I am trying to calculate user's login time in hours and mins for current day.
I have my session table as
id| user_id | logintime |logouttime | isactive
1| 100 | 2017-06-12 22:53:53 |2017-06-13 02:53:53 | 0
2| 100 | 2017-06-13 08:53:53 |2017-06-13 09:13:53 | 0
3| 100 | 2017-06-13 10:53:53 |2017-06-13 11:33:53 | 0
4| 100 | 2017-06-13 11:53:53 |2017-06-13 12:13:53 | 0
5| 100 | 2017-06-13 12:53:53 |NULL (As user is currently logged in)| 1
I want a query which can calculate total login day of current day let say the date is 13 today. One more thing i want to mention is that in Record id 1 it states that user did login at 12-06-2017 but as i need record time of 13 so it will start from 2017-06-13 00:00:00 (as login time of that day).
Thanks in advance.
So far query i tried which is giving wrong calculation for the id 1 and 5 .
for id 1 it is calculating the minutes of yesterday also and for 5th it is giving null as user is currently logged in
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(minute,logintime,logouttime) FROM `table` WHERE user_id= 17 and DATE(logouttime) = DATE(UTC_TIMESTAMP)
For active sessions you could use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP instead of logouttime value. Create view with corrected timestamps to avoid duplicate same select subquery in your query:
CREATE VIEW sessions_view AS
IF(isactive, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, logouttime) AS logouttime
FROM sessions_table;
To split sessions that passes from one day to another use UNION syntax with conditions. Use TIMESTAMPDIFF function to get difference between logintime and logouttime values. To get aggregated duration that is time data type, use SUM aggregate function and SEC_TO_TIME to convert seconds to DATETIME value:
DATE(logintime) AS `day`,
SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, logintime, logouttime)))
IF(DATE(logouttime)>DATE(logintime), TIMESTAMP(DATE(logouttime)), logouttime) AS logouttime
FROM sessions_view
TIMESTAMP(DATE(logouttime)) AS logintime,
FROM sessions_view
WHERE DATE(logouttime)>DATE(logintime)) splited_sessions
GROUP BY user_id, `day`;
If you want to get data for specific date only, then append following WHERE clause to the query:
WHERE DATE(logintime) = '2017-06-13'