aspjavascript编辑器_最好用的 JavaScript IDE 或编辑器是哪个?


1. webstorm:日常的代码提交,ftp使用等。版本8.5,10安装之后特别卡,没办法退回来了。

2. sublime:日常代码的开发或编辑使用其内置的vim功能。版本:2,3总是这样那样的问题。

3. atom:简单的代码阅读。版本:1.0

4. editplus,Notepad2:临时代码的编辑。

他们对Emmet支持也是不错的, Emmet Documentation,而这两个对他的支持是:

sublime text 是所有编辑器里边支持emmet比较好的的唯一一款。


phpstorm,intellij idea包括所有webstorm的功能。只是phpstorm是针对phper的,idea是针对javaer,webstorm针对前端er。


一. css工具:

a. 可以以插件的形式安装在dreamweaver,notepad++,editplus,sublime各个编辑器上。


1). css :他与其它编辑器的区别在于细节上,比如ctrl,alt+方向键可以修和里边的数值

2). html 效果:

3). sublime的emmet规则修改:


b. 只有一个例外jetbrain公司的产品线:webstorm,phpstorm,intellij idea都是内置的,不需要安装。



2). webstorm的emmet规则修改:Files -> settings -> Live Templates

2. css压缩办法:

a. 通过正则五步替换法,适用于任何编辑器:

b. 模块化工具


CuteEditor for ASP.NET中文版是建立在Html基础之上,最简单易用、功能最强大的所见即所得Asp.net在线编辑器。 CuteEditor可以帮助Asp.net开发者轻松的对原来文本框(Textarea)中的内容(包括文字、图片等Html内容)进行编辑,更重要得是这些内容编辑的实现是所见即所得方式。 CuteEditor还集成了文件(包括图片、文档等)上传、媒体(包括视频、声音等,支持YouTube)文件直接插入等对你来说非常实用的功能模块。 对于商业授权用户,他们以完全自己进行操作升级和安全维护,我们制定了多种授权方式供广大用户选择。 CuteEditor功能特点 是什么使CuteEditor成为Html在线编辑器的领航者?除了其强大的功能和方便的使用, 这里还有一些顶尖的技术因素是CuteEditor编辑器成为你编辑和发布Web内容的最佳选择: 跨浏览器、跨平台的所见即所得网页编辑器 Compatible with the most important browsers available in the market: IE 5.5+, Firefox 1.0+, Mozilla 1.3+, Netscape 7+, Chrome and Safari (1.3+). This includes Macintosh and Linux. 界面简洁加载速度快 Numerous optimization methods has been applied. It's clean, compact, extremely fast-loading, but still powerful and efficient. CuteEditor遵循Web标准,没有类似 这种标签 Does your online html editor still use deprecated tags such as <FONT>? Cute Editor will help you build sites that adhere to the latest HTML standards, generates clean HTML/XHTML code with no deprecated tags. 能自动清理HTML代码中Word标记 When text is pasted from Microsoft Word allot of unnecessary word specific markup is carried across. This can result in web pages that take an unnecessarily long time to download. The Paste from Word button solves this by removing word markup before pasting the text into your page. 对于开发人员来说简单易用 The perfect addition to your content management system! Only a couple lines of code , you don't need to be an expert. Allows you to add an online HTML editing functionality that works with standard HTML form. 很容易用API隐藏按钮和Tabs标记 Cute Editor allows developers to set the image directory, set the controls width, disable image uploading and deleting, restrict access to the source/preview tabs, hide buttons and lists that you don't want your clients to see or access. 高级表格管理 Create and modify tables and table cells. Set their border color, alignment, cellspacing and more! Once you've created a table, simply right click inside of it and use the handy popup menu to change its attributes. <caption>,<summary>,<thead>,<tfoot>,<th> tags are supported. 图片插入和自动上传 Built-in thumbnail generator. Thumbnail images are dynamically created; Supports upload new images. Paging - specify how many images. Support auto resize images. 用模板来管理内容 The basic idea behind a Content Management System (CMS) is to separate the management of content from design. Cute Editor allows the site designer to easily create and establish templates to give the site a uniform look. Templates may be modified when desired. 在线图像编辑 People that input content on a website are generally not web designers, so most don't have that design & technical fibre in them. With online image editor, you can now edit image file with no image editing software to download or install! Easy drag and drop familiar interface. Resize, change dimensions, scale, crop, add text, optimize, rotate, flip, mirror and add watermark. 把图片存储于数据库中 With CuteEditor you can easily use a Sql Server database or access database as the file storage. RTF到HTML的相互转换 With CuteEditor you can easily convert an HTML document into an RTF file and RTF file into HTML or XHTML document. 创建PDF文件 CuteEditor also allows you dynamically create Adobe PDF documents from ASP.NET. 高级文件上传模式 We integrate a hi-performance ASP.NET upload component - Ajax uploader into Cute Editor. Ajax Uploader allows you to select and upload multiple files at once. It also supports client side validation of the file size/type before uploading.




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