python end if_阅读下面的Python程序,请问输出结果是什么? print("T",end=' ') if not 0 else print('F',end=' ') print("T"...

【简答题】How do critical thinking and our emotions complement each other?

【简答题】阅读下面的Python程序,请问输出结果是什么? print("T",end=' ') if not 0 else print('F',end=' ') print("T",end=' ') if 6 else print('F',end=' ') print("T",end=' ') if "" else print('F',end=' ') print("T",end=' ') if "abc" else print('F',end=' ') print("T",end=' ') if () else print('F',end=' ') print("T",end=' ') if (1,2) else print('F',end=' ') print("T",end=' ') if [] else print('F',end=' ') print("T",end=' ') if [1,2] else print('F',end=' ') print("T",end=' ') if {} else print('F',end=' ') print("T",end=' ') if {1,2,} else print('F',end=' ')


【单选题】Python语句序列"a=121+1.21; print(type(a))”的输出结果是___________________.

【填空题】Python语句序列"x=True;y=False;z=False;print(x or y and z);"的运行结果是

【简答题】How can a lack of critical thinking cause a loss of personal freedom?

【简答题】阅读下面的Python程序,请问输出结果是什么? print(1 or 2,0 or 2, False or True,True or False,False or 2,sep=' ') print(1 and 2, 0 and 2, False and 2, True and 2, False and True, sep=' ')

【简答题】题目:剪影 要求:1.画面整洁干净; 2.颜料厚度适中,利用平涂法; 3.色块与色块之间要清晰。

【填空题】Python语句print("hello" 'world')的执行结果是



【简答题】Identify whether the author is presenting an argument or a disagreement Bilingualism

and multilingualism confer many benefits. Speakers of more than one

language have a better understanding of how languages are structured

because they can compare across two different systems. People who speak

only one language lack this essential point of reference. In many cases,

a second language can help people to have a better understanding and

appreciation of their first language.

【简答题】尝试用颜色表达酸甜苦辣的感觉 !

【简答题】下列Python语句的输出结果是 print("1".rjust(20," ")) print(format("121",">20")) print(format("12321",">20"))

【简答题】How do critical thinking and creativity complement each other?

【简答题】采集瓶子的外形进行创意设计 用点、线、面进行装饰填充 A4纸手绘,构图要有新意,要饱满

【简答题】阅读下面的Python语句,请问输出结果是什么?程序的功能是什么? import random a=random.randint(100,999) b=(a%10) *100+(a//10%10)*10+a//100 print("原数=",a,",变换后=",b)


【简答题】尝试用颜色 表达 冷暖 感觉 !

【简答题】Why does critical thinking matter?

【简答题】在网上选择一张自己喜爱的色彩图片,从中提取需要的色彩,按照所讲的 5 种重构方法中的一种,运用到老师所给的图形中。 要求: 1. 作品内容新颖,富有创意 2. 有采集色的色彩条 3. 色彩搭配美观

【简答题】What does it mean to say that critical thinking operates according to rational standards?


【简答题】下列Python语句的输出结果是 print("数量{0},单价{1}".format(100,285.6)) print(str.format("数量{0},单价{1:3.2f}",100,285.6)) print("数量%4d,单价%3.3f"%(100,285.6))

【填空题】判断整数 i 能否同时被3和5整除的Python表达式为


【其它】完成课本实例1.1—1.24 ,熟悉Python编辑、开发和运行环境。


【简答题】下列Python语句的运行结果是 x=True; y=False; z=True; if not x or y: print(1) elif not x or not y and z: print(2) elif not x or y or not y and x:print(3) else:print(4)

【简答题】What is critical thinking?

【简答题】Does critical thinking necessarily make one excessively critical or cynical? Why or why not?

【多选题】Python中内置的4种数据类型为 ____________________________________,

【论述题】Please write a short essay with no less than 120 words to justify your position on the following question. Should a government impose a legal maximum ratio between the highest and lowest pay of individuals in companies?


【简答题】根据 24 色相环色彩的摆放位子,利用 PS 软件进行填色,共 4 幅图。

【填空题】Python表达式 17.0/3**2 的值为________________。

【单选题】Python语句序列"x='car' ; y=2; print(x+y)"的输出结果是_____________。

【判断题】为了让代码更加紧凑,编写 Python 程序时应尽量避免加入空格和空行。



【简答题】绘制一幅 明度推移构成——化妆品 目的: 了解和掌握色彩明度推移的方法和次序。 要求: 色彩均衡,层次分明,色块边缘要清晰,画面整洁。 尺寸: A4 纸大小


【判断题】安装 Python 扩展库时只能使用 pip 工具在线安装,如果安装不成功就没有别的办法了。

【简答题】要求: 1. 主题:鞋子 2. 三种推移方式任选 2-3 种 3. 色彩均衡,层次分明,色块边缘要清晰,画面整洁 4.A4 纸大小

【简答题】How is critical thinking related to the quality of our lives?




【简答题】What's wrong with dispensing with critical thinking and accepting whatever beliefs or statements come our way?

【简答题】下列Python语句的运行结果是 x=False; y=True; z=False if x or y and z: print("yes") else:print("no")





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