) exit 0;;
862         *) clear;;
863     esac
864 done
865 }
867 ###First level menu###
868 menu_level1(){
869 cat << EOF                                         
870 ##############################################################
871 #                BMC Accounts Batch MGT Tool V1.0.0          #
872 #              Release Date:2017-11-1                     #
873 # NOTE: This script is user to manage the PC server remote   #
874 # management cart account.for Lenovo SystemX,Inspur Yingxin, #
875 # HP ProLiant,Huawei RH,DELL PowerEdage.                  #
876 #                                  --XX.Tech ITDC itop_Mon   #
877 ##############################################################
878 --------------------------------------------------------------
879 [1] ## Query   user
880 [2] ## Add     user
881 [3] ## Update  user
882 [4] ## Remove  user
883 [5] ## Disable user
884 [6] ## Enable  user
885 [0] ## Exit
886 --------------------------------------------------------------
887 EOF
888 }
890 ###First level menu action###
891 menu_level1_action(){
892 while true;do
893     clear;menu_level1
894     read -p "Input Your Choice(m for help):" CHOICE_STEP0
895     read -p "Are You Sure?(y/n):" ANSWER
896     case ${ANSWER} in 
897         y|Y|yes|YES) echo "Your Choice Is:[${CHOICE_STEP0}]";sleep 1;;
898         *) CHOICE_STEP0="other";;
899     esac
900     case ${CHOICE_STEP0} in
901         1) step1;exit 0;;
902         2) step2;exit 0;;
903         3) step3;exit 0;;
904         4) step4;exit 0;;
905         5) step5;exit 0;;
906         6) step6;exit 0;;
907         m|M) useage;;
908         0) exit 0;;
909         *) clear;;
910     esac
911 done
912 }
914 ###User permission check###
915 if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ];then
916     action "FAILED: Please Login As Root To Run This Script!" /bin/false
917     exit 110
918 fi
920 ###Operating system version check###
921 if [ `cat /etc/redhat-release | egrep -c "6.4|6.5|6.6|6.8"` -eq 0 ]; then
922     action "FAILED: Please Run This Script On RHEL6.8!" /bin/false
923     exit 110
924 fi
926 ###sshpass packet inspection###
927 SSHPASS=`rpm  -qa | grep -wc sshpass`
928 if [ ${SSHPASS} -eq 0 ];then 
929     action "Please install the sshpass package."  /bin/false
930     exit 110
931 fi
933 ###expect packet inspection###
934 rpm -qa | grep  -qw expect 
935 if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
936     action "Please install the expect package."  /bin/false
937     exit 110
938 fi
940 ###ipmitool check###
941 IPMITOOL_VERSION=`rpm  -qa | grep -w ipmitool | awk -F "-" '{print$2}'`
942 if [ -z ${IPMITOOL_VERSION} ];then
943     action "There is no IPMITOOL installed in the local system." /bin/false
944     exit 110 
945 elif [ "${IPMITOOL_VERSION}" != "1.8.15" ];then
946     action "Please update the IPMITOOL version to 1.8.15"  /bin/false
947     exit 110
948 fi
950 ###Program entrance###
951 menu_level1_action



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