

[root@localhost ~]# cd /tmp
[root@localhost tmp]# ls
51CTO下载-1.pdf                                 tmpC4i319xorg.config
adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm             tmpCUmG0wxorg.config
fcitx.socket                                    tmpEaIx4Oxorg.config
gconfd-root                                     tmpHsB4T2xorg.config
iwl5000-firmware-  tmpj97Uexxorg.config
keyring-yaEMBh                                  tmpjgobqDxorg.config
mapping-root                                    tmpOkcUxQxorg.config
orbit-root                                      tmpoTX4PSxorg.config
sound-juicer.root.2194580092                    tmpqgINmxxorg.config
ssh-TZHEfO5129                                  tmpQtER4Oxorg.config
tmp2ioF1Mxorg.config                            tmpThoFfJxorg.config
tmp3b1or8xorg.config                            tmpuss3wXxorg.config
tmp6ILDguxorg.config                            tmpu_YGXkxorg.config
tmp6z3Pi0xorg.config                            tmpWNhdULxorg.config
tmp80IbCnxorg.config                            tmpYe3gdSxorg.config
tmpaMi50Vxorg.config                            virtual-root.pAfLkH
tmpANL4tSxorg.config                            Xmb5yopi.tar.part
[root@localhost tmp]# rpm -Uhv iwl5000-firmware-
warning: iwl5000-firmware- Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID baadae52
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:iwl5000-firmware       ########################################### [100%]
[root@localhost tmp]# modprobe -r iwlagn; modprobe iwlagn
[root@localhost tmp]# chkconfig NetworkManager on
[root@localhost tmp]# service NetworkManager start
设置网络参数...                                            [确定]
正在启动 NetworkManager 守护进程:                         [确定]
[root@localhost tmp]#






Intel(R) Wireless WiFi Link AGN 5100, 5300 and 5350 (iwlagn)

<!> Starting from CentOS 5.3 (kernel 2.6.18-128) the iwlagn kernel module supports Intel(R) Wireless WiFi Link AGN 5100, 5300 and 5350 devices.

This device requires firmware which is currently available from http://elrepo.org


yum --enablerepo=elrepo install iwl5000-firmware

or if you do not have a working internet connection then download the package here and install it manually using: rpm -Uhv <filename>

Then just reload the iwlagn module:


modprobe -r iwlagn; modprobe iwlagn

Your wireless device should now be working.

Enable NetworkManager

to use it.