
a7f4a3f590493a1e451dd952a488fd7c.gif 大工13秋《专业英语(计算机英语)》在线测试2答案




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大工大工 1313 秋秋《《专业英语专业英语( (计算机英语计算机英语)》)》在线测试在线测试 2 2 答案答案大工 13 秋《专业英语(计算机英语) 》在线测试 2单选题 判断题 一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 80 分。 )1. ( ), the protocol for transferring HTML files on the Web.A. HTMLB. ISPC. ClientD. Server-----------------选择:A 2. In a ( ) network, all microcomputers and other communications devices are connected to a central hub, such as a file server or host computer, usually via (UTP).A. busB. starC. treeD. ring-----------------选择:B 3. Two types of software are ( ) and application software.A. system softwareB. system callC. system crashD. system hardware-----------------选择:A 4. ( ) also called a program, is the series of computer language coded instructions that tells the computer how to perform tasks.A. SoftwareB. HardwareC. CompilerD. Interpreter-----------------选择:A 5. ( ), short for modulator/demodulator, device that converts digital signals into a representation of analog form(modulation) to send over phone lines;a receiving modem then converts the analog signal back to a digital signal(demodulation).A. ServerB. NetworkC. ModemD. Gateway-----------------选择:C 6. Linux is an operating system similar to ( ) that is becoming more and more popular.A. Windows 98B. Windows 2000C. Windows XPD. Unix-----------------选择:D 7. ( ) is a device that functions as both a router and a bridge.A. RepeaterB. SwitchC. GatewayD. Brouter-----------------选择:D 8. ( ), software used in corporate networks (intranets and extranets) to prevent unauthorized people from accessing the network.A. FirewallB. ModemC. HypertextD. TCP-----------------选择:A 9. ( ) programs are used to recover deleted or damaged(corrupted) files.A. Data recoveryB. System callC. System crashD. System software-----------------选择:A 10. A ( ) is a highly intelligent device that supports connectivity between both like and unlike LANs,and between LANs and WANs or MANs.A. routerB. repeaterC. switchD. bridge-----------------选择:A 11. A ( ) is software that looks at an entire high-level program before translating it into machine language.A. compilerB. interpreterC. instructionD. process-----------------选择:A 12. The ( ) is automatically loaded into RAM soon after you turn on, or “boot“ the computer.A. application softwareB. operating softwareC. shellD. compiler-----------------选择:B 13. A ( ) channel allows simultaneous message exchange in both directions.It really consists of two simplex channels, a forward channel and a reverse channel,linking the same points.A. half-duplexB. full-duplexC. simplexD. none of the above-----------------选择:B 14. In ( ) mode, the communication is unidirectional, like a one-way street. Only one of the two stations on a link can transmit;the other can only receive.A. half-duplexB. full-duplexC. simplexD. none of the above-----------------选择:C 15. ( ) is the number of times a wave repeats during a specific time interval,that is how many times it completes a cycle in one second.A. AmplitudeB. FrequencyC. Analog signalsD. Digital signals-----------------选择:B 16. The CPU executes programs coded in a lower level language called the ( ).A. utility programB. language translatorC. machine languageD. backup-----------------选择:C 17. ( ) is indicated by the height of a wave within a given period of time.A. AmplitudeB. FrequencyC. Analog signalsD. Digital signals-----------------选择:A 18. ( ), difference between the lowest and highest frequencies transmitted in a particular channel or system.A. AmplitudeB. BandwidthC. BridgeD. Network-----------------选择:B 19. In a ( ) network, all microcomputers and other communication devices are connected to a continuous loop.A. busB. starC. treeD. ring-----------------选择:D 20. ( ) is an acronym for local area network.It is a group of computers and other devices dispersed over a relatively limited area and connected by a communications link.A. LANB. WANC. MAND. None of the above-----------------选择:A 大工 13 秋《专业英语(计算机英语) 》在线测试 2单选题 判断题 二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。 )1. Device drivers are specialized programs designed to allow particular input or output devices to communicate with the rest of the computer system.( )A. 错误B. 正确-----------------选择:B 2. LAN, communications network that covers a wide geographical area, such as a state or a country.( )A. 错误B. 正确-----------------选择:A 3. Upload, to send files from a user's microcomputer to another computer. Compare with download.( )A. 错误B. 正确-----------------选择:B 4. User interface controls how you enter data or instructions and how information is displayed on the computer screen.( )A. 错误B. 正确-----------------选择:B 5. Application software consists of programs that perform specific tasks for users.( )A. 错误B. 正确-----------------选择:B 6. Bridge, interface that enables WANs to communicate.( )A. 错误B. 正确-----------------选择:A 7. Operating system is a set of programs that perform specific tasks for users.( )A. 错误B. 正确-----------------选择:B 8. Gateway, interface that enables dissimilar networks to communicate with one another.( )A. 错误B. 正确-----------------选择:B 9. Language translators convert the programming instructions into a language that computers understand and process.( )A. 错误B. 正确-----------------选择:B 10. C++ is an object-oriented programming language.( )A. 错误B. 正确-----------------选择:B 关 键 词: 大工 13 专业 英语 计算机 在线 测试 答案

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