I'm Dennis Smith.
ThisDennis Smith.* phone often use this is...Instead of my name is...
ThisDennis Smith said.
Hello, is John?
Hello, John?* often used in between acquaintances.
Hello, is that Mr. Dennis Smith?
This is Dennis Mr. Smith?
Can the financial is division?
Is this the finance department?
Is this dr. Jim baker's office?
Is this dr. Jim baker's office?
Can I borrow your telephone?
Would you mind ifuse your phone?* this sentence literal translation is "if I use your phone, you mind?".If agree, the answer is no, don't mind).
Would you mind ifuse your phone?(can I borrow your telephone?
No, please continue to.(can, please go ahead.
I'd like to speak to Mr Sato.
Mayspeak sato sir?
I likespeakMr.Sato, please.
Mr Sato in?
Sato sir, please.* this is the most simple statement.Don't disrespect, work and daily life can use.
Let me talkMr.Sato, please.* say that is a bit too straight, in addition to outside acquaintances, you don't have.
In g a horse?
Is mark?* the children between, between friends and familiar with between informal view, the best don't work.
To up is not true, so late back to call you.
I'm sorry for calling you this late.If * in the morning to the evening if early.
I hope I'm not disturbing you.
I hope I'm not disturbing you.* disturb "bother (rest and work)".
I hope I didn't let you.
I wish didn't wake you.
I hopedidn don't wake you up.
I hopedidn don't wake you up.(I wish didn't wake you.
No, you don't have.(no, you didn't wake me.
I've got something urgent to find Mr. Baltimore.
IturgenttalkMr.Baltimore now.
I'll needgetcontact and Mr. Baltimore.* getcontact..."... and... get in touch ".
I needtalkMr.Barr immediately.
About tomorrow's meeting to call you.
I'm calling about tomorrow's meeting.
I call you back.
I call you back.
I call you back.

Had to answer the phone
Hello.In English * the person answering the call to say "hello".
Oh, hello.Is mark?(hey, mark in?
Yes, I am.
Said.* each other to find just is their own, in this sentence "I am" answer.
Thishe.* women use "Thisshe".
ThisMr.Sato said.(yes, I'm sato.
This is.* a little curt feeling.
Is my ah.
This is my.* often used like husband and wife relationship very intimate occasion.
ABC business college.What can I do for you?
American broadcasting company business school, mayhelp you?* company when picking up the phone workplace general answer way.Personal family answer the phone, ju 英语快速阅读方法st say "hello".
Thank you for calling ABC business college.
Canhelp you?
Are you calling?
Excuse me, who is calling?
Excuse me, who are you?
Is that?
Mayask who is calling, please?
Who shouldsaycalling?
You want to find which answer the phone?
You will liketalk Whoparticular?* in particular "special", "especially".
He has been waiting for your call.
He has been waiting for your call.He is his * political form expectations "hopefulness for".
What do you want to find a wooden bell?
You wanttalk which suzuki?
Here are three surname of the suzuki.
Here are three surname suzuki.
Can you'll call son?
Would you mind calling back later?
Can you give me a call?
Please turn 03.
Extended 03, please.* extension "extension", here said "extension telephone".
Tide may expand 03?
03 could for acquired extension number?
Please help me to have extension 03.
Can you put this callextension 03?
I give you pick the extension.
I will connect youextension 03.
I put your callextension 03.
Please wait a moment.
Please wait a moment.* insist on "waiting".
MayspeakMr.Smith?(please speak to Mr. Smith.
Please wait a moment.(please wait a moment.
Please wait a moment.
Please wait a moment.
Please wait a moment.
Just a second, please.
I let him on the phone.
I'll let him.* put...In the "let... the phone".
I'll connect you.(the telephone call you.* connection "connection".
I give you a call after the past.
I'll connect you.
I'll connect you.
I put the call to person in charge.
I'll let you for your.* party is not "party" but refers to the object of the phone.
Let me put your phone.
I put your personcharge call joke.
I'll put you on to the sales to.
What I call transfer your sales department.
Bei is g play, please pick number line.
Mr. Peckon a line.
Mr. Parker for you.He also can only detect a.
Picked up a line.This is Mr. Peck.
ABC company call Mr. Milan.
Do you have a phone call MillerABC sir.
There is a phone Mr 英语快速阅读方法. MillerABC.
Mr. MillerABCon line.
You want to find people to pick up the telephone.
Your partyon line.* through the telephone switchboard operator, the operator on call after the commonly used expression.
Your partyon line.(do you want to find people to answer the phone.
Thank you.(thank you.).

Fox can't answer the phone
She's on the phone now.
She is now linebusy.* busy said "is on the phone," rather than "busy".
I'm sorry, but she's linebusy.(I'm sorry, she is on the phone.
Ok.I'll try again later.(good. That I'll call again a few minutes later.
Now she 'sanother line.
Other Kanetalkingsomeone lady now.(Mr Kane is on the phone.
I'm afraid she's other line now.
I'm sorry, she is tied up at the moment.
I'm sorry, she is busy at the moment.* tie "busy can't answer the phone".
I'm sorry, she is reception guests.
I'm sorry, she has company 英语快速阅读方法at this time.* the company in addition to the "company" beyond, also said "friend", "guest".
You will wait for son do?
You will likehold?* held "take", "hold", namely "don't hang up waiting for".
You will likehold?(do you wait a minute?
No, I'll call back later.thank you(no, I'll call back later. Thank you.
You will likestaythe ok?
Can you wait a moment, okay?
You will likehold?
Want to have?(can wait a minute?* will only be used for friends or acquaintances, work cannot use want to...Is what you want to political form.Say "do you want to...?"
He's not at his desk right now.
He's not at his desk right now.
He in the company, but he's not at his desk now.
He 'sbut, he's not at his desk right now.
I'm sorry, he is out.
I'm sorry, but he is notright.
Is John there?(is John in?
I'm sorry, but he is notright.(I'm sorry, he is out.
He's not in.
He is not in right now.
He isn't here now.(he isn't here right now.
He is in the office.
He yao assorted passenger back can come?
He said he would come back?
When do you think he will be back?
Do you think when will he come back?
He's about 0 minutes back.
He should backten minutes.* in don't refer to the "within", but "after......", so is "0 minutes" mean.
He should be next week to come to work.
He should maintain office next week.
He's on vacation until next week.
He 'svacation until next week.
He called in sick.
He calledsick today.* callsick is idiomatic expressions, "call in sick".
Now he is on a business trip.
His outtown now.
Now he went to lunch.
His outlunch now.* outlunch phrase, "nap".
He is in a meeting right now.
He is now a meeting.
He is off today.
He is not here today.* only off can say "rest".

- a message, and accept the message
Can you'll call son come?
Can you give me a call?
Can you call back a little later?
Would you mind calling back later?
Please 0 minutes to play.
Please call me backten minutes.* in the said "from now to future......", "later......".If you want to special emphasis on "within the time..." words, used in.Said "some time later", after use.
Will you give me a call backten minutes, if you don't mind?(you can 0 minutes later call back later?
Will you give me a call backten minutes if possible?(can you 0 minutes later call back later?
Would you like to leave him a message?
Maybe a message?
Maybe a message?(would you like to leave him a message?
No, thank you.(no, thank you.
What's the news?
You will likeleave leave a message?
Shalltake leave a message?
Take a message?
Do you have any news?
Maybe a message?
I'll call again.
I'll try again later.
I'll call back later.
I'll call againan hours.(an hour later I call back later.
Can leave a shoot?
Will interfere with a message?
Will interf英语快速阅读方法ere with Mr. Smith a message?(can leave a message for Mr. Smith?
I call you, but the line is busy.
I call you, but the line is busy.
I call you, but the line.* British English.
Please tell him that Lynn Kane called him.
Will you tell him, Lynn Kane called?
Please tell himcall Lynn Kane.(please tell him to call me.
Please tell him to let him call me back.
Please tell himcall I.
Excuse me himcall I.
Please have him return my call.(please ask him to call me.
How did he in touch with you?
How can he get a holdyou?
How can he and you gettouch?
How can he and you getcontact?
Please tell me your telephone number.
Please tell me your telephone number?
Please tell me your telephone number?(please tell me your telephone number).
My number234-234.(my telephone number is 234-234.
What's your phone number?
Pay attention to your phone number?
Whether for the day after tomorrow acquisition, your telephone number?
My telephone number is 234-234.
My number234-234.
Six o 'clock please call 234-234 to contact me.
You can find me in 234-234 to 6 o 'clock.* to achieve "telephone".
I'll confirm the number one phone code, 234 -, - 234, right?
Let me repeat number.This is 234-234.
This number234-234.Right?(your number is 234-234, right?
Well, I tell him you to the telephone.
Good.I'll tell him you to the telephone.
I will tell you a message.(I will tell your message.
How do you spell the name?
How do you spell your name?
Can you spell your name?
Could you please spell your name?
Can you spell?(can you spell your name?
You meeting Mr. Smith to you to the telephone.
Mr. Smith called you during the meeting.
I have him call you back well.
I want him 英语快速阅读方法to call you back.
I want to tell himcall you back.
I will ask himcall you back.
He is not to give you back is let the phone?
Mining right him to ca英语快速阅读方法ll you back?
He gives you a call, he mining right back?(when he comes back, let him call you back?
You want to himcall you come back?
Want to himcall you come back?* is what you want to himcall you come back?Slightly reducing end of language form, more casual statement.

- hang up the phone
Thank you for your call.
Thank you for calling.* in the received each other phone, finally the other end of the call to show politeness.
So, see you tomorrow.(that, see you tomorrow.
Thank you for calling.(thank you for your call.
Thank you for your call.
Well, haveget to.(that, I have to hang up now.
Thank you for your call.(thank you for calling.
Please feel free to call.
Please feel free to call again.
I have to hang up now.
I should hang up.* to get off the phone is "to hang up" fixed view.
I have to hang up now.
I havego now.
I haveget to.
I should hang up.
I think I'd better go.* guess "think", go "hung up the phone."
Can you pass with the words, I am very happy, goodbye.
Good talkingyou.Goodbye.
Please hang up it.
Please hang up.* "hang up" hang up, and not with cut.
Please put down the microphone.
Please get off the bus telephone?(can you hung up the phone?
Phone is broken.
I was cut off.
I can't be connected.
I haven't finished? And she hung up the phone.
She hung upme.* hang is hanging over the past type.
She hung up beforefinished.
Telephone line is interrupted.
Hang up the phone.
Thank you for returning my call.
Thank you for returning my call.
Thank you for returning my call.

- call the wrong number
It seems you have the wrong number.
I'm afraid you have the wrong number.* error "wrong", "no," wrong number "wrong telephone number".
I'm afraid you have the wrong number.(you may have the wrong number.
Oh, I'm sorry to bother you.(oh, I'm sorry to disturb you.
Sorry, you dialed the wrong number.
You dial the number is telephone less code?
What number are you calling?
You tryingreach is what number?
You find which ah?
You will liketalk who?
You wanttalk?
Who are you calling?
Who are you tryingreach?
There's no you said the man.
There is no one here by that name.
Nobody here by that name.
There's no Bob hope in this office.
There's no Bob Hopethis office.
This is no Bob hope in here.(there's no Bob hope in this office.
I'm sorry, it seems that I dialed the wrong number.
I'm sorry.I must have dial the wrong.* used when call the wrong number.
I afraidhave the wrong number.

Had a telephone message
This is Gary mills calling. Please call me as soon as possible.
ThisGary mills.Please give me a call as soon as possible.
I is Gary mills of ABC. Please call me when you get home.My telephone number is 234-234.
ThisGary MillsABC.Please call me when you come home.My number234-234.
This is telephone recording.
Thisa record.* tapes that the fixed.

- call encounter difficulties
Could you speak slowly a son?
Please speak a little more slowly.
Please speak a little more slowly?
I can not hear you clearly.
I can't hear you very well.
Are you free tomorrow?(free tomorrow?
I can't hear you very well.(I can not hear you clearly.
I can hardly hear what you said.(I can't hear at all.
I can not hear you clearly.(I can't hear you very well.
There seems to be a problem with telephone line.
We have a bad connection.
Thisa really bad line.
Can you again big point acoustic son?
Could you speak up, please?
Please speak a little louder.
Can you speak a little louder?
Seton the.
Channeling line.* line is refers to the telephone line ", "cross" cross ", "interference".
Bank must cross.(must be seton).
I'm sorry to keep you waiting so long.
I sorryhave to keep you waiting.
I sorryhave to keep you waiting.(I'm sorry to keep you waiting so long.
it doesn't matter(it doesn't matter.
I'm sorry to delay.(I'm sorry, I'm late.
Sorryhave kept you waiting.(I'm sorry for keeping you waiting so long.
Thank you for waiting for me.
Thank you for waiting.
You give me the wrong number.
You give me the wrong number.
You give me the number is wrong.