java语言保留结构和联合,Java语言程序设计(第2版)第1-6章 课后习题答案

rapid deve lopme nt of the market economy environme nt to expl ore publi c servants ' duty consumpti on monetizati on reform has provided a good foundation. The socialization of rear servi ce work has been la unche d, and rapi d progre ss in some pl aces a nd departme nts, duty consumption monetiza tion of carrier a nd a ppr oach to manageme nt has bee n resolve d. Thir d, in re cent years, explori ng the monetizati on of duty consumption ha s made some progress, have gai ned some experi ence and ca n provi de reference to the compre he nsive reform of the system of publi c serva nts ' duty consumpt ion further. Impl ementing a n "honest ca nteen", sta ndar dize official e ntertaini ng manageme nt; enhan cing t he telecommuni cation expe nse manag ement; elimi nation of County travel and countrysi de subsi dies; research "village official s" capitalizati on ma nagement of corporate spe ndi ng, a nd so on. Finally, gr oup ...

18 session to be hel d i n Beijing from Novem ber 9, 2013 t o 12t h. 35 years ago blew the t hird plenary session of the reform and openi ng up i n the spri ng bree ze, cha nged, affect t he w orld; t oda y, 35 ye ars later, in t he eyes of the nation and the worl d expect, agai n to reform mark Chi na, ushe red in t he 18 session. XI Ge neral Se cretary pointe d out that China's reform ha s entere d a crucial period and the Sham Shui Po Di strict, must be base d on greater politi cal courage a nd wisdom, l ose no time in deepeni ng reform in im portant fiel ds. Dares t o cra ck a hard nut, dares to question the Rapids, whi ch dares t o break t he barrier of i deas, and dare t o benefit cure barriers. Deepeni ng reform and openi ng up is on sche dule t o achieve i nstituti onal safeguards of the moderately well-off. Under the "five in one" the General lay out of socialist m oder nization requirement s, 18 session of the de cisi on w as a "five in one" and the im provement of overall scheme of reform, wil l prom ote an integrated a nd

coor dinate d economic, politi cal, cultural, social a nd e col ogical civilization construction of the five reforms and the party's constr ucti on i n the are a of instit utional reform. The "five in one" programme is to a chi eve a compre hensive reform of instit utional guara ntees for obje ctives of buil d a well-off societ y, the smoot h pr ogress of the constructi on of a well-off society and reform the obje ctives of the pr ogramme. One, holdi ng time and pla ce importance on November 9, 2013 to the 18 se ssi on of the 12t h Beijing since 1978, 35, have been 7 ple nary se ssion, ea ch time on major issue s of political a nd economic life of the country has made importa nt de ployment. In a ccorda nce with PRC political practi ce, ofte n at every session of the CPC Ce ntral Committee in a plenary sessi on was held immediately after the party's Congress, on the th eme "personnel", di scussi ng ele ction Central's top lea ders, such as t he el ection of the Standing Committee of the politi cal B urea u, through t he Central Committee members, deci sions, such as members of the Ce ntral Military Commission. The second ple nary se ssion, is held i n two se ssi ons before the ge neral ele ction, mainly to discuss a new State personnel i ssu es. But by t he third



1-1 在下列概念中,Java语言只保留了(B)

A. 运算符重载

B. 方法重载

C. 指针

D. 结构和联合

1-2 下列关于Java语言特性的描述中,错误的是(D)

A. 支持多线程操作

B. Java程序与平台无关

C. Java和程序可以直接访问Internet上的对象

D. 支持单继承和多继承

1-3 下列关于Java Application程序在结构上的特点的中,错误的是(C)

A. Java程序是由一个或多个类组成的

B. 组成Java程序的若干个类可以放在一个文件中,也可以放在多个文件中

C. Java程序的文件名要与某个类名相同

D. 组成Java程序的多个类中,有且仅有一个主类

1-4 Java程序经过编译后生成的文件的后缀是(C)

A. .obj

B. .exe

C. .class

D. .java

1-5 下列关于运行字节码文件的命令行参数的描述中,正确的是(A)

A. 第一个命令行参数(紧跟命令字的参数)被存放在args[0]中

B. 第一个命令行参数被存放在args[1]中

C. 命令行的命令字被存放在args[0]中












1-10Java Application程序是由多个文件组成的,其中可以有也可以没有主文件。(错)1-11组成Java Application的若干类中,有且仅有一个主类,只有主类中含有主方法main()。(对)

1-12Java Application程序中,必有一个主方法main(),该方法有没有参数都可以。(对)1-13Java程序中是不区分大小写字母的。(错)






lenary sessi on, e ach session of the Ce ntral Committee of nati onal i nstituti ons and personnel pr oblem s have been arra nged, yo u ca n concentrate on nati onal development a nd reforms. Previous ple nary se ssion is ofte n branded w ith a central leadi ng collective, often by l ooki ng at the thir d plenum of the initiative t o found the curre nt central lea dership colle ctive gover nance characteristi cs. From the analysis of the process of economic reform i n Chi na, plenary sessi on, 12 session, 14, 16 ple nary se ssion have programmatic meani ng, respective ly, marking t he f our stage s of Chi na's economi c reform, and t hat the start-up phase of reform, reform, construction pha se and perfe cting the S ocial ist market economy framework stage of sociali st market economy. Previous ple nary session topics propose d to the third plenary sessi on of "taking class struggle as t he key link," shifted to socialist moder nization; 12 session marked t he change from rural to urba n, esta blished wit h public

owner shi p as the F oundati on of a planned commodity economy; 13 session at a time whe n both t he ol d and the new system cha nge, gover nance a nd re ctify the economic order; 14 ... Fair and efficie nt and aut horitative Socialist judi cial system, safeguard t he people's intere sts. Legal authority t o uphol d the Constituti on, dee peni ng the reform of administrative law e nforceme nt, ensure t hat the rig ht to exercise judicial pow er indepe nde ntly and impartially a ccordi ng to law the prosecution, perfecting the runni ng mechanism of judi cial powe r, improve t he system of judi cial pr otection of huma n right s. Ple nary session, Affairs the right to a dhere to the system, and let the people a uthority to let the pow er run in the Sun, is shut up i n a cage of the system power poli cy. Deci sion Scie nce, impleme ntation shoul d be constructed strong, supervise the runni ng of powerful syste m, improve the system of punishing a nd preventing corr upti on, promoti ng political i ntegrity, a nd strive to achieve

cadres ' honest and Gover nment integrit y, cle an politics. To form a scientific and effective coordi nation of power restricti on a nd mechanisms to stre ngthe n anti-corr upti on i nstituti onal i nnovation a nd i nstituti onal protecti on, sound improveme nt style normal system. Ple nary session, buil ding a sociali st cult ure in Chi na, e nha nci ng national cultural soft pow er, must adhere to the orientati on of a dvanced Socialist cultur e, adhere to the devel opme nt of Soci alist culture wit h Chi nese characteristi cs, a dhere t o the people-centre d work-orie nted, further dee pe ning reform of culture. o improve the cult ural manageme nt system, establi sh a nd impr ove the modern market system a nd buil ding modern public cult ural service system, improve t he level of culture ope ning. Ple nary session, achievi ng devel opment re sults more equitable benefit of all people, we must speed up reform of social programs a nd solve the i ssues of concern t o the people the most dire ct and rea l interest, a nd better meet

the nee ds of the people. To deepe n educati on reform, improve i nstituti onal me cha nisms for the

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