base ring shell skirt skirt 压力容器_化工专业英语系列-10:反应设备Reactor(1)



氨合成塔 Ammonia Converter

1 face of flange external vessel 塔体法兰面

2 shell metal temperature instrument block 壳体金属温度计接触块

3 interchanger support surface 换热器支承面

4 basket and interchanger support 催化剂筐和换热器支撑

5 anti rotation 防转板

6 hemispherical head external vessel 塔体半球形封头

7 bypass ring 旁路环管

8 top of bed “1” “1”催化剂层上限

9 I.D. basket shell 催化剂筐内径

10 I.D. external vessel shell 塔体内径

11 inspection opening 检查孔

12 drop out rod (催化剂)卸料杆

13 screen “1” “1”筛网

14 grid 栅板

15 quench ring “1” “1”冷激气环管

16 distributor plate “1” “1”分配板

17 top of bed “2” “2”催化剂层上限

18 catalyst dropout pipe 催化剂排出管

19 baffle “2” “2”挡板

20 top of bed “3” “3”催化剂层上限

21 center of gravity 重心

22 top of bed “4” “4”催化剂层上限

23 alumina tabular balls 氧化铝球

24 gas return collector 气体回集器

25 hemispherical bottom head external vessel 塔体半球形底封头

26 sectional elevation view 立视剖面图

27 elliptical bottom basket head 催化剂筐椭圆形底封头

28 thermowell and leader 热电偶管和导管

29 basket thermal barrier 催化剂筐绝热层

30 external vessel 塔体

31 basket 催化剂筐

32 toriconical top basket head 催化剂筐准锥形顶封头

33 basket support surface 催化剂筐支撑面

34 interchanger 内部换热器

35 expansion joint 膨胀节

36 gas outlet 气体出口

37 by pass 副线口

38 catalyst dropout 催化剂卸料口

39 gas inlet 气体入口

40 manhole 人孔

41 quench gas inlet 冷激气入口

42 by pass pipe and sleeve 副线管和套管

43 quench pipe and leader 冷激管和导管

44 n-slots (equally spaced) n个长圆孔(等距离分配)

45 basket top head manhole 催化剂筐顶封头人孔

46 external vessel head 容器外壳封头

47 flexible hose assembly 挠性管组合件

48 S.R. (short radius) elbow 短半径弯管

49 by pass sleeve 副线套管

50 basket top head 催化剂筐顶封头

51 by pass pipe support 副线管支撑

52 details of skirt and base 裙座和底座详图

53 skirt access opening 裙座出入口

54 diameter of bolt circle (地脚)螺栓节圆直径

55 chamfer bottom 6”back to blend with base ring 底部向后倒角6”与底环圆滑过渡

56 bottom of base ring 底环底面

57 manway for catalyst removal 卸催化剂用人孔

58 skirt 裙座

59 skirt vent 裙座通气孔

60 shell 壳体

尿素合成塔 Urea Reactor

1 NH3inlet 氨气入口

2 thermowell 热电偶套管

3 nameplate 铭牌

4 skirt vent 裙座排气孔

5 NH3 distributing pipe 氨气体分布管

6 cover plates 盖板

7 lining 衬里

8 stud bolts 双头螺栓

9 manhole cover 人孔盖

10 gasket 垫片

11 manhole 人孔

12 top lifting lugs 顶部吊耳

13 hemispherical top head 顶部半球形封头

14 top davit 顶部吊柱

15 shell 壳体

16 trays 塔盘

17 brackets for trays 塔盘托架

18 clips 卡子

19 elbow 弯头

20 CO2 distributing pipe 二氧化碳气体分布管

21 hemispherical bottom head 底部半球形封头

22 reinforcement element 补强元件

23 skirt 裙座

24 skirt access opening 裙座出入口

25 flange 法兰

26 CO2 inlet 二氧化碳气体入口

27 tailing lug 尾部吊耳

28 compression ring 压环

29 gusset plates 筋板

30 earth lug 接地板

31 base ring 基础环

32 anchor bolts/ nuts/ washers 地脚螺栓/螺母/垫圈

33 template 模板

34 layered shell 多层壳体

35 plugs for shipping 运输用塞子

36 solid shell 单层壳体

37 weld 焊缝

38 leak detector 检漏装置

39 solid head 单层封头

40 vent holes 排气孔

41 inner cylinder 内筒

42 dummy 盲层

43 overlay, weld deposited 堆焊层

44 type 1 solid shell attachment to solid head 型式1单层壳体和单层封头的连接

45 type 2 layered shell attachment to solid head 型式2多层壳体和单层封头的连接返回搜狐,查看更多






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