我的世界服务器官网php源码,[管理|综合] NamelessMC —— 对接到网站,让你的服务器瞬间高大上起来[1.13+]...






Fix broken topic breadcrumb link

Add missing panel template creation to updater

Navbar icons updated to Font Awesome 5

Default Revamp navbar updates

Fix incorrect last online date for users registered through the legacy v1 API

Update Default Revamp remember me label

Update Default template thumbtack icon

Add support for custom plural forms in languages

Remove : appearing after server IP if port is empty

Prevent infinite parent forum configuration loop

Fix plural form not working in some cases for time phrases

Fix Default template broken edit button icon

Update Discord widget description

Fix pre setup widgets and banner on new installations

Fix Default Revamp alerts page title

Fix recaptcha not showing in Default Revamp template

Fix latest posts sometimes showing duplicates

Switch Default Revamp authme templates around

Remove API debug line

Switch registration validation around

Fix timezones for reports

Hide staff groups for "post validation group"

Add terms + conditions to complete signup

Allow redirect custom pages to be accessed directly

Fix guests not being able to view redirect pages directly

Add API method to return list of usernames + their UUIDs

Add banned and active to listUsers response

Allow use of forgot password in maintenance mode

Editor updates

Prevent editor modifying inserted URLs automatically

Assign logged-in user title

Add view all panel templates link variable

Add www to getSelfURL if force www is enabled and www is not in hostname

Allow editing root user's secondary groups

Fix non-friendly URL sitemap generation

Fix widget configuration alignment and text

Add multiple groups to the profile page

Prevent fatal error if Mojang API query returns null

Remove Default Revamp template credits

Add support for Twitter cards

Change topic cancellation buttons to yes/no

Redirect to StaffCP Forums overview when updating a forum

Bring forum search in line with forum title

Add categories to move topic dropdown

Change API URL to non-friendly URL

Add option to display IP address for each server on status page

Fixed fids and gids being too small in forum_topic_labels table

Add support for Twitter cards in Default Revamp template

Inline item content in online staff widget

Make avatar clickable in view topic template

Don't show topic count/latest topic info for redirect forums

Include subforums in move topic dropdown

Add UUID to forum post variables

Remove old code

Add ability to use multiple webhooks

Add last seen, online to view topic and subforum descriptions to view forum

Fix MentionsParser

Remove avatars with different extensions and add timestamp to prevent caching issues

Escape avatar updated variable just in case

Fix default group potentially breaking when creating a new group

Fix API verification issue

Prevent re-querying for permission checks

Fix Default Theme nav style issue

Fix names with special characters having no avatar

Sort groups in order

Add int check to DB Custom bind param

Allow explicitly setting pagination values

Only show email notice in StaffCP with permission

Stop cookie notice automatically closing

Add reCAPTCHA to login screen

Add 403 page

Add more variables to Statistics widget

Fix More dropdown only showing if a custom page is adding to it

Add ability for template to define a settings page

Add per-user template support

Prevent fatal error with insufficient forum permissions

Allow changing group username colour from text input

Add login link to maintenance mode page

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食品购物管理系统是一个基于PHP和MySQL开发的全套源码,用于管理食品的购买和销售。该系统包括前端和后端两部分,前端负责展示食品信息和购物车功能,后端负责处理用户操作并与数据库交互。 该系统的前端部分采用HTML、CSS和JavaScript技术来构建用户界面。用户可以通过前端页面浏览食品的详细信息,如名称、价格、描述等,并将感兴趣的食品添加到购物车中。前端还提供了搜索和排序功能,方便用户快速找到需要购买的食品。购物车功能可以实现添加、删除和结算操作,用户可以通过前端页面完成购买流程。 后端部分使用PHP语言编写,并利用MySQL数据库来存储食品信息和用户订单数据。通过后端程序,用户可以进行注册、登录和管理个人信息等操作。系统还提供了管理员功能,管理员可以管理食品信息、订单以及用户信息。后端会根据用户的请求进行相应的处理,比如添加食品、删除食品、修改食品信息等。同时,后端还会处理用户的支付请求并更新订单状态。 整套源码包括了前端和后端的所有源代码,用户可以根据自己的需求进行二次开发和定制。系统还提供了详细的文档和使用指南,帮助用户快速了解和使用该系统。 食品购物管理系统是一个高效、可靠的解决方案,可以帮助用户方便地管理食品购物和销售,提高工作效率和用户体验。无论是个人还是企业,都可以使用该系统来构建自己的食品购物平台。


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