[Note]Linq to SQL

this article is something about how you use C# to query data using linq, How you translate the normal SQL into the Linq. I am gonna do it step by step.

Before I start this, Let me make some preparation----create two tables for the coming demonstration.

create table Users
	id int identity primary key,
	FirstName nvarchar(max),
	LastName nvarchar(max),
	Email nvarchar(max),
	DisplayName nvarchar(max),
	Address1 nvarchar(max),
	Address2 nvarchar(max),
	Password nvarchar(max),

create table UserClient
	ID int identity primary key,
	UserId int,
	MobileNo nvarchar(max),
	IMEINo nvarchar(max),
	IsApproved bit

the coming demos are all based on those two tables. let me start now.


  • Select
  • Select with columns
  • Filter the reullt
  • Join the two tables
  • Order the Data
  • Group the data
  • Filter the data by IN and NOT IN
  • Filter the data by ROW_NUMBER function


The Sql is gonna query all the users from the user table(all columns):

Select * from Users

the Linq to do the same function above is 

var users = from u in lddc.Users

                    select u;

2.Select with columns

this is almost same as the first one. but this is designed to query the certain columns(not all columns):

select firstName, lastName from users

the linq query, actually, linq uses the anonymous function to finish this task:

 var users = from u in lddc.Users

                    select new





3.Filter the reullt

As we know, we can use the WHERE to filter the query

select * from users where id>3.

select * from users where firstName like '%Mik%'

select * from users where firstName like'Mik%'

In linq, we still use the Where clause to do it, but according to the dirrerence of the type of the column behind the where, it is gonna get a little difference showing below:

var users = from u in lddc.Users

                  u.id>3//for integer data

                  select u;

var users = from u in lddc.Users

                  u.FirstName.Contains("Mik")//for String data

                  select u;

var users = from u in lddc.Users

                  u.FirstName.StartWith("Mik")//for String data

                  select u;

4.Join the two tables

Inner join. Getting the data which matchs the condition

Outer join. Not only getting the data which matchs the condition, but also get the data of the left table(doesnot match the condition) with setting the column not being found in the right table to null.

An inner join SQL.

select id, firstName,lastName, mobileNo

from user a

inner join

UserClient b

on a.id=b.userid

Linq also uses the join and another word Equals to join two tables:

var users = from u in lddc.Users

                    join uc in lddc.UserClient

                    on u.id equals uc.UserId

                    select new







A outer join SQL:

select id, firstName,lastName, mobileNo

from user a

left join

UserClient b

on a.id=b.userid

The linq query for outer join gets small change with using the DefaultIfEmpty() function:

  var users = from u in lddc.Users

                    join uc in lddc.UserClient

                    on u.id equals uc.UserId

                    into otherUsers

                    from m in otherUsers.DefaultIfEmpty()

                    select new





                            m.MobileNo//here is m but not uc


5.Order the Data

We can use the Order by clause with ASC(default) or DESC to order the selected data.

select * from users order by firstName(asc)//ascending


select * from users order by firstName desc//descending

Linq query uses the orderby combined with ascending or descending:

 var users = from u in lddc.Users

                    orderby u.FirstName ascending//ascending here can also be hidden, it is the default value.

                             select u;

 var users = from u in lddc.Users

                    orderby u.FirstName,u.id descending//can also support multiple columns as SQL does

                             select u;

6.Group data

Group the data to use the aggregate function like MAX,SUM.. one rule is that the columns you want to query should be either in the aggregate function or in the Group By. if not,you will get a syntax error.

SELECT Count(*) as userCount, FirstName

from users group by FirstName

linq is so readable and kind.it converts all you group by column to a key column seeing below:

var users = from u in lddc.Users

                    group u by u.FirstName into c

                    select new


                        t1=c.Key,//this very key is a representative of all columns uses to group the selected data



7. Filter the data by IN and NOT IN


select * from user where id in(3,4)

select * from user where id not in(3,4)

The linq uses the Contains function to achieve this task. you should predefine the condition list that can support the Contains function,such as array:

int[] preIDs = { 3, 4 };

var users = from u in lddc.Users

                 where preIDs.Contains(u.id)

                 select u;

Linq for NOT IN

int[] preIDs = { 3, 4 };

var users = from u in lddc.Users

                 where !preIDs.Contains(u.id)

                 select u;

8.Filter the data by ROW_NUMBER function

ROW_NUMBER is a new feature added from the SQL SERVER 2005. We can use it combined with the >=,<= or between to filter the data, especially we can use it to do the customing paging function. it is very helpful.

select * from


select row_number() over(order by id) as rowNumber,*

from users) as t

where t.rowNumber between 6 and 10

order by t.rowNumber

Linq can do this using two functions:

  • Skip:accept a specified number and return the remaining elements
  • Take:Return a specified number of contiguous elements from he start of a sequence

Look how linq makes this:

 var users = from u in lddc.Users

                  select u;

var filterUsers = users.OrderBy(p => p.id).Skip(5).Take(5);

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