






上传日期:2012-12-06 16:04:53

上 传 者:BOZEN

说明:  matlab 高光谱处理工具箱

( Matlab Hyperspectral Toolbox

Copyright 2008-2012 Isaac Gerg


A Note on Notation

Hyperspectral data is often expressed many ways to better describe the

mathematical handling of the data mainly as a vector of pixels when

referring to the data in a space or a matrix of pixels when referring to

data as an image.





% Matlab Hyperspectral Toolbox % Copyright 2008-2012 Isaac Gerg % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % A Note on Notation % Hyperspectral data is often expressed many ways to better describe the % mathematical handling of the data; mainly as a vector of pixels when % referring to the data in a space or a matrix of pixels when referring to % data as an image. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Dependencies % FastICA - % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Functions % % Reading/Writing Data Files % hyperReadAvirisRfl - Reads AVIRIS .rfl files % hyperReadAvirisSpc - Read AVIRIS .spc files % hyperReadAsd - Reads ASD Fieldspec files. (.asd, .000, etc) % % Data Formatting % hyperConvert2D - Converts data from a 3D HSI data cube to a 2D matrix % hyperConvert3D - Converts data from a 2D matrix to a 3D HSI data cube % hyperNormalize - Normalizes data to be in range of [0,1] % hyperConvert2Jet - Converts a 2D matrix to jet colormap values % hyperResample - Resamples hyperspectral data to new wavelength set % % Unmixing % hyperAtgp - ATGP algorithm % hyperIcaEea - ICA-Endmember Extraction Algorithm % hyperIcaComponentScores - Computes ICA component scores for relevance % hyperVca - Vertex Component Analysis % hyperPPI - Pixel Purity Index % % Target Detection % hyperACE - Adaptive cosine/coherent estimator % hyperGLRT - Generalized liklihood ratio test % hyperHUD - Hybrid instructured detector % hyperAMSD - Adaptive matched subspace detector % hyperMatchedFilter - Matched filter % hyperOsp - Orthogonal subspace projection % hyperCem - Constrained energy minimization % hyperPlmf - PCA local matched filter % hyperRmf - Regularized match filter % % Material Count Estimation % hyperHfcVd - Computes virtual dimensionality (VD) using HFC method % % Data Conditioning % hyperPct - Pricipal component transform % hyperMnf - Minimum noise fraction % hyperDestreak - Destreaking algorithm % % Abundance Map Generation % hyperUcls - Unconstrained least squares % hyperNnls - Non-negative least squares % hyperFcls - Fully constrains least squares % % Spectral Measuring % hyperSam - Spectral Angle Mapper % hyperSid - Spectral Information Divergence % hyperNormXCorr - Normalized Cross Correlation % % Miscellaneous % hyperMax2d - Finds the max value and corresonding position in a matrx % % Sensor Specific % hyperGetHymapWavelengthsNm - Returns list of Hymap wavelengths % % Statistics % hyperCov - Sample covariance matrix estimator % hyperCorr - Sample autocorrelation matrix estimator % % Demos % hyperDemo - General toolbox usage % hyperDemo_detectors - Target detection algorithms % hyperDemo_RIT_data - RIT target detection blind test % hyperDemo_ASD_reader - Reads ASD Fieldspec files
% Matlab Hyperspectral Toolbox % Copyright 2008-2009 Isaac Gerg % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % A Note on Notation % Hyperspectral data is often expressed many ways to better describe the % mathematical handling of the data; mainly as a vector of pixels when % referring to the data in a space or a matrix of pixels when referring to % data as an image. % For consistency, a common notation is defined to % differentiate these concepts clearly. Hyperspectral data examined like an % image will be defined as a matrix Mm譶譸 of dimension m �n �p where m % is defined as the number of rows in the image, n is defined as the % number of columns in the image, and p is defined as the number of bands % in the image. Therefore, a single element of such an image will be % accessed using Mi,j,k and a single pixel of an image will be accessed % using Mi,j,: Hyperspectral data formed as a vector of vectors % (i.e. 2D matrix) is defined as M(m穘)譸 of dimension (m�n)譸. % A single element is accessed using Mi,j and a single pixel is % accessed using M:,j . Notice the multi-element notation is consistent % with MatlabTM this is intentional. % The list below provides a summary of the notation convention used % throughout this code. % % M Data matrix. Defined as an image of spectral signatures or vectors: % Mm譶譸. Or, defined as a long vector of spectral signatures: % M(m穘)譸. % N The total number of pixels. For example N = m �n. % m Number of rows in the image. % n Number of columns in the image. % p Number of bands. % q Number of classes / endmembers. % U Matrix of endmembers. Each column of the matrix represents an % endmember vector. % b Observation vector; a single pixel. % x Weight vector. A matrix of weight vectors forms an abundance % map. % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Dependencies % FastICA - % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Functions % % Reading/Writing Data Files % hyperReadAvirisRfl - Reads AVIRIS .rfl files % hyperReadAvirisSpc - Read AVIRIS .spc files % hyperReadAsd - Reads ASD Fieldspec files. (.asd, .000, etc) % % Data Formatting % hyperConvert2D - Converts data from a 3D HSI data cube to a 2D matrix % hyperConvert3D - Converts data from a 2D matrix to a 3D HSI data cube % hyperNormalize - Normalizes data to be in range of [0,1] % hyperConvert2Jet - Converts a 2D matrix to jet colormap values % hyperResample - Resamples hyperspectral data to new wavelength set % % Unmixing % hyperAtgp - ATGP algorithm % hyperIcaEea - ICA-Endmember Extraction Algorithm % hyperIcaComponentScores - Computes ICA component scores for relevance % hyperVca - Vertex Component Analysis % hyperPPI - Pixel Purity Index % % Target Detection % hyperACE - Adaptive cosine/coherent estimator % hyperGLRT - Generalized liklihood ratio test % hyperHUD - Hybrid instructured detector % hyperAMSD - Adaptive matched subspace detector % hyperMatchedFilter - Matched filter % hyperOsp - Orthogonal subspace projection % hyperCem - Constrained energy minimization % % Material Count Estimation % hyperHfcVd - Computes virtual dimensionality (VD) using HFC method % % Data Conditioning % hyperPct - Pricipal component transform % hyperMnf - Minimum noise fraction % hyperDestreak - Destreaking algorithm % % Abundance Map Generation % hyperUcls - Unconstrained least squares % hyperNnls - Non-negative least squares % hyperFcls - Fully constrains least squares % % Spectral Measuring % hyperSam - Spectral Angle Mapper % hyperSid - Spectral Information Divergence % hyperNormXCorr - Normalized Cross Correlation % % Miscellaneous % hyperMax2d - Finds the max value and corresonding position in a matrx % % Sensor Specific % hyperGetHymapWavelengthsNm - Returns list of Hymap wavelengths % % Statistics % hyperCov - Sample covariance matrix estimator % hyperCorr - Sample autocorrelation matrix estimator % % Demos % hyperDemo - General toolbox usage % hyperDemo_detectors - Target detection algorithms % hyperDemo_RIT_data - RIT target detection blind test % hyperDemo_ASD_reader - Reads ASD Fieldspec files




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