be2014备份oracle,BE 12.5在备份ORACLE的问题

下面是BE 12.5备份LINUX 下ORACLE 时的错误信息,请高手给以指点,谢谢:

Backup 00040 -- The job failed with the following error: The job failed because Backup Exec could not find the required information in the Remote Agent Utility. Run the Remote Agent Utility and check that the appropriate information has been entered.

b7c17ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:10 2010 : procMsg: connected to target database: TEST (DBID=2031465002)

b7c17ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:10 2010 : procMsg:

b7c17ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:10 2010 : procMsg: using target database control file instead of recovery catalog

b7c17ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : procMsg: RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

b7c17ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : procMsg: RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============

b7c17ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : procMsg: RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

b7c17ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : procMsg: RMAN-03009: failure of allocate command on ch0 channel at 12/31/2010 15:30:11

b7c17ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : procMsg: ORA-19554: error allocating device, device type: SBT_TAPE, device name:

b7c17ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : procMsg: ORA-27023: skgfqsbi: media manager protocol error

b7c17ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : procMsg: ORA-19511: Error received from media manager layer, error text:

b7c17ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : procMsg: Setting job level error from script output to (0xe0001003)

b7c17ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : procMsg:    BEError(0xe0001003) The job failed because Backup Exec could not find the required information in the Remote Agent Utility. Run the Remote Agent Utility and check that the appropriate information has been entered.

b7c17ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : procMsg:

b7c17ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : procMsg: Recovery Manager complete.

b7c17ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : CDbsbOra::runCmd: ***************** FINISHED LOGGING RMAN OUTPUT *****************

b7c17ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : CDbsbOra::runCmd: Child status during exit (1)

b7c17ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : CDbsbOra::runCmd: Child terminated normally with status (1)

b7c17ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : CDbsbOra::runCmd: Exiting runCmd. Closed fd[0]=-1 fd[1]=-1

b7c17ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : CDbsbOra::runRmanCmd: Error occured while trying to execute RMAN

b7c17ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : RMAN_DoCommand: Setting the error obtained from script output (0xe0001003) old error (0x1e)

b7c17ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : RMAN_DoCommand: Error return: (-536866813)

51e4ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : LP_DelegateBackupRestoreDLE: Error returned by LP_DelegateBackupRestoreDLEFunc thread (0xE0001003) )

51e4ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : LP_ENV::MsgError: error 0xe0001003 processing object

51e4ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : Detach from: Oracle-Linux::\\db_master\test

51e4ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : Function called: RMAN_DetachDLE

51e4ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : RMAN_ReleaseDBInfo: Warning - Not all handles were released

51e4ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : Backup Job Stop(0)  - Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010

51e4ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : VX_RemoveDLE: DestroyDLE()

51e4ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : VX_RemoveDLE: DestroyDLE()

51e4ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : VX_RemoveDLE: DestroyDLE()

51e4ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : FreeFormatEnv( cur_fmt=0 )

51e4ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : FreeFormatEnv( cur_fmt=0 )

51e4ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:30:11 2010 : FreeFormatEnv( cur_fmt=0 )

[email=root@db_master]root@db_master[/email] ~]# /opt/VRTSralus/bin/beremote --log-console(下面是相关信息)

b7f376c0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Starting BE Remote Agent

b7f376c0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Requested no generation of log file

b7f376c0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : No configuration file specified.  Using default.

b7f376c0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Log to console: enabled

b7f376c0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Successfully set the supplementary groups of the process

b7f376c0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Initialized locks for SSL callbacks

b7f376c0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Starting NDMP processor

b7f376c0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : NDMPDMainThreadFunc spawned: grpid=1, tid=72928160

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : FS_InitFileSys

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : could not be loaded: 0x       2 (2)

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : could not be loaded: 0x       2 (2)

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : could not be loaded: 0x       2 (2)

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : could not be loaded: 0x       2 (2)

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : could not be loaded: 0x       2 (2)

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : could not be loaded: 0x       2 (2)

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : could not be loaded: 0x       2 (2)

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : could not be loaded: 0x       2 (2)

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : could not be loaded: 0x       2 (2)

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : could not be loaded: 0x       2 (2)

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : could not be loaded: 0x       2 (2)

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : could not be loaded: 0x       2 (2)

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : could not be loaded: 0x       2 (2)

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 :   loaded

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 :   loaded

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 :   loaded

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 :   loaded

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : could not be loaded: 0x       2 (2)

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : could not be loaded: 0x       2 (2)

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 :   loaded

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : could not be loaded: 0x       2 (2)

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Initializing FSs

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : FS 1 failed to initialize: 0xE000FE46

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Function called: RMAN_InitFileSys

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Using 'UTF-8' Encoding.

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Using vfm path /opt/VRTSralus/VRTSvxms from config.

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Sucessfully set VFM_PRIVATE_ROOT env to /opt/VRTSralus/VRTSvxms.

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : VFM_PRIVATE_ROOT was set with value /opt/VRTSralus/VRTSvxms

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 :       VXMS Initialization OK.

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Detected Mounted Filesystem: type mounted at >

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Detected Mounted Filesystem: type mounted at

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Detected Mounted Filesystem: type mounted at

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Detected Mounted Filesystem: type mounted at

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Detected Mounted Filesystem: type mounted at

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Detected Mounted Filesystem: type mounted at

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Detected Mounted Filesystem: type mounted at

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Detected Mounted Filesystem: type mounted at

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Detected Mounted Filesystem: type mounted at

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Successfully resolved the "ndmp" service to port: 10001 (host order)

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : BETCPListener successfully installed a signal handler for SIGTERM

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : BETCPListener::BETCPListener: This system appears to be a Dual IP system

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : BETCPListener::BETCPListener: Successfully set the IPV6_V6ONLY option, this listener may behave as Dual Stack listener

458cba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:01 2010 : Started NDMP Listener on port 10001

3401ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:11 2010 : NrdsAdvertiserThread: advertisement cycle started.

3401ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:11 2010 : RMAN_EnumSelfDLE: Checking if DBName test is part of RAC.

3401ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:11 2010 : NrdsAdvertiserThread: EnumSelfDLE for file system 14 returned 0(0x0) and 0 DLEs

3401ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:11 2010 : **ConfigEx: Successfully refreshed adapter information.

3401ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:11 2010 : NrdsAdvertiserThread: EnumSelfDLE for file system 22 returned 0(0x0) and 1 DLEs

3401ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:11 2010 : NrdsAdvertiserThread: Nrds Message Len : 143.

3401ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:11 2010 : VX_RemoveDLE: DestroyDLE()

3401ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:11 2010 : This instance of BETCPListener was not requested to install a signal handler and hence will not install one!

3401ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:11 2010 : ConnectToServerEndPoint: dest=, service=6101

3401ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:11 2010 : CreateConnection type=0 on socket 5 via BESocket OK

3401ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:11 2010 : NrdsAdvertiserThread: send of db_master type 22 subtype 0 to target= port=6101 succeeded

3401ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:11 2010 : This instance of BETCPListener was not requested to install a signal handler and hence will not install one!

3401ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:11 2010 : ConnectToServerEndPoint: dest=dg38bh52x, service=6101

3401ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:11 2010 : CreateConnection type=0 on socket 5 via BESocket OK

3401ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:11 2010 : NrdsAdvertiserThread: send of db_master type 22 subtype 0 to target=dg38bh52x port=6101 succeeded

3401ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:11 2010 : NrdsAdvertiserThread: advertisement cycle complete.  Waiting 240 minutes before advertising again.

5006ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:16 2010 : NrdsAdvertiserThread: negative (purge) advertisement cycle started.

5006ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:16 2010 : NrdsAdvertiserThread: no purge is pending.

5006ba0 Fri Dec 31 15:32:16 2010 : NrdsAdvertiserThread: negative (purge) advertisement cycle complete.  Waiting 240 minutes before advertising again.

[root@popgo-tsdb ralus]# more /etc/VRTSralus/ralus.cfg

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Agent Browser\TcpIp\AdvertisementPort=6101

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Debug\AgentConfig=0

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Debug\VXBSAlevel=5

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\Advertise All=1

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\Advertise Now=0

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\Advertisement Purge=0

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\Advertising Disabled=0

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\Advertising Interval Minutes=240

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\Agent Directory List_1=

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\Agent Directory List_2=dg38bh52x

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\Agent Directory List_3=

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\Auto Discovery Enabled=1

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\NDMP connect open time out seconds=30

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\XBSA\Machine\Machine\FQDN=

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\XBSA\Machine\Machine\HostUsername=oracle

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\XBSA\Oracle RMAN Agent\SID\test\DatabaseLogin=sys

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\XBSA\Oracle RMAN Agent\SID\test\DatabasePassword=KRfC\LmTIiL

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\XBSA\Oracle RMAN Agent\SID\test\ISRAC=NO

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\XBSA\Oracle RMAN Agent\SID\test\JobTemplate=Default

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\XBSA\Oracle RMAN Agent\SID\test\MediaServerName=

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\XBSA\Oracle RMAN Agent\SID\test\ORACLE_DBID=

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\XBSA\Oracle RMAN Agent\SID\test\ORACLE_DBNAME=test

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\XBSA\Oracle RMAN Agent\SID\test\RecoveryCatalogPassword=

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\XBSA\Oracle RMAN Agent\SID\test\RecoveryCatalogTNSname=

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Agents\XBSA\Oracle RMAN Agent\SID\test\RecoveryCatalogUser=

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Logging\RANT NDMP Debug Level=0

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\RALUS\Encoder=

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\RALUS\ShowTSAFS=

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\RALUS\SystemExclude1=/mnt/nss/pools/

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\RALUS\SystemExclude2=/mnt/nss/.pools/

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\RALUS\SystemExclude3=/_admin/*.*

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\RALUS\SystemFSTypeExclude1=devpts

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\RALUS\SystemFSTypeExclude2=proc

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\RALUS\SystemFSTypeExclude3=sysfs

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\RALUS\SystemFSTypeExclude4=rpc_pipefs

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\RALUS\SystemFSTypeExclude5=tmpfs

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\RALUS\SystemFSTypeExclude6=ftp

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\RALUS\SystemFSTypeExclude7=ntfs

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\RALUS\VfmPath=/opt/VRTSralus/VRTSvxms

Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Network\TcpIp\OracleDb2ConnectionPort=5633

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