


本次Elysium Project团队(以下简称E服)正式在今天发出了关于最终2次压力测试的时间,这可以让更多人更兴奋了。E服表示将急需沿用N服的名称“Nostalrius PvP",并且还将在后续开放“Nostalrius PvE",这对于很多玩家莫过于好消息,好像仿佛时间从未流逝,一切又回来N服关服之前了,如果你想了解压力测试的具体时间并参与进来的话,那么一定要好好看接下来此次公告的原文:




我们将于11月20日星期日,GMT + 1(北京是GMT+8时差7个小时)下午6点开始开启压力测试。这种压力测试的目的是将我们的硬件和代码推向极限(希望更多的玩家来挤爆服务器,让他们在正式开服不会出现崩溃)。我们要求所有想确保顺利开服的玩家参加。它是启动任何服务器的极其重要的部分,高在线率(越高越好)是成功的关键。如果我们现在能够找到并修复任何问题,我们将不必在开服时再去处理它。服务器将运行Nostalrius代码。在测试期间,我们将把服务器运行能力推到其极限,同时会开放给你们一些有趣的事情去做。我们将产生不同程度的为1级的大量怪物(有点类似以前暴雪做过的,或者说国内的怪物攻城之类的),以推动服务器的计算能达到极限。





- 角色转移过程(从Nostalrius数据库到Elysium)已经稳定下来。我们正在敲出一些更多的细节,以确保转移是尽可能简单,安全,有效。

- 内部测试/研究当前的问题和压力测试的准备工作已经开始。

- 已经开始准备设置帐户DB(数据库)转移系统。

- Elysium项目官方分会&AMA

明天,11月13日星期日,我们将在Reddit上进行AMA。我们邀请所有有问题的人向我们提问我们的新官方Subreddit,www.reddit.com/r/Elysium ,我们期待与您取得联系,并安排任何关注,休息,以及采取您的建议。(这个主要就是和他们进行交流的,有兴趣可以前去)



托管Nostalrius角色和数据库的PvP服将被命名为“Nostalrius PvP”,就像你从以前的服务器中知道的一样。这同样适用于PvE领域,将被命名为“Nostalrius PvE”。最后还有一个服,将运行着为大家为爱的Nostalrius的代码,并提供一个全新的服务器,将被命名为现在已经关了的服:Elysium PvP


我们对此决定有长期而艰苦的思考。工作人员一致同意Nostalrius PvP服将首先开放。我们知道,大多数玩家都期待着在Elysium PvP新鲜的服务器玩。然而,有很大的理由在全新的服务器之前推出Nostalrius PvP服。 Nostalrius PvP服务器是这一复兴的最重要的方面。我们成功的一大部分将是能够带回你的人物的结果。这只会增加项目的声誉和宣传,给予更多的尊重和玩家。玩家也是我们选择的一个大方面。释放Nostalrius PvP服首先将对全新服务器的玩家产生较小的影响。然而,根据民意调查,Elysium的新服将拥有最活跃的玩家,所以通过这个顺序推出,我们有效地平衡了两个服务器。最后一个原因是错误修复。通过在推出全新服务器之前修复bug,我们将在未来和未来使它成为一个更加原始的地方。但是,不要害怕! Nostalrius PvP和全新的服务器之间只有3-4周的时间。


@NFU翻译小组 (欢迎有英语能力的同学可以加入我们!QQ 3129910559 敲门暗号 翻译)

Elysium高素质国人综合群 565669675


Realm Names, Launch Order, Stress Testing, and the Future

Dear community, we have been working very hard since our last announcement to get things running, and it's time for an update! Thank you very much for the patience you have all shown thus far. We know it is not easy to wait for something as exciting as the return of your long lost characters. So let's take a look at what's been happening, and what you can expect in the upcoming few days.

Stress testing

We will be holding a stress test on Sunday, November 20th, starting at 6pm GMT+1. The purpose of this stress test will be to push our hardware and code to the limits. We ask that all players who want to ensure a smooth launch take part. It is an extremely critical part of launching any server, and high attendance is crucial in it’s success. If we are able to locate and repair any problems now, we won’t have to deal with it at launch. The server will be running the Nostalrius code. During the test, we will be pushing the server to its limits and give you something entertaining to do at the same time. We will be spawning monsters of varying degree for the masses of level 1's to battle in order to push calculations to the limit.

We would also like to inform you that the stress tests will not be branded to specific servers. This is a general test. We will begin with the old Elysium hardware in order to gauge its potential with the optimized Nostalrius core. We expect this server to cap out at around 5k players, and if it meets our expectations will use it for the smallest of the three realms.

We will be holding a second stress test on Sunday, November 27th. This test will be on the new hardware, and will be able to handle far more significant numbers. In order to participate in the stress test, you will need to sign up for an account here, the link for which will be provided in an announcement prior to the test. Please be aware that the anti-cheat system will be disabled for the stress test. Again, we cannot stress how important it is to show up for this event!

Technical progress

The core has been successfully ported, and is live on our internal test realm.

The character transfer process (from Nostalrius database to Elysium) has been solidified. We are hammering out a few more — details to make sure that the transfer is as simple, safe, and effective as possible.

Internal testing/research of current issues and preparations for the stress test has begun.

Preparations have begun for setting up the account DB transfer systems.

Elysium Project official subreddit & AMA

Tomorrow, Sunday, Nov 13, we will be conducting an AMA on Reddit. We invite all who have questions to ask us anything on our new official Subreddit, www.reddit.com/r/Elysium Project! We're looking forward to getting in touch with you all and laying any concerns to rest, as well as taking your suggestions.

Realm Names

We understand there has been concerns about whether or not we would rename the realms running the Nostalrius core and database. The majority of you has expressed your clear desire to keep the names, as you knew them. Therefore, we are excited to introduce to you today, the names of the realms.

The PvP realm hosting the Nostalrius character database will be named “Nostalrius PvP” exactly as you knew it from the previous realm. The same goes for the PvE realm, that will be named “Nostalrius PvE”.

The last realm, that will be running the beloved Nostalrius core, and offering a completely fresh start, will be named in memory of the, now defunct, realm: Elysium PvP

What server comes first?

We have thought long and hard about this decision. The staff is in unanimous agreement that the Nostalrius PvP realm will come first. We understand that the majority of players are looking forward to playing on the Elysium PvP fresh realm. However, there are significant reasons to launch the Nostalrius PvP realm before the fresh realm. The Nostalrius PvP server is the most significant aspect of this revival. A huge part of our success will be in the result of being able to bring your characters back. This will only add to the reputation and hype of the project, lending more respect and population. Population is also a large aspect of our choice. Releasing the Nostalrius PvP realm first will minorly effect the population of the fresh realm. However, based on polls, the Elysium fresh realm will have the most active players, and so by launching in this order, we effectively balance out the two servers. One last reason is bug fixes. By fixing bugs before launching the brand new server, we will be making it a far more pristine place early on, and in the future. However, do not fear! There will only be a 3-4 week period between Nostalrius PvP and the fresh realm.

We want to thank the community again for all the support you have shown us this week. We're looking forward to the stress test, and to see your reactions as you step foot on Nostalrius once again. Expect to hear from us again next week with more instructions on how to log on to the stress test!

Just for clarification, the 3-4 week time frame represents the maximum amount of time between the launch of these two servers. Assuming all goes well with the PvP relaunch, the fresh realm could come sooner than you think.

November 12, 2016

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