frozen css 复制,html - CSS to create frozen row and column headers in table within overflow div? - Sta...

I've not found pure html/css solution that does the following:

uses tables semantically

fixes both header and column

works with variable width columns

works with vertical and horizontal scrolling

Here's something I hacked together that does work

The thing I don't like about it is that the content in the header th elements is duplicated. I think with a little additional hacking this could be fixed.

In the spirit of putting code in the answer, here's the code:


header 1
header 1
header 2
header 2
header 3
header 3
header 4
header 4
header 5
header 5
header 6
header 6
header 7
header 7
header 8
header 8
header 9
header 9
header 10
header 10
header 11
header 11
header 12
header 12
header 13
header 13
header 14
header 14
header 15
header 15
header 16
header 16
header 17
header 17
header 18
header 18
header 19
header 19
header 20
header 20
hello 1helloworld 1world 2world 3world 4world 5world 6world 7world 8world 9world 10world 11world 12world 13world 14world 15world 16world 17world 18world 19world 20hello 2helloworld 1world 2world 3world 4world 5world 6world 7world 8world 9world 10world 11world 12world 13world 14world 15world 16world 17world 18world 19world 20hello 3helloworld 1world 2world 3world 4world 5world 6world 7world 8world 9world 10world 11world 12world 13world 14world 15world 16world 17world 18world 19world 20hello 4helloworld 1world 2world 3world 4world 5world 6world 7world 8world 9world 10world 11world 12world 13world 14world 15world 16world 17world 18world 19world 20hello 5helloworld 1world 2world 3world 4world 5world 6world 7world 8world 9world 10world 11world 12world 13world 14world 15world 16world 17world 18world 19world 20hello 6helloworld 1world 2world 3world 4world 5world 6world 7world 8world 9world 10world 11world 12world 13world 14world 15world 16world 17world 18world 19world 20hello 7helloworld 1world 2world 3world 4world 5world 6world 7world 8world 9world 10world 11world 12world 13world 14world 15world 16world 17world 18world 19world 20hello 8helloworld 1world 2world 3world 4world 5world 6world 7world 8world 9world 10world 11world 12world 13world 14world 15world 16world 17world 18world 19world 20


td, th {

padding: 5px;

white-space: nowrap;


td {

background: linear-gradient(135deg, white 0%, #a80077 99%, black 100%);


th {

height: 0;

font-weight: normal;


.scrollx {

max-width: 100%;

overflow-x: scroll;


.scrolly {

position: relative;

max-height: 150px;

overflow-y: scroll;

margin-bottom: 20px;


table {

border-collapse: collapse;

min-width: 100%;


table td.fill,

table th.fill {

width: 100%;

min-width: 0;

background: white;

padding: 0;


tr {

position: relative;


.sticky {

text-decoration: underline;

font-weight: 700;


.stuck {

position: absolute;


thead th {

position: relative;


thead th div {

padding: 5px;

background: linear-gradient(135deg, black 0%, #a80077 99%, white 100%);

color: #ffffff;

position: absolute;

z-index: 2;

top: 0;

left: 0;

right: 0;



$(function() {


$("table").each(function(index, table) {

var firstRow = $($(table).find('tr')[0]);

var offset = 0;

var stickies = firstRow.find('.sticky');

firstRow.children().each(function(index, td) {

var width = $(td).width();

$(table).find('tr td:nth-of-type('+(index+1)+')').css({width: width + 'px'});

$(table).find('tr th:nth-of-type('+(index+1)+')').css({width: width + 'px'});


stickies.each(function(index, td) {

var column = $(table).find('tr .sticky:nth-of-type('+(index+1)+')');

column.css({left: offset+'px'});


offset += $(td).width() + 10;


$(table).parent().css({"margin-left": offset+'px'});

$(table).parent().parent().scroll(function(e) {

var top = e.currentTarget.scrollTop;

$(table).find('thead tr th div').css({top:top+'px'});




So, what's this doing?

it's using absolute positioning on the fixed (or "sticky") columns to keep the stuck on the left. To support variable widths, it's calculating the width before setting the position to absolute. Then a margin is applied to the left of the table container to compensate for the absolutely positioned columns.

For fixing the header, it's absolutely positioning the nested divs on the th elements, and then adjusting their "top" css property whenever the table is scrolled. Why the duplicated content? It's there so that the column width correctly takes into account the width of the header content.

This is a pretty rough implementation - the jquery code here is meant to be a proof of concept.

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