The 50 Most Essential Pieces of Classical Music


1. Die Zauberflöte ("The Magic Flute"), K. 620: Overture London Philharmonic Orchestra 7:28
[奥地利]莫扎特《魔笛》 序曲(overture)
2. Suite for Orchestra No. 3 in D Major, BWV 1068: II. Air Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 3:25
巴赫《G弦上的咏叹调》(D大调第三序曲, BWV 1068第二部分)Air(咏叹调)用弦乐合奏的方式,这个缓慢的乐章后由德国小提琴家威廉(Wilhelmj)改编成为小提琴曲,就是著名的《G弦上的咏叹调》。“BWV”(德文Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis的缩写,意即“巴赫作品目录”) 巴赫的作品太多,(1000多!),而且没有科学的编号,所以后人通过严谨的考证,整理出了BWV编号,BWV 1~771:管风琴作品 BWV 772~990:键盘作品 BWV 991~1xxx 管弦乐、器乐作品 major:大调minor:小调
3."The Four Seasons" (Le Quattro Stagioni) - Concerto for Violin in E Major, RV 269, Op. 8:1, "Spring": I. Allegro Saint Petersburg RTV Symphony Orchestra 3:10 Not Available
[意]维瓦尔第《四季》- 快板(E大调第一协奏曲“春”) RV 维瓦尔第的编号 concerto:协奏曲 Allegro:快板
4." Swan Lake Suite, Op. 20: Scéne": Moderato RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra 2:49
柴可夫斯基《天鹅湖》 场景 Suite:组曲
5." Partita No. 3 in E Major for Solo Violin, BWV 1006: I. Preludio" Aaron Rosand 3:36
巴赫第三号小提琴无伴奏组曲 第一部分:前奏;Partita:帕提塔(组曲)
6. Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46: IV. In the Hall of the Mountain King Tbilisi Symphony Orchestra 2:46
7. Canon in D Major Musica Antiqua New York 4:48
8. Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67, "Fate": I. Allegro con brio London Symphony Orchestra 8:19
9. Liebestraum No. 3 in A-Flat Major, G 541, Op. 62: "O lieb so lang' Du lieben kannst" Jerome Rose 4:18
[匈牙利]李斯特《爱之梦》 第三首《爱吧》
10. Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G Major, BWV 1048: I. Allegro Württemberg Chamber Orchestra 6:40
11. Concerto No. 21 in C Major for Piano and Orchestra, K. 467: II. Andante ("Elvira Madigan") Cologne Chamber Orchestra 6:07
莫扎特:《第21钢琴协奏曲 第二乐章》行板(艾尔维拉.麦迪根主题)Andante:行板(比较缓慢)
12. Concerto for Mandolin, Strings and B.C. in C Major, R 425: Allegro Musici Di San Marco 3:10
韦瓦尔第 C大调第一曼陀铃协奏曲(这个不确定)
13. Symphony No. 40 in G Minor, K. 550: I. Allegro Molto Southwest German Radio Symphony Orchestra 7:53
14. Cavatina Trio Zur 3:42
[英]斯坦尼.麦尔斯 《卡伐蒂那》 吉他名曲 Cavatina:原意是指短小的抒情歌曲,在器乐上是指旋律优美动听的小品。
15. Concerto for 2 Violins, Strings and B.C. in D Minor, BWV 1043: I. Vivace Salzburg Mozarteum Orchestra 4:07
16. "Adagio in G "Minor for Strings and Organ The London Festival Orchestra 6:51
[意大利]阿尔比诺尼《G小调柔板》 adagio:柔板
17. Bagatelle in A Minor, WoO 59, "Für Elise" Leonard Hokanson 2:46
贝多芬 《A小调第25号钢琴曲——致爱丽丝》 Bagatelle:小玩意
18. Cantata BWV 208, "Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd!": IX. Schäfe können sicher weide (Sheep may safely graze) Musica Antiqua New York 4:35
巴赫,康塔塔(多乐章的大型声乐套曲,意大利语,原意为唱歌,巴赫的康塔塔分为宗教康塔塔和世俗康塔塔,这首是世俗康塔塔) 《什么使我感到愉快》第九部分“愿羊儿安心吃草”
19. Overture to Egmont, Op. 84 London Symphony Orchestra 8:24
20. Fugue for solo Guitar in G Minor, BWV 1000 Klaus Jäckle 5:45
巴赫《古吉他赋格》 巴赫根据1001赋格部分为lute改编的 lute:鲁特琴,意大利的传统乐器,吉它的前身 Fugue:盛行于巴洛克时期的一种复调音乐体裁
21. The Valkyrie: Ride of the Valkyries Saint Petersburg Symphony Orchestra 5:35
瓦格纳 女武神序曲 (选自歌剧:女武神) The Valkyrie:歌剧女武神
22. Vocalise for Cello and Piano, Op. 34: Lentamente Markus Stocker 6:28
[俄]拉赫曼尼诺夫 无言歌 大提琴和钢琴
23. Symphony No. 94 in G Major, "The Surprise": II. Andante Musici Di San Marco 5:56
海顿 G大调第94交响曲 《惊愕》 P.S.曲名由第二乐章而来。第二乐章突然出现全合奏加上定音鼓的强奏。英国称此交响曲为“惊愕”,德国则称“击鼓
24. 1812 Festival Overture, Op. 49 Tbilisi Symphony Orchestra 15:23
25. Nocturne No. 2 in E-Flat Major, Op. 9 Peter Schmalfuss 4:41
26. Turandot: Nessun dorma José Carreras 3:21
[意]普契尼《图兰朵:今夜无人入眠》 歌剧 卡雷拉斯唱的
27. Requiem Mass in D Minor, K. 626: VII. "Lacrimosa" Tbilisi Symphony Orchestra 3:57
莫扎特《安魂曲》第七部分:落泪之日 mass:弥撒
28. The Planets, Op. 32: IV. Jupiter - The Bringer Of Jolity Melbourne Symphony Orchestra 8:10
[英]霍斯特 《行星组曲》之木星
29. Concerto in G Major for Viola and Orchestra, TWV 51:G9: I. Largo Capella Istropolitana 3:38
30. Requiem Mass: II. Dies irae - Tuba mirum Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra 4:10
31. Symphony No. 5 in C-Sharp Minor: IV. Adagietto London Symphony Orchestra 12:04
32. Mass in B Minor, BWV 232: III. Credo (Symbolum Nicenum): VI. Et resurrexit Tbilisi Symphony Orchestra 4:34
巴赫《B小调弥撒》 尼西亚信条(信经)第六部分
33. Concerto in E Minor for Violin and Orchestra, Op. 64: I. Allegro molto appassionato Scottish Chamber Orchestra 13:07 Not Available
34. String Quartet No. 1 in B-Flat Major, Op. 1: III. Adagio Caspar da Salo Quartet 5:33
35. Concerto Grosso in G Minor, Op. 6:8 "Christmas Concerto": II. Allegro Württemberg Chamber Orchestra 2:18
[意]科莱里 大协奏曲《圣诞协奏曲》
36. Symphony No. 9 in E Minor, Op. 95 "From the New World": II. Largo RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra 12:14
37. Cello Concerto No. 1 in C Major, Hob. VIIb/1: II. Adagio Bamberg Symphony Orchestra 8:28
38. "Sonata No. 11 in A Major for Piano" K. 331: III. Alla Turca - Allegretto Walter Klien 3:07
莫扎特《第11钢琴奏鸣曲》 sonata:鸣奏曲
39. Boléro London Symphony Orchestra 15:33
40. Trois Gymnopédies: Gymnopédie No. 1 (Lent et Douloureux) Frank Glazer 2:57
41. "Concerto in A Minor for Piano and Orchestra", Op. 16: I. Allegro molto moderato Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra 13:05
[挪威]格里格《A小调钢琴协奏曲》 作品16 - 第一乐章:非常中庸的快板 molto:非常
42. "Thaïs: Meditation Caffee Concerto Ensemble" 4:50
[法]马斯涅《泰琦丝冥想曲》 Thais为歌剧名,译名《泰伊丝》,根据法国作家法郎士的同名小说改编。Meditation 是其中的选曲,译名《冥想曲》(又名沉思) Ensemble:合奏
43. "Hungarian Dances No. 5 in G Minor "Kosice State Philharmonic Orchestra 2:45
44. "Adagio for Strings" New Zealand Symphony Orchestra 9:03
[美]巴伯《弦乐慢板》 string:弦乐
45. Ave Maria (after J.S. Bach) Mary Jane Newman 3:06
[德]J.S巴赫《圣母颂》 古诺改编
46. "String Quartet No. 2 in D Major: III. Notturno" Rimsky-Korsakov Quartet 8:45
[俄]鲍罗廷《D大调第二弦乐四重奏曲》第三乐章 夜曲 Nocturne:夜曲
47. "Water Music Suite No. 1 in F Major", HV 348: VI. Air Saint Petersburg RTV Symphony Orchestra 4:10
48. "Pavane" The New York Philomusica Winds 5:10
49. "Suite Bergamasque, L 75: III. Clair de lune" Peter Schmalfuss 5:12
[法]德彪西《贝加莫组曲》第三乐章 月光
50. "Rhapsody in Blue" Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra 17:57
[美]格什温《蓝色狂想曲》 Rhapsody:狂想曲


The classical pipeline of data processing typically consists of several stages or phases. These phases are: 1. Data Collection: This is the first stage of the pipeline where data is collected from various sources such as databases, web pages, APIs, and other sources. The intention of this phase is to gather data that is relevant to the problem being solved. 2. Data Pre-processing: In this stage, the collected data is cleaned, transformed, and organized in a structured format. The intention of this phase is to ensure that the data is consistent and ready for analysis. 3. Data Analysis: In this stage, the pre-processed data is analyzed using various statistical and machine learning techniques to extract valuable insights. The intention of this phase is to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies in the data. 4. Data Visualization: In this stage, the analyzed data is visualized using graphs, charts, and other visual aids. The intention of this phase is to communicate the insights and findings to stakeholders in an easy-to-understand format. 5. Decision Making: In this stage, the insights and findings obtained from the previous stages are used to make informed decisions. The intention of this phase is to take actions based on the insights and findings to improve business processes or solve the problem at hand. Overall, the classical pipeline of data processing is intended to turn raw data into actionable insights that can be used to improve business processes, solve problems, and drive innovation.




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