Palm Web OS 简介


      Palm WebOS是新一代操作系统,通过网络客户端使其拥有前所未有的扩展能力。Palm Web OS平台由前苹果公司高管乔恩·鲁宾斯坦(Jon Rubenstein)领衔开发,而Palm Pre是首款采用Web OS的智能手机。

  在人机界面上,Web OS非常友好,增强了多点触控体验,另外强化无线互联功能也是新系统的重要特性,此外支持网页内容和手机内资料的统一的搜索功能,能够同时处理多个在线任务也 是值得期待的看点。

2.WebOS 操作界面介绍

Web OS是Palm OS、BlackBerry OS之后的有一套新的手机系统,Web OS 界面非常的简洁,比如 Web OS拥有许多应用,但平常屏幕上只显示"电话、联系人、邮件、日历"这四个应用如(图1),当用户点击右下角的隐藏/显示按钮时,屏幕上的其他应用才会都显示出来如(图2), 包括:短信、网络浏览器、相机、照片、音乐、视频、记事本、任务管理、地图、计算器等应用。Palm Pre采用宽大的触控屏幕,用户能够轻松地用手指滚动屏幕列表。

  此外,Palm Pre 还拥有一项新的Synergy(协同)同步系统功能,能够自动管理用户的多个联系网络,用户只需要登录 Google 、Outlook 和 Facebook,twitter的账户,Palm 会将这些网络的数据分隔保存。但用户又能够统一获得多个服务的即时消息,操作相当人性化。Palm Pre的网络浏览器基于Webkit ,界面舒适,且支持多选项卡浏览。

Palm Pre 还拥有 Google Android类似的"弹出消息(popup)"通知系统,如果正在运行其他软件的时候有了新消息,它会自动调整大小让你能够看见消息内容。Palm Pre 的Dock 工具栏还可以自定义应用快捷启动项。此外,Palm Pre 还支持微软的 Exchange 企业邮件功能。

            (图1)                             (图2)

3.Web OS应用程序开发

在应用程序开发方面,新系统的优势在于,任何熟悉 CSS、HTML 、XML 和 Javascript 编程的开发者都能够为该操作系统开始应用,无需学习新的编程语言。这能够为 Palm Pre 开放应用的开发者群体众多,未来 Palm Pre 将拥有更多的应用,web os 所用的开发语言是传统的web开发所用的技术并且支持css3,HTML5,以及一个JavaScript开发框架Mojo,在UI方面支持widget,Mojo框架带有丰富的界面Widget控件,如List,Menu等,在开发的过程中非常方便调用。

4.Palm Mojo应用程序框架

使用mojo便于开发Palm WebOS应用程序,它是一个新的应用程序框架,基于HTML5, CSS,和JavaScript标准。这些标准 web开发者已经是非常熟悉和喜爱的。WebOS应用程序可以直接安装运行在手持设备,访问更广泛设备服务器。




3)HTML5本地存储,使得当用户离线状态也可以使用数据。这对开发者是个好消息,提供很多 方式从palmos的数据文件pdb格式中提取数据到你的新的webos应 用程序中。这样可以转移更多资源从palmos到webos中。


5.Palm Mojo SDK

基于mojo应用程序框架,SDK提供简单的代码,文件和开发工具。基于Eclipse交互式数据输入也将会包括在内,你可以选择工具建立webos应用 程序。当前mojo SDK的版本发布到1.4.1 可以在官网上下载,官网地址:

在接下来的几篇文章中我将介绍如何搭建Palm WebOS 平台的开发环境。

Practical Palm Pre WebOS Projects 400 pages | Apress (December 30, 2009) | ISBN: 1430226749 | PDF | 10.4 MB The Palm Pre is the hottest new device on the block. It’s the cell phone—nay, personal digital everything—that all the cool kids want to get their hands on . . . but no one wants to use it more than developers! The Palm Pre is more than just a way-cool device, though: it is built on Palm’s brand-spanking-new webOS, an operating system that changes the game for developers. Building on standards-based web technologies, webOS allows us to create applications more quickly and easily than any other platform out there using the same technologies we know and love already. It turns out to be quite fun, too! In this book, you’ll learn all about the Palm Pre and webOS, their capabilities, and how to develop for them. You’ll learn to write applications that function entirely on the Pre itself, and you’ll also learn to write applications that “live in the cloud” (i.e., keep you connected to the digital world around you). You’ll spend most of your time looking at Mojo, the framework API through which your code interfaces with the operating system. All of this will be presented within the context of six fully functional real-world applications that you can use on your own Pre! Once you’re done, you’ll be ready to write your own webOS applications for the Pre, get them into the app catalog (the online store where Pre applications are made available to Pre owners), and make tons of cash. Learn to program the Palm Pre by sticking to javascript. Write useful apps as well as games. Become productive using Mojo and upload new applications within a day. What you’ll learn All about the Palm Pre, its capabilities, webOS architecture, application structure, and development model (including tooling) The Mojo framework/API, what it offers, how it’s organized, and more How to interact with cloud-based services to provide a connected experience for Pre applications How to write on-device applications that store all their data locally (some will then sync to a server-side store when later connected) How to write games as well as useful apps Who is this book for?




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