
【简答题】阅读下面的Python程序,请问输出结果是什么?程序的功能是什么? m=int(input("请输入整数m:")) n=int(input("请输入整数n:")) while(m!=n): if(m>n):m=m-n else: n=n-m print(m)


【填空题】在Python中,使用内置函数 ___________和__________________可以查看并输出局部变量和全局变量列表。





【简答题】下列Python语句的运行结果为___________ def f1(): "simple function" pass print(f1._ _doc_ _)


【单选题】Python语句序列" f1=lambda x:*2; f2=lmbda x:x**2; print(f1(f2(2)))"的运行结果是___________

【简答题】下列Python语句的输出结果是_______________ def aFunction(): "The quick brown fox" return 1 print(aFunction.__doc__[4:9])

【其它】编写程序,提示输入姓名和出生年份,输出姓名和年龄,运行效果参见下图。 请提交程序及运行结果的截图。

【单选题】执行下列Python语句将产生的结果是____________。 i=1 if(i):print(True) else:print(False)

【简答题】Identify whether the author is presenting an argument or a disagreement. People are less politically aware now than they have been at any time in the past. For hundreds of years, people took great personal risks to fight for causes that would benefit other people more than themselves. This rarely happens today. As late as the 1980s, there were frequent rallies with people in one country demonstrating to show solidarity with people elsewhere. Now, rallies are more likely to be for personal gain such as better salaries or student grants rather than for political issues of wider application. Even low risk activities such as voting in elections attract low turn-outs.

【单选题】执行下列Python语句将产生的结果是__________。 x=2; y=2.0 if(x==y): print("Equal") else: print("Not Equal")

【论述题】Please read the speech by the DG of the WTO carefully and list examples of metaphor and

rhetorical structures in the speech and comment on their persuasive

force.(25.0分) 2017-2-28+Speech+by++the+Director-General+of+the+WTO+upon++Reappointment+by+General+Council.pdf (25.0分)



【简答题】下列Python语句的运行结果为_________。 for i in range(3):print(i,end=' ') for i in range(2,5):print(i,end=' ')


【简答题】阅读下面的Python程序,请问输出结果是什么?程序的功能是什么? print("1-1000所有的完数有,其因子为:") for n in range(1,1001): total=0; j=0; factors=[] for i in range(1,n): if(n%i==0): factors.append(i) ;total+=i if(total==n):print("{0}:{1}".format(n,factors))


【填空题】Python解释器有调试模式和优化模式两种运行模式,当使用选项___________运行时为优化模式,此时内置只读变量 _ _debug_ _为__________________。

【简答题】下列Python语句的输出结果是____________ def judge(param, *param2): print(type(param2)) print(param2) judge(1,2,3,4,5)

【单选题】在Python中,若有def f1(p,**p2): print(type(p2)),则f1(1,a=2)的运行结果是_____________。

【简答题】下列Python语句的输出结果是____________。 i = map(lambda x: x**2,(1,2,3)) for t in i : print(t,end=' ')


【简答题】下面Python程序的功能是什么?输出结果是什么? def f(a,b): if b==0: print(a) else: f(b,a%b) print(f(9,6))

【其它】编写程序,输入本金、年利率和年数,计算复利(结果保留两位小数),运行效果参考下图: 请提交程序及运行结果的截图。

【论述题】Could you build an argument on one of the following topics? Your argument can be either for or against the following claims, and should comprise of at least 200 words. 1)People are more wealthy than they used to be. 2)Inequality is wrong. 3)More women should become leaders of international organizations. 4)Students should be required to take a course on critical thinking or freshman writing at university.


【单选题】在Python中,若有def f1(a,b,c):print(a+b),则语句序列"nums=(1,2,3); f1(*nums)"的运行结果是__________。

【其它】编写程序,输入一个自然数,输出它的二进制、八进制、十六进制表示形式。 请提交程序截图。

【简答题】下面Python语句的输出结果是____________ d=lambda p: p*2; t=lambda p: p*3 x=2; x=d(x); x=t(x); x=d(x); print(x)

【填空题】稷下学宫的办学性质具有二重性和 。

【单选题】Python语句序列"f =lambda x,y:x*y; f(12,34)"的运行结果是___________

【简答题】阅读下面的Python程序,请问输出结果是什么?程序的功能是什么? from math import * print("三位数中所有的水仙花数为:") for i in range(100,1000): n1=i//100; n2=(i%100)//10; n3=i%10 if(pow(n1,3)+pow(n2,3)+pow(n3,3)==i): print(i, end=' ')


【论述题】Please analyze the speech

made by the DG of the WTO upon his reappointment in 2017 and make a

mindmap. You may need to refer to the framework of the Elements of

Thought. Whenever

we think, we think for a purpose within a point of view based on

assumptions leading to implications and consequences. We use ideas and

theories to interpret data, facts, and experiences in order to answer

questions, solve problems, and resolve issues. (50.0分)


【填空题】在Python程序中可以通过列表______________访问命令行参数。 ________________为Python脚本名,_______________为第一个参数名,_____________________为第二个参数名。

【填空题】稷下学宫制定了历史上第一个学生守则是 。

【简答题】阅读下面的Python程序,请问程序的功能是什么? import math; n=0 for m in range(101,201,2): k=int(math.sqrt(m)) for i in range(2,k+2): if m%i==0: break if i==k+1: if n%10==0: print() print('%d'%m, end=' ') n+=1


【其它】编写程序,输入球的半径,计算球的表面积和体积(结果保留两位小数),运行效果参考下图。 请提交程序及运行结果的截图。

【论述题】Please read the speech carefully and pick out all the phrases and

sentences that show the DG's stance from the perspective of

interpersonal communication.(25.0分) (25.0分)

【简答题】阅读下面的Python程序,请问输出结果是什么? n=int(input("请输入图形的行数:")) for i in range(0,n): for j in range(0,10-i): print(" ",end=" ") for j in range(0,2*i+1): print("*", end=" ") print("\n")

【单选题】用if 语句表示如下分段函数: 下面程序段不正确的是_____________。


【简答题】下列Python语句的输出结果是________________ counter = 1; num=0 def TestVariable(): global counter for i in (1,2,3): counter+=1 num=10 TestVariable(); print(counter,num)

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