oracle 10g是否启动,ORACLE 10G 启动和停止 GRID CONTROL

2.6Starting and Stopping Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control

As described in the previous sections, you use separate commands to control the Oracle Management Service, Oracle Management Agent, and the Oracle Application Server components on which the Grid Control depends.

The following sections describe how to stop and start all the Grid Control components that are installed by the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Console installation procedure.

You can use this procedure to start all the framework components after a system reboot or to shutdown all the components before bringing the system down for system maintenance.

2.6.1Starting Grid Control and All Its Components

The following procedure summarizes the steps required to start all the components of the Grid Control. For example, use this procedure if you have restarted the host computer and all the components of the Grid Control have been installed on that host.

To start all the Grid Control components on a host, use the following procedure:If your Oracle Management Repository resides on the host, change directory to the Oracle Home for the database where you installed the Management Repository and start the database and the Net Listener for the database:Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the Management Repository database home directory.

Set the ORACLE_SID environment variable to the Management Repository database SID (default is asdb).

Start the Net Listener:$PROMPT> $ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl start

Start the Management Repository database instance:ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus /nolog

SQL> connect SYS as SYSDBA

SQL> startup

SQL> quit

See Also:Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information about starting and stopping an Oracle Database

Start the Oracle Management Service:$PROMPT> ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start oms

See Also:

Start OracleAS Web Cache:$PROPMT> $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc ias-component=WebCache

Change directory to the home directory for the Oracle Management Agent and start the Management Agent:$PROMPT> AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl start agent

See Also:

Note:Be sure to run the emctl start agent command in the Oracle Management Agent home directory and not in the Management Service home directory.

Optionally, start the Application Server Control Console, which is used to manage the Oracle Application Server instance that is used to deploy the Management Service:$PROMPT> $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start iasconsole

See Also:

2.6.2Stopping Grid Control and All Its Components

The following procedure summarizes the steps required to stop all the components of the Grid Control. For example, use this procedure if you have installed all the components of the Grid Control on the same host you want to shut down or restart the host computer.

To stop all the Grid Control components on a host, use the following procedure:Stop the Oracle Management Service:$PROMPT> $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop oms

See Also:

If necessary, stop the Application Server Control Console, which is used to manage the Oracle Application Server instance used to deploy the Management Service:$PROMPT> $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop iasconsole

See Also:

Stop all the Oracle Application Server components, such as the Oracle HTTP Server the OracleAS Web Cache:$PROMPT> $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall

See Also:Oracle Application Server Administrator's Guide

Change directory to the home directory for the Oracle Management Agent and stop the Management Agent:$PROMPT> AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl stop agent

See Also:

Note:Be sure to run the emctl stop agent command in the Oracle Management Agent home directory and not in the Oracle Application Server home directory.

If your Oracle Management Repository resides on the same host, change directory to the Oracle Home for the database where you installed the Management Repository and stop the database and the Net Listener for the database:Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the Management Repository database home directory.

Set the ORACLE_SID environment variable to the Management Repository database SID (default is asdb).

Stop the database instance:$PROMPT> ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus /nolog

SQL> connect SYS as SYSDBA

SQL> shutdown

SQL> quit

See Also:Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information about starting and stopping an Oracle Database

Stop the Net Listener:$PROMPT> $ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl stop

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