

就职于中欧基金,知数堂粉丝,数据库爱好者,熟悉RDBMS、nosql、new sql等各类数据库。





mysqldump -uXXX -p osdc osdc_XXX > /tmp/osdc_info.sql;这台从库与主库的同步出现中断,报错为:

Slave_IO_Running: YesSlave_SQL_Running: NoLast_Errno: 1756Last_Error: … The slave coordinator and worker threads are stopped, possibly leaving data in inconsistent state. A restart should restore consistency automatically, although using non-transactional storage for data or info tables or DDL queries could lead to problems. In such cases you have to examine your data (see documentation for details).ERROR NO 是1756,而且只是 Slave_SQL_Running 停了。


stop slave;打开同步:

start slave;重新启停同步服务后,恢复正常。

分析之前形形色色的主从问题遇到过很多,但是 1756 这个错误还是第一次遇到,所以事后还是很有兴趣去深入分析下这个问题。

1. 详细报错查看数据库的 error log ,这个报错的具体输出如下:

2020-08-18 22:04:19 208840 [Warning] Slave SQL: Worker 2 failed executing transaction ‘fe0ed3ca-cacc-11e9-8d49-6c92bfcf73b6:1377629720’ at master log mysql-bin.003536, end_log_pos 861741231; Could not execute Update_rows event on table osdc.osdc_XXX; Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction, Error_code: 1205; handler error HA_ERR_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT; the event’smaster log mysql-bin.003536, end_log_pos 861741231, Error_code: 12052020-08-18 22:04:19 208840 [Note] Worker 2 is exiting: killed 0, error 1, running_status 12020-08-18 22:04:19 208840 [ERROR] Slave SQL: … The slave coordinator and worker threads are stopped, possibly leaving data in inconsistent state. A restart should restore consistency automatically, although using non-transactional storage for data or info tables or DDL queries could lead to problems. In such cases you have to examine your data (see documentation for details). Error_code: 1756错误日志里有个 Lock wait timeout exceeded ,这个我们先记下,稍后再说。

先找到 master 事务的 gtid,直接去主库的 binlog 里找下这个 gtid 所对应的 sql:

SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= ‘fe0ed3ca-cacc-11e9-8d49-6c92bfcf73b6:1377629720’/*!*/;# at 861740635#200818 21:58:42 server id 31 end_log_pos 861740715 CRC32 0xa9ab0dd2 Query thread_id=9403182 exec_time=0 error_code=0SET TIMESTAMP=1597759122/*!*/;BEGIN/*!*/;# at 861740715#200818 21:58:42 server id 31 end_log_pos 861740840 CRC32 0xbd8ba613 Rows_query# update osdc_XXX# set modify_time=now(),status=’04’# where id=9298XXXXX and status=’01’可以看到,这时候主库对 osdc_XXX 表进行了 update 操作。

2. 问题分析首先,mysqldump 不加任何参数去执行,会对备份的表加表级锁。

这时候从库需要执行从主库同步过来的 update 语句,因为 mysqldump 表锁的存在,该语句会处理等待状态。

update 等待超时,这个错误我们在上面的 error log 里可以看到(Lock wait timeout exceeded)。

因为在5.6.26版本下,在使用 MTS 的情况下,slave_transaction_retries 是不生效的。所以当 update 语句超时后,它没有重试机制,导致整个 SQL threads 都停掉了(这也就是为什么 Slave_IO_Running 显示YES,而 Slave_SQL_Running 显示NO)。

在 里可以看到:

—-/* MTS technical limitation no support of trans retry */if (mi->rli->opt_slave_parallel_workers != 0 && slave_trans_retries != 0—-这个 bug 很早就由 Yoshinori Matsunobu 提在 了,官方也采纳了,并于 MySQL 5.7.5 修复掉了该问题。

Yoshinori Matsunobu 就是大名鼎鼎的 MHA 的作者!

3. 问题复现相关参数slave_parallel_workers:3

[root@localhost][(none)]> show variables like ‘%slave_parallel_workers%’;+————————+——-+| Variable_name | Value |+————————+——-+| slave_parallel_workers | 5 |+————————+——-+innodb_lock_wait_timeout:50

[root@localhost][(none)]> show variables like ‘%innodb_lock_wait_timeout%’;+————————–+——-+| Variable_name | Value |+————————–+——-+| innodb_lock_wait_timeout | 50 |+————————–+——-+slave_transaction_retries:10

[root@localhost][none]> show variables like ‘%slave_transaction_retries%’;+—————————+——-+| Variable_name | Value |+—————————+——-+| slave_transaction_retries | 10 |+—————————+——-+测试数据:

[root@localhost][bug]> select * from repl_test;+——+——-+| id | info |+——+——-+| 1 | tom || 2 | jerry |+——+——-+从库加锁操作从库:

[root@localhost][bug]> begin;update repl_test set info=’all’;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.01 sec)Rows matched: 2 Changed: 2 Warnings: 0显性开启事务,让它持续持有 InnoDB lock


[root@localhost][bug]> update repl_test set info=’all’ where id=1;commit;Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)手工更新 repl_test 表的一条数据,此时从库的复制线程会等待这条sql的应用,并处于 system lock 状态:


[root@localhost][(none)]> show processlist;+—-+—————–+———–+——+———+——+—————————————————————————–+——————————————–+| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info |+—-+—————–+———–+——+———+——+—————————————————————————–+——————————————–+| 6 | event_scheduler | localhost | NULL | Daemon | 545 | Waiting on empty queue | NULL || 9 | root | localhost | bug | Sleep | 10 | | NULL || 15 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 44 | Waiting for master to send event | NULL || 16 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 5 | Slave has read all relay log; waiting for the slave I/O thread to update it | NULL || 17 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 44 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator | NULL || 18 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 44 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator | NULL || 19 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 5 | System lock | update repl_test set info=’all’ where id=1 || 20 | root | localhost | NULL | Query | 0 | init | show processlist |+—-+—————–+———–+——+———+——+—————————————————————————–+——————————————–+8 rows in set (0.04 sec)errorlog错误日志开始打印错误信息:

2020-08-20 11:01:00 22391 [Warning] Slave SQL: Worker 2 failed executing transaction ” at master log mysql-bin.000272, end_log_pos 654587717; Could not execute Update_rows event on table bug.repl_test; Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction, Error_code: 1205; handler error HA_ERR_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT; the event’s master log FIRST, end_log_pos 654587717, Error_code: 12052020-08-20 11:01:00 22391 [ERROR] Slave SQL: … The slave coordinator and worker threads are stopped, possibly leaving data in inconsistent state. A restart should restore consistency automatically, although using non-transactional storage for data or info tables or DDL queries could lead to problems. In such cases you have to examine your data (see documentation for details). Error_code: 17562020-08-20 11:01:00 22391 [Note] Error reading relay log event: slave SQL thread was killed报的错与当时的内容一致。

4. 总结mysqldump 即使在从库中执行,也必须加上 –single-transcation 等参数,直接执行会上表锁,成本大大。

部分mysql工具,如 navicat 直接使用它自带的导出功能,也会锁住全表。所以尽量不要使用工具去处理导出工作。

mysql> show open tables where in_use >0 ;+———-+———–+——–+————-+| Database | Table | In_use | Name_locked |+———-+———–+——–+————-+| osdc | osdc_XXX | 1 | 0 |+———-+———–+——–+————-+1 row in set (0.00 sec)5.6 的主从的坑已经踩了很多了,大多是由于自身的bug,而且在 5.6 下根本体现不出 MTS 的优势。把 5.6 升级至 5.7 或 8.0 是非常有必要的,之前测试的 8.0 的复制稳定性和性能的提升非常大,推荐直接升级至 8.0 版本。


Enjoy MySQL:)

叶老师的「MySQL核心优化」大课已升级到MySQL 8.0,扫码开启MySQL 8.0修行之旅吧

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