SAP Customer Checkout Troubleshoot and FAQ

In SAP Note 2202185 you will find the up to date FAQ for SAP Customer Checkout. Please follow the link:

Below you will find the FAQ from the note as they are available per today (04.05.2017)

2202185 – SAP Customer Checkout Trouble Shooting and FAQ

This SAP Note for SAP Customer Checkout has 2 parts. The first part is the FAQ section and the second part is the Trouble Shooting section. If you do not find the answer to your question, please feel free to send us a mail to:

Frequently Asked Questions:

This Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section is only prepared for help purposes and is not a legal document. The Frequently Asked Questions are separated into following categories:

General Questions (where to get the download, License, Availability,…)
Configuration (Print Templates, Additional Screen,…)
Functionality (Tax rates, selling services,…)
Plug In’s / Enhancement / Interfaces (Payment Terminal, Plug In,…)

  1. General Questions

1.1 How and where can I download SAP Customer Checkout?

SAP Customer Checkout is a standard SAP product and can be downloaded from the Service Market Place (SMP).

For Business One partners, the product is linked to Demo Materials 7002350 and 7002350 (Demo License for SAP Business One). Hence each partner who is linked to the demo materials, can also download SAP Customer Checkout from the SMP for demo and test purpose. For productive use, the customers/partners need to buy license of-course. The license fee is per device (example 10 device would need 10 license).

1.2 We bought SAP Customer Checkout, but we do not have a license key.

To run the SAP Customer Checkout no license key is needed on a technical level. So you don’t need to insert a specific Activation/License Key in the product. But for use in productive environment it is required to buy a License. But it is also not necessary to store the License Key in a specified area.

The licenses are sold per device matrix

For Example:

If you have 10 POS Station in 5 Shops you need 10 licenses
If you have 10 POS Station in one Shop you also need 10 licenses
If you have 1 POS Station with 10 cashier you need one license
If you have 5 POS Station with 10 cashier in 1 Shop you need 5 licenses
To use SAP Customer Checkout without buying license in a productive environment is illegal. For more information regarding licenses or pricing please contact your Partner Manager or Account Manager.

1.3 Which languages are supported by the SAP Customer Checkout user interface?

The SAP Customer Checkout user interface supports the following languages:

English, German, Danish, Dutch, French, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish and Swedish.

However in the PAM (Product Availability Matrix) in SMP (Service Market Place), you will find only English and German language as the mentioned languages supported by SAP Customer Checkout. All documentation like User Manual etc., are available only in English and German language. Hence only these languages are mentioned in the PAM.

1.4 For which country/countries is SAP Customer Checkout available/localized? Can partners sell SAP Customer Checkout to non-localized countries?

SAP Customer Checkout is currently available in and is localized for Germany, Switzerland, Austria, United Kingdom and Ireland. For these localized countries it is designed to allow you to run your business operations effectively.

For the non-localized countries, SAP Customer Checkout might not offer an official fit to the local market requirements and it might not comply with relevant applicable laws and regulations of the non-localized country. For Partners selling in non-localized country, it is expected that the partner involved has expertise about local business practices, conditions and regulations. It is also expected that the partner involved has infrastructure to provide high-quality first and second level support to the customers.

When a partner is selling the SAP Customer Checkout to a non-localized country, the partner must adhere to the following guidelines.

The partner involved shall notify the customer that SAP Customer Checkout is not localized by SAP for the country. The Partner has to provide the localization features.
The partner involved shall notify the customer that when or if a localized version of the SAP Software becomes available, the non-localized software is not or might not be upgradeable to the localized version. Incompatibilities in future Versions and associated effort to migrate customer to SAP standard has to be covered by the Partner
Additionally, SAP Business One Partners re-selling

SAP Customer Checkout to non-localized countries, shall contact the local Product Expert (LPE) of the respective SAP Business One organization. Partners whose specific customer deal is approved by the LPE have the option to purchase the SAP Customer Checkout license via the SAP Store. The software is available on the global SAP Business One price list with ID 7016656.

1.5 What other software and hardware requirements are need to use SAP Customer Checkout?

In general you can find the relevant Information in the SAP Product Availability Matrix (, for easy use we listed the information below, but please always check the SAP Product Availability Matrix, there could be changes which are not included in ths FAQ document

SAP Customer Checkout 1.0 supports the following operating systems:

– WIN XP 2002 PROF. 32-BIT

– WIN XP 2002 PROF. 64-BIT







Following Hardware is recommended for SAP Customer Checkout 1.0

Hardware Minimum Recommended
CPU IBM compatible PC with 1.8 GHz >dual core with 1.8 GHz
Hard Disc 64GB >128GB SSD
Screen Resolution 1024768 1024768
Following software requirements have to be fulfilled to run SAP Customer Checkout 1.0

Pre-requisite software: ORACLE (SUN) JSE 7.0 (JAVA)

Web-Browser: Google Chrome

SAP Customer Checkout 2.0 supports the following operating systems:

– Windows 10 32-Bit

– Windows 10 64-Bit

– Windows 8 32-Bit

– Windows 8 64-Bit



Following hardware is recommended for the use of SAP Customer Checkout 2.0

Hardware Minimum Recommended
CPU IBM compatible PC with 1.8 GHz >dual core with 1.8 GHz
Hard Disc 64GB >128GB SSD
Screen Resolution 1024768 1024768
Following software requirements have to be fulfilled to run SAP Customer Checkout 2.0

Pre-requisite software: ORACLE (SUN) JSE 8.0

Web-Browser: Google Chrome

Following hardware is recommended for the use of SAP Customer Checkout Server

Hardware Minimum Recommended
CPU Dual core processor with 2GHz

Qual core processor with 2GHz

Hard Disc 64GB >64GB SSD
1.5 Is it possible to integrate SAP Business by Design to SAP Customer Checkout?

In general it is possible to integrate SAP Business by Design to SAP Customer Checkout. We have live customers using SAP Business by with SAP Customer Checkout. However the integration scope currently with SAP Business by Design is limited. Kindly verify from our documentation (Can be requested at that the scope which is supported for SAP Business by Design integration covers your functional needs. In general we recommend to use SAP Business One as Backend System. SAP Customer Checkout supports the maximum integration with SAP Business One.

1.6 Where can I find User and Installationguides and other Information.

In gerneral you can find documentation in english and german language directly in the location where you installed SAP Customer Checkout. A subfolder which is called “doc” includes different documentation and guides. You can find it for example in C:\SapCustomerCheckout\doc. Here you will find following documents: Admin_Guide, Configuration_Guide, Installation_Guide, Integration_Guide, Master_Guide, Security_Guide, User_Guide and Whats_new. With this documentation you should be able to answer most of your or your customer question. More information can be found in the SAP Partneredge ( Here you can search for the product SAP Customer Checkout. Last but not least also more information can be found at the SAP Help Portal (

1.7.How the integration works with SAP Business One/What versions are supported?

SAP Business One integrates with SAP Customer Checkout using the integration framework of SAP Business One. The integration framework provides the following scenario packages for the integration with SAP Customer Checkout:

sap.CustomerCheckout scenario package for integrating SAP Business One with SAP Customer Checkout applications
sap.CustomerCheckoUI scenario package for the SAP Customer Checkout monitor
The sap.CustomerCheckout scenario package enables you to connect one or several SAP Customer Checkout applications to SAP Business One company. If you have several SAP Business One companies, you can connect them to the integration framework using the SLD(System Landscape Directory) entries in SAP B1if(full name). The ID of the SLD entry can then be maintained in the SAP Customer Checkout, so that the SAP CCO knows which company it should connect to.

What versions are supported?

The integration of SAP Customer Checkout 2.0 with SAP Business One is supported as of the following versions:

SAP Business One 9.1 PL11 or higher
SAP Business One 9.2 PL02 or higher, also PL07 is already supported
The integration of SAP Customer Checkout 1.0 Service Pack 03 with SAP Business One is supported as of the following version:

SAP Business One 9.1 PL08 or higher

1.8 How are innovations/features delivered for SAP Customer Checkout?

Which releases or Service Pack or Feature Packs were already delivered for SAP Customer Checkout?

SAP Customer Checkout delivers Releases and service/feature packs.

New Innovations and features are delivered with New Release and Service/Feature Pack.

For bug-fixes Patches are delivered.

Find all Release and Service/Feature packs which are delivered until now with their Release Dates in the following table below:

Product Version

Release to Customer Date

SAP Customer Checkout 2.0 Feature Pack 01


SAP Customer Checkout 2.0


SAP Customer Checkout 1.0 Service Pack 03


SAP Customer Checkout 1.0 Service Pack 02


SAP Customer Checkout 1.0 Service Pack 01


SAP Customer Checkout 1.0



2.1 How to connect to the B1i system with a self-signed certificate via https

When B1i system is using https with a self-signed certificate, then the JRE which is used by SAP Customer Checkout is not able to deal with this by default. This will result in certificate errors during the communication between SAP Customer Checkout and the B1i system.

The issue can be resolved by importing the B1i system certificate into the Keystore of the system where SAP Customer Checkout is installed.

You have to import the certificates to the Keystore manually. This can be done by executing the following command:

keytool -import -alias <someAlias> -file <certificateFile> -keystore <pathToJRECacertsKeystore)

The keytool executable is located in the JREs bin directory. The cacerts Keystore file is located in the JREs lib\security directory.

An example call could look like this:

keytool -import -alias “b1i” -file “C:\b1icert.cer” -keystore “C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\security\cacerts”

The keytool will ask for a password. The default password of the JREs keystore is “changeit”.

After the certificate was successfully imported, you have to restart SAP Customer Checkout.

Note: These steps are only necessary if the connection to the B1i system uses the https protocol.

2.2 Payment Terminal Integration

Customer can decide whether to use the payment terminal integration or not. If payment terminal integration is not used, customers can of-course continue to use SAP customer checkout independently.

For integration, we have a plug-in which implements the pepper libraries provided by Treibauf. This is not a commercially sold plug-in by SAP.

In the following PDF you can verify if your country and terminal is supported by Pepper/Treibauf.

2.3 Is it possible to use an additional screen (Splitscreen) within Customer Checkout?

SAP Customer Checkout is delivered with a plugin for external line displays. This plugin is able to display sales information and advertisements on a second monitor.

More information could be find in the Configuration Guide:

For SAP Customer Checkout 1.0 SP 03 ( Please refer to Chapter 9.7 “External Line Display Plugin”.

For SAP Customer Checkout 2.0 SP 00 ( Please refer to Chapter 10.4 “External Line Display Plugin”.

2.4 Can customers modify the print/print templates?

Yes, the print functionality of SAP Customer Checkout is very flexible.

Very basic changes like adding something to the Header, Footer, selecting the company logo, selecting an OS(operating system) configured printer instead of JPOS printer, maintaining number of copies to print etc. for a transaction can be done directly in the SAP Customer Checkout configuration.

It is possible to modify the existing print templates provided as default in SAP Customer Checkout or create new ones. However for changing the JPOS templates you need to familiarize yourself with the Freemarker framework ( and additional special escape sequences are used for formatting.

For changing the FOP template you can use the Apache FOP framework ( The framework is based on XSL Transformation.

If you have several Point of Sales and you need to change your templates quite often (e.g. special sales promotions to be printed in each transaction), you can also place the print templates on a network folder or introduce a mechanism to spread them to every POS.

2.5 The Admin Password or the Database Password is lost how can we get access to the system again?

If you lost your admin password or the database password you can find a script in your installation folder of SAP Customer Checkout for both passwords. If the default folder is not changed the files can be found here: C:\SapCustomerCheckout_X:X*

For resetting the Admin Password use following file: reset_admin_password.bat

For resetting the Database Password use following file: reset_database_password.bat

Running the script for the admin password you will be asked for the database password and vice-versa.

If you running SAP Customer Checkout 1.0 SP03 and above an additional User (RAdmin) is created during the Installation with the same initial password you set for the Admin User. With the RAdmin user, you can view and change only the configuration and as a result you are able to reset the password for the Admin and other users. Therefore you have to logon with the RAdmin user, go to settings, and switch to tab “User”, select the Admin, go to details and reset the initial password of the Admin user. Save your changes and afterwards it should be possible to log on again with the Admin user.

2.6 Using strong keys in HTTPS Connection to the Server

If you connect to a server using a very strong encryption key (> 2048 bit), we recommend to use the Java encryption extension library offered by Oracle. By this, longer keys can be handled. (Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files)

  1. Functionality

3.1 What is the difference between the tax rate type code and the tax rate characteristics code (in the configuration tab in SAP CCO à Financials)?

The tax rate characteristics code is only relevant when using SAP Business By Design. For SAP By Design you have to enter the tax characteristics code that is maintained in SAP Business By Design configuration.

When using SAP Business One or SAP ECC, you can leave the field blank or maintain the same value as in the tax rate type code.

3.2 Is SAP Customer Checkout supporting multi branches from SAP BusinessOne?

SAP Customer Checkout is not supporting multi branches. It is currently not planned for the future releases.

3.3 Is a scale integration (sell items by weight with an integrated scales) planned to come into SAP Customer Checkout?

SAP Customer Checkout does not directly support a weighing scale integration, but technically this might be possible via a Plugin.

One option might be to print the barcode with the “Article Barcode + Weight”. Via the Plugin development the barcode is identified within SAP Customer Checkout as a combination of article and weight . However, we do not have any partner, customer, or SAP colleague who has tried to build a Plugin for the weighing scale integration until now.

Please be aware, that any certification that might be needed for the weighing scale integration is not in SAP responsibility.

3.4 Is the selling of services from SAP BusinessOne possible in SAP Customer Checkout?

We do not support selling of services (as it is officially known from SAP BusinessOne) in SAP Customer Checkout. The following work-around exists.

You have the possibility to create non-stock articles and maintain a GL account for these non-stock articles in the SAP BusinessOne system.

These articles are synchronized in SAP Customer Checkout and afterwards you can manually enter the price for each such article in SAP Customer Checkout while selling it.

Furthermore, we support Pay-In/ Pay-Out transactions in SAP Customer Checkout where you can select a GL account under which the financial posting is done.

3.5 Is it possible to sell items via SAP Customer Checkout that require instructions at the item level?

We currently do not support this function in SAP Customer Checkout. Although, it might be possible to extend this solution via a Plugin.

3.6 Is it possible to sell made-to-order-items within SAP Customer Checkout?

Officially, SAP Customer Checkout has no option to sell a specific made-to-order-item.

However, we have the following functionalities that might support you in your process:

You can create an AR Reserve Invoice and enter the delivered quantity as zero. The stock of this item is then not reduced until delivery.
Payment on credit functionality using which the AR Invoice/AR Reserve Invoice remains open and can be paid later.
Note field at the item level to enter details about the made-to-order item which gets transmitted in the free text field of SAP BusinessOne.
Accepting payment for already existing AR Invoice/AR Reserve Invoice from SAP BusinessOne.
3.7 Good to know: How to allow clearing of Business Document against each other

This functionality is not activated by default. You have to go to the settings, select Tab “cash desk” and activate “Allow receipt total gross amount of 0.00 by combination with business documents”. This functionality is supported by SAP Customer Checkout SP 1.0 SP03.

When this functionality is activated, it is possible to accept payments for one Business Document and clear it against another Business Account.

For example: You can pay for an existing AR (Accounts Receivable) Invoice from SAP BusinessOne and settle it using an existing Credit Note from SAP BusinessOne.

When something like this is done, if there is any payment made using any payment means (cash, credit card etc) also made, then these documents are cleared.

If there is no payment made using any payment means, the 2 documents remain open till a manual clearing or automatically clearing (triggered by job) will be done in SAP BusinessOne


You have an AR Invoice for 100 euro in SAP BusinessOne. You have a credit note for 90 euro in SAP BusinessOne.
In SAP Customer Checkout you fetch the AR Invoice for 100 euro, and pay for it using credit note of 90 euro and cash 10 euro, then in SAP BusinessOne both (invoice and credit note) will be closed.

You have an AR Invoice for 100 euro in SAP BusinessOne. You have a credit note for 100 euro in SAP BusinessOne.
In SAP Customer Checkout you fetch the AR Invoice for 100 euro, and pay for it using credit note of 100 euro, then in SAP BusinessOne both (invoice and credit note) will be open.

You have an AR Invoice for 100 euro in SAP BusinessOne. You have a credit note for 100 euro in SAP BusinessOne. And you buy something in SAP Customer Checkout for 10 euro.
In SAP Customer Checkout you fetch the AR Invoice for 100 euro, and pay for it using credit note of 100 euro, and pay 10 euro in cash for the article you bought. Then in SAP BusinessOne, an AR Invoice is created for 10 euro article you bought. Now all 3 documents (the existing AR invoice, new created AR Invoice, and credit note) will be closed.

You have an AR Invoice for 90 euro in SAP Business One. You have a credit note for 100 euro in SAP BusinessOne. And you buy something in SAP Customer Checkout for 10 euro.
In SAP Customer Checkout you fetch the AR Invoice for 90 euro, buy the new article for 10 euro and pay for it using credit note of 100 euro.Then in SAP Business One, an AR Invoice is created for 10 euro article you bought. Now all 3 documents (the existing AR invoice, new created AR Invoice, and credit note) will be open.

In short, when business documents are cleared against each other, and payment (means cash, card, etc.) is used, then the documents are closed.

When business documents are cleared against each other, and total amount is 0. i.e If no payment (voucher, etc.) is used, then documents are not closed.

However SAP Customer Checkout by default does not let you proceed with such 0 payment cases, only if you change the configuration and activate this, then it is possible.

If you want to use this function please be aware that there are some restrictions related to the document clearing in SAP Business One are necessary.

For example:

If a credit note from SAP BusinessOne, is paid out in cash in SAP Customer Checkout the credit note will be cleared in B1
If a credit note from SAP BusinessOne, is paid out with a voucher instead of paid out in cash in SAP Customer Checkout there will be 2 documents (Credit note and Invoice for Voucher) in SAP BusinessOne. The 2 documents remain open till a manual clearing or automatically clearing (triggered by job) will be done in SAP BusinessOne
If a credit note in SAP BusinessOne is paid out with a voucher and the customer additional buy an article an automatically clearing will happen in SAP BusinessOne
3.8 How to pay an AR Invoice/AR Down-payment invoice from SAP BusinessOne in SAP Customer Checkout and in parallel sell additional items in the same receipt

To activate this functionality please go to “Settings”. Select here TAB “cash desk” and activate “Allow combination of sales items and business documents (e.g., invoices, credit notes, etc.”. This functionality is supported by SAP Customer Checkout SP 1.0 SP03 and following releases.

3.9 Synchronization of all Articles between SAP Business One and SAP Customer Checkout is not required – only the articles which should be sold needs to be synchronized

In general all articles which are assigned to a pricelist in SAP BusinessOne will be transferred to SAP Customer Checkout if the relevant pricelist is maintained in the Stock Management – Price Lists – Price Lists. That means for example that also fixed assets or articles which should not be sold in SAP Customer Checkout are available in SAP Customer Checkout if they are part of the SAP BusinessOne Pricelist.

However you can decide in SAP BusinessOne to not add all articles to a pricelist. To do this in SAP BusinessOne following option needs to be activated. “Remove Unpriced Items from Price list in Database”. Follow the menu “Administration à System Initialization à General Settings à Tab Pricing” to find the option in SAP BusinessOne. This option removes all unpriced article from the SAP BusinessOne pricelist and as a result are not synchronized in SAP Customer Checkout.


Create a pricelist in SAP BusinessOne select “Warehouse Management à Pricelist à Pricelist. Please maintain here a price for all relevant articles which should be available in SAP Customer Checkout. For articles which should be sold for a price of 0,00, please maintain also 0,00 (e.g. giveaway). For all Articles which should not transferred to SAP Customer Checkout don’t insert a value in the field. Only the articles which have maintained price of 0.00 or higher will stored in the database of SAP BusinessOne for the specific pricelist, and hence only these articles are synchronized with SAP Customer Checkout.

3.10 Sell an article with different unit of Measure

If you want to sell articles in different unit of measures (e.g. pieces, boxes, packages, palettes) without using a different article ID you have to use a special Unit of measure Group in SAP Business one. The Unit of measure Group “Manuell” does not support the needed functionality.

In SAP Business One select the Menu entry “Unit of measure groups”. Define a Key and a description. For example Paper” – UOM for Paper then click on “Group Definition”. Select the Base UoM for example “piece” and then insert the different unit of measure and the value of the Base UoM per unit of measure. Please see example below:

Alternative Qunatity

Alternative UoM


Base Qty

Base Uom












Box of 6




Save you entries. Now create a new article and select the new created UoM Group in the header data of the article. In the sales tab of the article you can now set a unit of measure as default unit of measure. As the next step you can define different barcodes for the different unit of measures. Click on “Define Barcode” in the item Header data. Here you can maintain one or more barcodes for the different unit of measures. After saving your settings you can define a price for the different unit of measures. First insert a price for the default Unit of measure. Then click on define UoM Prices, a table will be opened where you can change the calculated prices for the differen Unit of Measure. Save your settings. Go to SAP Customer Checkout ad perform an article synchronization. After a successful synchronization the new article can be sold with the different unit of measures

3.11 Selling Bill of Materials in SAP Customer Checkout, Child elements are not visible nor editable

You want to sell a bill of material (created in SAP Business One) in SAP Customer Checkout and only the parent/header element is visible in the receipt. You can’t see the child elements, nor change them. This functionality is currently not supported by SAP Customer Checkout. Currently fetching only the header/parent element and also posting only the header/parent element is supported. Child elements are not supported by SAP Customer Checkout.

Please keep in mind, if you sell a bill of Material in SAP Customer Checkout only the Header/Parent is posted and stored in SAP Customer Checkout. The child elements will be added by SAP Business One. Therefore the warehouse for the child element is not taken from the parent element, but the default warehouse is taken. Also the Cost center is not taken from the parent element.

Furthermore, if a child element is a batch or serial article the posting will not work and stuck in the SAP Customer Checkout Monitor

Supporting the child elements is a new feature request. We agree that this is a good use-case and requirement. But as of now we do not support it.

In-case child elements are needed, then the partner needs to do this on his own. There is an extension point available before posting the invoice.

The partner can adopt the posting.

3.12 Unit of Measure Support for Serial and Batch Number is now available

To be able use the correct function it is necessary to upload the latest B1i Services (3.1.30 onwards) for Customer Checkout as described in SAP Note 2163033

SAP Customer Checkout worked as following in the past:

If you have article with serial or batch numbers in SAP Business one, where are differences between the Sales UoM Code (e.g. 1 box)  and the Stock Counting UoM Code (e.g. 12 pieces) are existing, SAP Customer Checkout forced you to insert the batch or serial number in the sales process.

In this case it was only possible to insert the batch / serial number for the amount of article related to the Sales UOM (e.g. 1 box, means only one serial/batch number) and not to the relevant Stock Counting UoM (12 pieces, means 12 batch/serial numbers are needed). Due to this fact the posted receipt get stuck in the monitor with following message:

Cannot add row without complete selection of serial/batch numbers

With the latest services (onwards 3.1.30 available in SAP Note 2163033) we changed the logic in the service so that you still have to enter the amount of serial/batch numbers related to the Sales UoM Code (e.g. 1 box) and then the B1i Service will automatically convert the number of batch/serial numbers to the required (from Stock Counting UoM Code (e.g. 12 pieces)) numbers and fetch the Serial/Batch numbers automatically.

3.13 Different System behavior with discounts depending on the configuration of “Always split Sales Item” in the Cash Desk – Sales Screen Area of the configuration.

If you sell an article where a discount is maintained in the backend like buy 3 get one for free the SAP Customer Checkout behaves in a different way regarding the discount. This behaviour is depending on the setting you made for “Always split Sales Item”.

Please see following example:

In example on the setting “Always splitt Sales Item” is turned off in the configuration of SAP Customer Checkout. If the customer buys 4 Article of the same kind the 4th article will be for free.

Pos Item Description Quantity Unit Price Discount Percentage Total Discount Total Amount
1 A0001 Test-Article 4 2,00 25,00% 2,00 6,00
If you sell the same article 4 times and the configuration “Always split Sales Item” is active (see below mentioned example), 4 lines in the sales screen will appear and the 4th article will not be for free. That means the total amount will differ from above mentioned example and no discount is taken

Pos Item Description Quantity Unit Price Discount Percentage Total Discount Total Amount
1 A0001 Test-Article 1 2,00 0,00% 0,00 2,00
2 A0001 Test-Article 1 2,00 0,00% 0,00 2,00
3 A0001 Test-Article 1 2,00 0,00% 0,00 2,00
4 A0001 Test-Article 1 2,00 0,00% 0,00 2,00
This is a known system behaviour and SAP Customer Checkout works as designed. There is currently(Feb 2017) no plan to change this behaviour.

3.14 Handling of different UOM Group in SAP Customer Checkout (Item per Sales Unit) in case that SAP Business One is the backend

In Standard SAP Customer checkout behaves different from the behaviour of SAP Business One if in an article the field “Item per Sales Unit” is an entry not equal to 1. Therefor we created SAP Note 2443340 (

3.15 Extended Invoice Search “Customer Reference Number”

In SAP Customer Checkout you are able to fetch an Invoice from the Backend in the case that SAP Business One is integrated. The invoice can be fetched in SAP Customer Checkout standard if you search for the invoice number (insert the number in the Field “Invoice ID” and click ok) or more generic if you click “Search Invoice” you can also include a Customer ID into the search, so that the search is more filtered.

Some Partner request also to have the possibility to search for the field “Customer Ref Number”. That means that SAP Customer Checkout will search for the Invoice-ID or the Customer Reference Number in case that the value in the field is numeric. If you insert an alphanumerical value the system will only search in the field “Customer Reference Number”, as the Invoice Id can’t be alphanumeric.


Old setting:

Search Term: 1234 – If an invoice with the ID 1234 exists this invoice will be fetched
Search Term: A12345 – No Invoice will be fetched
New setting:

Search term 1234 – If an open invoice with the ID 1234 exists this invoice will be fetched and also every open invoice with the entry “1234” in the field “Customer Reference Number”
Search Term: A12345 – If an open invoice with the Customer Reference Number “A1234” exists this invoice will be fetched
You can activate the additional search feature if you import the latest B1i Services (3.1.30 and higher) from SAP Customer Checkout (can be found and is documented in SAP Note 2163033) in the B1if. In B1if select “Scenario – Setup”. Check if in the field “Scenario Package Identifier” following entry is selected “sap.CustomerCheckout”. Click on “Data Mgt.” and select “Table: vTbl.IncludeList.xml”, then click on “Select”. Assign any dummy Partner Step or provide a random string like “ABC” to the SAP Step Extension Point “sap.POS.GetOpenInvoiceforBP_PreProcessing” and close the pop up. Afterwards the extended Search will be active. The partner step assigned is never executed but just a way to say that you want to use the extended search feature.

Afterwards the extended Search will be active.

3.16 Return of receipts/return of Line items of a receipt in same POS or another POS

There are 2 possibilites to return a receipt or only an article of the whole receipt. These 2 possibilities are:

Return of a receipt or an article of a receipt in the same POS where the sales has been done:

In this case the origin receipt or the line item gets an information that it is already returned and the receipt or the article can’t be returned a second time in this POS station.

Return of a receipt or an article of a receipt in another POS (Customer Checkout Manager needs to be active)

In this case the origin receipt or the line item can be fetched from SAP Customer Checkout Manager (needs to be online) and can be returned, but here no information is assigned that the receipt or an article has already be returned and the receipt or the article can be returned several times in another then the origin POS.

This system behaviour is known and there will be no short term technical solution to avoid a multiple return of receipts or line items if multiple POS are used with the SAP Customer Checkout Manager. The long term solution will be some kind of notification in every line item for every quantity in a receipt that it has been allready returned.

3.17 Handling of header Discount in the case that non discountable items (e.g. Vouchers) are included in a receipt

SAP Customer Checkout behaves as following till now:

If you post an receipt in SAP Customer Checkout which includes a non-discountable item (e.g. a Voucher) the header discount will only affect the line items which are discountable. Please see following example.

Receipt with 2 items (one discountable for 25,00 the other non-discountable for 100,00), Header discount given of 10,00



Discount %

Amount to pay










Unit Price


Discount %

Gross Amount

















The Header discount will not affect the Position 2 (Non-discountable item), only line item 1 is affected, the discount is 10,00. The discount percentage is shown as 40% (40% of 25,00 (item 1) is 10,00)

If you post this receipt this could lead to differences (e.g. tax, discount) in SAP Business One, as SAP Business One does not know non-discountable item.

This behavior has changed in SAP Customer Checkout 2.0 SP 00 and newer releases.

If you now post such receipt following error message will be shown:

“Header discount is not allowed when there are non-discountable items or vouchers in the receipt. Kindly distribute the discount to items.”

That means that the discount should be given on item level instead of the header. The receipt will then look like following example:

Receipt with 2 items (one discountable for 25,00 the other non-discountable for 100,00), Discount given of 10,00



Discount %

Amount to pay









Unit Price


Discount %

Gross Amount


















If you post this receipt, it will not lead to any differences in SAP Business One

  1. Plug In / Enhancement

4.1 Is it possible to extend SAP Customer Checkout? Are Plug-ins / add-on supported?

Yes, it is possible to extend SAP Customer Checkout using plug-ins/add-ons. However the intention here is more in the direction to have plug-ins to extend functionality or cover some missing gaps. Building a plug-in to extend the SAP Customer Checkout to support a new Industry or vertical is not the desired intention with the plug-in concept.

We have customers, who use plug-ins where a new screen was added to the existing SAP Customer Checkout screens. The user enters some data in this new screen and on performing some action a print is triggered and a call is made to SAP BusinessOne to create a new Service call.

4.2 Do we have any commercial Plugin for SAP Customer Checkout?

We do not have any official or commercial Plugin for SAP Customer Checkout. Nor do we have any official registry where we store the Plugins developed by Partners.

We also do not have any certification process for Plugins. There is a plugin for the treibauf Pepper payment terminal, but it is not a commercially sold Plugin by SAP.

In case of issues or any problems with the treibauf Pepper Plugin, SAP does not accept liability.

However, we have some partner that have created Plugins for customers and are successfully used. Please be aware that if a bug is recognized in a plugin (developed by a partner or customer), SAP is not responsible therefore.

4.3 Where can I find a guideline for the PlugIn?

A Guideline for Developing Plug-in is currently in progress, including some small examples. As soon as the Guideline is finished we will store the information in the PartnerEdge ( Also more information can be found at the SAP Help Portal ( In case that you need help and can not find an answer in the available documentation you can directly contact

SAP Customer Checkout Trouble Shooting:

When your SAP Customer Checkout transaction is not posted in your SAP Business One System the SAP Customer Checkout monitor shows you the error message. Or if you receive warning or error messages during the synchronization of Masterdata, this trouble shooting guide helps you identify the issue based on the error message in the monitor and such other cases. This document is only prepared for help purpose and is not a legal document.

  1. How to get the most recent version of the B1i scenario packages?

The B1i scenario packages for SAP Customer Checkout integration with SAP BusinessOne are delivered with B1if (Business One Integration Framework). The partner/customer should always take the lastest version of SAP BusinessOne so that they have the latest scenarios. However in case of immediate bug fix we also provide them using SAP Note.

The most recent scenario packages for SAP Customer Checkout SP02 integration with SAP BusinessOne are available with the SAP Note 2110971

The most recent scenario packages for SAP Customer Checkout SP03 integration with SAP BusinessOne are available with the SAP Note 2163033

  1. Message: 999 – DI Error: (-2028) Invalid BP code [OINV.CardCode] , “POS2000”

Business Partner of type Customer with ID “POS2000” does not exists in the SAP Business One system.

A) Customer with ID POS2000 was created in B1 and synchronized into SAP Customer Checkout. However later in B1 the Customer ID was changed. For this transaction, change the Customer ID to the correct ID in the SAP Customer Checkout Monitor and try to book this transaction again from the SAP Customer Checkout Monitor.

To avoid this issue again, perform a synchronization of Customers in SAP Customer Checkout and in future transaction use the correct customer ID in SAP Customer Checkout.

B) No Customer was selected in the transaction so SAP Customer Checkout used the default customer to post this transaction. The default customer is maintained in SAP Customer Checkout – Settings à Cash desk à SAP Business One à Dummy business partner ID. Change the “Dummy business partner ID” to an existing customer ID from SAP Business One.

  1. 999 – DI Error: (-10) 10001071 – Customer BIK2000 is inactive or 999 – DI Error: (-10) 10001069 – Item BIK1002 is inactive

Business Partner of type Customer with ID “BIK2000” is inactive in SAP Business One or Material BIK1002 is inactive in SAP Business One

  1. 999 – DI Error: (-5002) 10001071 – Enter valid currency code [OINV.DocCur][line: 1] , “EUR” or Exception : DI Error: (-10) The document currency does not match the business partner”s currency. [OVPM.DocCurr][line: 1]

Business Partner used in the SAP Customer Checkout transaction is assigned a currency in SAP Business One different from the one used in the sales transaction or the incoming payment/out-going payment.

Either change the currency in SAP Business One for the customer to the right currency or set the currency in SAP Business One for the customer to All currency.

  1. 999 – DI Error: (-5009) Item number is missing, specify an item number

One of the Material/Article ID used in the transaction does not exist in the SAP Business One system.

Material/Article was created in B1 and synchronized into SAP Customer Checkout. However later in B1 the Material ID was changed. For this transaction change the Material ID to the correct ID in the SAP Customer Checkout Monitor and try to book this transaction again from the SAP Customer Checkout Monitor.

To avoid this issue again, perform a synchronization of Materials in SAP Customer Checkout and in future transaction use the correct Material ID in SAP Customer Checkout.

  1. 999 – DI Error: (-10) 10001069 – Quantity falls into negative inventory [INV1.ItemCode][line: 1]

The material in [line: 1] is marked as “Stock Item” in SAP Business One but the warehouse sent along with the item data has no inventory in SAP Business One. Either change the item to non-stock or change the inventory count for this warehouse in SAP Business One or change the warehouse in SAP Customer Checkout Monitor. Now try to post the transaction again.

  1. 999 – DI Error: (-5002) 10001069 – [INV1.ItemCode][line: 1] , “Business partner catalog number linked to item not specified as sales item (1)”

The material in [line: 1] is not marked as “Sales Item” in SAP Business One. Change the material master data in SAP Business One and mark the item as sales relevant.

  1. 999 – DI Error: (-5002) 1470000365 – UoM specified is not assigned to item in row 1

The UoM Group (which in turn has several allowed UoM Entry/codes) assigned to the article in SAP Business One does not allow the UoM Entry/code selected in SAP Customer Checkout. This can happen when the UoM Group assigned to the article in SAP Business One was changed after data was already synchronized to SAP Customer Checkout. And synchronization was not triggered in SAP Customer Checkout after that. Possible solutions:

A) Change the UoM Group in SAP BusinessOne to allow the value sent from SAP Customer Checkout.

B) Change the UoM Entry/code in SAP Customer Checkout Monitor for this transaction and try to post again.

To avoid this issue in future transaction perform a synchronization of materials in SAP Customer Checkout. This will assign the correct UoM Entry to the material in SAP Customer Checkout.

  1. 999 – DI Error: (-10) 10000180 – Specify valid tax code

In SAP Customer Checkout the Tax code assigned to the item does not exists in SAP Business One. Either create the new Tax Code in SAP Business One or change the Tax Code for this item in SAP Customer Checkout and try to post again.

  1. 999 – DI Error: (-10) 10000180 – Invalid VAT Group

In SAP Customer Checkout the Tax code assigned to the item is not valid for Sales (category output tax in SAP Business One). This tax code is most probably for Purchase (category input tax in SAP Business One) relevant transactions only and not sales relevant (category output tax in SAP Business One). Either change the Tax Code category in SAP Business One or change the Tax Code for this item in SAP Customer Checkout and try to post again.

  1. 999 – DI Error: (-10) 1470000365 – Update the exchange rate , “GER”

In SAP Customer Checkout, the currency used in the SALES ITEM (basically the main currency in SAP Customer Checkout) “GER” in this example message, is not available in SAP Business One or an exchange rate for this currency is not maintained in SAP Business One.

Maintain the currency or exchange rate in SAP Business One and try to post it again.

If the currency code itself is wrong, then you can change the currency code in SAP Customer Checkout monitor and try to post it again.

If changing currency in SAP Customer Checkout Monitor is not possible (because the field is read only in monitor or the currency is used several times in the same transaction), then you need cancel this transaction from the SAP Customer Checkout monitor. Maintain the appropriate mapping for this currency in SAP Customer Checkout (Settings à Cash desk à Field Mapping) and post this transaction again from the SAP Customer Checkout receipt details screen.

  1. Exception: DI Error: (-10) Internal error (-10) occurred

This is a very generic error message and can occur for several reasons. Some of the known reasons are documented here.

A) SAP Customer Checkout is configured to handle several currencies for payment. The currency used in payment is not available in SAP Business One.

B) SAP Customer Checkout is configured to handle several currencies for payment and a foreign currency was used for payment. The Exchange rate posting setting for SAP Customer Checkout is different from the setting in SAP Business One.

In SAP Customer Checkout, the setting should be the same as Business One. Either in system the value should be “Direct” or “Indirect”.

In SAP Business One

Administration à System Initialization à General Settings à Display àExchange Rate Posting

In SAP Customer Checkout

Setting à Currency à Exchange Rates à Exchange Rate Posting


To now post the current transaction successfully, you need to change in SAP Customer Checkout Monitor the exchange rate send in the transaction to 1/Exchange rate sent in the transaction.

Example: If the exchange rate sent in transaction is 2, then it needs to be changed to ½ = 0.50

C) In the field mapping, PAYMENT_FORM_CODE entries are changed or deleted.

In the payload that is sent from SAP Customer Checkout to the B1if scenario the PaymentMeans is missing.

In the payload for PostInvoice in “CashFlowAssignments” the PaymentMeans tag is missing or not correct.

In the default configuration we have pre-delivered these values in the field mapping for PAYMENT_FORM_CODE.

These values should not be changed or deleted.

Setting – Cashdesk – Field Mapping

  1. Exception: DI Error: (-10) Account for cash payments has not been defined

In SAP Customer Checkout

Setting à Financials à Petty Cash

The Petty cash account is not available in SAP Business One (General Ledger Acount in Business One)

  1. 999 – DI Error: (-10) G/L account is not valid [VPM4.AcctCode][line: 1]

In SAP Customer Checkout

Setting à Financials à Financial Transaction Types

The code maintained in the Financial Transaction Types and used in the current transaction should exist as a GL account in SAP Business One.

To now post the current transaction successfully, you need to change in SAP Customer Checkout Monitor the account for this transaction or maintain the code as a GL account in SAP Business One.

  1. 999 – Connect to Business One failed. (-111) Unable to access SBO-Common database {b1Server=DEWDFWSSC5034, company=SBODemoDE, licenseServer=DEWDFWSSC5034:30000, dbType=7, dbUser=sa, userName=B1i}

The dbPassword in the SLD entry in SAP Business One Integration Framework (B1if) is wrong. Correct the password and check the connection using the Test Connection Feature of B1if.

  1. 999 – Connect to Business One failed. (-107) Unable to connect with the specified username and or password {b1Server=DEWDFWSSC5034, company=SBODemoDE, licenseServer=DEWDFWSSC5034:30000, dbType=7, dbUser=sa, userName=B1i}

The userName or password in the SLD entry in SAP Business One Integration Framework (B1if) is wrong. Correct the password and check the connection using the Test Connection Feature of B1if.

  1. 999 – DI Error: (-5002) Invalid value [OINV.GroupNum][line: 1]

The payment term that it sent with the transaction from SAP Customer Checkout is not available in SAP Business One. Maintain the correct Payment term in SAP Customer Checkout.

Settings à Cash desk à SAP Business One à Payment Terms

To now post the current transaction successfully, you need to change in SAP Customer Checkout Monitor the payment term for this transaction and try to post again.

  1. 999 – DI Error: (-5002) [INV1.SlpCode][line: 1] , “Linked value 99 does not exist”

The Sales Person ‘99’ code assigned to the item doesn’t exist in SAP Business One.

To now post the current transaction successfully, you need to change in SAP Customer Checkout Monitor the sales person code assigned to the [line: 1] item for this transaction and try to post again.

In SAP Customer Checkout

Settings à User Configuration – For the users maintain the right ‘Sales Person ID’.

  1. 999 – DI Error: (-5002) Invalid value [OINV.GroupNum][line: 1]

The payment term that it sent with the transaction from SAP Customer Checkout is not available in SAP Business One. Maintain the correct Payment term in SAP Customer Checkout.

Settings à Cash desk à SAP Business One à Payment Terms

To now post the current transaction successfully, you need to change in SAP Customer Checkout Monitor the payment term for this transaction and try to post again.

  1. Message999 – DI Error: (-2028) No matching records found (ODBC -2028)

This is a very generic error message and can occur for several reasons. Some of the known reasons are documented here.

A) The Sales Person code assigned to the transaction doesn’t exist in SAP Business One.

To now post the current transaction successfully, you need to change in SAP Customer Checkout Monitor the sales person code (or make blank) assigned to the transaction and try to post again.

In SAP Customer Checkout

Settings à User Configuration – For the users maintain the right ‘Sales Person ID’.

B) One of the Material/Article ID used in the transaction does not exist in the SAP Business One system.

Material/Article was created in B1 and synchronized into SAP Customer Checkout. However later in B1 the Material ID was changed. For this transaction change the Material ID to the correct ID in the SAP Customer Checkout Monitor and try to book this transaction again from the SAP Customer Checkout Monitor.

To avoid this issue again, perform a synchronization of Materials in SAP Customer Checkout and in future transaction use the correct Material ID in SAP Customer Checkout.

C) The Credit Card account assigned to the transaction/credit card doesn’t exist in SAP Business One system.

In SAP Customer Checkout in Settings à Cash desk à SAP Business One -> Credit Card the credit account to be used for Credit Card can be maintained. This is the default value for the credit card account.

In Settings à Cash desk à Field Mapping

In this section you can maintain the credit card accounts for respective credit card type codes. If an account is maintained here then this account is sent to the external system instead of the default credit card account.

These Credit card accounts should also exist in SAP Business One.

To now post the current transaction successfully, either create this new credit card account in SAP Business One or change the credit card account to appropriate value in the SAP Customer Checkout Monitor and try to post this transaction again from the SAP Customer Checkout Monitor.

  1. 999 – DI Error: (-5002) [OINV.OwnerCode] , “Linked value 99 does not exist”

The Owner code assigned to the transaction doesn’t exist in SAP Business One. The cashier who performs the transaction in SAP Customer Checkout is mapped as the owner. However this mapping only happens if an employee ID is maintained for this user in SAP Customer Checkout

Settings –> User Configuration -> Employee ID

To now post the current transaction successfully, you need to change or make blank in SAP Customer Checkout Monitor the owner code assigned to the transaction and try to post again.

In SAP Customer Checkout

Settings à User Configuration – For the users maintain the right ‘Employee ID’ or make this field empty.

  1. 999 – DI Error: (-5002) 10000415 – Linked value 100 does not exist

The Distribution Rule assigned to the sales item in this transaction doesn’t exist in SAP Business One. Maintain the correct distribution Rule in SAP Customer Checkout

Settings à Cash desk à SAP Business One à Distribution Rule

To now post the current transaction successfully, you need to change or make blank in SAP Customer Checkout Monitor the distribution rule assigned to the items of the sales transaction and try to post again.

  1. Could not create / update data for Business Partner FirstName LastName (BBB1300001109) due to Exception : DI Error: (-4002) To generate this document, first define the numbering series in the Administration Module in system SAP Business One.

For creating Business Partner (Customer) from SAP Customer Checkout in SAP Business One, you need to define a number range series in SAP Business One and maintain the Series number in SAP Customer Checkout. SAP Customer Checkout sends this series number while creating the Business Partner in SAP Business One.

Once you have created the number range series in SAP Business One, you need to know the Series number to maintain in SAP Customer Checkout.

In SAP Business One

To find the information in SAP Business One, choose Tools à Queries à Query Generator.

In the Select field, enter ObjectCode as ObjectCode, DocSubType as ObjectSubType,Series as SeriesCode,SeriesName as SeriesName

In the From field, enter nnm1

In the Where field, enter ObjectCode =’2′ and SeriesName = <Name of the number range> and choose the Execute button.

Retrieve the information from the SeriesCode column.

In SAP Customer Checkout

Now maintain the series code in

Settings à Cash desk à SAP Business One à Number Range Id for customer creation

  1. 999 – DI Error: (-5002) Invoice &amp, receipt must be paid exactly [OINV.GroupNum]

The payment term that is used in the receipt (AR Reserve Invoice) is maintained in the SAP Customer Checkout configuration. This is the payment term that is sent with every receipt that is created.

Settings à Cash desk à SAP Business One à Payment Terms

Error is caused by wrong payment terms setup in SAP Business One. In the SAP Business One – Payment Terms set-up for this payment term the ‘Open Incoming Payment’ value is set to Cash (No, Cash, Cheque, Credit etc. are the various options). This should be set to No.

Now transaction paid in cash, credit card, etc. should work again.

To now post the current transaction successfully, after changing the payment terms set-up in SAP BusinessOne, try to post this transaction again from the SAP Customer Checkout Monitor.

  1. Exception : DI Error: (-10) Credit card code does not exist [RCT3.CreditCard][line: 1]

The Credit Card Type Code assigned to the transaction/credit card doesn’t exist. In SAP Customer Checkout in Setting à Financial à Credit Card Type, different Credit card type codes can be maintained. These credit card type codes can then be used in Sales Transactions.

In Setting à Cash desk à Field Mapping

In this section of SAP Customer Checkout mappings for credit card type codes can be maintained. Most likely the values used in the mapping are not the same as used in the Setting à Financial à Credit Card Type section. Correct the values if necessary.

These Credit card type codes should also exists in SAP Business One.

To now post the current transaction successfully, either create this new credit card type code in SAP Business One or change the credit card type code to appropriate value in the SAP Customer Checkout Monitor and try to post this transaction again from the SAP Customer Checkout Monitor.

  1. Exception : DI Error: (-10) Payment method not defined [RCT3.CrTypeCode][line: 1]

Credit Card payment Methods has not been defined in SAP Business One. Credit Card payment Methods is not sent from SAP Customer Checkout but used from the existing one in SAP Business One. If no Credit Card payment Methods is defined, you get the mentioned exception.

To now post the current transaction successfully, create a Credit Card Payment Method in SAP Business One and try to post this transaction again from the SAP Customer Checkout Monitor.

  1. Nested exception: UTE001 Nested exception: Server side cannot respond your request (No scenario step (vBIU) assigned for step for sender system (SysId) [0009] [incoming identifier = 'PostInvoice'])

sap.CustomerCheckout scenario package is inactive or the package itself does not exists or the scenario step that is called doesn’t exists.

If sap.CustomerCheckout scenario package is inactive – Activate the scenario Packages from SAP Business One Integration Framework (B1if).

If sap.CustomerCheckout scenario package/step is not present – check that the customer is using the correct version of B1if. Example BusinessOne 9.0 PL14 for SAP Customer Checkout SP02.

  1. How to handle when currency is both EUR and Eur in the B1 system.

The situation is that there are some articles in B1 which has currency EUR and some has Eur. This can happen because of legacy data or some other reason. When the articles are synchronized in SAP Customer Checkout, based on the existing mapping some articles will not have a currency and hence they cannot be used in sales.

To handle this scenario in SAP Customer Checkout, we need a maintain attribute mapping.

In SP02, you can maintain attribute mapping that EUR from B1 is EUR in SAP Customer Checkout and Eur from B1 is EUR in SAP Customer Checkout. With such attribute mapping prices send from B1 in both Eur and EUR is stored successfully as EUR in SAP Customer Checkout and these articles can be used in the sales process.

  1. Confirmation amount must be greater than zero

In the field mapping, PAYMENT_FORM_CODE entries are changed or deleted.

In the payload that is sent from SAP Customer Checkout to the B1if scenario the “PaymentMeans” tag is missing.

In the payload for PostInvoice in “CashFlowAssignments” the “PaymentMeans” tag is missing or not correct.

In the default configuration we have pre-delivered these values in the field mapping for PAYMENT_FORM_CODE.

These values should not be changed or deleted.

Setting – Cashdesk – Field Mapping

  1. Customer Synchronization issue – Duplicate customer exception

This was a bug in the B1if services delivered with BusinessOne 9.0 PL15 for SAP Customer Checkout. The

Customer having same name for default Bill to address and default Ship to address causes an exception during synchronization. For SAP Customer Checkout SP02, you can download the services from the note 2110971 and uploaded them in B1if. This note has always the latest services compatible with SAP Customer Checkout SP02.

  1. In SAP Business One deleted customers / articles are not deleted in SAP Customer Checkout

First of all it is not possible in Customer Checkout to delete customers / articles. However it is possible to set them to obsolete / inactive.

Further SAP Business One is not sending any information about deleted customers / articles to Customer Checkout, so Customer Checkout is not able to set these data to obsolete / inactive.

The suggestion is, before deleting this data in Business One, set it to inactive, after that synch Customer Checkout. Now the data should be marked as obsolete / inactive. After this you can delete the data in SAP Business One.

  1. Fully allocate item B10000 to bin locations in warehouse 05

The mentioned warehouse 05 needs bin locations for Serial/Batch number. Bin allocation is not supported in SAP Customer Checkout. Kindly use a warehouse were Bin allocation is not madatory.

  1. Cannot add row without complete selection of batch/serial numbers

You are most probably facing this issue when you are returning something with Batch and Serial number. This is a bug that is already fixed in the latest services. If you are running SAP Customer Checkout SP02, kindly take the latest services from SAP Note 2110971 and for SAP Customer Checkout SP03 take the services from SAP Note 2163033 where a fix for this issue is already provided.

  1. Error Message – Date deviates from permissible range (Document Name – offending date) (Message 173-11)

The error message indicates the Due Date as the offending date. In effect this means that the Due Date falls outside the defined due date range of the current posting period. To solve this error you have to access the posting period setting of the period where the document will be posted in SAP Business One. Go to Administration –> System Initialisation –> Posting Periods in SAP Business One. Click on the golden link arrow of the appropriate period. Update the Due Date range to cover the Due Date. After saving go back to the SAP Customer Checkout Monitor and repost the receipt.

  1. Warning Message in customer sync: B1_Customer_Group_Missing:

The warning message indicates that you have other Customer Groups in SAP Business One maintained than in SAP Customer Checkout are available. To avoid this warning message it is necessary to create the relevant entry in the Configuration of SAP Customer Checkout. Go to TAB “Sales” – “Customer Group”. Select the “Edit” Button, click on “New Entry” and insert a Description of the Customer Group in Field “Description” and insert the relevant ID in the field “Code”. Save your settings. When you make a new customer synchronization this warning message should be gone. But please keep in mind that the Code for the customer group is the technical code from SAP Business One, and not the numbering which you can see if you select in SAP Business One: Administration –> Definition –> Business Partner –> Customer Groups. You have to find out the technical ID with the Query Generator. Go to “Extras –> Query –> Query Generator”. Insert “*” in the select field and “OCRG” in the “From” field. Execute the query and the results will be shown.

  1. Warning Message in customer sync: warning while persisting customer: xyz Mapping for Country code “XY” is missing

The warning message indicates that you have maintained Customer Groups in SAP Business One which are not available in SAP Customer Checkout. Depending on the Release of SAP Customer Checkout which you are running there are 2 different possibilities to avoid the warning message in future.

In Release 1.0 Service Pack 03 and below a field mapping in SAP Customer Checkout is required. You can maintain it in the SAP Customer Checkout Configuration à TAB “Cash Desk” Switch to the “Edit Mode” à Select “New Entry” and Insert/select “COUNTRY_CODE” in the Local field name, select the Country (Value in SAP Customer Checkout) in Local field value and enter a description in the field Description. Then insert/select “CountryCode” in the “Target field name” and insert the relevant Value (Country Code which is maintained in SAP Business One) in the field “Target field value”. After saving, please schedule a new full synchronization. The warning message should be gone. Please see the example below:

Local field name Local field value Description Target field name Target field value
COUNTRY_CODE CH-Switzerland Switzerland CountryCode CH
COUNTRY_CODE AT-Austria Austria CountryCode AT
In Release 2.0 and above a field mapping in SAP Customer Checkout is only required if the country codes for SAP BusinessOne do not match to the country code for SAP Customer Checkout.
A hypotetical example would be if SAP Business One uses GER code for Germany and SAP Customer Checkout uses DE code for Germany.

You can maintain it in the SAP Customer Checkout Configuration à TAB “Cash Desk” Switch to the “Edit Mode” à Select “New Entry” and Insert/select “COUNTRY_CODE” in the Local field name, select the Country (Value in SAP Customer Checkout) in Local field value and enter a description in the field Description. Then insert/select “CountryCode” in the “Target field name” and insert the relevant Value (Country Code which is maintained in SAP Business One) in the field “Target field value”. After saving, please schedule a new full synchronization. The warning message should be gone. Please see the example below:

Local field name Local field value Description Target field name Target field value
COUNTRY_CODE DE Germany CountryCode GER
COUNTRY_CODE AT Austria CountryCode AUS
37 Error Message when connecting to the SAP Business One system:

Error in the SAP Customer Checkout standard log: Caused by: SSLHandshakeException invoking https://SERVER:8443/B1iXcellerator/exec/soap/vP.001sap0011.in_WCSX/ PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)

Root Cause: Certificate-related parameters are missing in the Tomcat configuration.
Solution: Do the following:

Open the Tomcat directory (..\SAP\SAP Business One Integration\IntegrationServer\Tomcat\bin).
Run tomcat6w.exe as administrator, go to the JAVA tab and add the parameters below:
Click Apply and then, restart the SAP Business One Integration Service.
38 Error Message when using Batch or Serial Number (Backend is SAP Business One):

Receipts or Invoices with Batch or Serial numbers are not posted in SAP Business One. They are stuck in SAP Customer Checkout Monitor with following error message:

999 – Invoke of: GetBusinessObjectFromXML Source:  Description: 20070001 is a bad date in property InDate

The issue introduced with SAP Business One 9.2 PL04. SAP Business One added a new validation which allows only the date format like 20070001. The issue is described in SAP Note 2370493.

Hence the SAP Customer Checkout B1iF Scenario needs to adapt so that the date is send in the right format.

We have provided a new version of the SAP Customer Checkout B1if Services which fixes this problem. Version 3-0.21 and higher fixes this. The services are available in our standard SAP Note 2163033

39 Receipt or Invoice are stuck in SAP Customer Checkout Monitor with status NEW and are not posted in SAP BusinessOne.

There is no error message.


The issue is introduced with SAP Busainess One 9.2 PL04. B1if changed something and this caused the problem. B1if provided a fix for this issue and you need to follow the below steps to solve the problem.

  1. Follow steps in B1if Hot fix for B1 9.2 PL04: SAP Note 2366991

  2. Re-import the SAP Customer Checkout scenario steps in B1if. For this you can follow the steps in SAP Note 2163033

Additionally please note, if you have partner extension concept used and have assigned your extension point to our services, there is a change in SBO 9.2 PL04. The note 2163033

is updated with this change. Here it is meant to only high-light this change.

We are in touch with the SAP Business One team so that the check-box mentioned below is checked by default.

Go to “Scenarios” and then select “Import”.  Now in ‘Scenario Package or Step ZIP File Name’ click on the Browse and select the scenario package that you downloaded from the SAP Note,     With SAP Bussiness One 9.2 PL04, you need to additional select a new check-box “Import Individual Global Tables” and then click on “Submit”. If you do not select the check-box “Import Individual Global Tables”, the table with list of extension point that we provide in the set-up->Data Mgt -> ”Table: vTbl.IncludeList.xml” will be empty.

40 For the extension of B1if scenario steps for SAP Customer Checkout, the table entry in  set-up->Data Mgt -> ”Table: vTbl.IncludeList.xml” is empty


The issue is introduced with SAP Business One 9.2 PL04. For Customer/Partners who have not imported the SAP Customer Checkout scenario steps for B1if manually from our SAP Note 2163033, the problem should not occur.

B1if has added a new check-box while importing the B1if scenario’s  ”Import Individual Global Tables”. If this check-box is not checked, then the table is empty.

Go to “Scenarios” and then select “Import”.  Now in ‘Scenario Package or Step ZIP File Name’ click on the Browse and select the scenario package that you downloaded from the SAP Note,

With SAP Business One 9.2 PL04, you need to additional select a new check-box “Import Individual Global Tables” and then click on “Submit”. If you do not select the check-box “Import Individual Global Tables”, the table with

list of extension point that we provide in the set-up->Data Mgt -> ”Table: vTbl.IncludeList.xml” will be empty.

41 When using DI API to add marketing documents, document lines or header may have incorrect amounts if Intrastat is enabled for the company? The AR Invoice created from SAP Customer Checkout is looking weird? The AR Invoice created from SAP Customer Checkout has LineTotal and DocTotal zero. Total Before Discount field is zero, and you will find a negative discount that is identical to the document total?

This is a SAP BusinessOne issue which is fixed with SAP Business One Version 9.1 PL11 or higher versions. All details about the issue can be found in the SAP Note 2253859. For correction of already created invoices and any further details on this topic contact SAP BusinessOne support team.

42 After fresh installation or upgrade to SAP Business One on HANA 9.2 PL05

 After upgrade to  SAP Business One on HANA 9.2 PL06

one of the following symptoms are noticeable

a. In B1if (SAP BusinessOne Integration Framework) the connection for SLD Entry CustomerCheckoutDb is not working.

b. In SAP Customer Checkout Monitor, no entries can be seen even though before upgrade entries existed

c. Receipts from SAP Customer Checkout are not posted, in B1if monitoring the following message can be seen ” invalid schema name: CUSTOMERCHECKOUT: line 1 col 12 (at pos 11) “

d. Following error can be seen in monitoring and SLD entry connection check XCE001 Nested exception: BPE001 Nested exception: UTE001 Nested exception: Msg 362, State HY000: SAP DBTech JDBC: [362] (at 11): invalid schema name: CUSTOMERCHECKOUT: line 1 col 12 (at pos 11)


In SAP Business One for HANA 9.2 PL05 or PL06 (after upgrade), in B1if -> SLD -> B1if Server -> CustomerCheckoutDb in the field “URL” in the “JDBC” section:


If you test the connection, the connection will fail.

You have to change the entry to following:


Notice that the database name CustomerCheckout was added with quotation marks “CustomerCheckout”. Then the connection should work again.

The issue is explained in more detail in the SAP Note 2408940.

43 SAP Customer Checkout Server and SAP Customer Checkout Configuration does not react on mouse clicks in Chrome Version 55

The reason is that a new feature came with Chrome Version 55 which is currently not supported from SAP UI5, which is used for the SAP Customer Checkout Server and SAP Customer Checkout configuration User Interaface.

A workaround is described in SAP Note 2406862 – SAP Customer Checkout and SAP Customer Checkout Server with Chrome Version 55

44 Error message in SAP Customer Checkout Monitor in case that the central user management is enabled and you try to create an user: “No reply from URL received:/B1iXcellerator/exec/ipo/vP.001sap0013.in_HCSX/ Error…

This error occur in the case that the file CCOMTool.jar is missing in following File in the B1iXcellerator WEB-INF lib-folder. In SAP Note 2407021 – Error in SAP Customer Checkout Monitor while creating an user you will find an information how to insert the file into the folder and also the file attached

45 Installation of EPSON Printer fails due to JAVAPos ADK 1.14.2 and newer

It could happen that the installation of an Epson printer (e.g. TM-T88V) will fail, even if you went through the guide and performed every step. This could happen if you download the Epson JAVAPos ADK 1.14.2 and newer. We recommend to install EPSON JAVAPos ADK 1.14 and use also JAVA 7. This will avoid trouble and also the provided Guide refer to EPSON JAVAPos ADK 1.14.. The Guide can be found in the SAP PartnerEdge (





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