

1. It contains vitamin A and vitamin C.它里面含维生素A和维生素C。

《新英汉大辞典》2. Vitamin C is destroyed when overheated.维生素C受热过度就会被破坏。

《新英汉大辞典》3. So we have h c n.那么我们有氢,碳和氮。

v.163.com4. If it is, then some other thread must already be in the middle of inserting an element, between steps (C) and (D).如果是在中间状态,那么肯定有其他线程已经处在元素插入的中途,在步骤(C)和(D)之间。

www.ibm.com5. Here for example we have the pitch C and either note above or below it is dissonant.如果说这里用C音,那么不管是和它上面还是下面的音符搭配都不和谐。

v.163.com6. Take in lots of vitamin C with supplements or through fluids like orange juice.与辅助食品一起或用液体如橙汁服用大量的维生素C。

article.yeeyan.org7. The reason is that it may be descriptive, as in general text, or announcing, as it is in source programs for the compiler for the programming language C and its offshoots.原因是,它可能是描述性的,就像在一般文本中那样,或是宣告示的,就像在源程序中针对C语言及其分支的编译器那样。

www.kle100.cn8. We could have a slow reverse rate and a fast rate into C.我们可以有很慢的逆向速率,和很快的生成C的速率。

open.163.com9. The base is a parallelogram in space with sides B and C How do we find the area of the parallelogram in space?底面就是一个以向量B和C为边的平行四边形,我们怎么才能计算出这个平行四边形的面积?

open.163.com10. But at least for a while,during period C, the body theorist should say,Yeah,you will exist.但至少还能存在一段时间,就是C阶段,肉体主义者能说,是的,你将存在。

v.163.com11. If we do that directly, I have to find the integral along C.如果要直接做的话,就需要找到沿C的线积分。

open.163.com12. You need intermediate programming skills, as well as some background with the C programming language.您需要中级编程技能以及对C编程语言的一些背景知识。

www.ibm.com13. ALTHOUGH he dreamed and wrote about it constantly for 70 years, Arthur C. Clarke never voyaged into space.阿瑟·C·克拉克从未做过太空旅行,但他为之不停地幻想和写作了70年。

article.yeeyan.org14. This is how, for instance, the C standard defines its formal grammar.举例来说,这就是C标准定义其形式语法的方式。

www.ibm.com15. The Setup file describes the module by supplying its module name, the location of its Ccode, and any compiler flags you may need.安装文件通过提供模块名称、模块的C代码的位置和您可能需要的所有编译器标志来描述模块。

www.ibm.com16. In this article, I have gathered all the experiences and information, which can be applied to make a Ccode optimized for speed as well as memory.在这篇文章里,我收集和整理了所有的这些方法,用来在运行速度和内存占用方面对C代码进行优化。

blog.sina.com.cn17. This feature uses an obscure aspect of the C language to simplify the specification of message level or priority.这个特性使用了C语言的一种模糊方面来简化消息级别和优先级的规范。

www.ibm.com18. In such situations, if you want to purify your program, you must recompile all C files that use the guard.在这种情形下,如果您想要净化您的程序,您必须重新编译所有使用保护装置的C文件。

www.ibm.com19. And then, finally, C. spoke, “dog?” he said, almost asking, but then he said it again, louder.而这时,最终,C.说,“狗?”他说,几乎是在询问,但随即又说了一遍,大声地说。

www.elanso.com20. OK, so it has this system of wheels and everything that compute for you the line integral along C of, well, it depends on the model.它有着由轮和其他一些东西组成的系统,为你计算了沿着C的线积分,当然这基于一些模型。

open.163.com21. Tomatoes is a remarkable vegetable for your skin as it is high in vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium.您的皮肤来说西红柿是一个了不起的蔬菜,因为它富含维生素A ,维生素C ,和钾。

article.yeeyan.org22. They also contain a rich supply of vitamins A and C, folate, potassium, magnesium and fiber, which may reduce the risk of certain cancers.他们还包含了丰富的维生素A和C ,叶酸,钾,镁,纤维,这些都是可以减少患有某些癌症风险的元素。

article.yeeyan.org23. This mutation makes no difference to animals that get plenty of vitamin C in their diet.这种突变对有些从饮食中获得充足维生素C的动物没有关系。

article.yeeyan.org24. Think about whether there is a general solution to this problem -- a method that you could apply to any piece of Ccode in order to demonstrate that it will eventually come to a stop.我们可以思考一下,这个问题是否存在一个通用的解决方案——一种适用于任意一段C代码的方法,它可以判断这段代码最终是否可以停止运行。

article.yeeyan.org25. These tools all generate output for the C language.这些工具都可以为C语言生成一些文件。

www.ibm.com26. For example, a new business item D is provided as output of some task within this process fragment and it replaces input item C.例如,在这个流程片段中将提供一个新业务项D ,作为某个任务的输出,它将取代输入项目C。

www.ibm.com27. The drugs are a Class C substance; it is legal to possess or import them for personal use, but illegal to supply them.这些药物是C级物品,拥有或者进口它们用作个人用途是合法的,但是提供给他人是非法的。

article.yeeyan.org28. The drugs are a Class C substance; it is legal to possess or import them for personal use, but illegal to supply them.这些药物是C级物品,拥有或者进口它们用作个人用途是合法的,但是提供给他人是非法的。

article.yeeyan.org29. The ring C is called the integral closure of A in B.环c叫作A在B中的整闭包。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句30. 4 gradient arrays marked A, B, C and D were set up.布置了编号为 A,B,c,D 的四个梯度排列。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句31. If a = b and b = c it follows that a = c.设a = b, b = c, 则a = c.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句32. If a = b, and b = c, then the necessary conclusion is that a = c.设a = b, b = c, 则结论必定是a = c.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句33. A, B, C, etc. are capitals; a, b, c, are not.A,B,c等是大写字母;a,b,c不是。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句34. B, c, d, f, etc. are consonants.B,c,d,f等都是辅音字母。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句35. Determine the value of c that minimizes I subject to Ib≤7.在Ib≤7的情况下,试确定使I极小的c值。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句36. Vitamin C is supposed to prevent colds.维他命c被认为能预防感冒。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句37. An inner bridge B of a cycle C in G is transferable.G中圈c的内桥B称为可移动的。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句38. She left out a "c" in "account".她在"account"这个词中漏掉了一个"c"。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句





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