需要注意是GetNativeSystemInfo 函数从Windows XP 开始才有, 而 IsWow64Process 函数从 Windows XP with SP2 以及 Windows Server 2003 with SP1 开始才有。 所以使用该函数的时候最好用GetProcAddress 。 function IsWin64: Boolean; var Kernel32Handle: THandle; IsWow64Process: function(Handle: Windows.THandle; var Res: Windows.BOOL): Windows.BOOL; stdcall; GetNativeSystemInfo: procedure(var lpSystemInfo: TSystemInfo); stdcall; isWoW64: Bool; SystemInfo: TSystemInfo; const PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 = 9; PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64 = 6; begin Kernel32Handle := GetModuleHandle('KERNEL32.DLL'); if Kernel32Handle = 0 then Kernel32Handle := LoadLibrary('KERNEL32.DLL'); if Kernel32Handle <> 0 then begin IsWOW64Process := GetProcAddress(Kernel32Handle,'IsWow64Process'); GetNativeSystemInfo := GetProcAddress(Kernel32Handle,'GetNativeSystemInfo'); if Assigned(IsWow64Process) then begin IsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess,isWoW64); Result := isWoW64 and Assigned(GetNativeSystemInfo); if Result then begin GetNativeSystemInfo(SystemInfo); Result := (SystemInfo.wProcessorArchitecture = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64) or (SystemInfo.wProcessorArchitecture = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64); end; end else Result := False; end else Result := False; end;