

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-




crifan's common functions, implemented by Python.


1. install chardet and BeautifulSoup before use this crifanLib.


1. use htmlentitydefs instead of mannually made html entity table



1. add removeSoupContentsTagAttr, findFirstNavigableString, soupContentsToUnicode


1. add tupleListToDict


1.add randDigitsStr


1.bugfix-> isFileValid support unquoted & lower for compare filename


1.bugfix-> isFileValid support quoted & lower for compare filename


1.add getCurTimestamp


1.add timeout for all urllib2.urlopen to try to avoid dead url link


1.add support overwrite header for getUrlResponse

2.add gzip support for getUrlResponse and getUrlRespHtml


__author__ = "Crifan Li ("

#__version__ = ""

__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2012, Crifan Li"

__license__ = "GPL"

import os;

import re;

import sys;

import time;

import chardet;

import urllib;

import urllib2;

from datetime import datetime,timedelta;

import bs4

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

#from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup,Tag,CData;

import logging;

#import htmlentitydefs;

import struct;

import zlib;

import random;

# from PIL import Image;

# from operator import itemgetter;

#--------------------------------const values-----------------------------------

__VERSION__ = "v2.3";

gConst = {

'userAgentIE9' : 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.3; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)',

# also belong to ContentTypes, more info can refer:

# here use Tuple to avoid unexpected change

# note: for tuple, refer item use tuple[i], not tuple(i)

'picSufList' : ('bmp', 'gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'jpe', 'png', 'tiff', 'tif'),

'defaultTimeout': 20, # default timeout seconds for urllib2.urlopen


#----------------------------------global values--------------------------------

gVal = {

'calTimeKeyDict' : {},

'picSufChars' : '', # store the pic suffix char list

'currentLevel' : 0,


#### some internal functions ###


# generate the suffix char list according to constont picSufList

def genSufList() :

global gConst;

sufChrList = [];

for suffix in gConst['picSufList'] :

for c in suffix :


sufChrList = uniqueList(sufChrList);


joinedSuf = ''.join(sufChrList);

swapedSuf = [];

swapedSuf = joinedSuf.swapcase();

wholeSuf = joinedSuf + swapedSuf;

return wholeSuf;


# Time



# get current time's timestamp

def getCurTimestamp() :

return datetimeToTimestamp(;


# convert datetime value to timestamp

# from "2006-06-01 00:00:00" to 1149091200

def datetimeToTimestamp(datetimeVal) :

return int(time.mktime(datetimeVal.timetuple()));


# convert timestamp to datetime value

# from 1149091200 to "2006-06-01 00:00:00"

def timestampToDatetime(timestamp) :

#print "type(timestamp)=",type(timestamp);

#print "timestamp=",timestamp;

#timestamp = int(timestamp);

timestamp = float(timestamp);

return datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp);


#init for calculate elapsed time

def calcTimeStart(uniqueKey) :

global gVal

gVal['calTimeKeyDict'][uniqueKey] = time.time();



# to get elapsed time, before call this, should use calcTimeStart to init

def calcTimeEnd(uniqueKey) :

global gVal

return time.time() - gVal['calTimeKeyDict'][uniqueKey];


# convert local GMT8 to GMT time

# note: input should be 'datetime' type, not 'time' type

def convertLocalToGmt(localTime) :

return localTime - timedelta(hours=8);


# String



# generated the random digits number string

# max digit number is 12

def randDigitsStr(digitNum = 12) :

if(digitNum > 12):

digitNum = 12;

randVal = random.random();

#print "randVal=",randVal; #randVal= 0.134248340235

randVal = str(randVal);

#print "randVal=",randVal; #randVal= 0.134248340235

randVal = randVal.replace("0.", "");

#print "randVal=",randVal; #randVal= 0.134248340235

# if last is 0, append that 0


randVal = randVal + "0";

#print "randVal=",randVal; #randVal= 0.134248340235

#randVal = randVal.replace("e+11", "");

#randVal = randVal.replace(".", "");

#print "randVal=",randVal; #randVal= 0.134248340235

randVal = randVal[0 : digitNum];

#print "randVal=",randVal; #randVal= 0.134248340235

return randVal;


# get supported picture suffix list

def getPicSufList():

return gConst['picSufList'];


# get supported picture suffix chars

def getPicSufChars():

return gVal['picSufChars'];


# got python script self file name

# extract out xxx from:

# D:\yyy\zzz\


def extractFilename(inputStr) :

argv0List = inputStr.split("\\");

scriptName = argv0List[len(argv0List) - 1]; # get script file name self

possibleSuf = scriptName[-3:];

if possibleSuf == ".py" :

scriptName = scriptName[0:-3]; # remove ".py"

return scriptName;


# replace the N; (N is digit number, N > 1) to unicode char

# eg: replace "'" with "'" in "Creepin' up on you"

def repUniNumEntToChar(text):

unicodeP = re.compile('[0-9]+;');

def transToUniChr(match): # translate the matched string to unicode char

numStr =[2:-1]; # remove '' and ';'

num = int(numStr);

unicodeChar = unichr(num);

return unicodeChar;

return unicodeP.sub(transToUniChr, text);


# generate the full url, which include the main url plus the parameter list

# Note:

# normally just use urllib.urlencode is OK.

# only use this if you do NOT want urllib.urlencode convert some special chars($,:,{,},...) into %XX

def genFullUrl(mainUrl, paraDict) :

fullUrl = mainUrl;

fullUrl += '?';

for i, para in enumerate(paraDict.keys()) :

if(i == 0):

# first para no '&'

fullUrl += str(para) + '=' + str(paraDict[para]);

else :

fullUrl += '&' + str(para) + '=' + str(paraDict[para]);

return fullUrl;


# check whether two url is similar

# note: input two url both should be str type

def urlIsSimilar(url1, url2) :

isSim = False;

url1 = str(url1);

url2 = str(url2);

slashList1 = url1.split('/');

slashList2 = url2.split('/');

lenS1 = len(slashList1);

lenS2 = len(slashList2);

# all should have same structure

if lenS1 != lenS2 :

# not same sturcture -> must not similar

isSim = False;

else :

sufPos1 = url1.rfind('.');

sufPos2 = url2.rfind('.');

suf1 = url1[(sufPos1 + 1) : ];

suf2 = url2[(sufPos2 + 1) : ];

# at least, suffix should same

if (suf1 == suf2) :

lastSlashPos1 = url1.rfind('/');

lastSlashPos2 = url2.rfind('/');

exceptName1 = url1[:lastSlashPos1];

exceptName2 = url2[:lastSlashPos2];

# except name, all other part should same

if (exceptName1 == exceptName2) :

isSim = True;

else :

# except name, other part is not same -> not similar

isSim = False;

else :

# suffix not same -> must not similar

isSim = False;

return isSim;


# found whether the url is similar in urlList

# if found, return True, similarSrcUrl

# if not found, return False, ''

def findSimilarUrl(url, urlList) :

(isSimilar, similarSrcUrl) = (False, '');

for srcUrl in urlList :

if urlIsSimilar(url, srcUrl) :

isSimilar = True;

similarSrcUrl = srcUrl;


return (isSimilar, similarSrcUrl);


# remove non-word char == only retian alphanumeric character (char+number) and underscore

# eg:

# from againinput4@yeah to againinput4yeah

# from green-waste to greenwaste

def removeNonWordChar(inputString) :

return re.sub(r"[^\w]", "", inputString); # non [a-zA-Z0-9_]


# remove control character from input string

# otherwise will cause wordpress importer import failed

# for wordpress importer, if contains contrl char, will fail to import wxr

# eg:

# 1.

# content contains some invalid ascii control chars

# 2.

# 165th comment contains invalid control char: ETX

# 3.

# title contains control char:DC1, BS, DLE, DLE, DLE, DC1

def removeCtlChr(inputString) :

validContent = '';

for c in inputString :

asciiVal = ord(c);

validChrList = [

9, # 9=\t=tab

10, # 10=\n=LF=Line Feed=换行

13, # 13=\r=CR=回车


# filter out others ASCII control character, and DEL=delete

isValidChr = True;

if (asciiVal == 0x7F) :

isValidChr = False;

elif ((asciiVal < 32) and (asciiVal not in validChrList)) :

isValidChr = False;

if(isValidChr) :

validContent += c;

return validContent;


# remove ANSI control character: 0x80-0xFF

def removeAnsiCtrlChar(inputString):

validContent = '';

for c in inputString :

asciiVal = ord(c);

isValidChr = True;

if ((asciiVal >= 0x80) and (asciiVal <= 0xFF)) :

#if ((asciiVal >= 0xB0) and (asciiVal <= 0xFF)) : # test

isValidChr = False;

#print "asciiVal=0x%x"%asciiVal;

if(isValidChr) :

validContent += c;

return validContent;


# convert the string entity to unicode unmber entity

# refer:

# TODO: need later use this htmlentitydefs instead following

def replaceStrEntToNumEnt(text) :

strToNumEntDict = {

# Latin-1 Entities

" ": " ",

"¡": "¡",

"¢" : "¢",

"£": "£",

"¤": "¤",

"¥" : "¥",

"¦": "¦",

"§": "§",

"¨" : "¨",

"©": "©",

"ª": "ª",

"«": "«",

"¬" : "¬",

"­" : "­",

"®" : "®",

"¯": "¯",

"°" : "°",

"±": "±",

"²": "²",

"³": "³",

"´": "´",

"µ": "µ",

"¶": "¶",

"·": "·",

"¸": "¸",

"¹" : "¹",

"º" : "º",

"»": "»",

"¼": "¼",

"½": "½",

"¾": "¾",

"¿": "¿",

"À": "À",

"Á": "Á",

"Â": "Â",

"Ã": "Ã",

"Ä": "Ä",

"Å": "Å",

"Æ": "Æ",

"Ç": "Ç",

"È": "È",

"É": "É",

"Ê": "Ê",

"Ë" : "Ë",

"Ì": "Ì",

"Í": "Í",

"Î": "Î",

"Ï" : "Ï",

"Ð" : "Ð",

"Ñ": "Ñ",

"Ò": "Ò",

"Ó": "Ó",

"Ô": "Ô",

"Õ": "Õ",

"Ö": "Ö",

"×": "×",

"Ø": "Ø",

"Ù": "Ù",

"Ú": "Ú",

"Û": "Û",

"Ü": "Ü",

"Ý": "Ý",

"Þ": "Þ",

"ß": "ß",

"à": "à",

"á": "á",

"â": "â",

"ã": "ã",

"ä": "ä",

"å": "å",

"æ": "æ",

"ç": "ç",

"è": "è",

"é": "é",

"ê": "ê",

"ë": "ë",

"ì": "ì",

"í": "í",

"î": "î",

"ï": "ï",

"ð" : "ð",

"ñ": "ñ",

"ò": "ò",

"ó": "ó",

"ô": "ô",

"õ": "õ",

"ö" : "ö",

"÷": "÷",

"ø": "ø",

"ù": "ù",

"ú": "ú",

"û": "û",

"ü": "ü",

"ý": "ý",

"þ": "þ",

"ÿ": "ÿ",


# Special Entities

""" : """,

"&" : "&",

"<" : "<",

">" : ">",

"Œ" : "Œ",

"œ" : "œ",

"Š" : "Š",

"š" : "š",

"Ÿ" : "Ÿ",

"ˆ" : "ˆ",

"˜" : "˜",

" " : " ",

" " : " ",

" " : " ",

"‌" : "‌",

"‍" : "‍",

"‎" : "‎",

"‏" : "‏",

"–" : "–",

"—" : "—",

"‘" : "‘",

"’" : "’",

"‚" : "‚",

"“" : "“",

"”" : "”",

"„" : "„",

"†" : "†",

"‡" : "‡",

"‰" : "‰",

"‹" : "‹",

"›" : "›",

"€" : "€",


replacedText = text;

for key in strToNumEntDict.keys() :

replacedText = re.compile(key).sub(strToNumEntDict[key], replacedText);

return replacedText;


# convert the xxx=yyy into tuple('xxx', yyy), then return the tuple value

# [makesure input string]

# (1) is not include whitespace

# (2) include '='

# (3) last is no ';'

# [possible input string]

# blogUserName="againinput4"

# publisherEmail=""

# synchMiniBlog=false

# publishTime=1322129849397

# publisherName=null

# publisherNickname="\u957F\u5927\u662F\u70E6\u607C"

def convertToTupleVal(equationStr) :

(key, value) = ('', None);

try :

# Note:

# here should not use split with '=', for maybe input string contains string like this:


# so use find('=') instead

firstEqualPos = equationStr.find("=");

key = equationStr[0:firstEqualPos];

valuePart = equationStr[(firstEqualPos + 1):];

# string type

valLen = len(valuePart);

if valLen >= 2 :

# maybe string

if valuePart[0] == '"' and valuePart[-1] == '"' :

# is string type

value = str(valuePart[1:-1]);

elif (valuePart.lower() == 'null'):

value = None;

elif (valuePart.lower() == 'false'):

value = False;

elif (valuePart.lower() == 'true') :

value = True;

else :

# must int value

value = int(valuePart);

else :

# len=1 -> must be value

value = int(valuePart);

#print "Convert %s to [%s]=%s"%(equationStr, key, value);

except :

(key, value) = ('', None);

print "Fail of convert the equal string %s to value"%(equationStr);

return (key, value);


# List



# remove the empty ones in list

def removeEmptyInList(list) :

newList = [];

for val in list :

if val :


return newList;


# remove overlapped item in the list

def uniqueList(old_list):

newList = []

for x in old_list:

if x not in newList :


return newList


# for listToFilter, remove the ones which is in listToCompare

# also return the ones which is already exist in listToCompare

def filterList(listToFilter, listToCompare) :

filteredList = [];

existedList = [];

for singleOne in listToFilter : # remove processed

if (not(singleOne in listToCompare)) :

# omit the ones in listToCompare


else :

# record the already exist ones


return (filteredList, existedList);


# convert tuple list to dict value

# [(u'type', u'text/javascript'), (u'src', u'')]

# { u'type':u'text/javascript', u'src':u'' }

def tupleListToDict(tupleList):

convertedDict = {};

for eachTuple in tupleList:

(key, value) = eachTuple;

convertedDict[key] = value;

return convertedDict;


# File



# save binary data into file

def saveBinDataToFile(binaryData, fileToSave):

saveOK = False;


savedBinFile = open(fileToSave, "wb"); # open a file, if not exist, create it

#print "savedBinFile=",savedBinFile;



saveOK = True;

except :

saveOK = False;

return saveOK;


# Network: urllib/urllib2/http



# check file validation:

# open file url to check return info is match or not

# with exception support

# note: should handle while the file url is redirect

# eg :

# ->


# other special one:

# sina pic url:



# the real url is same with above url

def isFileValid(fileUrl) :

fileIsValid = False;

errReason = "Unknown error";

try :

#print "original fileUrl=",fileUrl;

origFileName = fileUrl.split('/')[-1];

#print "origFileName=",origFileName;



unquotedOrigFilenname = urllib.unquote(origFileName);

#print "unquotedOrigFilenname=",unquotedOrigFilenname

lowUnquotedOrigFilename = unquotedOrigFilenname.lower();

#print "lowUnquotedOrigFilename=",lowUnquotedOrigFilename;

resp = urllib2.urlopen(fileUrl, timeout=gConst['defaultTimeout']); # note: Python 2.6 has added timeout support.

#print "resp=",resp;

realUrl = resp.geturl();

#print "realUrl=",realUrl;

newFilename = realUrl.split('/')[-1];

#print "newFilename=",newFilename;


unquotedNewFilename = urllib.unquote(newFilename);

#print "unquotedNewFilename=",unquotedNewFilename;

unquotedLowNewFilename = unquotedNewFilename.lower();

#print "unquotedLowNewFilename=",unquotedLowNewFilename;

respInfo =;

#print "respInfo=",respInfo;

respCode = resp.getcode();

#print "respCode=",respCode;

# special:


# return no content-length

#contentLen = respInfo['Content-Length'];

# for redirect, if returned size>0 and filename is same, also should be considered valid

#if (origFileName == newFilename) and (contentLen > 0):

# for redirect, if returned response code is 200(OK) and filename is same, also should be considered valid

#if (origFileName == newFilename) and (respCode == 200):

if (lowUnquotedOrigFilename == unquotedLowNewFilename) and (respCode == 200):

fileIsValid = True;

else :

fileIsValid = False;

# eg: Content-Type= image/gif, ContentTypes : audio/mpeg

# more ContentTypes can refer:

contentType = respInfo['Content-Type'];

errReason = "file url returned info: type=%s, len=%d, realUrl=%s"%(contentType, contentLen, realUrl);

except urllib2.URLError,reason :

fileIsValid = False;

errReason = reason;

except urllib2.HTTPError,code :

fileIsValid = False;

errReason = code;

except :

fileIsValid = False;

errReason = "Unknown error";

# here type(errReason)= , so just convert it to str

errReason = str(errReason);

return (fileIsValid, errReason);


# download from fileUrl then save to fileToSave

# with exception support

# note: the caller should make sure the fileUrl is a valid internet resource/file

def downloadFile(fileUrl, fileToSave, needReport = False) :

isDownOK = False;

downloadingFile = '';


# note: totalFileSize -> may be -1 on older FTP servers which do not return a file size in response to a retrieval request

def reportHook(copiedBlocks, blockSize, totalFileSize) :

#global downloadingFile

if copiedBlocks == 0 : # 1st call : once on establishment of the network connection

print 'Begin to download %s, total size=%d'%(downloadingFile, totalFileSize);

else : # rest call : once after each block read thereafter

print 'Downloaded bytes: %d' % ( blockSize * copiedBlocks);



try :

if fileUrl :

downloadingFile = fileUrl;

if needReport :

urllib.urlretrieve(fileUrl, fileToSave, reportHook);

else :

urllib.urlretrieve(fileUrl, fileToSave);

isDownOK = True;

else :

print "Input download file url is NULL";

except urllib.ContentTooShortError(msg) :

isDownOK = False;

except :

isDownOK = False;

return isDownOK;


# manually download fileUrl then save to fileToSave

def manuallyDownloadFile(fileUrl, fileToSave) :

isDownOK = False;

downloadingFile = '';

try :

if fileUrl :

# 1. find real address

#print "fileUrl=",fileUrl;

resp = urllib2.urlopen(fileUrl, timeout=gConst['defaultTimeout']);

#print "resp=",resp;

realUrl = resp.geturl(); # not same with original file url if redirect

# if url is invalid, then add timeout can avoid dead

respHtml = getUrlRespHtml(realUrl, useGzip=False, timeout=gConst['defaultTimeout']);

isDownOK = saveBinDataToFile(respHtml, fileToSave);

else :

print "Input download file url is NULL";

except urllib.ContentTooShortError(msg) :

isDownOK = False;

except :

isDownOK = False;

return isDownOK;


# get response from url

# note: if you have already used cookiejar, then here will automatically use it

# while using rllib2.Request

def getUrlResponse(url, postDict={}, headerDict={}, timeout=0, useGzip=False) :

# makesure url is string, not unicode, otherwise urllib2.urlopen will error

url = str(url);

if (postDict) :

postData = urllib.urlencode(postDict);

req = urllib2.Request(url, postData);

req.add_header('Content-Type', "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

else :

req = urllib2.Request(url);

if(headerDict) :

#print "added header:",headerDict;

for key in headerDict.keys() :

req.add_header(key, headerDict[key]);

defHeaderDict = {

'User-Agent' : gConst['userAgentIE9'],

'Cache-Control' : 'no-cache',

'Accept' : '*/*',

'Connection' : 'Keep-Alive',


# add default headers firstly

for eachDefHd in defHeaderDict.keys() :

#print "add default header: %s=%s"%(eachDefHd,defHeaderDict[eachDefHd]);

req.add_header(eachDefHd, defHeaderDict[eachDefHd]);

if(useGzip) :

#print "use gzip for",url;

req.add_header('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip, deflate');

# add customized header later -> allow overwrite default header

if(headerDict) :

#print "added header:",headerDict;

for key in headerDict.keys() :

req.add_header(key, headerDict[key]);

if(timeout > 0) :

# set timeout value if necessary

resp = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=timeout);

else :

resp = urllib2.urlopen(req);

return resp;


# get response html==body from url

#def getUrlRespHtml(url, postDict={}, headerDict={}, timeout=0, useGzip=False) :

def getUrlRespHtml(url, postDict={}, headerDict={}, timeout=0, useGzip=True) :

resp = getUrlResponse(url, postDict, headerDict, timeout, useGzip);

respHtml =;

if(useGzip) :

#print "---before unzip, len(respHtml)=",len(respHtml);

respInfo =;

# Server: nginx/1.0.8

# Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2012 12:30:35 GMT

# Content-Type: text/html

# Transfer-Encoding: chunked

# Connection: close

# Vary: Accept-Encoding

# ...

# Content-Encoding: gzip

# sometime, the request use gzip,deflate, but actually returned is un-gzip html

# -> response info not include above "Content-Encoding: gzip"

# eg:

# -> so here only decode when it is indeed is gziped data

if( ("Content-Encoding" in respInfo) and (respInfo['Content-Encoding'] == "gzip")) :

respHtml = zlib.decompress(respHtml, 16+zlib.MAX_WBITS);

#print "+++ after unzip, len(respHtml)=",len(respHtml);

return respHtml;


# Cookies



# check all cookies in cookiesDict is exist in cookieJar or not

def checkAllCookiesExist(cookieNameList, cookieJar) :

cookiesDict = {};

for eachCookieName in cookieNameList :

cookiesDict[eachCookieName] = False;

allCookieFound = True;

for cookie in cookieJar :

if( in cookiesDict) :

cookiesDict[] = True;

for eachCookie in cookiesDict.keys() :

if(not cookiesDict[eachCookie]) :

allCookieFound = False;


return allCookieFound;


# Image


# import Image,ImageEnhance,ImageFilter;

# def testCaptcha():

# #

# #image_name = "20120409_134346_captcha.jpg";

# #image_name = "20120409_134531_captcha.jpg";

# #image_name = "20120409_134625_captcha.jpg";

# #image_name = "20120409_134928_captcha.jpg";

# image_name = "20120409_135233_captcha.jpg";

# im =;

# print "open OK for=",image_name;

# filter = ImageFilter.MedianFilter();

# print "MedianFilter OK";

# im = im.filter(filter);

# print "filter OK";

# enhancer = ImageEnhance.Contrast(im);

# print "Contrast OK";

# im = enhancer.enhance(2);

# print "enhance OK";

# im = im.convert('1');

# print "convert OK";


# #print "show OK";

# + "_new.gif");

# print "save OK";

# ooooooooooooooooo

# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# # [uncompleted]

# # parse input picture file to captcha(verify code)

# def parseCaptchaFromPicFile(inputCaptFilename):

# #

# parsedCaptchaStr = "";

# # picFp = open(inputCaptFilename, "rb");

# # print "open pic file OK,picFp=",picFp;

# # picData =;

# # print "read pic file OK";

# # picFp.close();

# # print "len(picData)=",len(picData);

# print "------------------capta test begin -----------------";

# captchaDir = "captcha";

# #inputCaptFilename = "returned_captcha.jpg";

# #inputCaptFilename = "captcha.gif";

# print "inputCaptFilename=",inputCaptFilename;

# inputCaptFilename = inputCaptFilename.split("/")[-1];

# captchaPicFile = captchaDir + "/" + inputCaptFilename;

# print "captchaPicFile=",captchaPicFile;

# im =;

# im = im.convert("P");

# im2 ="P", im.size, 255);

# temp = {};

# # 225 571

# # 219 253

# # 189 82

# # 132 64

# # 90 63

# # 224 63

# # 139 48

# # 182 47

# # 133 43

# # 96 39

# his = im.histogram();

# print im.histogram();

# values = {};

# for i in range(256):

# values[i] = his[i];

# mostCommonColor = sorted(values.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:10];

# print type(mostCommonColor);

# print "-----most 0-9:-----";

# for key in mostCommonColor:

# #print type(key);

# print key;

# startIdx = 0;

# endIdx = 3;

# outputGifName = captchaPicFile + "_from-%d_to-%d.gif"%(startIdx, endIdx);

# #mostCommonColor = mostCommonColor[0:3]; # good result -> 0.8 similar

# #mostCommonColor = mostCommonColor[0:2]; # not bad result -> 0.7 similar

# mostCommonColor = mostCommonColor[startIdx:endIdx];

# print "-----most %d-%d:-----"%(startIdx, endIdx);

# for j,k in mostCommonColor:

# print j,k;

# mostCommonColorDict = dict(mostCommonColor);

# print mostCommonColorDict;

# for x in range(im.size[1]):

# for y in range(im.size[0]):

# pix = im.getpixel((y,x));

# temp[pix] = pix;

# #if pix == 220 or pix == 227: # these are the numbers to get

# if pix in mostCommonColorDict:

# #print pix;

# im2.putpixel((y,x),0);


# print "------------------capta test done -----------------";

# return parsedCaptchaStr;


# Functions that depend on third party lib



# depend on chardet

# check whether the strToDect is ASCII string

def strIsAscii(strToDect) :

isAscii = False;

encInfo = chardet.detect(strToDect);

if (encInfo['confidence'] > 0.9) and (encInfo['encoding'] == 'ascii') :

isAscii = True;

return isAscii;


# get the possible(possiblility > 0.5) charset of input string

def getStrPossibleCharset(inputStr) :

possibleCharset = "ascii";

#possibleCharset = "UTF-8";

encInfo = chardet.detect(inputStr);

#print "encInfo=",encInfo;

if (encInfo['confidence'] > 0.5):

possibleCharset = encInfo['encoding'];

return possibleCharset;

#return encInfo['encoding'];


# depend on BeautifulSoup

# translate strToTranslate from fromLanguage to toLanguage

# return the translated unicode string

# some frequently used language abbrv:

# Chinese Simplified: zh-CN

# Chinese Traditional: zh-TW

# English: en

# German: de

# Japanese: ja

# Korean: ko

# French: fr

# more can be found at:


def translateString(strToTranslate, fromLanguage="zh-CN", toLanguage="en"):

transOK = False;

translatedStr = strToTranslate;

transErr = '';

try :

# following refer:

postDict = {'hl':'zh-CN', 'ie':'UTF-8', 'text':strToTranslate, 'langpair':"%s|%s"%(fromLanguage, toLanguage)};

googleTranslateUrl = '';

resp = getUrlRespHtml(googleTranslateUrl, postDict);

#logging.debug("---------------google translate resp html:\n%s", resp);

except urllib2.URLError,reason :

transOK = False;

transErr = reason;

except urllib2.HTTPError,code :

transOK = False;

transErr = code;

else :

soup = BeautifulSoup(resp);

resultBoxSpan = soup.find(id='result_box');

if resultBoxSpan and resultBoxSpan.span and resultBoxSpan.span.string :

transOK = True;

#translatedStr = resultBoxSpan.span.string.encode('utf-8');

googleRetTransStr = resultBoxSpan.span.string;

translatedStr = unicode(googleRetTransStr);

# just record some special one:

# from:

#【转载】[SEP4020 u-boot] start.s 注释

# to:

# The 【reserved] [the SEP4020 u-boot] start.s comment

else :

transOK = False;

transErr = "can not extract translated string from returned result";

transErr = str(transErr);

if transOK :

return (transOK, translatedStr);

else :

return (transOK, transErr);


# translate the Chinese Simplified(Zh-cn) string to English(en)

def transZhcnToEn(strToTrans) :

translatedStr = strToTrans;

transOK = False;

transErr = '';

if strIsAscii(strToTrans) :

transOK = True;

translatedStr = strToTrans;

else :

(transOK, translatedStr) = translateString(strToTrans, "zh-CN", "en");

return (transOK, translatedStr);


# BeautifulSoup



#remove specific tag[key]=value in soup contents (list of BeautifulSoup.Tag/BeautifulSoup.NavigableString)

# eg:

# (1)

# removeSoupContentsTagAttr(soupContents, "p", "class", "cc-lisence")

# to remove


, from

# [

# u'\n',




# u'\u5bf9......\u3002',





# u'\n',


# ]

# (2)

#contents = removeSoupContentsTagAttr(contents, "div", "class", "addfav", True);

# remove


# [u'\n',




# ...



# ...



# u'\n']

def removeSoupContentsTagAttr(soupContents, tagName, tagAttrKey, tagAttrVal="", recursive=False) :

global gVal;

#print "in removeSoupContentsClass";

#print "[",gVal['currentLevel'],"] input tagName=",tagName," tagAttrKey=",tagAttrKey," tagAttrVal=",tagAttrVal;

#logging.debug("[%d] input, %s[%s]=%s, soupContents:%s", gVal['currentLevel'],tagName,tagAttrKey,tagAttrVal, soupContents);

#logging.debug("[%d] input, %s[%s]=%s", gVal['currentLevel'],tagName, tagAttrKey, tagAttrVal);

filtedContents = [];

for singleContent in soupContents:

#logging.debug("current singleContent=%s",singleContent);"singleContent=%s", singleContent);

#print "type(singleContent)=",type(singleContent);

#print "singleContent.__class__=",singleContent.__class__;

#if(isinstance(singleContent, BeautifulSoup)):

#if(BeautifulSoup.Tag == singleContent.__class__):

#if(isinstance(singleContent, instance)):

#if(isinstance(singleContent, BeautifulSoup.Tag)):

if(isinstance(singleContent, Tag)):

#print "isinstance true";

#logging.debug("singleContent: name=%s, attrMap=%s, attrs=%s",, singleContent.attrMap, singleContent.attrs);

# if( ( == tagName)

# and (singleContent.attrMap)

# and (tagAttrKey in singleContent.attrMap)

# and ( (tagAttrVal and (singleContent.attrMap[tagAttrKey]==tagAttrVal)) or (not tagAttrVal) ) ):

# print "++++++++found tag:",tagName,"[",tagAttrKey,"]=",tagAttrVal,"\n in:",singleContent;

# #print "dir(singleContent)=",dir(singleContent);

# logging.debug("found %s[%s]=%s in %s", tagName, tagAttrKey, tagAttrVal, singleContent.attrMap);

# above using attrMap, but attrMap has bug for:

#singleContent: name=script, attrMap=None, attrs=[(u'type', u'text/javascript'), (u'src', u'')]

# so use attrs here

#logging.debug("singleContent: name=%s, attrs=%s",, singleContent.attrs);

attrsDict = tupleListToDict(singleContent.attrs);

if( ( == tagName)

and (singleContent.attrs)

and (tagAttrKey in attrsDict)

and ( (tagAttrVal and (attrsDict[tagAttrKey]==tagAttrVal)) or (not tagAttrVal) ) ):

#print "++++++++found tag:",tagName,"[",tagAttrKey,"]=",tagAttrVal,"\n in:",singleContent;

#print "dir(singleContent)=",dir(singleContent);

logging.debug("found %s[%s]=%s in %s", tagName, tagAttrKey, tagAttrVal, attrsDict);



#print "-----sub call";

gVal['currentLevel'] = gVal['currentLevel'] + 1;

#logging.debug("[%d] now will filter %s[%s=]%s, for singleContent.contents=%s", gVal['currentLevel'], tagName,tagAttrKey,tagAttrVal, singleContent.contents);

#logging.debug("[%d] now will filter %s[%s=]%s", gVal['currentLevel'], tagName,tagAttrKey,tagAttrVal);

filteredSingleContent = singleContent;

filteredSubContentList = removeSoupContentsTagAttr(filteredSingleContent.contents, tagName, tagAttrKey, tagAttrVal, recursive);

gVal['currentLevel'] = gVal['currentLevel'] -1;

filteredSingleContent.contents = filteredSubContentList;

#logging.debug("[%d] after filter, sub contents=%s", gVal['currentLevel'], filteredSingleContent);

#logging.debug("[%d] after filter contents", gVal['currentLevel']);



#logging.debug("not recursive, append:%s", singleContent);

#logging.debug("not recursive, now append singleContent");


# name =;

# if(name == tagName):

# print "name is equal, name=",name;

# attrMap = singleContent.attrMap;

# print "attrMap=",attrMap;

# if attrMap:

# if tagAttrKey in attrMap:

# print "tagAttrKey=",tagAttrKey," in attrMap";

# if(tagAttrVal and (attrMap[tagAttrKey]==tagAttrVal)) or (not tagAttrVal):

# print "++++++++found tag:",tagName,"[",tagAttrKey,"]=",tagAttrVal,"\n in:",singleContent;

# #print "dir(singleContent)=",dir(singleContent);

# logging.debug("found tag, tagAttrVal=%s, %s[%s]=%s", tagAttrVal, tagName, tagAttrVal, attrMap[tagAttrKey]);

# else:

# print "key in attrMap, but value not equal";

# if(recursive):

# print "-----sub call 111";

# gVal['currentLevel'] = gVal['currentLevel'] + 1;

# singleContent = removeSoupContentsTagAttr(singleContent.contents, tagName, tagAttrKey, tagAttrVal, recursive);

# gVal['currentLevel'] = gVal['currentLevel'] -1;

# filtedContents.append(singleContent);

# else:

# print "key not in attrMap";

# if(recursive):

# print "-----sub call 222";

# gVal['currentLevel'] = gVal['currentLevel'] + 1;

# singleContent = removeSoupContentsTagAttr(singleContent.contents, tagName, tagAttrKey, tagAttrVal, recursive);

# gVal['currentLevel'] = gVal['currentLevel'] -1;

# filtedContents.append(singleContent);

# else:

# print "attrMap is None";

# if(recursive):

# print "-----sub call 333";

# gVal['currentLevel'] = gVal['currentLevel'] + 1;

# singleContent = removeSoupContentsTagAttr(singleContent.contents, tagName, tagAttrKey, tagAttrVal, recursive);

# gVal['currentLevel'] = gVal['currentLevel'] -1;

# filtedContents.append(singleContent);

# else:

# print "name not equal, name=",name," tagName=",tagName;

# if(recursive):

# print "-----sub call 444";

# gVal['currentLevel'] = gVal['currentLevel'] + 1;

# singleContent = removeSoupContentsTagAttr(singleContent.contents, tagName, tagAttrKey, tagAttrVal, recursive);

# gVal['currentLevel'] = gVal['currentLevel'] -1;

# filtedContents.append(singleContent);


# is BeautifulSoup.NavigableString

#print "not BeautifulSoup instance";


#print "filterd contents=",filtedContents;

#logging.debug("[%d] before return, filtedContents=%s", gVal['currentLevel'], filtedContents);

return filtedContents;


# convert soup contents into unicode string

def soupContentsToUnicode(soupContents) :

#method 1

mappedContents = map(CData, soupContents);

#print "mappedContents OK";

#print "type(mappedContents)=",type(mappedContents); #type(mappedContents)=

contentUni = ''.join(mappedContents);

#print "contentUni=",contentUni;

# #method 2

# originBlogContent = "";

# logging.debug("Total %d contents for original soup contents:", len(soupContents));

# for i, content in enumerate(soupContents):

# if(content):

# logging.debug("[%d]=%s", i, content);

# originBlogContent += unicode(content);

# else :

# logging.debug("[%d] is null", i);

# logging.debug("---method 1: map and join---\n%s", contentUni);

# logging.debug("---method 2: enumerate ---\n%s", originBlogContent);

# # -->> seem that two method got same blog content

#logging.debug("soup contents to unicode string OK");

return contentUni;


# find the first BeautifulSoup.NavigableString from soup contents

def findFirstNavigableString(soupContents):

firstString = None;

for eachContent in soupContents:

# note here must import NavigableString from BeautifulSoup

if(isinstance(eachContent, NavigableString)):

firstString = eachContent;


return firstString;


if __name__=="crifanLib":

gVal['picSufChars'] = genSufList();

#print "gVal['picSufChars']=",gVal['picSufChars'];

#print "Imported: %s,\t%s"%( __name__, __VERSION__);











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