aix c语言 多线程,如何在AIX系统中找到JVM中最高使用率的线程

prstatcommand. This command allows you to generate a snapshot of all running Java VM Threads along with CPU % for each of them.

When combined with Thread Dump analysis, it allows you to pinpoint high CPU problems such as:

·Java Threads involved in infinite or heavy loopin

·Java Threads involved in excessive / nonstop garbage collection (GC Threads)

·Java Threads involved in heavy logging / IO activities

This analysis strategy is extremely important for any individual involved in Java EE middleware and / or application support such as Oracle Weblogic, IBM Websphere, RedHat JBoss etc.

Ok thanks but I’m using the AIX OS; what can I do?

Theprstatcommand is not available on the AIX OS but fortunately there is an equivalent command & strategy that you can use to simulate and generate the same Thread & CPU % breakdown.

This is great news. Now please show me how it works

Please simply follow the instructions below:

1)Identify the AIX process Id of your Java VM process

2)When high CPU is observed, execute the following command:ps -mp -o THREAD

Example: ps –mp captured of a Weblogic Java process running at 40% CPU utilization

USER      PID     PPID       TID ST  CP PRI SC    WCHAN        F     TT BND COMMAND

user 12910772  9896052         - A    40  60 98        *   342001      -   - /usr/java6_64/bin/java -Dweblogic.Nam

-        -        -   6684735 S    0  60  1 f1000f0a10006640  8410400      -   - -

-        -        -   6815801 Z    0  77  1        -   c00001      -   - -

-        -        -   6881341 Z    0 110  1        -   c00001      -   - -

-        -        -   6946899 S    0  82  1 f1000f0a10006a40  8410400      -   - -

-        -        -   8585337 S    0  82  1 f1000f0a10008340  8410400      -   - -

-        -        -   9502781 S    30  82  1 f1000f0a10009140  8410400      -   - -

-        -        -  10485775 S    0  82  1 f1000f0a1000a040  8410400      -   - -

-        -        -  10813677 S    0  82  1 f1000f0a1000a540  8410400      -   - -

-        -        -  11206843 S    3  82  1 f1000f0a1000ab40  8410400      -   - -

-        -        -  11468831 S    0  82  1 f1000f0a1000af40  8410400      -   - -

-        -        -  11796597 S    0  82  1 f1000f0a1000b440  8410400      -   - -

-        -        -  19070989 S    0  82  1 f1000f0a10012340  8410400      -   - -

-        -        -  25034989 S    2  62  1 f1000a01001d0598   410400      -   - -

-        -        -  25493513 S    0  82  1 f1000f0a10018540  8410400      -   - -

-        -        -  25690227 S    0  86  1 f1000f0a10018840  8410400      -   - -

-        -        -  25755895 S    0  82  1 f1000f0a10018940  8410400      -   - -

-        -        -  26673327 S    2  82  1 f1000f0a10019740  8410400      -   - -

-        -        -  26804377 S    0  60  1 f1000a0100220998   410400      -   - -

-        -        -  27787407 S    0  82  1        -   418400      -   - -

-        -        -  28049461 S    2  82  1 f1000f0a1001ac40  8410400      -   - -

-        -        -  28114963 S    0  82  1 11a835728   c10400      -   - -

-        -        -  29491211 S    0  82  1 f1000f0a1001c240  8410400      -   - -

-        -        -  29884565 S    0  78  1 f1000f0a1001c840  8410400      -   - -


3)Immediately after, generate a Java VM Thread Dump by executing kill -3 . This command will generate a AIX / IBM Thread Dump (javacore.xyzformat). At this point, you should have both ps –mp data output and a AIX Java VM Thread Dump

4)Now analyse yourps –mpoutput data identify the Thread Id(s) with the highest CPU contribution and convert the TID decimal format to HEXA format

Example: Thread TID:9502781 >> 91003D

5)At this point, you are now ready to pinpoint and determine why such Java Thread(s) is / are using so much CPU. The answer is in the JVM Thread Dump. Simply search form the Thread Dump using the Thread TID; HEXA format. The final step is to analyze the affected Thread(s) Stack Trace and determine the root cause e.g. application code problem, middleware problem etc.

Example: In our example, the primary culprit (Thread TID:0x91003D) was identified in the Thread Dump. As you can see, this Thread is currently involved in an infinite loop condition from a Hashmap. This is a common problem when using non Thread safe Hashmap data structure and combined with high concurrent Threads.

3XMTHREADINFO      "[STUCK] ExecuteThread: '97' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'" J9VMThread:0x00000001333FFF00, j9thread_t:0x0000000117C00020, java/lang/Thread:0x0700000043184480, state:CW, prio=1

3XMTHREADINFO1            (native thread ID:0x91003D, native priority:0x1, native policy:UNKNOWN)

3XMTHREADINFO3           Java callstack:

4XESTACKTRACE                atjava/util/HashMap.findNonNullKeyEntry( Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at java/util/HashMap.putImpl( Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at java/util/HashMap.put( Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at weblogic/socket/utils/RegexpPool.add( Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at weblogic/net/http/HttpClient.resetProperties( Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at weblogic/net/http/HttpClient.openServer( Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at weblogic/net/http/HttpClient.New( Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at weblogic/net/http/HttpURLConnection.connect( Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at com/bea/wli/sb/transports/http/HttpOutboundMessageContext.send( Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at com/bea/wli/sb/transports/http/wls/HttpTransportProvider.sendMessageAsync( Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at sun/reflect/GeneratedMethodAccessor2587.invoke(Bytecode PC:58(Compiled Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at sun/reflect/DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at java/lang/reflect/Method.invoke( Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at com/bea/wli/sb/transports/Util$1.invoke( Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at $Proxy115.sendMessageAsync(Bytecode PC:26(Compiled Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at com/bea/wli/sb/transports/LoadBalanceFailoverListener.sendMessageAsync( Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at com/bea/wli/sb/transports/LoadBalanceFailoverListener.onError( Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at com/bea/wli/sb/transports/http/wls/HttpOutboundMessageContextWls$RetrieveHttpResponseWork.handleResponse( Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at weblogic/net/http/AsyncResponseHandler$MuxableSocketHTTPAsyncResponse$ Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at weblogic/work/ Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at weblogic/work/SelfTuningWorkManagerImpl$ Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at weblogic/work/ExecuteThread.execute( Code))

4XESTACKTRACE                at weblogic/work/ Code))





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