Equality of people from different countries


Hey, guys, this is Jack from Shanghai, how's everything going? Today's topic will be equality of people from different countries.  The reason I choose this today is because my preconception used to be that foreigner is high, Chinese is low. But when I  made foreign friends more and more, I started to realize the common characteristics of people from different countries. 


history: foreiners high, chinese low

     The reason of this preconception maybe comes from the history. After 1949, the foundation of the PRC,  a lot of foreign businessmen invested foreign capital in China. Plus the reason of exchange rate, like 1 USD = 6 RMB, it let most Chinese have a consensus : American people is rich or foreiners from abroad are rich! With this conception,  a lot of people treat very nice to foreigners, they want to show their hospitality, and make their foreign friend happy.

     In a addition, another reason is that, the native English speakers are welcome in China. With the development of China, lots of cities are becoming modern and international, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou as Shenzhen. The needs of young Chinese people of learning English burst out. There are lots of courses appearing under this big background, like Tofel, intermediate course of interpretation, CET6, IELTS, SAT, GRE, etc. So people are paying a lot for learning English, usually those coursess are even taught by Chinese teacher, while the courses taught by teacher from native-English countries cost much higher. As a result, "English" are thought highly of, than it ever was. Actually, Engliah education is a totally big market in China. So that's the reason why people treat so good to native speakers like those from USA, Canada, Australia, England, Europe, etc.


In the globalization age, a trend to be equality

     English is important, though, but in the globalization age, we should realize a new trend. More and more Chinese are getting rich, getting big purchasing power. So for now, China is a good cake (market) for a lot of foreign investers. A lot of Chinese is making global companies in America, Jack Ma is one of the most famous. In a general way, the role of buyer and seller  changes.  So it seems both sides are getting more and more equal in many aspects.

     What's more, with the increase of exchange programs, Chinese students have more chances to keep in touch with foreign friends.  It brings with more mutual understanging about culture difference, feelings about life, other things in common. So we gradually realized, foreign students are as same as us, not higher or not lower, no matter whether they are Black, White, or Yellow. As the MJ's song says, "We are the world!" 


Generally speaking, we are the same, regardless of different nationalities

      Last morning, I used kk talker  as usual-- a video chat app to learn English, I met with a girl living in Florica, USA on that app. She was so sad and a lot of bad things happened to her yesterday. She was nearly crying. So a lot of people were trying to cheering her up....   I never thought a foreign student could be so sad like that, and in my preconception, foreign students are always happy, talkative and optimistic. Now I know, we are the same!  

      It makes me feel great as I realize the fact that we are equal. Foreigners need our help, and we need their help as well.  And I believe, we could live together in this planet in harmony.





from Shanghai







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