
package mythread;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Random;

* Those code show you muti threads use thread local to keep his own variable or object,    
* and make sure his variable keep the same all the time!
* @author daniel zhou

public class MyThreadLocal {

    * Main Enter
    * @param args

   public static void main(String[] args) {
    ThreadTest tt= new ThreadTest();
    Thread t1= new Thread(tt, "thread 1");
    Thread t2= new Thread(tt, "thread 2");
    Thread t3= new Thread(tt, "thread 3");

* This thread have use thread local implements MyThreadLocalImpl
*    to keep mutil thread's variable, this is a key
* @author daniel zhou

class ThreadTest implements Runnable{

   private static MyThreadLocalImpl threadlocal= new MyThreadLocalImpl();
   public void run() {
    String currentThread=Thread.currentThread().getName();
    System.out.println(currentThread+ " runing");
    VO vo = getVO();
    Random random = new Random();
         int age = random.nextInt(100);
    String value=String.valueOf(age);
    System.out.println(currentThread+ "set age: "+vo.getAge());
    System.out.println(currentThread+ " first time get age: "+vo.getAge());
     try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
       // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    System.out.println(currentThread+ " second get age: "+vo.getAge());
     try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
       // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    System.out.println(currentThread+ " third get age: "+vo.getAge());
     //clear up
    * Get object from threadlocal
    * @return

   public static VO getVO(){
    VO vo= (VO) threadlocal.get();    
     if (vo== null) {
      vo= new VO();        
     return vo;

    * Clear up threadlocal

   public static void clearVO(){
    VO vo= (VO) threadlocal.get();
    threadlocal.set( null);
     if (vo!= null) {
      vo= null;

* Here I have use java.util.Map, java.util.Collections to implements an simple threadlocal Object
* @author daniel zhou

class MyThreadLocalImpl{
   private Map<Thread, Object> valueMap=Collections.synchronizedMap( new HashMap<Thread, Object>());
   public void set(Object newValue){
    valueMap.put(Thread.currentThread(), newValue);
   public Object get(){
    Thread curThread=Thread.currentThread();
    Object obj=valueMap.get(curThread);
     if (obj== null && !valueMap.containsKey(curThread)) {
      valueMap.put(curThread, obj);
     return obj;
   public Object initialValue(){
     return null;

* VO, demo object
* @author daniel zhou

class VO{
   private String age;
   public void setAge(String age){
   public String getAge(){
     return age;