temporary table使用temporary tablespace
From oerr ora-14452
14452, 00000, "attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use"
// *Cause: An attempt was made to create, alter or drop an index on temporary
// table which is already in use.
// *Action: All the sessions using the session-specific temporary table have
// to truncate table and all the transactions using transaction
// specific temporary table have to end their transactions.
For example:
SQL> create global temporary table myTempTable(f_1 varchar2(20) ) on commit pres
erve rows;
Table created.
SQL> insert into myTempTable values('a');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into myTempTable values('b');
1 row created.
SQL> select * from myTempTable;
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> select * from myTempTable;
SQL> drop table myTempTable;
drop table myTempTable
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already
in use
SQL> delete from myTemptable;
2 rows deleted.
SQL> drop table myTempTable;
drop table myTempTable
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already
in use
SQL> truncate myTempTable;
truncate myTempTable
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-03290: Invalid truncate command - missing CLUSTER or TABLE keyword
SQL> truncate table myTempTable;
Table truncated.
SQL> drop table myTempTable;
Table dropped