input 起止时间_编写一个程序,计算用户输入的起始时间和终止时间之间的相距天数...



Dim nYear As Integer, nDay As Integer, nmonth As Integer, mday As Integer '本年的年、月、日变量以及目标年不足一636f707962616964757a686964616f31333262353431年的天数与当前年剩余天数之和

Dim tYear As Integer, tDay As Integer, oyear As Integer, tmonth As Integer '目标年的年、天数、本年与目标年之差

Dim nSec As Long, tSec As Long '今天已经过去的秒数、目标天0点距离截止点的秒数(其中nSec最终为倒计时不足一天的剩余秒数

Dim strNow1 As String, strNow2 As String, zhuti As String '取今天年月日和今天时分秒的字符串变量

Dim strEnd1 As String, strEnd2 As String '取目标截止时的年月日、时分秒的字符串变量

Dim h As Long, m As Long, s As Long '时分秒计数变量

Dim oday As Integer, pday As Integer, xday As Integer, zday As Integer '今天和目标天秒数之和大于1天的临时变量值和今年中本月以前的天数累加和计数变量,判月函数本月最大值取值

Dim i As Integer, k As Integer, flag As Integer '循环控制变量以及闰年处理中二月天数处理变量

Private Sub Command1_Click()

strNow1 = Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss")

strNow2 = Format(Now, "yyyy-mm-dd")

nYear = Val(Left(strNow2, 4))

nmonth = Val(Mid(strNow2, 6, 2))

nDay = Val(Right(strNow2, 2)) - 1 '今天之前本月已经过去的天数

h = Val(Left(strNow1, 2))

s = Val(Right(strNow1, 2))

m = Val(Mid(strNow1, 4, 3))

s = s + h * 3600 + m * 60 '今天已经过去的秒数

nSec = 86400 - s '今天还剩余的秒数

nSec = nSec + tSec '目标当天到截止点的秒数与今天已过去的秒数之和

If nSec > 86400 Then

nSec = nSec - 86400

oday = 1 '今天还剩余的秒数与目标天从零点到目标时间点的秒数之和大于86400(1天)时的处理


oday = 0

End If

pday = 0

For i = 1 To nmonth - 1 '累计本年已经过去的天数

panyue i, nYear

pday = pday + zday 'pday是累加天数结果,zday是panyue函数返回结果

Next i

pday = pday + nDay '本年已经过去的整月天数加上本月已经过去的天数

If nYear Mod 4 = 0 And nYear Mod 100 <> 0 Or nYear Mod 400 = 0 Then

pday = 366 - pday + oday

mday = (pday + tDay) Mod 366


pday = 365 - pday + oday

mday = (pday + tDay) Mod 365 '判断本年是否闰年,并做相应的天数处理

End If

If tYear - nYear > 0 Then

oyear = tYear - nYear - 1 + (tDay + oday) \ 365


oyear = 0

End If

Timer1.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

If Command2.Caption = "暂停" Then

Command2.Caption = "恢复"

flag = 1

ElseIf Command2.Caption = "恢复" Then

Command2.Caption = "暂停"

flag = 0

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

Timer1.Enabled = False

Label2.Caption = "0"

Label4.Caption = "000"

Label6.Caption = "00000000"

End Sub

Sub showtime1()


If nYear Mod 4 = 0 And nYear Mod 100 <> 0 Or nYear Mod 400 = 0 Then

k = 1


k = 0

End If

Select Case nmonth

Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12

xday = 31

Case 2

xday = 28 + k

Case 4, 6, 9, 11

xday = 30

End Select


If s < 59 Then

s = s + 1

ElseIf s = 59 And m < 59 Then

s = 0

m = m + 1

ElseIf s = 59 And m = 59 And h < 23 Then

s = 0

m = 0

h = h + 1

ElseIf s = 59 And m = 59 And h = 23 And nDay < xday Then

s = 0

m = 0

h = 0

nDay = nDay + 1

ElseIf s = 59 And m = 59 And h = 23 And nDay = xday And nmonth < 12 Then

s = 0

m = 0

h = 0

nDay = 1

nmonth = nmonth + 1

ElseIf s = 59 And m = 59 And h = 23 And nDay = xday And nmonth = 12 And nYear < 9999 Then

s = 0

m = 0

h = 0

nDay = 1

nmonth = 1

nYear = nYear + 1

End If


If nSec > 0 Then

nSec = nSec - 1

ElseIf nSec = 0 And mday > 0 Then

nSec = 86400

nSec = nSec - 1

ElseIf nSec = 0 And mday = 0 And oyear > 0 Then

If nYear Mod 4 = 0 And nYear Mod 100 <> 0 Or nYear Mod 400 = 0 Then

k = 1


k = 0

End If

nSec = 86400

nSec = nSec - 1

mday = 365 + k - 1

oyear = oyear - 1

End If

If flag <> 1 Then

Label2.Caption = oyear

Label4.Caption = mday

Label6.Caption = nSec

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

Dim t1 As Long, t2 As Long, t3 As Long, t As Long

t1 = Timer

t = InputBox("请输入校正时间的秒数值!")

t2 = Timer

t3 = t2 - t1

nSec = nSec + t + t3

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

nYear = 0: mday = 0: tYear = 0: tDay = 0: oyear = 0

nSec = 0: tSec = 0: tmonth = 0

i = 0: pday = 0

h = 0: m = 0: s = 0

nDay = 0: nmonth = 0

xday = 0: k = 0: zday = 0

strzhuti = InputBox$("请输入活动主题:", "", "奥运会")

strEnd1 = InputBox$("请输入倒计时截止日期:(格式:月-日-年)", "", "08-08-2008")

strEnd2 = InputBox$("请输入倒计时截止时间:(格式:时:分:秒)", "", "20:30:30")

tYear = Val(Right(strEnd1, 4))

tmonth = Val(Left(strEnd1, 2)) - 1

pday = 0

For i = 1 To tmonth '累计目标年从1月1日到目标日的天数

panyue i, tYear

pday = pday + zday

Next i

tDay = pday + Val(Mid(strEnd1, 4, 2)) - 1

tSec = Val(Left(strEnd2, 2)) * 3600 + Val(Mid(strEnd2, 4, 2)) * 60 + Val(Right(strEnd2, 2))

Label1.Caption = "距离" + Right(strEnd1, 4) + "年" + Left(strEnd1, 2) + "月" + Mid(strEnd1, 4, 2) + "日" + strzhuti + "还有:"

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()


End Sub

Sub panyue(xmonth As Integer, xyear As Integer)

If xyear Mod 4 = 0 And xyear Mod 100 <> 0 Or xyear Mod 400 = 0 Then

k = 1


k = 0

End If

Select Case xmonth

Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12

zday = 31

Case 2

zday = 28 + k

Case 4, 6, 9, 11

zday = 30

End Select

End Sub







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