C# 图片分析处理



The article describes the theoretical bases of the contour analysis and aspects of its practical application for image recognition. The article also includes library for operation with the contour analysis, and a demo-example.

The first part of the article contains the main definitions and theorems of the contour analysis. I tried to select the principal moments which allow to understand quickly enough an essence of the contour analysis, and to begin its application in practice. Also, I added something from myself. In the core, it concerns some aspects of the theory, and also problems of optimization of algorithms of the contour analysis. The second part of the article is devoted to it. In the same place results of work of algorithms are brought, problems and deficiencies of the given method are described.

The third part describes C# library ContourAnalysis.


注:轮廓分析也要叫 字形分析 的!

Part 1: Bases of the Contour Analysis(轮廓分析)

What is Necessary for the Contour Analysis (CA)--轮廓分析的必要性(CA)

The CA allows to describe, store, compare and find the objects presented in the form of the exterior outlines - contours.


It is supposed that the contour contains the necessary information on the object shape. Interior points of the object are not accepted to attention. It restricts area of applicability of algorithms of a CA, but reviewing only contours allows to pass from two-dimensional space of the image - to space of contours and by that to lower computing and algorithmic complexity.


CA allows to effectively solve the main problems of a pattern recognition - transposition, turn and a rescaling of the image of object. CA methods are invariant to these transformations.


The Main Concepts--主要的概念

At first, we define such an object contour. The contour is a boundary of object, a population of points (pixels), separating object from a background.


In systems of computer vision, some formats of coding of a contour are used - the code of Freeman, two-dimensional coding, polygonal coding are most known. But all these formats of coding are not used in a CA.

在计算机的识别系统中,常规的轮廓编码有 - Freeman链码、二维图编码、多边形编码(三个都很有名,百度一个就有)。但在CA中都没有用到。

Instead, in a CA the contour is encoded by the sequence consisting of complex numbers. On a contour, the point which is called as starting point is fixed. Then, the contour is scanned (is admissible - clockwise), and each vector of offset is noted by a complex number a+ib. Where a - point offset on x axis, and b - offset on y axis. Offset is noted concerning the previous point.

取而代之的是复数组成的序列。首先在轮廓上定义一个固定的起始点,然后,对轮廓进行扫描(是顺时针方向),偏移量的每个向量是由复数a + ib表示。 a- X轴的偏移,b- y轴的偏移。偏移量与前一个点相关联。

注:下图中VC中的第一个1,不是start porint,是第二个点喔因为Y轴的位置没变,所以是0,X轴向右移了一个像素,所以是1,别的点就可以自己推测出来了。

Owing to the physical nature of three-dimensional objects, their contours are always closed and cannot have self-intersection. It allows to define unambiguously a way of bypass of a contour (to within a direction - on or counter-clockwise). The last vector of a contour always leads to the starting point.


Each vector of a contour we will name elementary vector (EV). And sequence of complex-valued numbers - vector-contour (VC).


Vectors-contours we will designate the big Greek letters, and their elementary a vector - small Greek letters.


Thus, vector-contour Γ of length k can be designated as:


Why in a CA complex-valued coding is used? Because operations over a contour as over a vector of complex numbers possesses remarkable mathematical properties, in comparison with other modes of coding.


Basically, complex coding is close to two-dimensional coding where the contour is defined as a population of the EVs presented in the two-dimensional coordinates. But a difference between operation of scalar product for vectors and for complex numbers - are various. This circumstance also gives priority to CA methods.

Properties of Contours

  1. The sum of an EV of a closed contour is equal to zero. It is trivial - as the elementary vectors result in starting point, their sum is equal to a zero-vector.
  2. The contour-vector does not depend on parallel transposition of the source image. As the contour is encoded relative to starting point, this mode of coding is invariant to shift of an initial contour.
  3. Image turn on certain angle is equivalent to turn of each EV of a contour on the same angle.
  4. The starting point modification conducts to VC cycle shift. As EVs are encoded concerning the previous point, it is clear that at a modification of starting point, the sequence of an EV will be the same, but the first EV will be what begins in the starting point.
  5. The source image rescaling can be considered as multiplication of each EV of a contour to scale factor.

Scalar Product of Contours

As scalar product of contours, Γ and N are called such complex number:

Where k - dimensionality of a VC, γn - n the elementary vector of contour Γ, νn - n EV of contour N. (γn, νn) - the scalar product of complex numbers calculated as:

Let's pay attention to that in a CA the scalar product only a VC of identical dimensionality is supposed. That is the number of the elementary vectors in contours should coincide.

The scalar product of usual vectors and scalar product of complex numbers - differ. If we multiplied an EV as simple a vector, their scalar product would look so:

Compare this formula to the formula (2) and you note that:

  • Outcome of scalar product of vectors is the real number. And outcome of product of complex numbers - a complex number.
  • The real part of scalar product of complex numbers coincides with scalar product of appropriate vectors. That is complex product includes vectorial scalar product.

And now let's remember linear algebra. To be exact - physical sense and properties of scalar product. The scalar product is equal in the linear algebra to product of lengths of vectors on a cosine of the angle in between. It means that two perpendicular vectors will always have zero scalar product, collinear a vector - opposite, will give maximum value of scalar product.

These properties of product allow to use it as a certain measure of closeness of vectors. If it is more - the less angle between vectors, the "more close" they are to each other. For perpendicular vectors - it is lowered to zero, and further becomes negative for the vectors directed every which way. It appears, scalar product (1) also possesses similar properties.

Let's introduce one more concept - the normalized scalar product (NSP):

Where |Γ| and |N| - the norms (length) of contours calculated as:

The NSP in space of complex numbers, also is a complex number.

Thus, unity is greatest possible value of norm of NSP (it follows from a Cauchy–Bunyakovsky–Schwarz inequality: |ab| <= |a||b|), and it is reached only if...

...where μ - the arbitrary complex number.

What does it mean in practice? We recall physical sense of multiplication of complex numbers. At multiplication of complex numbers, their lengths are multiplied, and arguments (angles) - are added. The contour μN means it is the same contour N, but turned both scaled. The scale and turn is defined by a complex number μ.

So, norm of NSP reaches maximum value - unity, only if contour Γ is the same contour N, but turned on some angle and scaled on certain coefficient.

For an example, we consider a scalar multiplication of a contour most on themselves, but turned on a certain angle.

So if to count a NSP of a vector most on itself, we receive NSP=1, if to turn a contour on 90 degrees, we receive NSP=0+i, turn on 180 degrees gives a NSP=-1. Thus, the real part a NSP will give us a cosine of the angle between contours, and the norm of NSP will be always equal to 1.







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