dotcms open source java cms,开源Java CMS

Can anyone suggest a good open source cms for java? I have not used any java cms but I have used wordpress. Looking around google I have short listed openCMS, dotCMS and Liferay. Has anyone used these? which one of these would be a "good" CMS. It would be good if it has good documentations and online community... it can be integrated with other java tech e.g. frameworks like spring framework... simple to learn...

I just don't want to spend time on one and then realise there is a better option out there...

it would be good to get others view on this....

thanks in advance...


Firstly, may I assert that this is a perfectly reasonable question given the importance of CMS web technologies, which run a large portion of the WWW, and one rightly asked by many Java-aware people, as there are some serious problems with all of the many (nevertheless popular) PHP-based systems like Drupal, Wordpress, and Joomla, including:

inability to integrate well with graphical Unified Modeling Language (UML) engineering

massive use of freestyle strings as hash array keys (instead of as system-wide, shared, pre-defined string constants) in their programming style, burying data structure as hard-to-document conventions in hashmaps, and breaking everywhere the fundamental Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle, instead of using reusable encapsulation with object-orientation

consequently poorer integration with IDEs and IDE prompting than a Java CMS API would permit.

There is a very good list of Java CMSs at:

The dotCMS site compares its own popularity with its main Java CMS competitors: Magnolia, Hippo, Jahia.

It is interesting that OpenCMS does not make that list:

There is a CMS comparison tool at:

CMSmatrix lets you easily compare the features in over 1200 content

management system products.

The fact that there are 1200 indicates that asking others for tips or feedback on their experience with Java CMS variations is fair, as it is hard to test out all of the options.

As far as I can tell, dotCMS is the fastest growing and best option depending on your requirements.

Finally, permit me in my answer to offer an observation on the PHP vs Java CMS matter. My main language is Java, always, at least to some extent, under graphical UML model-driven engineering (if only sometimes via reverse engineering monitoring), but I have worked extensively with PHP and PHP-driven Drupal for many years, one of the "big three" along with Joomla and Wordpress.

As far as I can tell, none of the Java CMS options comes even close to the feature set of Drupal, when the massive range of contributed modules is considered, or (once you are familiar with it) the ease of setting up easy or very complex enterprise CMS sites with Drupal. In particular, the Views module in combination with ease of creation of custom content types makes it very easy to create very rich page displays with structured data, relationships, and rich query view reports. I do not know of any Java CMS that has anything that can even come close to matching the Drupal Views admin interface for creating custom query view reports. I am thankful that Drupal exists, and at times it has helped me to feed myself and my child, and I even use it to track my Enterprise Java software development projects, and I use it ironically for educational web sites promoting Unified Modeling Language (UML) and UML-driven Java.

Also, the CMS aspects of my own Java web applications deliberately imitate Drupal.

I make however no secret of the fact that I absolutely can't stand the basic Drupal programming model, the contributed module APIs, and what I consider to be an appalling lack of object-orientation in it, and a programming style that includes nearly every single sin I would as an educator discourage in any 101 programming course. I do not enjoy coding contributed modules against its API, and the Drupal hook system is completely unnecessary, and has no advantages over simple interface registration patterns that any Java programmer would know, and would let an OO compiler do.

I bemoan every working day the lack of a well-architected Java-based CMS that can otherwise match Drupal (while always remaining thankful for what one can do with Drupal).

With hot reload technologies for Java like JRebel, it should now be possible to have a Java-based CMS that is as easy to develop against as the PHP-driven CMSs but with a decent and properly object-oriented API, and I hope that one Java CMS does finally really take off and develop as active a contributed module community as the PHP-based ones like Drupal have.

Bug修复: 1.菜单管理:删除操作按钮后不能直接进行删除菜单操作。 2.删除单位时操作记录不显示单位名称问题。 3.站点管理:改变所属站点增加改变为一级站点功能,上传非图片logo时虽然提示但仍上传成功问题。 4.模板文件管理:点击查看/下载文件时路径不对问题。 5.list类标签增加index返回值:channelList,infoAttchs,linkClass,link. 6.部分浏览器提示信息出现乱码问题。 7.启用、禁用用户时操作记录记录用户名问题。 功能新增: 1.站点和栏目增加静态化调度配置。 2.信息增加签收、视频、评论功能。 3.栏目页静态化增加可以设置只生成前几页功能。 4.增加网上调查功能。 5.增加互动信件功能。 6.单位可以设置是否接收互动信件。 7.用户可以设置是否接收互动信件。 8.增加系统配置管理功能。 9.增加ajaxLoad标签,通过ajax加载页面。 10.增加模板示例库。 11.增加infoSign标签,显示信息签收代码。 12.增加mailList标签,提取信件列表。 13.增加mailPage标签,分页提取信件列表。 14.增加mailQuery标签,根据查询码查询信件处理结果。 15.增加mailSave标签,信件保存处理。 16.增加questionList标签,提取网上调查列表。 17.增加questionPage标签,分页提取网上调查列表。 17.增加questionOne标签,提取指定id的网上调查。 18.增加config标签,提取系统配置。 19.增加unitList标签,提取单位列表。 20.增加userList标签,提取用户列表。 21.增加video标签,播放视频。 22.增加会员权限管理功能。 22.增加会员组管理功能。 23.增加会员管理功能。 24.增加评论管理功能。 25.增加积分规则管理功能。 26.增加积分记录管理功能。 27.增加commentPage标签,分页提取评论列表。




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