eclipse java luna,Eclipse 4.4 (Luna)(撸哪)正式版发布啦,支持 Java 8

完全支持 Java™ 8

提供全新的黑色主题,默认显示行号,允许隐藏 quick access 工具条

Sirius allows architects to easily create their own graphical modeling workbenches by leveraging the Eclipse modeling technologies, including Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF)

Equinox includes a full implementation of the R6 Core Framework as well as several compendium service implementations

ECF’s implementation of OSGi Remote Service/Remote Service Admin standard has been enhanced to use Java 8′s CompleteableFuture for asynchronous remote services.

Code Recommenders integrates the Snipmatch code snippet search engine and adds the ability to easily contribute new snippets to a shared repository.

The new QVTi debugger extends the new OCL debugger.

Paho provides open source implementations of open and standard messaging protocols that support current and emerging requirements of M2M integration with Web and Enterprise middleware and applications.

EMF Forms as part of the EMF Client Platform provides a completely new way for the efficient development of form-based user interfaces.

The UML 2.5 specification is now supported and UML diagrams may be validated against the OCL embedded in UML profiles.

EcoreTools, the graphical modeler for Ecore, has been completely re-implemented based on Sirius and provides a nicer graphical design, support for documenting your model, specifying domain constraints and modeling Generic Types.

The Eclipse workbench provides a new dark theme which includes a fitting syntax highlighter setting for the editor of several programming languages.

TCF Terminal supports an integrated command-line view on Windows, Linux and Mac

The PHP Development Tools come with support for PHP 5.5 and improved performance in the PHP editor. The “Eclipse for PHP Developers” package on the Eclipse download site provides an easier way to start developing PHP applications.

The Gyrex 1.3 release now includes a distributed event bus which leverages the new full Websocket support for easier communication across nodes in a cluster.

Memory Analyzer now analyzes heap dumps from Java 8, including the Java 8 collection classes.

There is now a standalone C/C++ debugger application added to the CDT. It is now possible to debug an application via the command line and have an Eclipse UI debugger pop up.

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### 回答1: 您可以在Eclipse官方网站上下载Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers本,网址是。在该网站上,您可以找到不同平台的Eclipse本,选择适合您的操作系统的本进行下载安装。 ### 回答2: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers本可以从Eclipse官方网站进行下载。在下载页面,您可以选择适合您操作系统的本进行下载。具体步骤如下: 1. 打开您的浏览器,进入Eclipse官方网站(。 2. 在网站的首页上方,找到“Downloads”(下载)选项,并点击进入。 3. 在下载页面的左侧,您会看到一些Eclipse产品的选项。点击“Eclipse IDE”选项。 4. 在“Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers”部分,选择适合您操作系统的本进行下载。可以根据您的操作系统选择Windows、Mac还是Linux本。 5. 点击下载按钮,开始下载安装文件。 6. 下载完成后,双击安装文件并按照提示完成安装过程。 7. 安装完成后,启动Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers。 通过以上步骤,您可以下载并安装Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers本,开始进行Java EE开发。 ### 回答3: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers是一个适用于Java EE开发者的开发环境,它包含了一系列针对Java EE的插件和功能。要下载Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers本,可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 打开Eclipse官方网站,网址为。 2. 在官方网站的首页上,点击顶部菜单栏中的"Downloads"选项。 3. 进入Downloads页面后,在页面中间会显示"Eclipse IDE"部分的下载选项。 4. 在"Eclipse IDE"部分中,选择"Java EE"选项。如果没有显示"Java EE"选项,可以选择"Other"选项并在下拉菜单中找到"Java EE"。 5. 点击"Java EE"选项后,页面会显示针对Java EE的不同本的Eclipse IDE下载链接。 6. 选择适合自己使用的本,比如最新的本或者指定的旧本,并点击相应的下载链接。 7. 下载链接通常会提供多个下载方式,比如使用torrent、zip、tar等方式下载。根据自己的需求选择一个下载方式,并点击相应的链接进行下载。 8. 下载完成后,解压缩压缩包并运行Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers。 通过以上步骤,您就可以下载到Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers本了。请注意选择适合自己系统的本,并确保您正在下载官方网站提供的本,以确保安全可靠。


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