Configuring DHCP Snooping and IP Source Guard<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

This chapter describes how to configure Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) snooping and IP

Source Guard on Catalyst 4500 series switches. It provides guidelines, procedures, and configuration


Note For complete syntax and usage information for the switch commands used in this chapter, refer to the

Catalyst 4500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Command Reference and related publications at


Overview of DHCP Snooping

DHCP snooping is a DHCP security feature that provides security by filtering untrusted DHCP messages

and by building and maintaining a DHCP snooping binding table. An untrusted message is a message

that is received from outside the network or firewall and that can cause traffic attacks within your


The DHCP snooping binding table contains the MAC address, IP address, lease time, binding type,

VLAN number, and interface information that corresponds to the local untrusted interfaces of a switch;

it does not contain information regarding hosts interconnected with a trusted interface. An untrusted

interface is an interface that is configured to receive messages from outside the network or firewall. A

trusted interface is an interface that is configured to receive only messages from within the network.

DHCP snooping acts like a firewall between untrusted hosts and DHCP servers. It also gives you a way

to differentiate between untrusted interfaces connected to the end-user and trusted interfaces connected

to the DHCP server or another switch.

Note In order to enable DHCP snooping on a VLAN, you must enable DHCP snooping on the switch.


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Chapter 19 Configuring DHCP Snooping and IP Source Guard

Overview of DHCP Snooping

You can configure DHCP snooping for switches and VLANs. When you enable DHCP snooping on a

switch, the interface acts as a Layer 2 bridge, intercepting and safeguarding DHCP messages going to a

Layer 2 VLAN. When you enable DHCP snooping on a VLAN, the switch acts as a Layer 2 bridge

within a VLAN domain.

Overview of the DHCP Snooping Database Agent

To retain the bindings across switch reloads, you must use the DHCP snooping database agent. Without

this agent, the bindings established by DHCP snooping are lost upon switch reload. Connectivity is lost

as well.

The mechanism for the database agent stores the bindings in a file at a configured location. Upon reload,

the switch reads the file to build the database for the bindings. The switch keeps the file current by

writing to the file as the database changes.

The format of the file that contains the bindings is as follows:





<entry-1> <checksum-1>

<entry-2> <checksum-1-2>



<entry-n> <checksum-1-2-..-n>


Each entry in the file is tagged with a checksum that is used to validate the entries whenever the file is

read. The <initial-checksum> entry on the first line helps distinguish entries associated with the latest

write from entries that are associated with a previous write.

This is a sample bindings file:





<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /> 1.1.1 .1 512 0001.0001.0005 3EBE2881 Gi1/1 e5e1e733

1.1.1 .1 512 0001.0001.0002 3EBE2881 Gi1/1 4b3486ec

1.1.1 .1 1536 0001.0001.0004 3EBE2881 Gi1/1 f0e02872

1.1.1 .1 1024 0001.0001.0003 3EBE2881 Gi1/1 ac41adf9

1.1.1 .1 1 0001.0001.0001 3EBE2881 Gi1/1 34b3273e


Each entry holds an IP address, VLAN, MAC address, lease time (in hex), and the interface associated

with a binding. At the end of each entry is a checksum that accounts for all the bytes from the start of

the file through all the bytes associated with the entry. Each entry consists of 72 bytes of data, followed

by a space, followed by a checksum.

Upon bootup, when the calculated checksum equals the stored checksum, a switch reads entries from the

file and adds the bindings to the DHCP snooping database. When the calculated checksum does not equal

the stored checksum, the entry read from the file is ignored and so are all the entries following the failed

entry. The switch also ignores all those entries from the file whose lease time has expired. (This is

possible because the lease time might indicate an expired time.) An entry from the file is also ignored if

the interface referred to in the entry, no longer exists on the system or if it is a router port or a DHCP

snooping-trusted interface.


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Chapter 19 Configuring DHCP Snooping and IP Source Guard

Configuring DHCP Snooping on the Switch

When a switch learns of new bindings or when it loses some bindings, the switch writes the modified set

of entries from the snooping database to the file. The writes are performed with a configurable delay to

batch as many changes as possible before the actual write happens. Associated with each transfer is a

timeout after which a transfer is aborted if it is not completed. These timers are referred to as the write

delay and abort timeout.

Configuring DHCP Snooping on the Switch

When you configure DHCP snooping on your switch, you are enabling the switch to differentiate

untrusted interfaces from trusted interfaces. You must enable DHCP snooping globally before you can

use DHCP snooping on a VLAN. You can enable DHCP snooping independently from other DHCP


Once you have enabled DHCP snooping, all the DHCP relay information option configuration

commands are disabled; this includes the following commands:

ip dhcp relay information check

ip dhcp relay information policy

ip dhcp relay information trusted

ip dhcp relay information trust-all

These sections describe how to configure DHCP snooping:

Default Configuration for DHCP Snooping, page 19-3

Enabling DHCP Snooping, page 19-4

Enabling DHCP Snooping on Private VLAN, page 19-5

Enabling the DHCP Snooping Database Agent, page 19-6

Configuration Examples for the Database Agent, page 19-6

Note For DHCP server configuration information, refer to “Configuring DHCP” in the Cisco IOS IP and IP

Routing Configuration Guide at:


Default Configuration for DHCP Snooping

DHCP snooping is disabled by default. Table 19-1 shows all the default configuration values for each

DHCP snooping option.

Table 19-1 Default Configuration Values for DHCP Snooping

Option Default Value/State

DHCP snooping Disabled

DHCP snooping information option Enabled

DHCP snooping limit rate Infinite (functions as if rate limiting were disabled)

DHCP snooping trust Untrusted

DHCP snooping vlan Disabled


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Chapter 19 Configuring DHCP Snooping and IP Source Guard

Configuring DHCP Snooping on the Switch

If you want to change the default configuration values, see the “Enabling DHCP Snooping” section.

Enabling DHCP Snooping

Note When DHCP snooping is enabled globally, DHCP requests are dropped until the ports are configured.

Consequently, you should probably this feature during a maintenance window and not during


To enable DHCP snooping, perform this task:

You can configure DHCP snooping for a single VLAN or a range of VLANs. To configure a single

VLAN, enter a single VLAN number. To configure a range of VLANs, enter a beginning and an ending

VLAN number or a dash and range of VLANs.

This example shows how to enable DHCP snooping on VLANs 10 through 100:

Switch# configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

Switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping

Switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping vlan 10 100

Switch(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 5/1

Switch(config-if)# ip dhcp snooping trust

Switch(config-if)# interface FastEthernet 2/1

Switch(config-if)# ip dhcp snooping limit rate 100

Switch(config)# end

Switch# show ip dhcp snooping

Switch DHCP snooping is enabled.

Command Purpose

Step 1 Switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping Enables DHCP snooping globally.

You can use the no keyword to disable DHCP snooping.

Step 2 Switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping vlan number

[ number ] | vlan { vlan range }]

Enables DHCP snooping on your VLAN or VLAN range

Step 3 Switch(config-if)# ip dhcp snooping trust Configures the interface as trusted or untrusted.

You can use the no keyword to configure an interface to

receive messages from an untrusted client.

Step 4 Switch(config-if)# ip dhcp snooping limit rate rate Configures the number of DHCP packets per second

(pps) that an interface can receive. 1

1. Cisco recommends not configuring the untrusted interface rate limit to more than 100 packets per second. The recommended rate limit for

each untrusted client is 15 packets per second. Normally, the rate limit applies to untrusted interfaces. If you want to set up rate limiting for

trusted interfaces, keep in mind that trusted interfaces aggregate all DHCP traffic in the switch, and you will need to adjust the rate limit to a

higher value. You should fine tune this threshold depending on the network configuration. The CPU should not receive DHCP packets at a

sustained rate of more than 1,000 packets per second

Step 5 Switch(config)# end Exits configuration mode.

Step 6 Switch# show ip dhcp snooping Verifies the configuration.


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Chapter 19 Configuring DHCP Snooping and IP Source Guard

Configuring DHCP Snooping on the Switch

DHCP Snooping is configured on the following VLANs:


Insertion of option 82 information is enabled.

Interface Trusted Rate limit (pps)

--------- ------- ----------------

FastEthernet2/1 yes 100

FastEthernet2/2 yes none

FastEthernet3/1 no 20

GigabitEthernet5/1 yes none

Switc h#

The following configuration describes the DHCP snooping configuration steps if routing is defined on

another Catalyst switch (for example, Catalyst 6500):

// Trust the uplink gigabit Ethernet trunk port

interface range GigabitEthernet 1/1 – 2

switchport mode trunk

switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

ip dhcp snooping trust


interface VLAN 14

ip address

ip helper-address

Note If you are enabling trunking on uplink gigabit interfaces and have the above routing defined on Catalyst

6500, you must configure the “trust" relationship with downstream DHCP Snooping (4500) which adds

Option 82. On Catalyst 6500, this is accomplished with ip dhcp relay information trusted VLAN

configuration command.

Enabling DHCP Snooping on Private VLAN

DHCP snooping can be enabled on private VLANs, which provide isolation between Layer 2 ports

within the same VLAN. If DHCP snooping is enabled (or disabled), the configuration is propagated to

both the primary VLAN and its associated secondary VLANs. You cannot enable (or disable) DHCP

snooping on a primary VLAN without reflecting this configuration change on the secondary VLANs.

Configuring DHCP snooping on a secondary VLAN is still allowed, but it will not take effect if the

associated primary VLAN is already configured. If the associated primary VLAN is configured, the

effective DHCP snooping mode on the secondary VLAN is derived from the corresponding primary

VLAN. Manually configuring DHCP snooping on a secondary VLAN will cause the switch to issue this

warning message:

DHCP Snooping configuration may not take effect on secondary vlan XXX

The show ip dhcp snooping command will display all VLANs (both primary and secondary) that have

DHCP snooping enabled.


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Chapter 19 Configuring DHCP Snooping and IP Source Guard

Configuring DHCP Snooping on the Switch

Enabling the DHCP Snooping Database Agent

To configure the database agent, perform one or more of the following tasks:

Note Because both NVRAM and bootflash have limited storage capacity, storing a file on an TFTP server is

preferred. Moreover, when a file is stored in a remote location accessible through TFTP, an RPR standby

supervisor engine can take over the binding list when a switchover occurs.

Note Network-based URLs (such as TFTP and FTP) require that you create an empty file at the configured

URL before the switch can write the set of bindings for the first time.

Configuration Examples for the Database Agent

The following examples show how to use the above commands.

Example 1: Enabling the Database Agent

The following example shows how to configure the DHCP snooping database agent to store the bindings

at a given location and to view the configuration and operating state:

Switch# configure terminal

Switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping database tftp://

Switch(config)# end

Switch# show ip dhcp snooping database detail

Agent URL : tftp://

Write delay Timer : 300 seconds

Abort Timer : 300 seconds

Command Purpose

Switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping database { url |

write-delay seconds | timeout seconds }

Switch(config)# no ip dhcp snooping database

[write-delay | timeout]

(Required) Configures a URL for the database agent (or file)

and the related timeout values.

Switch# show ip dhcp snooping database [detail] (Optional) Displays the current operating state of the

database agent and statistics associated with the transfers.

Switch# clear ip dhcp snooping database statistics (Optional) Clears the statistics associated with the database


Switch# renew ip dhcp snooping database [validation

none] [ url ]

(Optional) Requests the read entries from a file at the given


Switch# ip dhcp snooping binding mac-addr vlan vlan

ipaddr interface ifname expiry lease-in-seconds

Switch# no ip dhcp snooping binding mac-addr vlan

vlan ipaddr interface ifname

(Optional) Adds/deletes bindings to the snooping database.


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Chapter 19 Configuring DHCP Snooping and IP Source Guard

Configuring DHCP Snooping on the Switch

Agent Running : No

Delay Timer Expiry : 7 (00:00:07)

Abort Timer Expiry : Not Running

Last Succeded Time : None

Last Failed Time : 17:14:25 UTC Sat Jul 7 2001

Last Failed Reason : Unable to access URL.

Total Attempts : 21 Startup Failures : 0

Successful Transfers : 0 Failed Transfers : 21

Successful Reads : 0 Failed Reads : 0

Successful Writes : 0 Failed Writes : 21

Media Failures : 0

First successful access: Read

Last ignored bindings counters :

Binding Collisions : 0 Expired leases : 0

Invalid interfaces : 0 Unsupported vlans : 0

Parse failures : 0

Last Ignored Time : None

Total ignored bindings counters:

Binding Collisions : 0 Expired leases : 0

Invalid interfaces : 0 Unsupported vlans : 0

Parse failures : 0


The first three lines of output show the configured URL and related timer configuration values. The next

three lines show the operating state and the amount of time left for expiry of write delay and abort timers.

Among the statistics shown in the output, startup failures indicate the number of attempts the read or

create of the file has failed upon bootup.

Note Because the location is based off in the network, you must create a temporary file on the TFTP server.

You can create a temporary file on a typical UNIX workstation by creating a 0 byte file “file” in the

directory “directory” that can be referenced by the TFTP server daemon. With some server

implementations on UNIX workstations, the file should be provided with full (777) permissions for write

access to the file.

DHCP snooping bindings are keyed on the MAC address and VLAN combination. Therefore, if an entry

in the remote file has an entry for a given MAC address and VLAN set, for which the switch already has

a binding, the entry from the remote file is ignored when the file is read. This condition is referred to as

the binding collision.

An entry in a file may no longer be valid because the lease indicated by the entry may have expired by

the time it is read. The expired leases counter indicates the number of bindings ignored because of this

condition. The Invalid interfaces counter refers to the number of bindings that have been ignored when

the interface referred by the entry either does not exist on the system or is a router or DHCP snooping

trusted interface if it exists, when the read happened. Unsupported VLANs refers to the number of

entries that have been ignored because the indicated VLAN is not supported on the system. The Parse

failures counter provides the number of entries that have been ignored when the switch is unable to

interpret the meaning of the entries from the file.


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Chapter 19 Configuring DHCP Snooping and IP Source Guard

Configuring DHCP Snooping on the Switch

The switch maintains two sets of counters for these ignored bindings. One provides the counters for a

read that has at least one binding ignored by at least one of these conditions. These counters are shown

as the “Last ignored bindings counters.” The total ignored bindings counters provides a sum of the

number of bindings that have been ignored because of all the reads since the switch bootup. These two

set of counters are cleared by the clear command. Therefore, the total counter set may indicate the

number of bindings that have been ignored since the last clear.

Example 2: Reading Binding Entries from a TFTP File

To manually read the entries from a tftp file, perform this task:

This is an example of how to manually read entries from the tftp://

Switch# sh ip dhcp snooping database

Agent URL :

Write delay Timer : 300 seconds

Abort Timer : 300 seconds

Agent Running : No

Delay Timer Expiry : Not Running

Abort Timer Expiry : Not Running

Last Succeded Time : None

Last Failed Time : None

Last Failed Reason : No failure recorded.

Total Attempts : 0 Startup Failures : 0

Successful Transfers : 0 Failed Transfers : 0

Successful Reads : 0 Failed Reads : 0

Successful Writes : 0 Failed Writes : 0

Media Failures : 0


Switch# renew ip dhcp snoop data tftp://

Loading directory/file from (via GigabitEthernet1/1): !

[OK - 457 bytes]

Database downloaded successfully.


00:01:29: %DHCP_SNOOPING-6-AGENT_OPERATION_SUCCEEDED: DHCP snooping database Read



Switch# sh ip dhcp snoop data

Agent URL :

Write delay Timer : 300 seconds

Abort Timer : 300 seconds

Agent Running : No

Delay Timer Expiry : Not Running

Abort Timer Expiry : Not Running

Command Purpose

Step 1 Switch# sh ip dhcp snooping database Displays the DHCP snooping database agent statistics.

Step 2 Switch# renew ip dhcp snoop data url Directs the switch to read the file from given URL.

Step 3 Switch# sh ip dhcp snoop data Displays the read status.

Step 4 Switch# sh ip dhcp snoop bind Verifies whether the bindings were read successfully.


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Chapter 19 Configuring DHCP Snooping and IP Source Guard

Configuring DHCP Snooping on the Switch

Last Succeded Time : 15:24:34 UTC Sun Jul 8 2001

Last Failed Time : None

Last Failed Reason : No failure recorded.

Total Attempts : 1 Startup Failures : 0

Successful Transfers : 1 Failed Transfers : 0

Successful Reads : 1 Failed Reads : 0

Successful Writes : 0 Failed Writes : 0

Media Failures : 0


Switch# sh ip dhcp snoop bind

MacAddress IpAddress Lease(sec) Type VLAN Interface

------------------ --------------- ---------- ------------- ---- --------------------

00:01:00:01:00:05 49810 dhcp-snooping 512 GigabitEthernet1/1

00:01:00:01:00:02 49810 dhcp-snooping 512 GigabitEthernet1/1

00:01:00:01:00:04 49810 dhcp-snooping 1536 GigabitEthernet1/1

00:01:00:01:00:03 49810 dhcp-snooping 1024 GigabitEthernet1/1

00:01:00:01:00:01 49810 dhcp-snooping 1 GigabitEthernet1/1


Switch#clear ip dhcp snoop bind

Switch#sh ip dhcp snoop bind

MacAddress IpAddress Lease(sec) Type VLAN Interface

------------------ --------------- ---------- ------------- ---- --------------------


Example 3: Adding Information to the DHCP Snooping Database

To manually add a binding to the DHCP snooping database, perform the following task:

This example shows how to manually add a binding to the DHCP snooping database:

Switch# show ip dhcp snooping binding

MacAddress IpAddress Lease(sec) Type VLAN Interface

------------------ --------------- ---------- ------------- ---- --------------------


Switch# ip dhcp snooping binding 1.1.1 vlan 1 interface gi1/1 expiry 1000

Switch# show ip dhcp snooping binding

MacAddress IpAddress Lease(sec) Type VLAN Interface

------------------ --------------- ---------- ------------- ---- --------------------

00:01:00:01:00:01 992 dhcp-snooping 1 GigabitEthernet1/1


Command Purpose

Step 1 Switch# show ip dhcp snooping binding Views the DHCP snooping database

Step 2 Switch# ip dhcp snooping binding binding-id vlan

vlan-id interface interface expiry lease-time

Adds the binding using the 'ip dhcp snooping' exec


Step 3 Switch# show ip dhcp snooping binding Checks the DHCP snooping database


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Chapter 19 Configuring DHCP Snooping and IP Source Guard

Displaying DHCP Snooping Information

Displaying DHCP Snooping Information

You can display a DHCP snooping binding table and configuration information for all interfaces on a


Displaying a Binding Table

The DHCP snooping binding table for each switch contains binding entries that correspond to untrusted

ports. The table does not contain information about hosts interconnected with a trusted port because each

interconnected switch will have its own DHCP snooping binding table.

This example shows how to display the DHCP snooping binding information for a switch:

Switch# sh ip dhcp snooping binding

MacAddress IpAddress Lease(sec) Type VLAN Interface

------------------ --------------- ---------- ------------- ---- --------------------

00:02:B3:3F:3B:99 6943 dhcp-snooping 10 FastEthernet6/10


Table 19-2 describes the fields in the show ip dhcp snooping binding command output.

Displaying the DHCP Snooping Configuration

This example shows how to display the DHCP snooping configuration for a switch.

Switch# show ip dhcp snooping

Switch DHCP snooping is enabled.

DHCP Snooping is configured on the following VLANs:

10 30-40 100 200-220

Insertion of option 82 information is enabled.

Interface Trusted Rate limit (pps)

--------- ------- ----------------

FastEthernet2/1 yes 10

FastEthernet3/1 yes none

GigabitEthernet1/1 no 20


Table 19-2 show ip dhcp snooping binding Command Output

Field Description

MAC Address Client hardware MAC address

IP Address Client IP address assigned from the DHCP server

Lease (seconds) IP address lease time

Type Binding type; dynamic binding learned by dhcp-snooping or

statically-configured binding.

VLAN VLAN number of the client interface

Interface Interface that connects to the DHCP client host


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Chapter 19 Configuring DHCP Snooping and IP Source Guard

Overview of IP Source Guard

Overview of IP Source Guard

Similar to DHCP snooping, this feature is enabled on a DHCP snooping untrusted Layer 2 port. Initially,

all IP traffic on the port is blocked except for DHCP packets that are captured by the DHCP snooping

process. When a client receives a valid IP address from the DHCP server, or when a static IP source

binding is configured by the user, a per-port and VLAN Access Control List (PVACL) is installed on the

port. This process restricts the client IP traffic to those source IP addresses configured in the binding;

any IP traffic with a source IP address other than that in the IP source binding will be filtered out. This

filtering limits a host’s ability to attack the network by claiming a neighbor host's IP address.

Note If IP Source Guard is enabled on a trunk port with a large number of VLANs that have DHCP snooping

enabled, you might run out of ACL hardware resources and some packets might be switched in software.

IP Source Guard supports only the Layer 2 port, including both access and trunk. For each untrusted

Layer 2 port, there are two levels of IP traffic security filtering:

Source IP address filter

IP traffic is filtered based on its source IP address. Only IP traffic with a source IP address that

matches the IP source binding entry is permitted.

An IP source address filter is changed when a new IP source entry binding is created or deleted on

the port. The port PVACL will be recalculated and reapplied in the hardware to reflect the IP source

binding change. By default, if the IP filter is enabled without any IP source binding on the port, a

default PVACL that denies all IP traffic is installed on the port. Similarly, when the IP filter is

disabled, any IP source filter PVACL will be removed from the interface.

Source IP and MAC address filter

IP traffic is filtered based on its source IP address as well as its MAC address; only IP traffic with

source IP and MAC addresses matching the IP source binding entry are permitted.

Note When IP source guard is enabled in IP and MAC filtering mode, the DHCP snooping option 82 must be

enabled to ensure that the DHCP protocol works properly. Without option 82 data, the switch cannot

locate the client host port to forward the DHCP server reply. Instead, the DHCP server reply is dropped

and the client cannot obtain an IP address.

Configuring IP Source Guard on the Switch

To enable IP Source Guard, perform this task:

Command Purpose

Step 1 Switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping Enables DHCP snooping globally.

You can use the no keyword to disable DHCP snooping.

Step 2 Switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping vlan number

[ number ]

Enables DHCP snooping on your VLANs.

Step 3 Switch(config-if)# no ip dhcp snooping trust Configures the interface as trusted or untrusted.

You can use the no keyword of to configure an interface

to receive only messages from within the network.


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Chapter 19 Configuring DHCP Snooping and IP Source Guard

Configuring IP Source Guard on the Switch

Note The static IP source binding can only be configured on switch port. If you issue the

ip source binding vlan interface command on a Layer 3 port, you will receive this error message:

Static IP source binding can only be configured on switch port .

This example shows how to enable per-Layer 2-port IP source guard on VLANs 10 through 20:

Switch# configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

Switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping

Switch(config)# ip dhcp snooping vlan 10 20

Switch(config)# interface fa6/1

Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk

Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk native vlan 10

Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan 11-20

Switch(config-if)# no ip dhcp snooping trust

Switch(config-if)# ip verify source vlan dhcp-snooping

Switch(config)# end

Switch# sh ip verify source interface f6/1

Interface Filter-type Filter-mode IP-address Mac-address Vlan

--------- ----------- ----------- --------------- ----------------- ----------

Fa6/1 ip-mac active 10

Fa6/1 ip-mac active deny-all 11-20


The output shows that there is one valid DHCP binding to VLAN 10.

Step 4 Switch(config-if)# ip verify source vlan

dhcp-snooping port-security

Enables IP source guard, source IP, and source MAC

address filtering on the port.

Step 5 Switch(config-if)# switchport port-security limit

rate invalid-source-mac N

Enables security rate limiting for learned source MAC

addresses on the port.

Note This limit only applies to the port where IP

Source Guard is enabled as filtering both IP and

MAC addresses.

Step 6 Switch(config)# ip source binding ip-addr ip vlan

number interface interface

Configures a static IP binding on the port.

Step 7 Switch(config)# end Exits configuration mode.

Step 8 Switch# show ip verify source interface


Verifies the configuration.

Command Purpose


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Chapter 19 Configuring DHCP Snooping and IP Source Guard

Displaying IP Source Guard Information

Configuring IP Source Guard on Private VLANs

For private VLAN ports, you must enable DHCP snooping on primary VLANs in order for IP source

guard to be effective. IP source guard on a primary VLAN will automatically propagate to a secondary

VLAN. Configuring a static IP source binding on a secondary VLAN is allowed, but it will not take

effect. When manually configuring a static IP source binding on a secondary VLAN, you will receive

the following warning:

Warning IP source filter may not take effect on secondary vlan where IP source binding is configured. If private

vlan feature is enabled, IP source filter on primary vlan will automatically propagate to all secondary


Displaying IP Source Guard Information

You can display IP Source Guard PVACL information for all interfaces on a switch using the

show ip verify source command.

This example shows displayed PVACLs if DHCP snooping is enabled on VLAN 10 through 20, if

interface fa6/1 is configured for IP filtering, and if there is an existing IP address binding 10.0.01

on VLAN 10:

Interface Filter-type Filter-mode IP-address Mac-address Vlan

--------- ----------- ----------- --------------- -------------- ---------

fa6/1 ip active 10

fa6/1 ip active deny-all 11-20

Note The second entry shows that a default PVACL (deny all IP traffic) is installed on the port for those

snooping-enabled VLANs that do not have a valid IP source binding.

This example shows displayed PVACL for a trusted port:

Interface Filter-type Filter-mode IP-address Mac-address Vlan

--------- ----------- ----------- --------------- -------------- ---------

fa6/2 ip inactive-trust-port

This example shows displayed PVACL for a port in a VLAN not configured for DHCP snooping:

Interface Filter-type Filter-mode IP-address Mac-address Vlan

--------- ----------- ----------- --------------- -------------- ---------

fa6/3 ip inactive-no-snooping-vlan

This example shows displayed PVACLs for a port with multiple bindings configured for an IP/MAC


Interface Filter-type Filter-mode IP-address Mac-address Vlan

--------- ----------- ----------- --------------- -------------- ---------

fa6/4 ip-mac active aaaa.bbbb.cccc 10

fa6/4 ip-mac active aaaa.bbbb.cccd 11

fa6/4 ip-mac active deny-all deny-all 12-20


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Chapter 19 Configuring DHCP Snooping and IP Source Guard

Displaying IP Source Binding Information

This example shows displayed PVACLs for a port configured for IP/MAC filtering but not for port


Interface Filter-type Filter-mode IP-address Mac-address Vlan

--------- ----------- ----------- --------------- -------------- ---------

fa6/5 ip-mac active permit-all 10

fa6/5 ip-mac active deny-all permit-all 11-20

Note The MAC filter shows permit-all because port security is not enabled, so the MAC filter

cannot apply to the port/VLAN and is effectively disabled. Always enable port security first.

This example shows displayed error message when issuing the show ip verify source command on

a port that does not have an IP source filter mode configured:

IP Source Guard is not configured on the interface fa6/6.

You can also use the show ip verify source command to display all interfaces on the switch that have IP

source guard enabled:

Interface Filter-type Filter-mode IP-address Mac-address Vlan

--------- ----------- ----------- --------------- -------------- ---------

fa6/1 ip active 10

fa6/1 ip active deny-all 11-20

fa6/2 ip inactive-trust-port

fa6/3 ip inactive-no-snooping-vlan

fa6/4 ip-mac active aaaa.bbbb.cccc 10

fa6/4 ip-mac active aaaa.bbbb.cccd 11

fa6/4 ip-mac active deny-all deny-all 12-20

fa6/5 ip-mac active permit-all 10

fa6/5 ip-mac active deny-all permit-all 11-20

Displaying IP Source Binding Information

You can display all IP source bindings configured on all interfaces on a switch using the

show ip source binding command.

Switch# sh ip source binding

MacAddress IpAddress Lease(sec) Type VLAN Interface

------------------ --------------- ---------- ------------- ---- --------------------

00:02:B3:3F:3B:99 6522 dhcp-snooping 10 FastEthernet6/10

00:00:00:0A:00:0B infinite static 10 FastEthernet6/10


Table 19-3 describes the fields in the show ip source binding command output.

Table 19-3 show ip source binding Command Output

Field Description

MAC Address Client hardware MAC address

IP Address Client IP address assigned from the DHCP server

Lease (seconds) IP address lease time

Type Binding type; static bindings configured from CLI to dynamic binding

learned from DHCP Snooping


Catalyst 4500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide—12.1(20)EW


Chapter 19 Configuring DHCP Snooping and IP Source Guard

Displaying IP Source Binding Information

VLAN VLAN number of the client interface

Interface Interface that connects to the DHCP client host

Table 19-3 show ip source binding Command Output (continued)

Field Description


Catalyst 4500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide—12.1(20)EW


Chapter 19 Configuring DHCP Snooping and IP Source Guard

Displaying IP Source Binding Information