对象数组是协变的,这意味着就像Integer是Number的子类一样, Integer[]是Number[]的子类。这可能看起来很直观,但可能导致令人惊讶的行为:Integer[] integerArray = {1, 2, 3};
Number[] numberArray = integerArray; // valid
Number firstElement = numberArray[0]; // valid
numberArray[0] = 4L; // throws ArrayStoreException at runtime
尽管Integer[]是Number[]的子类,但它只能保存Integer ,并且尝试分配Long元素会抛出运行时异常。
请注意,此行为对于数组是唯一的,可以通过使用通用List来避免:List integerList = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);
//List numberList = integerList; // compile error
List extends Number> numberList = integerList;
Number firstElement = numberList.get(0);
//numberList.set(0, 4L); // compile error
所有数组元素都不必共享相同的类型,只要它们是数组类型的子类:interface I {}
class A implements I {}
class B implements I {}
class C implements I {}
I[] array10 = new I[] { new A(), new B(), new C() }; // Create an array with new
// operator and array initializer.
I[] array11 = { new A(), new B(), new C() }; // Shortcut syntax with array
// initializer.
I[] array12 = new I[3]; // { null, null, null }
I[] array13 = new A[] { new A(), new A() }; // Works because A implements I.
Object[] array14 = new Object[] { "Hello, World!", 3.14159, 42 }; // Create an array with
// new operator and array initializer.
Object[] array15 = { new A(), 64, "My String" }; // Shortcut syntax
// with array initializer.