
    共分四部分:dialog, image, main and text。

    ControlHeightDecrease Shift+上箭头 Sizes the selected control or dialog up one dialog unit
    ControlHeightIncrease Shift+下箭头 Moves the selected control or dialog down one dialog unit
    ControlMoveDown 下箭头 Moves the selected control(s) down one dialog unit
    ControlMoveLeft 左箭头 Moves the selected control(s) left one dialog unit
    ControlMoveRight 右箭头 Moves the selected control(s) right one dialog unit
    ControlMoveUp 上箭头 Moves the selected control(s) up one dialog unit
    ControlWidthDecrease Shift+左箭头 Sizes the selected control or dialog left one dialog unit
    ControlWidthIncrease Shift+右箭头 Sizes the selected control or dialog right one dialog unit
    LayoutAlignBottom Ctrl+下箭头 Aligns the bottom edges of the selected controls with the dominant control
    LayoutAlignHorizontalCenter Shift+F9 Aligns the horizontal centers of the selected controls with the dominant control
    LayoutAlignLeft Ctrl+左箭头 Aligns the left edges of the selected controls with the dominant control
    LayoutAlignRight Ctrl+右箭头 Aligns the right edges of the selected controls with the dominant control
    LayoutAlignTop Ctrl+上箭头 Aligns the top edges of the selected controls with the dominant control
    LayoutAlignVerticalCenter F9 Aligns the vertical centers of the selected controls with the dominant control
    LayoutArrangeButtonsBottom Ctrl+Shift+B Places the selected buttons along the bottom-center of the dialog box
    LayoutArrangeButtonsRight Ctrl+B Places the selected buttons in the top-right corner of the dialog box
    LayoutCenterInDialogHorizontally Ctrl+Shift+F9 Centers the controls horizontally within the dialog box
    LayoutCenterInDialogVertically Ctrl+F9 Centers the controls vertically within the dialog box
    LayoutSizeToContent Shift+F7 Resizes the selected control(s) to fit the caption text
    LayoutSpaceEvenlyAcross Alt+右箭头 Evenly spaces the selected controls horizontally
    LayoutSpaceEvenlyAcross Alt+左箭头 Evenly spaces the selected controls horizontally
    LayoutSpaceEvenlyDown Alt+上箭头 Evenly spaces the selected controls vertically
    LayoutSpaceEvenlyDown Alt+下箭头 Evenly spaces the selected controls vertically
    LayoutTabOrder Ctrl+D Sets the order of controls within the dialog
    ResourceTest Ctrl+T Runs the dialog box to test appearance and behavior
    SelectDialogGuideType Ctrl+G Cycles between no grid, guidelines, and grid for dialog editing

    ImageAirbrushTool A Draws using an airbrush with the selected size
    ImageBrushLarger + Increases the brush size by one pixel in each direction
    ImageBrushLarger = Increases the brush size by one pixel in each direction
    ImageBrushOutlineTool Shift+O Outlines the brush or selection with the current drawing color
    ImageBrushPixel . Sets the brush size to one pixel
    ImageBrushSmaller - Reduces the brush size by one pixel in each direction
    ImageBrushTool D Draws using a brush with the selected shape and size
    ImageColorNext ] Changes the drawing color to the next palette color
    ImageColorPrev [ Changes the drawing color to the previous palette color
    ImageColorSelectTool , Adopts a color from the image for drawing
    ImageEllipseTool E Draws an ellipse with the selected line width
    ImageEraseColorNext } Changes the erase color to the next palette color
    ImageEraseColorPrev { Changes the erase color to the previous palette color
    ImageEraseTool Shift+P Erases a portion of the image
    ImageFillTool F Fills an area with the current drawing color
    ImageFilledEllipseTool Shift+E Draws a filled ellipse
    ImageFilledRectangleTool Shift+R Draws a filled rectangle
    ImageFilledRoundRectTool Shift+N Draws a filled round rectangle
    ImageFlipHorizontal X Flips the image or selection horizontally
    ImageFlipVertical Y Flips the image or selection vertically
    ImageLineTool L Draws a straight line with the selected shape and size
    ImageMagnify M Changes to the highest magnification for the current view
    ImageMagnifyTool Shift+M Changes the magnification for the current view
    ImageNewDevice Ins Creates an image for a different display device
    ImageOutlinedEllipseTool Ctrl+Shift+E Draws a filled ellipse with an outline
    ImageOutlinedRectangleTool Ctrl+Shift+R Draws a filled rectangle with an outline
    ImageOutlinedRoundRectTool Ctrl+Shift+N Draws a filled round rectangle with an outline
    ImagePencilTool P Draws using a single-pixel pencil
    ImagePickupBrush Ctrl+B Creates a custom brush from the selection
    ImageRectSelectTool S Selects a rectangular portion of the image to move, copy, or edit
    ImageRectangleTool R Draws a rectangle with the selected line width
    ImageRotate90 Z Rotates the image or selection 90 degrees
    ImageRoundRectTool N Draws a round rectangle with the selected line width
    ImageTextTool T Draws text
    ImageToggleGrid G Toggles the grid on and off
    ImageToggleOpaque O Makes the current selection either opaque or transparent
    ImageToggleTileGrid Ctrl+G Toggles the tile grid on and off
    ImageZoomIn > Increases the magnification for the current view
    ImageZoomOut < Reduces the magnification of the current view

    ActivateCallStackWindow Alt+7 Activates the Call Stack window
    ActivateDisassemblyWindow Alt+8 Activates the Disassembly window
    ActivateMemoryWindow Alt+6 Activates the Memory window
    ActivateOutputWindow Alt+2 Activates the Output window
    ActivateRegistersWindow Alt+5 Activates the Registers window
    ActivateVariablesWindow Alt+4 Activates the Variables window
    ActivateWatchWindow Alt+3 Activates the Watch window
    ActivateWorkspaceWindow Alt+0 Activates the Workspace window
    ApplyCodeChanges Alt+F10 Applies code changes made to C/C++ source files while debugging
    Bookmarks Alt+F2 Edits or navigates bookmarks
    Browse Alt+F12 Queries on the selected object or current context
    BrowseGoToDefinition F12 Displays a symbol definition
    BrowseGoToReference Shift+F12 Displays a symbol reference
    BrowseNext Ctrl+Num + Displays the next symbol definition or reference
    BrowsePopContext Ctrl+Num * Returns to the location preceding the last browse operation
    BrowsePrev Ctrl+Num - Displays the previous symbol definition or reference
    Build F7 Builds the project
    BuildCompile Ctrl+F7 Compiles the file
    BuildExecute Ctrl+F5 Executes the program
    BuildStop Ctrl+Break Stops the build
    Cancel Esc Hides windows or cancels modes
    CheckMnemonicKeys Ctrl+M Detects duplicate mnemonics in the resource
    ClassWizard Ctrl+W Edits the application classes and ties resources to code
    CompleteWord Ctrl+Space Completes the current statement
    Copy Ctrl+Ins Copies the selection to the Clipboard
    Copy Ctrl+C Copies the selection to the Clipboard
    Cut Shift+Del Cuts the selection and moves it to the Clipboard
    Cut Ctrl+X Cuts the selection and moves it to the Clipboard
    DebugBreakpoints Alt+F9 Edits breakpoints in the program
    DebugBreakpoints Ctrl+B Edits breakpoints in the program
    DebugEnableBreakpoint Ctrl+F9 Enables or disables a breakpoint
    DebugGo F5 Starts or continues the program
    DebugMemoryNextFormat Alt+F11 Switches the memory window to the next display format
    DebugMemoryPrevFormat Alt+Shift+F11 Switches the memory window to the previous display format
    DebugQuickWatch Shift+F9 Performs immediate evaluation of variables and expressions
    DebugRemoveAllBreakpoints Ctrl+Shift+F9 Removes all breakpoints
    DebugRestart Ctrl+Shift+F5 Restarts the program
    DebugRunToCursor Ctrl+F10 Runs the program to the line containing the cursor
    DebugSetNextStatement Ctrl+Shift+F10 Sets the instruction pointer to the line containing the cursor
    DebugShowNextStatement Alt+Num * Displays the source line for the instruction pointer
    DebugStepInto F11 Steps into the next statement
    DebugStepOut Shift+F11 Steps out of the current function
    DebugStepOver F10 Steps over the next statement
    DebugStopDebugging Shift+F5 Stops debugging the program
    DebugToggleBreakpoint F9 Inserts or removes a breakpoint
    DebugToggleMixedMode Ctrl+F11 Switches between the source view and the disassembly view for this instruction
    Delete Del Deletes the selection
    FileGoTo Ctrl+Shift+G Opens a file based on the selected text
    FileOpen Ctrl+O Opens an existing document
    FilePrint Ctrl+P Prints all or part of the document
    FileSave Ctrl+S Saves the document
    Find Alt+F3 Finds the specified text
    Find Ctrl+F Finds the specified text
    FindNext F3 Finds the next occurrence of the specified text
    FindPrev Shift+F3 Finds the previous occurrence of the specified text
    FindReplace Ctrl+H Replaces the specified text with different text
    FindTool Ctrl+D Activates the Find tool


    GoTo Ctrl+G Moves to a specified location
    GoToNextErrorTag F4 Moves to the line containing the next error or tag
    GoToPrevErrorTag Shift+F4 Moves to the line containing the previous error or tag
    InsertAcceleratorTable Ctrl+7 Creates a new accelerator table resource
    InsertBitmap Ctrl+5 Creates a new bitmap resource
    InsertCursor Ctrl+3 Creates a new cursor resource
    InsertDialog Ctrl+1 Creates a new dialog box resource
    InsertIcon Ctrl+4 Creates a new icon resource
    InsertMenu Ctrl+2 Creates a new menu resource
    InsertResource Ctrl+R Creates a new resource of any type
    InsertStringTable Ctrl+8 Creates or opens the string table resource
    InsertToolbar Ctrl+6 Creates a toolbar resource
    InsertVersionInfo Ctrl+9 Creates or opens a version information resource
    ListMembers Ctrl+Alt+T Brings up the completion list box
    MacroPlayQuick Ctrl+Shift+P Plays the quick macro
    MacroRecordQuick Ctrl+Shift+R Start recording a temporary, throw-away macro
    New Ctrl+N Creates a new document, project or workspace
    ParameterInfo Ctrl+Shift+Space Provides help with parameters of functions
    Paste Shift+Ins Inserts the Clipboard contents at the insertion point
    Paste Ctrl+V Inserts the Clipboard contents at the insertion point
    ProjectSelectTool Ctrl+Alt+P Activates the Project selection tool
    ProjectSettings Alt+F7 Edits the project build and debug settings
    Properties Alt+Enter Edits the current selection's properties
    Redo Ctrl+Y Redoes the previously undone action
    Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z Redoes the previously undone action
    SelectAll Ctrl+A Selects the entire document
    TypeInfo Ctrl+T Provides the syntax for a variable, function or method selected in the editor
    Undo Alt+Backspace Undoes the last action
    Undo Ctrl+Z Undoes the last action
    VisualAssistNavigateBack Alt+左箭头 Back
    VisualAssistNavigateForward Alt+右箭头 Forward
    VisualAssistOpenProjectFile Alt+Shift+O Open Project File
    WindowDockingView Alt+F6 Toggles the docking feature for the window on and off
    WindowHide Shift+Esc Hides the window
    WindowNextPane F6 Activates the next pane
    WindowPrevPane Shift+F6 Activates the previous pane

    BookmarkClearAll Ctrl+Shift+F2 Clears all bookmarks in the window
    BookmarkNext F2 Moves to the line containing the next bookmark
    BookmarkPrev Shift+F2 Moves to the line containing the previous bookmark
    BookmarkToggle Ctrl+F2 Toggles a bookmark for the current line on and off
    CharLeft 左箭头 Moves the cursor one character to the left
    CharLeftExtend Shift+左箭头 Extends the selection one character to the left
    CharRight 右箭头 Moves the cursor one character to the right
    CharRightExtend Shift+右箭头 Extends the selection one character to the right
    ConditionalDown Ctrl+K Finds the next matching preprocessor condition
    ConditionalDownExtend Ctrl+Shift+K Extends the selection to the next matching preprocessor condition
    ConditionalUp Ctrl+J Finds the previous matching preprocessor condition
    ConditionalUpExtend Ctrl+Shift+J Extends the selection to the previous matching preprocessor condition
    DeleteBack Backspace Deletes the selection or, if there is no selection, the character to the left of the cursor
    DeleteBack Shift+Backspace Deletes the selection or, if there is no selection, the character to the left of the cursor
    DocumentEnd Ctrl+End Moves to the end of the document
    DocumentEndExtend Ctrl+Shift+End Extends the selection to the end of the document
    DocumentStart Ctrl+Home Moves to the beginning of the file
    DocumentStartExtend Ctrl+Shift+Home Extends the selection to the beginning of the file
    EditToggleOvertype Ins Toggles between inserting and replacing text
    FindInFiles Ctrl+Q Searches for a string in multiple files
    FindNextWord Ctrl+F3 Finds the next occurrence of the selected text
    FindPrevWord Ctrl+Shift+F3 Finds the previous occurrence of the selected text
    GoToMatchBrace Ctrl+] Finds the matching brace
    GoToMatchBrace Ctrl+E Finds the matching brace
    GoToMatchBraceExtend Ctrl+Shift+] Extends the selection to the matching brace
    GoToMatchBraceExtend Ctrl+Shift+E Extends the selection to the matching brace
    Home Home Moves to either the start of the current line or the start of the text on that line
    HomeExtend Shift+Home Extends the selection to either the start of the current line or the start of the text on that line
    LineCut Ctrl+L Deletes the selected lines and puts them on the Clipboard
    LineDelete Ctrl+Shift+L Deletes the selected line
    LineDown 下箭头 Moves the cursor down one line
    LineDownExtend Shift+下箭头 Extends the selection down one line
    LineEnd End Moves to the end of the current line
    LineEndExtend Shift+End Extends the selection to the end of the current line
    LineTranspose Alt+Shift+T Swaps current and previous lines
    LineUp 上箭头 Moves the cursor up one line
    LineUpExtend Shift+上箭头 Extends the selection up one line
    PageDown Page Down Moves the cursor down one page
    PageDownExtend Shift+Page Down Extends the selection down one page
    PageUp Page Up Moves the cursor up one page
    PageUpExtend Shift+Page Up Extends the selection up one page
    SearchIncremental Ctrl+I Starts an incremental search forward
    SearchIncrementalBack Ctrl+Shift+I Starts an incremental search backward
    SelectChar F8 Starts character selection mode
    SelectColumn Ctrl+Shift+F8 Selects a columnar block of text
    SelectLine Ctrl+F8 Selects lines of text
    SelectionFormat Alt+F8 Formats the selection using the smart indent settings
    SelectionLowercase Ctrl+U Makes the selection all lowercase
    SelectionUppercase Ctrl+Shift+U Makes the selection all uppercase
    SentenceCut Alt+Shift+L Deletes the remainder of the sentence
    ToggleViewWhitespace Ctrl+Shift+8 Shows or hides tab characters
    VisualAssistContextMenu Shift+Application Display Context Menu
    VisualAssistDefinitionList Alt+M Goto Method in Current File
    VisualAssistFindNextReference Alt+Shift+F3 Find Next by Context
    VisualAssistGotoDefinition Alt+G Goto Declaration or Definition
    VisualAssistNavigateBack Alt+左箭头 Back
    VisualAssistNavigateForward Alt+右箭头 Forward
    VisualAssistOpenCorrespondingFile Alt+O Open Corresponding .h or .cpp
    VisualAssistPasteMenu Ctrl+Shift+V Paste from Multiple Buffers
    WindowScrollDown Ctrl+上箭头 Scrolls the file contents down one line
    WindowScrollUp Ctrl+下箭头 Scrolls the file contents up one line
    WordDeleteToEnd Ctrl+Del Deletes a word to the right
    WordDeleteToStart Ctrl+Backspace Deletes a word to the left
    WordLeft Ctrl+左箭头 Moves back one word
    WordLeftExtend Ctrl+Shift+左箭头 Extends the selection back one word
    WordRight Ctrl+右箭头 Moves forward one word
    WordRightExtend Ctrl+Shift+右箭头 Extends the selection forward one word
    WordTranspose Ctrl+Shift+T Swaps the current and previous words

    如果觉得以上快捷键还不够,也可以手工定制,比如定制Rebuild All为ALT+R,步骤如下:
    点击Press new shortcut编辑筐->按下ALT和R->Assign->Close






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