[Share].NET Reflector Add-Ins


下载 .NET Reflector here .


Review.pngReview: Allows editing and managing annotations during code reviews. Download
Diff.pngDiff : This add-in shows differences between two versions of the same assembly. Download
Pex.pngPex: Use the Pex Wizard directly from Reflector (requires .NET 2.0) Download
SnippySm.pngSnippy: Snippy is a light weight snippet compiler integrated into .NET Reflector. Download 
SilverlightLoader.pngSilverlightLoader: Allows browsing the structure of a website and loading Silverlight assemblies. Download
FileDisassembler.pngFileDisassembler : This add-in can be used to dump the disassembler output to files for any Reflector supported language.
Reflexil.pngReflexil : Allows to manipulate the IL of a loaded assembly, or inject VB.net/C# code, then write the changes to disk.
BamlViewer.pngBamlViewer: Load BAML resources (WPF) and render in XAML format. Download
SilverlightBrowser.pngSilverlightBrowser: Loads and shows the files associated with a Silverlight website. Download
ComLoader.pngComLoader: Lists COM components for browsing and converts them into managed interop assemblies. Download
SQL2005Browser.pngSQL2005Browser : This add-in allows to browse .NET assemblies stored in SQL Server 2005 databases.
FileGenerator.pngFileGenerator : This add-in can be used to dump the disassembler output to files for any Reflector supported language.
Deblector.pngDeblector : This add-in allows to debug processes from within Reflector.
Doubler.pngDoubler : A code generator for unit tests, stubs and wrappers.
Graph.pngGraph: This add-in draws assembly dependency graphs and IL graphs. Please read the install instructions here.
BizTalkDisassembler.pngBizTalkDisassembler: Allows you to list all BizTalk artifacts contained in an assembly and extract them. Download
DependencyStructureMatrix.pngDependencyStructureMatrix : Allows you to create and browser dependency structure matrices.
CodeSearch.pngCodeSearch: This add-in allows searching for strings and regular expressions in disassembled code. Download
RuleSetEditor.pngRuleSetEditor: Editor for Windows Workflow Foundation rules. Download
AssemblyListEx.pngAssemblyListEx:Register a file type association for predefined lists of assemblies to load into Reflector. Download
SequenceViz.pngSequenceViz : This add-in draws sequence diagrams.
AutoDiagrammer.pngAutoDiagrammer : This add-in draws class diagrams.
Xmi4DotNet.pngXmi4DotNet : Export an assembly to XMI/UML.
Enums.pngAssemblyCollectionSort : Sorts the current assembly list alphabetically.
AssemblyCollectionSort.pngEnums : Conversion of big flags and enum viewer.


PowerShellLanguage.pngPowerShellLanguage: Renders output as Windows PowerShell script.
DelphiLanguage.pngDelphiLanguage: The Delphi view that is used inside .NET Reflector provided as a language add-in.
CppCliLanguage.pngCppCliLanguage : This add-in extends Reflector with a C/CLI language rendering module.
ReflectionEmitLanguage.pngReflectionEmitLanguage: This add-in renders C# code necessary to create the given IL body.


TestDriven.pngTestDriven.net : This Visual Studio add-in can navigate to any code element inside Reflector with a single click.
Hawkeye.pngHawkeye : A tool that allows you to debug the UI tree of Windows Forms applications.


ClassView.pngClassView: Shows class definitions as plain text with color coding.
CodeModelViewer.pngCodeModelViewer: This add-in shows the underlying code model objects for selected items.


Introduction to the .NET Reflector Add-In Model.
How to Setup the Build Environment
How to Setup an Enlistment
Tutorial "Creating your own add-ins" by Jason Haley: Part 1  Part 2 .(这两篇文章非常赞啊)

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截至2011年11月27日Reflector真正的最新版本(其它声明比本版本高的版本号均是假的,可到Reflector官网查询),已经注册的绿色版本。真正集成了 FileDisassembler FileGenerator 两个最流行的插件!! NET程序员必备的开发利器.NET Reflector   Reflector是一款比较强大的反编译工具,相信很多朋友都用过它,但reflector本身有很多局限性,比如只能一个一个的查看方法等,但 幸好reflector支持插件功能目前网上有很多reflector的插件,本人找取了两个应用范围很广,并且广受好评的插件: Reflector.FileDisassembler和Reflector.FileGenerator和Reflector进行了整合,放在了一个压 缩包中,大家可以直接解压缩后就开始使用,其中FileGenerator在网上没有现成dll,本人编译后将其取出,放在了压缩包中,一直在苦苦找寻的 朋友这次可以拿来直接用了 本压缩包中Reflector.exe已经升级为最新的7.4版本,具体的使用方法不多说了,只简单介绍一下本压缩包的使用步骤: 先 下载本压缩包并解压缩,运行其中的Reflector.exe(主程序),初次运行会弹出错误提示对话框,因为引用的两个插件DLL是按照我本地实际情况 配置的,所以你还需要根据你的实际情况来从新配置一下,方法很简单,我们拿引用FileGenerator.dll来做一个范例, 首先介绍一下 Filegenerator,FileGenerator插件的作用是:根据dll文件,把里面的源文件导出成文件,导出来的文件除了没有注释,变量名也 变了,其它的可谓是没有差别。对于一些比较好的控件,如果不是开源的,完全可以导出成文件,然后自己加上注释,少许修改,很好的利用起来。(不开源的 dll,用起来也不放心啊) 具体的初始化设置方法:点击View->Add-Ins...,弹出一个窗口,然后点击Add->选择文件夹里面的:"FileGenerator.dll",点击close. 然后回到Reflector窗口,Tool->Generator File(s)... 右边就出现了插件的窗口,选中左边的dll文件,点击右边的导出文件,源代码就全部导出来了!




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