正如其他人所指出的那样,你的压痕消失了。下面是一些关于如何进一步改进代码的建议import random
while True:
dice = int(input ('Please choose a 4, 6 or 12 sided dice: ')) # this input should be an int
if dice in (4, 6, 12): # checks to see if the value of dice is in the supplied tuple
choice = input('Roll again? Enter yes or no: ')
if choice.lower() == 'no': # use .lower() here so a match is found if the player enters No or NO
print('Thanks for playing!')
break # exits the loop
print('that is not 4, 6 or 12')
except ValueError: # catches an exception if the player enters a letter instead of a number or enters nothing
print('Please enter a number')