










第1章 程序设计概述

1.1  基本概念

1.1.1  程序

1.1.2  计算机程序

1.1.3  程序设计

1.1.4  软件

1.2  程序设计语言

1.3  问题求解与算法设计

1.3.1  计算机求解问题的步骤

1.3.2  算法定义

1.3.3  伪代码

1.3.4  流程图

1.3.5  N—S图

1.3.6 UML

1.4 C语言概述

1.4.1  C语言的发展过程和特点

1.4.2  C程序设计的基本结构

1.4.3  C语言程序的运行

1.5 C程序集成开发环境——Visual C++6.0

1.5.1 启动VC++

1.5.2  新建/打开C语言程序文件

1.5.3  保存程序

1.5.4  执行程序

1.5.5  关闭程序工作区


第2章 数据类型、运算符与表达式

2.1 C语言的数据类型

2.2  常量与变量

2.2.1  关键字

2.2.2  标识符

2.2.3  常量与符号常量

2.2.4  变量

2.3  整型数据

2.3.1  整型常量

2.3.2  整型变量

2.4  实型数据

2.4.1  实型常量

2.4.2  实型变量

2.5  字符型数据

2.5.1  字符常量

2.5.2  转义字符

2.5.3  字符串常量

2.5.4  字符变量

2.6  变量赋初值

2.7  算术运算符和算术表达式

2.7.1  C语言运算符简介

2.7.2  算术运算符和算术表达式

2.8  赋值运算符和赋值表达式

2.8.1  赋值运算符

2.8.2  赋值表达式

2.9  逗号运算符和逗号表达式

2.10  本章小结及常见错误列举


第3章  程序结构

3.1  顺序结构程序设计

3.1.1  C语言中的语句

3.1.2  格式化输入/输出函数

3.1.3  字符输入/输出函数

3.1.4  顺序结构程序举例

3.2  选择结构程序设计

3.2.1  关系运算符及关系表达式

3.2.2  逻辑运算符和逻辑表达式

3.2.3  选择结构

3.2.4  条件运算符

3.2.5  switch语句

3.2.6  选择结构程序举例

3.3  循环结构程序设计

3.3.1  goto语句

3.3.2  while语句构成的循环结构

3.3.3  do—while语句构成的循环结构

3.3.4  for循环

3.3.5  循环的嵌套

3.3.6  break语句和continue语句

3.3.7  应用综合举例

3.4  本章小结及常见错误列举


第4章  数组

4.1  一维数组

4.1.1  一维数组的定义

4.1.2  一维数组的初始化

4.1.3  一维数组元素的引用

4.1.4  一维数组程序举例

4.2  二维数组

4.2.1  二维数组的定义

4.2.2  二维数组的初始化

4.2.3  二维数组元素的引用

4.2.4  二维数组程序举例

4.3  字符串

4.3.1  C语言对字符串的约定

4.3.2  字符串的存储

4.3.3  字符串的输入/输出

4.3.4  字符串处理函数

4.3.5  字符串程序举例

4.4  本章小结及常见错误列举


第5章  指针

5.1  指针变量的定义与应用

5.1.1  变量的地址和指针的概念

5.1.2  指针变量的定义

5.1.3  指针变量的赋值

5.1.4  对指针变量的操作

5.2  指针和一维数组

5.2.1  数组元素的指针

5.2.2  通过指针引用数组元素

5.3  指针和二维数组

5.3.1  二维数组与一维数组的关系

5.3.2  二维数组元素地址的表示方法

5.3.3  指向二维数组元素的指针变量

5.3.4  指向二维数组行的指针变量

5.3.5  指针数组

5.4  指针与字符串

5.4.1  使用指针指向字符串

5.4.2  指向指针的指针变量

5.5  本章小结及常见错误列举


第6章  其他数据类型

6.1  结构体

6.1.1  结构体类型的定义

6.1.2  结构体变量

6.1.3  结构体数组

6.2  结构体与指针

6.2.1  指向结构体变量的指针

6.2.2  指向结构体数组的指针

6.2.3  用指针处理静态链表简介

6.3  共用体

6.4  枚举类型

6.5  用typedef定义数据类型

6.6  位运算

6.6.1  位运算符和位运算

6.6.2  位运算举例

6.7  本章小结及常见错误列举


第7章  函数

7.1  概述

7.2  函数的定义

7.3  函数的一般调用

7.3.1  函数调用方式

7.3.2  函数声明

7.4  函数参数的传递方式

7.4.1  形参和实参

7.4.2  数组元素作为实参

7.4.3  数组名作函数参数

7.4.4  二维数组名作函数参数

7.5  函数的嵌套与递归调用

7.5.1  函数的嵌套调用

7.5.2  函数的递归调用

7.6  函数与指针

7.6.1  指针作函数参数

7.6.2  返回指针值的函数

7.6.3  函数指针和指向函数的指针变量

7.6.4  主函数main的参数

7.7  函数与结构体

7.7.1  用结构体变量作参数

7.7.2  用指向结构体变量的指针作参数

7.8  变量的作用域

7.8.1  局部变量

7.8.2  全局变量

7.8.3  自动变量

7.8.4  寄存器变量

7.8.5  静态变量

7.9  内部函数与外部函数

7.9.1  内部函数

7.9.2  外部函数

7.10  预处理命令

7.10.1  宏定义

7.10.2  文件包含

7.10.3  条件编译

7.11  模块结构程序设计

7.11.1  结构化程序设计方法

7.11.2  模块化程序设计

7.11.3  结构化程序编写

7.11.4  学生成绩统计程序

7.12  模块结构程序的工程创建与调试

7.13  本章小结及常见错误列举



8.1  C文件概述

8.2  文件类型指针

8.3  文件的打开与关闭

8.3.1  文件的打开

8.3.2  文件的关闭

8.4  文件的读写

8.4.1  fputc(putc)函数和fgetc(gete)igl数

8.4.2  fgets函数和fputs函数

8.4.3  fread函数和fwrite函数

8.4.4  fprintf函数和fscanf函数

8.5  文件的定位

8.5.1  rewind函数

8.5.2  fseek函数

8.5.3  ftell函数

8.6  文件检测函数

8.7  本章小结及常见错误列举


第9章  综合应用

9.1  动态链表

9.2  系统功能与分析

9.3  数据结构

9.4  模块设计

9.5  参考程序


附录I  C语言关键字

附录II  C语言运算符的优先级与结合性

附录III  ASCII字符编码表

附录Ⅳ  C语言常用库函数浏览


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Program design foundation-c programming experiment Description: Experiment 1 and 2 are both electronic lab reports. The following 8 experiments are paper lab reports. Experiment 1 computer basic operation The experiment purpose Familiar with computer, can be able to operate correctly, turn off operation. Be familiar with the keyboard, grasp the input of all characters on the keyboard, master the correct fingering, can carry on the middle, English switch. To understand the operating system concept, master the basic operation of Windows XP, and can use the "control panel" to set up some parameters. You will know the function of "recycle station", learn the basic operation of files and folders. It learns to search or find relevant files or folders on a computer, and master the use of wildcards. The experiment content, Familiar with the computer, familiar with the keyboard, the translation of input in English. The essay learns to enter with the correct fingering, knowing the input of all characters on the keyboard. The "control panel" is used to modify the system time, desktop background, and mouse properties. To create a new folder on the desktop, the folder is named after the student's own name + class +. Use a text or Word document to write a self-introduction that contains no less than 300 words and is named and saved in the above folder. The group copies the above folder to 22. Experiment 2 common software basic operation The experiment purpose Understanding Word function, the basic operation of Word, including the header/footer setting, the column, the page setting, adding the base line etc. 2 learn to file save and open, the interval of print preview, paragraphs, the first character position change, etc., can insert images, forms, art words in the Word, special symbols, etc. (3) understand the function of Excel, master the basic operation of the Excel, including cell properties of several kinds of filling form, the ce 发表评论 Program design foundation-c programming experiment Description: Experiment 1 and 2 are both electronic lab reports. The following 8 experiments are paper lab reports. Experiment 1 computer basic operation The experiment purpose Familiar with computer, can be able to operate correctly, turn off operation. Be familiar with the keyboard, grasp the input of all characters on the keyboard, master the correct fingering, can carry on the middle, English switch. To understand the operating system concept, master the basic operation of Windows XP, and can use the "control panel" to set up some parameters. You will know the function of "recycle station", learn the basic operation of files and folders. It learns to search or find relevant files or folders on a computer, and master the use of wildcards. The experiment content, Familiar with the computer, familiar with the keyboard, the translation of input in English. The essay learns to enter with the correct fingering, knowing the input of all characters on the keyboard. The "control panel" is used to modify the system time, desktop background, and mouse properties. To create a new folder on the desktop, the folder is named after the student's own name + class +. Use a text or Word document to write a self-introduction that contains no less than 300 words and is named and saved in the above folder. The group copies the above folder to 22. Experiment 2 common software basic operation The experiment purpose Understanding Word function, the basic operation of Word, including the header/footer setting, the column, the page setting, adding the base line etc. 2 learn to file save and open, the interval of print preview, paragraphs, the first character position change, etc., can insert images, forms, art words in the Word, special symbols, etc. (3) understand the function of Excel, master the basic operation of the Excel, including cell properties of several kinds of filling form。


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