function funhelp()
$helpText =@ "
NAME: PerformanceCounterCalculation)_multipleFile.ps1
This script will loop all the counters and calcualte the average value
-$folderPath Specifies the folder of the .BLG you want to get
PerformanceCounterCalculation)_multipleFile.ps1 -folderPath " c:\disk\ * "
" @
Write - Host $helpText - ForegroundColor Green
# define PerformanceCounter CLASS
$source = @ "
public class PerformanceCounter
private string computerName;
private string counterPath;
private double value;
private string date;
public PerformanceCounter(string computerName,string counterPath, double value,string date)
this.computerName = computerName;
this.counterPath = counterPath;
this.value = value;
public double Value
get { return this.value; }
public string CounterPath
get { return this.counterPath; }
public string ComputerName
get { return this.computerName; }
public string Date
get { return this.date; }
" @
# ------------------------------------------------------This script will loop all the counters and calcualte the average value
function Cal([string] $filename )
$PathCount = 0 ;
$CounterArray = import - counter $filename
$PathCount = $CounterArray [ 0 ].CounterSamples.Count
for ( $i = 0 ; $i -lt $PathCount ; $i ++ )
$total = 0
foreach ( $singleCounterArray in $CounterArray )
$total = $total + $singleCounterArray .CounterSamples[ $i ].CookedValue
$averageValue = $total / $CounterArray .count
$countPath = $CounterArray [ 0 ].CounterSamples[ $i ].Path;
$countPath = $countPath .Substring( 2 , $countPath .Length - 2 ); # elminiate the first \\
$computerName = $countPath .Substring( 0 , $countPath .IndexOf( " \ " )); # get the computername
$countPath = $countPath .Substring( $countPath .IndexOf( " \ " ), $countPath .Length - $countPath .IndexOf( " \ " )); # remove the computername
$date = [string] $CounterArray [ 0 ].Timestamp.ToString( " yyyyMMdd " );
$counter = New - Object PerformanceCounter( $computerName , $countPath , $averageValue , $date );
$c = $a .add( $counter ) # $.add operation will output the number of PerformanceCounter, add $c to elimiate the behavior
if ( $folderPath -eq "" ) # $folderPath can't be empty
$a = New - Object System.Collections.ArrayList
Add - Type - TypeDefinition $source
$blgList = Get - Item $folderPath - include * .blg
$processedNumber = 0
foreach ( $blg in $blgList )
$processedNumber = $processedNumber + 1
Cal([string] $blg .FullName)
Write - Host $processedNumber " files of " $blgList .count " have been processed "
Write - Host " Process done, Please wait... " - ForegroundColor Green
$filename = " result " + [system.datetime] :: now.ToString( " yyyyMMddhhmmss " ) + " .csv "
$a | Export - Csv $filename
Write - Host " Please check " $filename " for detail " - ForegroundColor Green
function funhelp()
$helpText =@ "
NAME: PerformanceCounterCalculation)_multipleFile.ps1
This script will loop all the counters and calcualte the average value
-$folderPath Specifies the folder of the .BLG you want to get
PerformanceCounterCalculation)_multipleFile.ps1 -folderPath " c:\disk\ * "
" @
Write - Host $helpText - ForegroundColor Green
# define PerformanceCounter CLASS
$source = @ "
public class PerformanceCounter
private string computerName;
private string counterPath;
private double value;
private string date;
public PerformanceCounter(string computerName,string counterPath, double value,string date)
this.computerName = computerName;
this.counterPath = counterPath;
this.value = value;
public double Value
get { return this.value; }
public string CounterPath
get { return this.counterPath; }
public string ComputerName
get { return this.computerName; }
public string Date
get { return this.date; }
" @
# ------------------------------------------------------This script will loop all the counters and calcualte the average value
function Cal([string] $filename )
$PathCount = 0 ;
$CounterArray = import - counter $filename
$PathCount = $CounterArray [ 0 ].CounterSamples.Count
for ( $i = 0 ; $i -lt $PathCount ; $i ++ )
$total = 0
foreach ( $singleCounterArray in $CounterArray )
$total = $total + $singleCounterArray .CounterSamples[ $i ].CookedValue
$averageValue = $total / $CounterArray .count
$countPath = $CounterArray [ 0 ].CounterSamples[ $i ].Path;
$countPath = $countPath .Substring( 2 , $countPath .Length - 2 ); # elminiate the first \\
$computerName = $countPath .Substring( 0 , $countPath .IndexOf( " \ " )); # get the computername
$countPath = $countPath .Substring( $countPath .IndexOf( " \ " ), $countPath .Length - $countPath .IndexOf( " \ " )); # remove the computername
$date = [string] $CounterArray [ 0 ].Timestamp.ToString( " yyyyMMdd " );
$counter = New - Object PerformanceCounter( $computerName , $countPath , $averageValue , $date );
$c = $a .add( $counter ) # $.add operation will output the number of PerformanceCounter, add $c to elimiate the behavior
if ( $folderPath -eq "" ) # $folderPath can't be empty
$a = New - Object System.Collections.ArrayList
Add - Type - TypeDefinition $source
$blgList = Get - Item $folderPath - include * .blg
$processedNumber = 0
foreach ( $blg in $blgList )
$processedNumber = $processedNumber + 1
Cal([string] $blg .FullName)
Write - Host $processedNumber " files of " $blgList .count " have been processed "
Write - Host " Process done, Please wait... " - ForegroundColor Green
$filename = " result " + [system.datetime] :: now.ToString( " yyyyMMddhhmmss " ) + " .csv "
$a | Export - Csv $filename
Write - Host " Please check " $filename " for detail " - ForegroundColor Green