http error codes 
400 invalid syntax. 语法问题 
401 access denied. 访问拒绝 
402 payment required. 必须完整 
403 request forbidden. 请求被禁止 
404 object not found. 对象没有找到 
405 method is not allowed. 方法不允许 
406 no resp acceptable to client found. 客户端没有响应 
407 proxy authentication required. 代理需要验证 
408 server timed out waiting for request. 等等请求时服务器断开连接 
409 user should resubmit with more info. 有冲突用户应该进行检查 
410 resource is no l available. 资源不可用 
411 server refused to accept request without a length. 服务器拒绝接受没有长度的请求 
412 prec given in request failed. 放弃请求失败的条件 
413 request entity was too large. 请求太大 
414 request uniform resource identifier (uri) too long. 请求的uri 太长 
415 unsupported media type. 不支持media类型 
449 retry after doing the appropriate action. 在作了适当动作后重试 
500 internal server error. 服务器内部错误 
501 server does not support the functi required to fulfill the request. 服务器不支持请求的功能 
502 error resp received from gateway. 从网关收到错误应答 
503 temporarily overloaded. 过载 
504 timed out waiting for gateway. 等待网关时请求断开 
505 http version not supported. 不支持http的版本