


Installation Parameters (2-3-1)

Top floor _________----Enter top landing minus one

Bottom floor _________Lowest landing is always 0

Country AJG _________Enter 0 for NAA, 1=JAPAN,2=GERMANY

Enable ADO__________Set to a 1 to enable Advanced Door Open feature

DBSS parity OE____1_____Drive Dependent Prity Flag –

set to a 1

Car non start _____30__Length of time for a normal high speed run without seeing a DZ signal

Track err% NOR ______15______Set to 15 after Final adjustment

NTSD cutoff% _________ set to 60 initially ,reset during adjusting of NTSD

Upper Access Flr _______ Enter landing number of top access floor

ED car ID____0_____ set to elevator number in group for enhanced diagnostics,REM

Elev type _______enter 8 for GEM,9 for MVS & HVS

Dual ANSI SC brd _____0____

LSP Type ____0_____Can.B44:Enter “1” with rope grabber

Enter “2” with Gov. Trip soleniods Enter 0 for NAA operation

Ena CEN_HONGKONG _____0____ENTER 1 for CEN-HongKong controller

Ena pvt check ____2____

Track. Debnce cyc ____8____

MCSS to OCSS ICD _______0___ Enter 1 for B44 & DLF operation on NAA controllers after 8/1/97

Ena B44 DLF _______0____Enter 1 for B44 & DLF operation on NAA controllers after 8/1/97

ADV PTR option ____0___ HVS=10

Install2 (2-3-2)

Ena Dir Lim NY __0_____N=0,Y=1,Enable software direction limit

Rotate DIR NY______0___N=0,Y=1,Reverse PVT direction information from DBSS

Adv PTR Holdoff ___0_____Advanced prepare to run holdoff (100 ms),10-forgeared,0-for gearless

Wrt Prot Opt NY ____0____N=0,Y=1,Enable running the elevator with the write protect switch enable

Enable prejerk Vel_____0______ Not used on VF Drive

Prejerk Ramp Cyc ____7____

-----------------Dlt ____3______

DOOR COMM TYPE ____0_____DCSS(pnt –pnt)=0,Multidrop=1,Multidrop W/HPLIM=2注意HPLIM设为0

REM Enable _____0_____W/0 REM=0,W/REM=255(ENABLE/DISABLE)

REM Event Buffer _________0___ W/0 REM=0 W/REM=255(enable/unable)

REM Tim Event Ln ___5______ # of 100msec cycles

REM BAUD Rate _____48____ 4800 baud (only)

REM Msg Sumcheck _____255___ W/0 REM =0,W/REM=255(enable/disable)

Profile generator(2-3-3)

Velocity normal __________ Enter contract speed in mm/s

Accelera Normal _____ Enter 600 for all GEM & MVS 5035 duty :1000 for all other MVS/HVS duties

Jerk Normal ___1560____

*Velocity Inspect _____350____

*Accelera Inspect ___600___

*Velocity Learn ____150____

*Accelera Learn __600____

Velocity Relevel __60____

*Accelera Relevel _____300____

Velocity Recover _250_

*Accelera Recover ___600____

*Velocity Slow ____150____

Velocity Reinit _____900___

Accelera Reinit ________Enter 600 for all GEM & MVS 5035 duties 1200 for all other MVS/HVS duties

Accelera NTSD ___________Enter 800 for GEM & MVS 5035 duties 1200 for all other MVS/HVS duties

NTSD Comp Distance ________Enter 200 for 1016 mm/s contract speed

Jerk timed __0_____

Velocity reduced ____700_____

Accelera reduced __600______

Jerk reduced ___600_____

Velocity profile 2 _1000____

Accel profile 2 _____600______

Jerk profile 2 ____1560_____

Velocity profile 3 __1000______

Accel profile 3 __600____

Jerk profile 3 ___1560____

Velocity test __1000_____

Acceleration test _600____

Jerk test ____1560______

Velocity zero ___1____

JPSDO type ____0______

Velocity JPSDO_____0____

*Gain fixed posct ______25_____

*Delta TC ___240____Minimum setting for VF drive

Decel/accel % _____100______

Destination Lead _____0____

Destination Lag______0______

Level tolerance __3_____

Zero speed time ____500____

BKL to Mov time ___0__

EOR PTR time ___0____Without Brake swicth,set to 5

Relevel delay_____50_____

CAB HEIGHT _2500____Set distance in mm to stop car with cross-head level with tp access ldg.level.

Bot ACCESS LEN ___2500____Set distance in mm,when set to 65535,bottom access length is set to full length of hoistway.

Position displmt ____0______

1LS/2LS tolerance _____300____

Slippage tolerance _200_____

Counts per revol ____________Enter 1024 for MVS/GEM 10000 for HVS

Motor speed _______See following table;enter motor rpm

HVS Gearless-156 MST Machine 24” drive sheave *

Contract Velocity

Motor RPM

2540 mm/s(500 fpm)


For other arrangements see formula on page 30 to calculate the “

Motor RPM”.

*Motor Base speed ________set to 80% of contract speed mm/s.

*Velocity Access __250_____Velocity for access operation in mm/s

*Prejerk Pos Delt _____0______Stiction Comp. PVT counts before motion (not used on VF Drive).

Landing Assignments (2-3-5)

Enter a”1” under the column for the appropriate door at each landing

Load Weighing parameters (2-3-6)

Load device type ____4_____

OCSS load enable ___1______

DBSS load enable _______1_____

DBSS ANS Load % ______10_____

DBSS Deflt load% ____40______

DBSS Peak load% ___60______

DBSS Full load% ____80______

DBSS Overload% ____125_____

Offset adjust __________ DI






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


