html的url转换pdf,URL / HTML to PDF API

We offer a professional HTML to PDF converter API for webpage or HTML to PDF conversion. It lets you create high-quality PDF documents quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively. Use it to create high-quality invoices, reports, tickets, e-books, brochures and much more!


Converts any URL to PDF easily and also converts raw HTML to PDF

Supports full HTML with JavaScript, including modern frameworks like Flexbox and Bootstrap.

Has many options for PDF layout, headers and footers and much more!

Can add watermarks, stamps and/or (full) page backgrounds.

Can encrypt and protect your PDF documents.

Can convert or exclude parts of a webpage

Uses the latest rendering engine that modern browsers use

Ready to use code examples for PHP, JavaScript, C# / .NET, Python, Java, Perl, Ruby and!

Easy usage on the command line - just check our cURL HTML to PDF example or Wget HTML to PDF example.

No installation required, but we do have a .NET component and a PHP library available!

Basic Usage

The PDFmyURL HTML to PDF API is easy to use. It takes a license and either a URL or raw HTML as input and returns the PDF.

You just send a request similar to this, which converts to PDF:

The request should at least have the following components:

endpoint: this should be or for secure access

license: this is mandatory and you will get yours when you sign up

url: the web page that you want to convert OR

html: the raw HTML code that you want to convert

By default we will use all the conversion defaults you set in our members area. Other than that you can use a lot of additional parameters in the API call, which give you access to all the features for conversion. These are all specified below.

In the members area you will also find a default PDF creator version that we use to do your conversions. The current latest version is 3.0 (August 2018), but you can still select version 2.0 (from 2016) or version 1.7 (from 2014). You can use the parameter pdf_creator_version with the API to override this setting for individual conversions as well!

NB: You can use both GET as well as POST requests as long as you properly URL encode the data that you pass.

Setting Options

The sections below describe all the options that you will be able to use with the API. Just attach each parameter to the request.

Example: If you want a PDF in A4 format and portrait orientation, you would use the following request.

Page Dimensions

The table below shows the settings that you can change to control the page settings. These will determine the layout of the resulting PDF.


page_sizePage size, such as A4, Letter etc. See the full list for details.

orientationPortrait or Landscape orientation

widthWidth of the page in unit

heightHeight of the page in unit.

If you specify a width, but not a height, then we generate one long single page PDF.

topTop margin in unit

bottomBottom margin in unit

leftLeft margin in unit

rightRight margin in unit

unitMeasurement unit, which is applied to the margins as well as the width and height.

For version 1.7 / 2.0 of our software this can be mm (millimeters), in (inches) or pt (points).

As of version 3.0 you can use cm (centimeters), mm (millimeters), in (inches) or px (pixels).

The default is millimeters.

Scale Dimensions

Our latest rendering engine has parameters that let you determine at which screen size / viewport we grab the page. This can be useful if you want to grab the mobile version of a webpage or a desktop version at e.g. 2048*1024. Please note that this requires you to use @media statements in your CSS.


screen_widthWidth of the screen

screen_heightHeight of the screen

zoom_factorUse this zoom factor during conversion

For version 2.0 of our software this may alter/improve font kerning e.g. 1.03 for a 3% zoom

For version 3.0 of our software you can zoom in and out from 0.1 (10%) to 2 (200%)

Conversion Parameters

The table below shows the settings that you can change to control the conversion process. These will largely determine the contents of the resulting PDF.


contentControls which content of the page you want to convert or exclude. See part of page conversion for more info.

cssUse custom CSS to style the page to your needs

css_media_typeUse print for the print friendly layout (CSS media type 'print') if your web page has one

bookmarksConvert the headers


to bookmarks in your PDF so you click through to those different sections.

grayscaleConvert to a grayscale PDF

no_backgroundDo not show the web page background in the PDF

no_imagesDo not include any images from the web page in the PDF

no_external_linksDo not show hyperlinks to other domains in the PDF

no_internal_linksDo not show hyperlinks within the domain in the PDF

no_javascriptConvert the page with JavaScript switched off

javascript_timeWait this time in milliseconds for JavaScript to complete, default is 200

titleSet the title of the PDF instead of the value of the

tag from the web page

filenameSet the filename of the PDF, which you see in the top bar when you open the PDF in Adobe Reader.

tocInclude a table of contents at the beginning of the PDF.

The table below shows settings as of version 3.0 that will allow you to improve the way your webpage looks even more.


optimize_layoutOptimize the way your web page looks as a PDF, by adjusting fonts and colors and making sure static items on your webpage (such as headers, navigation bars, notices etc) only appear once.

wait_timeWait for this extra time after the page is loaded for page redirections. Usually 200-500ms should be enough.

lazy_loadUse extra time to render content (usually images or graphs) that's "lazy" loaded via Ajax or that's loaded when you would scroll the page down. The time needed is determined automatically by our software in this case.

Header and Footer settings

The header and footer can be specified in HTML and you can include dates, page numbers and more. Have a look at the full documentation on headers and footers.


headerHTML that you want to use as header

footerHTML that you want to use as footer

page_offsetNumber that will be added to the page number, by default this is 0 so page numbers will start at 1.

Example: set this to -1 if you want the page numbers to start at 0.

Watermarking and Stamping

You can use your own image or text as watermark or stamp for the PDFs that you create. We treat watermarks and stamps as the same thing, because we always place them in the foreground. When you use an opacity of 1 your image will appear as a stamp, otherwise it will look like a watermark.

Watermarks are inserted over the contents of the page only, not over the margins. You can adjust this by using negative positions if you want.


wmURL of the watermark image

wm_textText to use as watermark. This will only be used if you don't specify a watermark image.

wm_fontFont face for the text watermark e.g. Tahoma or Courier

wm_fontsizeSize in points for the text watermark

wm_fontcolorColor for the text watermark, use e.g. #FF0000 for a red text

wm_xThe horizontal position for the watermark

wm_yThe vertical position for the watermark

wm_sxThe horizontal scaling factor for the watermark

Example: use 2 if you want to appear your watermark twice as wide

wm_syThe vertical scaling factor for the watermark

wm_opacityOpacity between 0 and 1. Default is 1, which is fully opague and shows the watermark as a stamp

wm_angleAngle of rotation between 0 and 360

Page background

You can use your own images as the background for the PDFs that you create. Because a lot of users want this functionality to create the resemblance to company stationary, we give you the option to use three different images - one for the first page, one for the middle pages and one for the last page. Obviously you can just use only only for all pages as well if you want.You can also let us scale the background so that it automatically makes up the whole width and/or height (including margins) so you don't have to worry about positioning it correctly.

Backgrounds are by default put behind the page, including the margins. This also allows you to get your own PDF background color, by using a 1 pixel image with the color of your choice for example.


bgURL of the background image, used for the first page (and other pages if bg2 or bg3 are not specified)

bg2URL of the background image, used from the second page onwards

bg3URL of the background image, used for the last page

bg_xThe horizontal position for the background

Default is 0, which is the absolute left of the page

bg_yThe vertical position for the background

Default is 0, which is the absolute top of the page

bg_sxThe horizontal scaling factor for the background

If you use 0 then we will scale to the full width of the page

bg_syThe vertical scaling factor for the background

If you use 0 then we will scale to the full height of the page

bg_opacityOpacity between 0 and 1. Default is 1, which is fully opague

bg_angleAngle of rotation between 0 and 360

PDF encryption and rights management

You can use the encryption settings (also known as PDF rights managements or PDF document security) from the table below. This allows you to control who will be able to open a PDF, print it and more. Just make sure that your version of Acrobat Reader (or other PDF reader) supports the level of encryption that you choose, so you can actually OPEN the resulting PDF!


encryption_levelLevel of encryption of the PDF, which accepts the following values:

40: 40-bit RC4

128: 128-bit RC4

128aes: 128-bit AES

256: 256-bit AES

user_passwordPassword needed to open the PDF

owner_passwordPassword needed to adjust the rights management settings of the PDF

no_printPrevent users from printing the PDF

no_copyPrevent users from copying content from the PDF

no_modifyPrevent users from annotating (commenting) the PDF

Accessing secure sites and/or member areas

We understand that your content may reside in a protected area on your site. If you still want to convert this to PDF, we have the following options for you.

Log into your site from our members area or by using our login API - we will then use the stored cookies for all your conversions.

Pass the page as raw HTML with the html parameter instead of using the url parameter. In that way we don't need to access your page. You can of course use https to access our API to ensure your data is secure. We have created a JavaScript example that demonstrates how you can do this quickly.

Secure your content with basic HTTP authentication and specify the username and password parameters in the API call.

Secure your content with a login form and pass the form fields and values to the API so we can login to your site.

Use cookies on your site (in combination with other measures) to identify legitimate access to your page and pass a cookie jar with cookies. You can also pass a cookie jar in the old Netscape format, which is the format that tools like cURL and wget will generate.

Contact us to discuss other options or ask us to use a specific access routine.


usernameUsername for basic HTTP access authentication

passwordPassword for basic HTTP access authentication

form_urlURL of a login page that you want us to use and post the form_fields to

form_fieldsArray with form fields and values that you want us to post to the login page, so we can login to your site

session_idThe contents of a JSESSIONID cookie, that we should use to access your URL

cookie_jarThe contents of a cookie jar file, that we should use to access your URL

ns_cookie_jarThe contents of a cookie jar file in the old Netscape format (still used by cURL and wget), that we should use to access your URL

Accessing secure sites with the login API

If you want to login to your members area regularly, for example when your cookies expire, then it's easiest if you use our login API. The login API logs in to your members area and then stores the cookies in your settings so they will automatically be used in all conversions for your plan.

It works the same as logging in from our secure login page in the members area or as passing the login parameters to our API, but the advantage is that it saves time and you only need to log in whenever you really want to.

To use the login API you send a request similar to:[user]=xxx&form_fields[password]=xxx

The request should at least have the following components:

endpoint: this should be or for secure access

license: this is mandatory and you will get yours when you sign up

form_url:Your login page, typically something like

form_fields:An array with form fields and values that we will POST to the login page, for example form_fields[username]=user

output: json or text output. This parameter is optional and by default we assume you want a JSON response.

The output that you will receive will be a either an error message or the values of the cookies that we have stored. Note that we will NOT store the login parameters in our database, but only the returned cookies. We do this to protect your privacy.

Example - WordPress login with the PDFmyURL API

With the form_url and form_fields parameters you will be able to let us log in to your site. Just make sure that you specify all the form fields that are actually required to be posted. As an example, here's what you would typically use for a login to a WordPress site.


form_urlYour login page, typically something like

form_fields[log]The username of your WordPress user

form_fields[pwd]The password of your WordPress user

Please note that the login API is currently only available with a paid license.

Return codes

Our API returns HTTP response codes, which you can check to see if the conversion was succesfull or not. The following is the list of return codes we use.


200 OKYour conversion was processed succesfully

400 Bad RequestYou didn't specify anything to convert

401 Authorization requiredYou specified an invalid license key

429 Too Many RequestsYou have overrun a usage limit for your plan

503 Service unavailableYou are sending multiple requests at the same time to the API from the same IP address

520 Invalid page size or marginsYou have set your page size and/or margins in such a way that the page has become too small or large to print on

530 DNS Error for URLThe domain of the URL can not be found

Usage tracking

You can track your PDFmyURL usage via a separate HTTP request. This request by default will give you a JSON response indicating plan details and usage.

Just send a request similar to:

The request should at least have the following components:

endpoint: this should be or for secure access

license: this is mandatory and you will get yours when you sign up

output: json or text output. This parameter is optional and by default we assume you want a JSON response.

The output that you will receive will look something like this. Please be aware that we may add fields to the structure in the future!

array (

'plan' =>

array (

'start' => '2013-04-15',

'end' => '2014-07-15',

'description' => 'Business License - Advanced',

'limit' => '5000',

'limit period' => 'month',

'status' => 'blocked',


'usage' =>

array (

'today' => '65',

'current period' => '5002',

'all time' => '95014',



Note that our date fields are all in the format yyyy-mm-dd and the 'status' field in the 'plan' array will indicate if your plan is 'active' or 'blocked'.

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