Paper Abstract
There has been enormous interest and considerable investment in recent years devoted to the development of the
Terahertz (aka Submillimeter) spectral region for imaging and sensing. While a number of 'one of a kind' scientific
applications (astrophysics, upper atmospheric processes, physical chemistry, molecular physics, etc.) in this spectral
region have been highly successful, there are no 'public' applications of the THz. It is the central thesis of this paper that
for most of the well publicized applications the lack of signature, clutter, and phenomenolgical knowledge - Signature
Science - impedes progress at least as much as technical shortcomings. Thus, Signature Science represents a major
scientific opportunity and a technological necessity. An important goal of Signature Science should be to provide a
scientifically based body of knowledge that will make end-to-end system analyses possible at an early stage of system
and application conceptualization and design. In this paper we will focus on three THz applications that have the
potential to make a near term impact: 1) Imaging through obscurants, 2) Spectral signatures of gas phase chemicals, and
3) Signature quantification and analysis methods for optimal use of the information content of the spectra of solids,
especially explosives.