A while ago I created the “CollectLogsScript” (see my old A better way to collect logs from your Exchange servers blog post) which I have since rebranded to “ExchangeLogCollector”. Seeing that this has proven popular, I have continued to make some major improvements to the script over the years. The script was recently moved over to GitHub to allow people to know and understand what changes I have made so there are no surprises - those of you wanting to see the changes/commits in the branch of code can do so by clicking here. Moving to GitHub also allows the option for someone else to submit issues that they are running into so that they can be addressed. For those looking simply to download the latest version of the script, go to the release page and download the latest ps1 itself.

A recent major improvement that I have made was to enable remote collection from other Exchange servers. This allows the data collection to be done with even more ease and with less admin overhead to collect the data required. This is only able to be done on machines that will allow you to run Invoke-Command remotely against them. From my testing thus far, it appears that machines running on Windows 2008 R2 are not able to do this functionality. If a server fails remote collection, you will still be able to run the script locally on the server without any issues.

When running this script, you’ll always want to be run it from a server that you want to also collect data from or some data will be missing from the data collection – the script will not run properly against a tools machine. Here is what it looks like when you run the script now.

I have added a disclaimer because this script can collect large amounts of data - if you aren’t careful, you can fill up a drive on the server. I still have the logical check to make sure there are at least 15GB free on the specified drive which should be enough in most circumstances – there will always be some variables in play here, but the 15GB free space check is expected to be sufficient. In past versions of the script, I did have a DiskCheckOverride switch that you could use to skip over the check for the disk space, however, with this current version of having the remote option I don’t have that in place till I have some advanced logic in place to allow near zero chance of any drives filling up.

After you have agreed to the disclaimer, the script checks to make sure the servers in the list are up and able to be collected from remotely. Then we do the disk free space check and proceed to collect any Exchange-specific cmdlets as you can’t run Exchange cmdlets within Invoke-Command. If any server fails one of these tests, it will remove them from the list. You will need to collect from any listed servers manually.

After everything has executed locally that we need to, we then send the Invoke-Command to all the servers in the list. You will start to see something like in the image below where we are collecting and zipping up the selected data.

Once we are done collecting data from all the servers, we will proceed to check the actual size of the zipped file from every server and verify we have enough space free to copy the data to the local server. This way, it will be even easier to collect and upload the data.

With the new features that I have added to the script hopefully this makes data collection from an Exchange environment even easier than before. This major improvement moving forward should make it easier for admins to collect data from multiple servers with little to no hassle. This makes all of our jobs easier – ensuring that we collect all the data we need when we need to collect it to resolve issues!


    Name: ExchangeLogCollector.ps1
    Author: David Paulson
    Requires: Powershell on an Exchange 2010+ Server with Adminstrator rights
    Version History:
    2.0.0 - Major updates have been made to the script and a new publish of it was done.
    2.0.1 - Missing HTTPErr Logs to the script.
    2.0.2 - Fix Bug with loading EMS and search directory
    2.0.3 - Switch "ClusterLogs" to "High_Availabilty_Logs" and adjust the switch as well to avoid confusion.
            Added a feature that checks to see if you pass some switches or it throws a warning asking are you sure to continue. 
    2.1 - Major Updates. Remote Collection now possible with -Server switch. Moved over to github. 
    Collects the requested logs off the Exchange server based off the switches that are used.
    Collects the requested logs off the Exchange server based off the switches that are used.
    The Location of where you would like the data to be copied over to 
    An array of servers that you would like to collect data from.
    Will collect the EWS logs from the Exchange Server 
    Will Collect the IIS Logs from the Exchange Server 
.PARAMETER DailyPerformanceLogs
    Used to collect Exchange 2013+ Daily Performance Logs 
.PARAMETER ManagedAvailability 
    Used to collect managed Availability Logs from the Exchange 2013+ Server
.PARAMETER Experfwiz 
    Used to collect Experfwiz data from the server 
    Used to collect the PRC Logs from the server 
    Used to collect the Exchange Active Sync Proxy Logs 
    Used to collect the ECP Logs from the Exchange server 
    Used to Collect the AutoD Logs from the server 
    Used to collect the OWA Logs from the server 
    Used to collect the AD Driver Logs from the server 
    Used to collect the Search Logs from the server 
.PARAMETER HighAvailabilityLogs
    Used to collect the High Availability Information from the server 
    Used to collect the Mapi Logs from the server 
.PARAMETER MessageTrackingLogs
    Used to collect the Message Tracking Logs from the server 
.PARAMETER HubProtocolLogs
    Used to collect the Hub Protocol Logs from the server
.PARAMETER HubConnectivityLogs
    Used to collect the Hub Connectivity Logs from the server 
.PARAMETER FrontEndConnectivityLogs
    Used to collect the Front End Connectivity Logs from the server 
.PARAMETER FrontEndProtocolLogs
    Used to collect the Front End Protocol Logs from the server 
.PARAMETER MailboxConnectivityLogs
    Used to collect the Mailbox Connectivity Logs from the server 
.PARAMETER MailboxProtocolLogs
    Used to collect the Mailbox Protocol Logs from the server 
.PARAMETER QueueInformationThisServer
    Used to collect the Queue Information from this server 
.PARAMETER ReceiveConnectors
    Used to collect the Receive Connector information from this server 
.PARAMETER SendConnectors
    Used to collect the Send connector information from the Org 
    Used to collect the DAG Information for this DAG
    Used to collect the Virtual Directories of the environment 
.PARAMETER TransportConfig
    Used to collect the Transport Configuration from this Exchange Server 
.PARAMETER DefaultTransportLogging
    Used to Get all the default logging that is enabled on the Exchange Server for Transport Information 
    Used to Collect the Exmon Information 
    Used to collect the general Server information from the server 
    Old switch that was used for collecting the general Server information 
.PARAMETER CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth
    Used to collect some of the default logging based off Days Worth vs the whole directory 
.PARAMETER DiskCheckOverride
    Used to over the Availalbe Disk space required in order this script to run 
    Used to collect the Application and System Logs. Default is set to true
.PARAMETER AllPossibleLogs
    Switch to enable all default logging enabled on the Exchange server. 
    Used to not zip up the data by default 
.PARAMETER SkipEndCopyOver
    Boolean to prevent the copy over after a remote collection.
#PARAMETER CustomData                             - Might bring this back in later build. 
    Used to collect data from a custom directory 
#PARAMETER CustomDataDirectory 
    Tell which directory you would like to collect data from 
    To determine how far back we would like to collect data from 
.PARAMETER ScriptDebug
    To enable Debug Logging for the script to determine what might be wrong with the script 
.PARAMETER DatabaseFailoverIssue
    To enable the common switches to assist with determine the cause of database failover issues 
.PARAMETER Experfwiz_LogmanName
    To be able to set the Experfwiz Logman Name that we would be looking for. By Default "Exchange_Perfwiz"
.PARAMETER Exmon_LogmanName
    To be able to set the Exmon Logman Name that we would be looking for. By Default "Exmon_Trace"
    Switch used to bypass the disclaimer confirmation 


Param (

[string]$FilePath = "C:\MS_Logs_Collection",
[switch]$CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth = $false, 
[switch]$AppSysLogs = $true,
[int]$DaysWorth = 3,
[string]$Experfwiz_LogmanName = "Exchange_Perfwiz",
[string]$Exmon_LogmanName = "Exmon_Trace",


$scriptVersion = 2.3

#                                             #
#              Local Functions                #
#                                             #

Function Display-Disclaimer {
$display = @"

    Exchange Log Collector v{0}


    -This script will copy over data based off the switches provied. 
    -We will check for at least 15 GB of free space at the local target directory BEFORE 
        attempting to copy over the data.
    -Please run this script at your own risk. 

"@ -f $scriptVersion

    Write-Host $display
        if(-not $AcceptEULA)
            $r = Read-Host ("Do you wish to continue ('y' or 'n')")
            $r = "y"
    }while(($r -ne "y" -and $r -ne "n"))
    if(-not ($AcceptEULA) -and $r -eq "n")

Function Display-FeedBack {
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Looks like the script is done. If you ran into any issues or have additional feedback, please feel free to reach out dpaul@microsoft.com."

#Function to load the EXShell 
Function Load-ExShell {
        if($exinstall -eq $null){
        $testV14 = Test-Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v14\Setup'
        $testV15 = Test-Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\Setup'
            $Script:exinstall = (get-itemproperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v14\Setup).MsiInstallPath	
        elseif ($testV15) {
            $Script:exinstall = (get-itemproperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\Setup).MsiInstallPath	
            Write-Host "It appears that you are not on an Exchange 2010 or newer server. Sorry I am going to quit."
        $script:exbin = $Script:exinstall + "\Bin"
        Write-Host "Loading Exchange PowerShell Module..."
        add-pssnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010

#Function to test if you are an admin on the server 
Function Is-Admin {
    $currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal( [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() )
    If( $currentPrincipal.IsInRole( [Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator )) {
        return $true
    else {
        return $false

Function Display-ScriptDebug{
        Write-Host("[Script Debug] : {0}" -f $stringdata) -ForegroundColor Cyan

Function Get-ZipEnabled {
    if($NoZip){return $false}
    else{return $true}

Function Get-TransportLoggingInformationPerServer {
    Display-ScriptDebug("Function Enter: Get-TransportLoggingInformationPerServer")
    Display-ScriptDebug("Passed - Server: {0} Version: {1}" -f $Server, $version)
    $hubObject = New-Object PSCustomObject
    $tranportLoggingObject = New-Object PSCustomObject
    if($version -ge 15)
        #Hub Transport Layer 
        $data = Get-TransportService -Identity $Server
        $hubObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ConnectivityLogPath -Value ($data.ConnectivityLogPath.PathName)
        $hubObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MessageTrackingLogPath -Value ($data.MessageTrackingLogPath.PathName) 
        $hubObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name PipelineTracingPath -Value ($data.PipelineTracingPath.PathName)
        $hubObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ReceiveProtocolLogPath -Value ($data.ReceiveProtocolLogPath.PathName)
        $hubObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SendProtocolLogPath -Value ($data.SendProtocolLogPath.PathName)
        $hubObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name QueueLogPath -Value ($data.QueueLogPath.PathName)
        $hubObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name WlmLogPath -Value ($data.WlmLogPath.PathName)
        $tranportLoggingObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name HubLoggingInfo -Value $hubObject

        #Front End Transport Layer 
        $FETransObject = New-Object PSCustomObject
        $data = Get-FrontendTransportService -Identity $Server
        $FETransObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ConnectivityLogPath -Value ($data.ConnectivityLogPath.PathName)
        $FETransObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ReceiveProtocolLogPath -Value ($data.ReceiveProtocolLogPath.PathName)
        $FETransObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SendProtocolLogPath -Value ($data.SendProtocolLogPath.PathName)
        $FETransObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AgentLogPath -Value ($data.AgentLogPath.PathName)
        $tranportLoggingObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FELoggingInfo -Value $FETransObject

        #Mailbox Transport Layer 
        $mbxObject = New-Object PSCustomObject
        $data = Get-MailboxTransportService -Identity $Server
        $mbxObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ConnectivityLogPath -Value ($data.ConnectivityLogPath.PathName)
        $mbxObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ReceiveProtocolLogPath -Value ($data.ReceiveProtocolLogPath.PathName)
        $mbxObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SendProtocolLogPath -Value ($data.SendProtocolLogPath.PathName)
        $mbxObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name PipelineTracingPath -Value ($data.PipelineTracingPath.PathName)
        $mbxObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MailboxDeliveryThrottlingLogPath -Value ($data.MailboxDeliveryThrottlingLogPath.PathName)
        $tranportLoggingObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MBXLoggingInfo -Value $mbxObject 

    elseif($version -eq 14)
        $data = Get-TransportServer -Identity $Server
        $hubObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ConnectivityLogPath -Value ($data.ConnectivityLogPath.PathName)
        $hubObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MessageTrackingLogPath -Value ($data.MessageTrackingLogPath.PathName)
        $hubObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name PipelineTracingPath -Value ($data.PipelineTracingPath.PathName)
        $hubObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ReceiveProtocolLogPath -Value ($data.ReceiveProtocolLogPath.PathName)
        $hubObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SendProtocolLogPath -Value ($data.SendProtocolLogPath.PathName)
        $tranportLoggingObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name HubLoggingInfo -Value $hubObject

        Write-Host("trying to determine transport information for server {0} and was able to determine the correct version type" -f $Server)

    Display-ScriptDebug("ReceiveConnectors: {0} QueueInformationThisServer: {1}" -f $ReceiveConnectors, $QueueInformationThisServer)
        $value = Get-ReceiveConnector -Server $Server 
        $tranportLoggingObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ReceiveConnectorData -Value $value 
        $value = Get-Queue -Server $Server 
        $tranportLoggingObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name QueueData -Value $value 

    Display-ScriptDebug("Function Exit: Get-TransportLoggingInformationPerServer")
    return $tranportLoggingObject 

Function Get-ServerObjects {
    Display-ScriptDebug ("Function Enter: Get-ServerObjects")
    Display-ScriptDebug ("Passed {0} of Servers" -f $ValidServers.Count)
    $svrsObject = @()
    $oldErrorAction = $ErrorActionPreference
    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
    foreach($svr in $ValidServers)
        Display-ScriptDebug -stringdata ("Working on Server {0}" -f $svr)
            $exchSvr = Get-ExchangeServer $svr
            Write-Host("Failed to detect server {0} as an Exchange Server" -f $svr) -ForegroundColor Red
            Write-Host("Removing from the list")
        $sobj = New-Object PSCustomObject
        $sobj | Add-Member -Name ServerName -MemberType NoteProperty -Value ($svr)
        $svrRole = $exchSvr.ServerRole
        Display-ScriptDebug ("Pulled out ServerRole: {0}" -f $svrRole.ToString())
        #Set Exchange Version value 14 Exchange 2010, 15 Exchange 2013, 16 Exchange 2016
        $svrAdmin = $exchSvr.AdminDisplayVersion
        Display-ScriptDebug ("Pulled out AdminDisplayVersion: {0}" -f $svrAdmin.ToString())
        if($svrAdmin.Major -eq 14)
            $exVersion = 14
        elseif($svrAdmin.Major -eq 15)
            if($svrAdmin.Minor -eq 0)
                $exVersion = 15
                $exVersion = 16
            #don't know what version of Exchange this is, we shouldn't add it 
            Write-Host("Unable to determine the version of Server {0} so we aren't going to collect data from it" -f $svr)    
        Function IsMailbox{
            if($value -like "*Mailbox*"){return $true} else{ return $false}

        Function IsCAS{
            if(($version -eq 16) -or ($value -like "*ClientAccess*")){return $true} else{return $false}

        Function IsHub {
            if(($version -ge 15) -or ($value -like "*HubTransport*")){return $true}{return $false}

        Function IsDAGMember{
                if((Get-MailboxServer $ServerName).DatabaseAvailabilityGroup -ne $null){return $true}
                else{return $false}
            else {
                return $false

        $sobj | Add-Member -Name Mailbox -MemberType NoteProperty -Value (IsMailbox -Value $svrRole)
        $sobj | Add-Member -Name CAS -MemberType NoteProperty -Value (IsCAS -Value $svrRole -Version $exVersion)
        $sobj | Add-Member -Name Hub -MemberType NoteProperty -Value (IsHub -Value $svrRole -Version $exVersion)
        $sobj | Add-Member -Name Version -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $exVersion
        $sobj | Add-Member -Name DAGMember -MemberType NoteProperty -Value (IsDAGMember -IsMailbox $sobj.Mailbox -ServerName $svr)

        Display-ScriptDebug ("IsMailbox: {0} IsCas: {1} IsHub: {2} IsDAGMember: {3} exVersion: {4} AnyTransportSwitchesEnabled: {5}" -f ($sobj.Mailbox), ($sobj.CAS), ($sobj.Hub), ($sobj.DAGMember), $exVersion, $Script:AnyTransportSwitchesEnabled)

        if($Script:AnyTransportSwitchesEnabled -and $sobj.Hub)
            $sobj | Add-Member -Name TransportInfoCollect -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $true 
            $sobj | Add-Member -Name TransportInfo -MemberType NoteProperty -Value (Get-TransportLoggingInformationPerServer -Server $svr -version $exVersion )
            $sobj | Add-Member -Name TransportInfoCollect -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $false    

        $svrsObject += $sobj 
    $ErrorActionPreference = $oldErrorAction
    if (($svrsObject -eq $null) -or ($svrsObject.Count -eq 0))
        Write-Host("Something wrong happened in Get-ServerObjects stopping script") -ForegroundColor Red
    Display-ScriptDebug("Function Exit: Get-ServerObjects")
    Return $svrsObject

Function Get-ArgumentList {
    $obj = New-Object PSCustomObject 
    $obj | Add-Member -Name FilePath -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $FilePath
    $obj | Add-Member -Name ManagedAvailability -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $ManagedAvailability
    $obj | Add-Member -Name Zip -MemberType NoteProperty -Value (Get-ZipEnabled)
    $obj | Add-Member -Name AppSysLogs -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $AppSysLogs
    $obj | Add-Member -Name EWSLogs -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $EWSLogs
    $obj | Add-Member -Name DailyPerformanceLogs -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $DailyPerformanceLogs
    $obj | Add-Member -Name RPCLogs -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $RPCLogs 
    $obj | Add-Member -Name EASLogs -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $EASLogs 
    $obj | Add-Member -Name ECPLogs -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $ECPLogs 
    $obj | Add-Member -Name AutoDLogs -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $AutoDLogs
    $obj | Add-Member -Name OWALogs -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $OWALogs
    $obj | Add-Member -Name ADDriverLogs -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $ADDriverLogs
    $obj | Add-Member -Name SearchLogs -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $SearchLogs
    $obj | Add-Member -Name HighAvailabilityLogs -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $HighAvailabilityLogs
    $obj | Add-Member -Name MapiLogs -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $MapiLogs
    $obj | Add-Member -Name MessageTrackingLogs -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $MessageTrackingLogs
    $obj | Add-Member -Name HubProtocolLogs -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $HubProtocolLogs
    $obj | Add-Member -Name HubConnectivityLogs -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $HubConnectivityLogs
    $obj | Add-Member -Name FrontEndConnectivityLogs -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $FrontEndConnectivityLogs
    $obj | Add-Member -Name FrontEndProtocolLogs -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $FrontEndProtocolLogs
    $obj | Add-Member -Name MailboxConnectivityLogs -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $MailboxConnectivityLogs
    $obj | Add-Member -Name MailboxProtocolLogs -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $MailboxProtocolLogs
    $obj | Add-Member -Name QueueInformationThisServer -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $QueueInformationThisServer
    $obj | Add-Member -Name ReceiveConnectors -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $ReceiveConnectors 
    $obj | Add-Member -Name SendConnectors -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $SendConnectors 
    $obj | Add-Member -Name DAGInformation -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $DAGInformation 
    $obj | Add-Member -Name GetVdirs -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $GetVdirs 
    $obj | Add-Member -Name TransportConfig -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $TransportConfig
    $obj | Add-Member -Name DefaultTransportLogging -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $DefaultTransportLogging
    $obj | Add-Member -Name ServerInfo -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $ServerInfo
    $obj | Add-Member -Name CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth
    $obj | Add-Member -Name DaysWorth -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $DaysWorth 
    $obj | Add-Member -Name IISLogs -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $IISLogs 
    $obj | Add-Member -Name AnyTransportSwitchesEnabled -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $script:AnyTransportSwitchesEnabled
    $svrobjs = Get-ServerObjects -ValidServers $Servers
    $obj | Add-Member -Name ServerObjects -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $svrobjs
    $obj | Add-Member -Name HostExeServerName -MemberType NoteProperty -Value ($env:COMPUTERNAME)
    $obj | Add-Member -Name Experfwiz -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $Experfwiz
    $obj | Add-Member -Name Experfwiz_LogmanName -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $Experfwiz_LogmanName
    $obj | Add-Member -Name Exmon -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $Exmon
    $obj | Add-Member -Name Exmon_LogmanName -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $Exmon_LogmanName
    $obj | Add-Member -Name ScriptDebug -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $ScriptDebug
    #Collect only if enabled we are going to just keep it on the base of the passed parameter object to make it simple 
        $obj | Add-Member -Name VDirsInfo -MemberType NoteProperty -Value (Get-VdirsLDAP)
    $mbx = $false
    foreach($svr in $svrobjs)
        if($svr.ServerName -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME)
            $mbx = $true
            $checkSvr = $svr
    if(($mbx) -and ($HighAvailabilityLogs) -and ($checkSvr.DAGMember))
        Write-Host("Generating cluster logs for the local server's DAG only")
        Write-Host("Server: {0}" -f $checkSvr.ServerName)
        #Only going to do this for the local server's DAG 
        $cmd = "Cluster log /g"
        Invoke-Expression -Command $cmd | Out-Null
        $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DAGInfoData -Value (Get-DAGInformation)
        $value = Get-SendConnector 
        $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SendConnectorData -Value $value

    Return $obj 

Function Test-PossibleCommonScenarios {

    #all possible logs 
        $Script:EWSLogs = $true 
        $Script:IISLogs = $true 
        $Script:DailyPerformanceLogs = $true
        $Script:ManagedAvailability = $true 
        $Script:RPCLogs = $true 
        $Script:EASLogs = $true 
        $Script:AutoDLogs = $true
        $Script:OWALogs = $true 
        $Script:ADDriverLogs = $true 
        $Script:HighAvailabilityLogs = $true 
        $Script:ServerInfo = $true 
        $Script:GetVdirs = $true
        $Script:DAGInformation = $true 
        $Script:DefaultTransportLogging = $true
        $Script:MapiLogs = $true 

        $Script:HubConnectivityLogs = $true 
        $Script:MessageTrackingLogs = $true 
        $Script:QueueInformationThisServer = $true 
        $Script:SendConnectors = $true 
        $Script:ReceiveConnectors = $true 
        $Script:TransportConfig = $true
        $Script:FrontEndConnectivityLogs = $true 
        $Script:MailboxConnectivityLogs = $true 
        $Script:FrontEndProtocolLogs = $true 

        $Script:DailyPerformanceLogs = $true
        $Script:HighAvailabilityLogs = $true 
        $Script:ManagedAvailability = $true 
        $Script:DAGInformation = $true
    #See if any transport logging is enabled. 
    $Script:AnyTransportSwitchesEnabled = $false
    if($HubProtocolLogs -or 
    $HubConnectivityLogs -or 
    $MessageTrackingLogs -or
    $QueueInformationThisServer -or
    $SendConnectors -or 
    $ReceiveConnectors -or
    $TransportConfig -or
    $FrontEndConnectivityLogs -or 
    $FrontEndProtocolLogs -or 
    $MailboxConnectivityLogs -or
    $MailboxProtocolLogs -or 
    $DefaultTransportLogging){$Script:AnyTransportSwitchesEnabled = $true}


Function Test-NoSwitchesProvided {
    if($EWSLogs -or 
    $IISLogs -or 
    $DailyPerformanceLogs -or 
    $ManagedAvailability -or 
    $Experfwiz -or 
    $RPCLogs -or 
    $EASLogs -or 
    $ECPLogs -or 
    $AutoDLogs -or 
    $SearchLogs -or 
    $OWALogs -or 
    $ADDriverLogs -or
    $HighAvailabilityLogs -or
    $MapiLogs -or 
    $Script:AnyTransportSwitchesEnabled -or
    $DAGInformation -or
    $GetVdirs -or 
    $Exmon -or 
        Write-Host ""    
        Write-Warning "Doesn't look like any parameters were provided, are you sure you are running the correct command? This is ONLY going to collect the Application and System Logs."
        Write-Warning "Enter 'y' to continue and 'n' to stop the script"
            $a = Read-Host "Please enter 'y' or 'n'"
        }while($a -ne 'y' -and $a -ne 'n')
        if($a -eq 'n'){exit}
            Write-Host "Okay moving on..."

Function Test-RemoteExecutionOfServers {
    Display-ScriptDebug("Function Enter: Test-RemoteExecutionOfServers")
    $Servers_up = @() 
    Write-Host "Checking to see if the servers are up in this list:"
    foreach($server in $Server_List) {Write-Host $server}
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Checking their status...."
    foreach($server in $Server_List)
        Write-Host("Checking server {0}....." -f $server) -NoNewline
        if((Test-Connection $server -Quiet))
            Write-Host "Online" -ForegroundColor Green
            $Servers_up += $server
            Write-Host "Offline" -ForegroundColor Red
            Write-Host ("Removing Server {0} from the list to collect data from" -f $server)
    #Now we should check to see if can use WRM with invoke-command
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "For all the servers that are up, we are going to see if remote execution will work"
    #shouldn't need to test if they are Exchange servers, as we should be doing that locally as well. 
    $valid_Servers = @()
    $oldErrorAction = $ErrorActionPreference
    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
    foreach($server in $Servers_up)

        try {
            Write-Host("Checking Server {0}....." -f $server) -NoNewLine
            Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server -ScriptBlock { Get-Process | Out-Null}
            #if that doesn't fail, we should be okay to add it to the working list 
            Write-Host("Passed") -ForegroundColor Green
            $valid_Servers += $server
        catch {
            Write-Host("Failed") -ForegroundColor Red
            Write-Host("Removing Server {0} from the list to collect data from" -f $server)
    Display-ScriptDebug("Function Exit: Test-RemoteExecutionOfServers")
    $ErrorActionPreference = $oldErrorAction
    return $valid_Servers 

Function Get-VdirsLDAP {

$authTypeEnum = @" 
namespace AuthMethods  
    using System;
    public enum AuthenticationMethodFlags
        None = 0,
        Basic = 1,
        Ntlm = 2,
        Fba = 4,
        Digest = 8,
        WindowsIntegrated = 16,
        LiveIdFba = 32,
        LiveIdBasic = 64,
        WSSecurity = 128,
        Certificate = 256,
        NegoEx = 512,
        // Exchange 2013
        OAuth = 1024,
        Adfs = 2048,
        Kerberos = 4096,
        Negotiate = 8192,
        LiveIdNegotiate = 16384,
    Write-Host "Collecting Virtual Directory Information..."
    Add-Type -TypeDefinition $authTypeEnum -Language CSharp
    $objRootDSE = [ADSI]"LDAP://rootDSE"
    $strConfigurationNC = $objRootDSE.configurationNamingContext
    $objConfigurationNC = New-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://$strConfigurationNC")
    $searcher = new-object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
    $searcher.filter = "(&(objectClass=msExchVirtualDirectory)(!objectClass=container))" 
    $searcher.SearchRoot = $objConfigurationNC
    $Searcher.CacheResults = $false  
    $Searcher.SearchScope = "Subtree"
    $Searcher.PageSize = 1000  
    # Get all the results
    $colResults  = $searcher.FindAll()
    $objects = @()
    # Loop through the results and
    foreach ($objResult in $colResults)
        $objItem = $objResult.getDirectoryEntry()
        $objProps = $objItem.Properties
        $place = $objResult.Path.IndexOf("CN=Protocols,CN=")
        $ServerDN = [ADSI]("LDAP://" + $objResult.Path.SubString($place,($objResult.Path.Length - $place)).Replace("CN=Protocols,",""))
        [string]$Site = $serverDN.Properties.msExchServerSite.ToString().Split(",")[0].Replace("CN=","")
        [string]$server = $serverDN.Properties.adminDisplayName.ToString()
        [string]$version = $serverDN.Properties.serialNumber.ToString()
        $obj = New-Object PSObject 
        $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name Server -value $server
        $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name Version -value $version
        $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name Site -value $Site
        [string]$var = $objProps.DistinguishedName.ToString().Split(",")[0].Replace("CN=","")
        $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name VirtualDirectory -value $var
        [string]$var = $objProps.msExchInternalHostName
        $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name InternalURL -value $var
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($objProps.msExchInternalAuthenticationMethods))
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name InternalAuthenticationMethods -value ([AuthMethods.AuthenticationMethodFlags]$objProps.msExchInternalAuthenticationMethods)
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name InternalAuthenticationMethods -value $null
        [string]$var = $objProps.msExchExternalHostName
        $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name ExternalURL -value $var 
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($objProps.msExchExternalAuthenticationMethods))
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name ExternalAuthenticationMethods -value ([AuthMethods.AuthenticationMethodFlags]$objProps.msExchExternalAuthenticationMethods)
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name ExternalAuthenticationMethods -value $null
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($objProps.msExch2003Url))
            [string]$var = $objProps.msExch2003Url
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name Exchange2003URL  -value $var
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name Exchange2003URL -value $null
        [Array]$objects += $obj
    return $objects 

Function Get-ExchangeServerDAGName {
    Display-ScriptDebug("Function Enter: Get-ExchangeServerDAGName")
    $oldErrorAction = $ErrorActionPreference
    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
    try {
        $dagName = (Get-MailboxServer $Server).DatabaseAvailabilityGroup.Name 
        Display-ScriptDebug("Returning dagName: {0}" -f $dagName)
        Display-ScriptDebug("Function Exit: Get-ExchangeServerDAGName")
        return $dagName
    catch {
        Write-Host("Looks like this server {0} isn't a Mailbox Server. Unable to get DAG Infomration." -f $Server)
        return $null 
        $ErrorActionPreference = $oldErrorAction 

Function Get-MailboxDatabaseInformationFromDAG{
    Display-ScriptDebug("Function Enter: Get-MailboxDatabaseInformationFromDAG")
    Write-Host("Getting Database information from {0} DAG member servers" -f $DAGInfo.Name)
    $AllDupMDB = @()
    foreach($serverobj in $DAGInfo.Servers)
        foreach($server in $serverobj.Name)
            $AllDupMDB += Get-MailboxDatabase -Server $server -Status 
    #remove all dups 
    $MailboxDBS = @()
    foreach($t_mdb in $AllDupMDB)
        $add = $true
        foreach($mdb in $MailboxDBS)
            if($mdb.Name -eq $t_mdb.Name)
                $add = $false
            $MailboxDBS += $t_mdb

    Write-Host("Found the following databases:")
    foreach($mdb in $MailboxDBS)

    $MailboxDBInfo = @() 

    foreach($mdb in $MailboxDBS)
        $mdb_Name = $mdb.Name 
        $dbObj = New-Object PSCustomObject
        $dbObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MDBName -Value $mdb_Name
        $dbObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MDBInfo -Value $mdb
        $value = Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus $mdb_Name\*
        $dbObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MDBCopyStatus -Value $value
        $MailboxDBInfo += $dbObj
    Display-ScriptDebug("Function Exit: Get-MailboxDatabaseInformationFromDAG")
    return $MailboxDBInfo

Function Get-DAGInformation {

    $DAGName = Get-ExchangeServerDAGName -Server $env:COMPUTERNAME #only going to get the local server's DAG info
    if($DAGName -ne $null)
        $dagObj = New-Object PSCustomObject
        $value = Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup $DAGName -Status 
        $dagObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DAGInfo -Value $value 
        $value = Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork $DAGName 
        $dagObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DAGNetworkInfo -Value $value
        $dagObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AllMdbs -Value (Get-MailboxDatabaseInformationFromDAG -DAGInfo $dagObj.DAGInfo)
        return $dagObj

#Logic for determining the free space on the drive 
Function Get-FreeSpaceFromDrives {
    $driveLetter = ($Root_Full_Path.Split("\"))[0]
    $Free_Space = $Drives_WMI | ?{$_.DriveLetter -eq $driveLetter} | select DriveLetter, label, @{LABEL='GBfreespace';EXPRESSION={$_.freespace/1GB}}
    return $Free_Space

Function Get-DisksData {
    $drives = gwmi win32_volume -Filter 'drivetype = 3'
    $obj = New-Object PSCustomObject
    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Drives -Value $drives
    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ServerName -Value ($env:COMPUTERNAME)
    return $obj

Function Test-DiskSpace {
    Display-ScriptDebug("Function Enter: Test-DiskSpace")
    Display-ScriptDebug("Passed - Path: {0} CheckSize: {1}" -f $Path, $CheckSize)
    Write-Host("Checking the free space on the servers before collecting the data...")

    $script_block = ${Function:Get-DisksData}
    $Servers_Data = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Servers -ScriptBlock $script_block
    $Passed_Servers = @()

    foreach($server in $Servers_Data)
        $Free_Space = Get-FreeSpaceFromDrives -Root_Full_Path $Path -Drives_WMI $server.Drives
        if($Free_Space.GBfreespace -gt $CheckSize)
            Write-Host("[{0}] : We have more than {1} GB of free space at {2}" -f $server.ServerName, $CheckSize, $Path)
            $Passed_Servers += $server.ServerName
            Write-Host("[{0}] : We have less than {1} GB of free space on {2}" -f $server.ServerName, $CheckSize, $Path)

    if($Passed_Servers.Count -ne $Servers.Count)
        Write-Host("Looks like all the servers didn't pass the disk space check.")
        Write-Host("We will only collect data from these servers: ")
        foreach($svr in $Passed_Servers)
            Write-Host("{0}" -f $svr)
            $r = Read-Host("Are you sure you want to continue? 'y' or 'n'")
        }while($r -ne 'y' -and $r -ne 'n')
        if($r -eq 'n')
    Display-ScriptDebug("Function Exit: Test-DiskSpace")
    return $Passed_Servers

Function Get-RemoteLogLocation {
    Function Get-ZipLocation 
        $like = "*-{0}*.zip" -f (Get-Date -Format Md)
        $Item = $RootPath + (Get-ChildItem $RootPath | ?{$_.Name -like $like} | sort CreationTime -Descending)[0]
        $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject 
        $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ServerName -Value $env:COMPUTERNAME
        $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ZipFolder -Value $Item
        $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Size -Value ((Get-Item $Item).Length)
        return $obj
    $script_block = ${function:Get-ZipLocation}
    $LogInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Servers -ScriptBlock $script_block -ArgumentList $RootPath 

    return $LogInfo

Function Test-DiskSpaceForCopyOver {
    Display-ScriptDebug("Function Enter: Test-DiskSpaceForCopyOver")
    foreach($SvrObj in $LogPathObject)
        $iTotalSize += $SvrObj.Size 
    #switch it to GB in size 
    $iTotalSizeGB = $iTotalSize / 1GB
    #Get the local free space again 
    $driveObj = Get-DisksData
    $FreeSpace = Get-FreeSpaceFromDrives -Root_Full_Path $RootPath -Drives_WMI $driveObj.Drives
    $extraSpace = 10
    if($FreeSpace.GBfreespace -gt ($iTotalSizeGB + $extraSpace))
        Write-Host("[{0}] : Looks like we have enough free space at the path to copy over the data" -f $env:COMPUTERNAME)
        Write-Host("[{0}] : FreeSpace: {1} TestSize: {2} Path: {3}" -f $env:COMPUTERNAME, $FreeSpace.GBfreespace, ($iTotalSizeGB + $extraSpace), $RootPath)
        return $true
        Write-Host("[{0}] : Looks like we don't have enough free space to copy over the data" -f $env:COMPUTERNAME) -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host("[{0}] : FreeSpace: {1} TestSize: {2} Path: {3}" -f $env:COMPUTERNAME, $FreeSpace.GBfreespace, ($iTotalSizeGB + $extraSpace), $RootPath)
        return $false


#                                             #
#          Possible Remote Functions          #
#                                             #

Function Remote-Functions {
    Function New-FolderCreate {
        if(-not (Test-Path -Path $Folder))
            Write-Host("[{0}] : Creating Directory {1}" -f $Script:LocalServerName, $Folder)
            [System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($Folder) | Out-Null
            Write-Host("[{0}] : Directory {1} is already created!" -f $Script:LocalServerName, $Folder)


    Function Remote-DisplayScriptDebug {
            Write-Host("[{0} - Script Debug] : {1}" -f $env:COMPUTERNAME, $stringdata) -ForegroundColor Cyan

    Function Zip-Folder {

                #Zip location 
                $zipFolder = $Folder + ".zip"
                if(Test-Path -Path $zipFolder)
                    #Folder exist for some reason 
                    [int]$i = 1
                        $zipFolder = $Folder + "-" + $i + ".zip"
                    }while(Test-Path -Path $zipFolder)
                $zipFolder = "{0}-{1}.zip" -f $Folder, (Get-Date -Format Md)
                if(Test-Path -Path $zipFolder)
                    [int]$i = 1
                    $date = Get-Date -Format Md
                        $zipFolder = "{0}-{1}-{2}.zip" -f $Folder, $date, $i
                    }while(Test-Path -Path $zipFolder)


            if(-not($ZipItAll)){Write-Host("[{0}] : Zipping up the folder {1}" -f $Script:LocalServerName, $Folder)}
            else{Write-Host("[{0}] : Zipping up all the data for the server...." -f $Script:LocalServerName)}
            [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($Folder, $zipFolder)

            if((Test-Path -Path $zipFolder))
                Remove-Item $Folder -Force -Recurse

    Function Copy-FullLogFullPathRecurse {
        Remote-DisplayScriptDebug("Function Enter: Copy-FullLogFullPathRecurse")
        Remote-DisplayScriptDebug("Passed - LogPath: {0} CopyToThisLocation: {1}" -f $LogPath, $CopyToThisLocation)
        New-FolderCreate -Folder $CopyToThisLocation 
        Copy-Item $LogPath\* $CopyToThisLocation -Recurse
        Zip-Folder $CopyToThisLocation
        Remote-DisplayScriptDebug("Function Exit: Copy-FullLogFullPathRecurse")

    Function Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {
        Remote-DisplayScriptDebug("Function Enter: Copy-LogsBasedOnTime")
        Remote-DisplayScriptDebug("Passed - LogPath: {0} CopyToThisLocation: {1}" -f $LogPath, $CopyToThisLocation)
        New-FolderCreate -Folder $CopyToThisLocation
        $date = (Get-Date).AddDays(0-$PassedInfo.DaysWorth)
        $copyFromDate = "$($Date.Month)/$($Date.Day)/$($Date.Year)"
        $SkipCopy = $false 
        #We are not copying files recurse so we need to not include possible directories or we will throw an error 
        $Files = Get-ChildItem $LogPath | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending | ?{$_.LastWriteTime -ge $copyFromDate -and $_.Mode -notlike "d*"}
        #if we don't have any logs, we want to attempt to copy something 
        if($Files -eq $null)
            Write-Warning("[{0}] : Oops! Looks like I wasn't able to find what you are looking for, so I am going to attempt to collect the newest log for you" -f $Script:LocalServerName)
            $Files = Get-ChildItem $LogPath | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 

            #If we are still null, we want to let them know 
            If($Files -eq $null)
                $SkipCopy = $true 
                Write-Warning("[{0}] : It doesn't look like you have any data in this location {1}." -f $Script:LocalServerName, $LogPath)
                Write-Warning("[{0}] : You should look into the reason as to why, because this shouldn't occur." -f $Script:LocalServerName)
                #Going to place a file in this location so we know what happened
                $tempFile = $CopyToThisLocation + "\NoFilesDetected.txt"
                New-Item $tempFile -ItemType File -Value $LogPath 
                Start-Sleep 5
        Remote-DisplayScriptDebug("Found {0} number of files at the location {1}" -f $Files.Count, $LogPath)
        #ResetFiles to full path 
        $FilesFullPath = @()
        $Files | %{$FilesFullPath += $_.VersionInfo.FileName}

        if(-not ($SkipCopy))
            Copy-BulkItems -CopyToLocation $CopyToThisLocation -ItemsToCopyLocation $FilesFullPath
            Zip-Folder -Folder $CopyToThisLocation
        Remote-DisplayScriptDebug("Function Exit: Copy-LogsBasedOnTime")

    Function Copy-BulkItems {
        #Create the folder 
        New-FolderCreate -Folder $CopyToLocation 
        foreach($item in $ItemsToCopyLocation)
            Copy-Item -Path $item -Destination $CopyToLocation

    Function Remove-EventLogChar {
        Get-ChildItem $location | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.Name -replace "%4","-"}

    Function Test-IISMultiW3SVCDirectores {
        if($Script:this_ServerObject.Version -ge 15){$i = 3}
        else{$i = 2}

        if((Get-ChildItem $Script:IISLogDirectory | ?{$_.Name -like "W3SVC*"}).Count -ge $i ){return $true}
        return $false

    Function Test-CommandExists {
        $oldAction = $ErrorActionPreference
        $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

        try {
            if(Get-Command $command){return $true}
        catch {
            return $false
            $ErrorActionPreference = $oldAction

    Function Set-IISDirectoryInfo {
        Remote-DisplayScriptDebug("Function Enter: Set-IISDirectoryInfo")
        if((Test-CommandExists -command "Get-WebConfigurationProperty"))
            Remote-DisplayScriptDebug("Get-WebConfigurationProperty command exists")
            $Script:IISLogDirectory = ((Get-WebConfigurationProperty "system.applicationHost/sites/siteDefaults" -Name logFile).directory).Replace("%SystemDrive%",$env:SystemDrive) 
            Remote-DisplayScriptDebug("Set IISLogDirectory: {0}" -f $Script:IISLogDirectory)
            $Script:IISLogDirectory = "C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\" #Default location for IIS Logs 
            Remote-DisplayScriptDebug("Get-WebConfigurationProperty command doesn't exists. Set IISLogDirectory to: {0}" -f $Script:IISLogDirectory)
        if((-not(Test-Path $Script:IISLogDirectory)) -or (-not(Test-Path ($Script:IISLogDirectory + "\W3SVC1"))))
            #Something bad happened, We don't know where the logs are so we are going to return a false for that we failed
            Write-Host("[{0}] : Failed to determine where the IIS Logs are located at. Unable to collect them." -f $Script:LocalServerName)
            return $false 
        Remote-DisplayScriptDebug("Function Exit: Set-IISDirectoryInfo")
        return $true 

    ####### Collect Logs Functions #####################
    Function Collect-ServerInfo {
        Remote-DisplayScriptDebug("Function Enter: Collect-ServerInfo")
        $copyTo = $Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\General_Server_Info"
        New-FolderCreate -Folder $copyTo 

        #Get MSInfo from server 
        msinfo32.exe /nfo $copyTo\msinfo.nfo 
        Write-Warning("[{0}] : Waiting for msinfo32.exe process to end before moving on..." -f $Script:LocalServerName)
        while((Get-Process | ?{$_.ProcessName -eq "msinfo32"}).ProcessName -eq "msinfo32")
            sleep 5;

        Gcm exsetup | %{$_.FileVersionInfo} > "$copyTo\GCM.txt"
        fltmc > "$copyTo\FilterDrivers.txt"

        Get-HotFix | Select Source, Description, HotFixID, InstalledBy, InstalledOn | Export-Clixml "$copyTo\HotFixInfo.xml"
        Zip-Folder -Folder $copyTo
        Remote-DisplayScriptDebug("Function Exit: Collect-ServerInfo")

    Function Get-HighAvailabilityLogs_V15 
        $Logs = @() 
        $root = $script:LocalsysRoot

        $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-HighAvailability%4AppLogMirror.evtx"
        $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-HighAvailability%4BlockReplication.evtx"
        $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-HighAvailability%4Debug.evtx"
        $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-HighAvailability%4Monitoring.evtx"
        $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-HighAvailability%4Network.evtx"
        $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-HighAvailability%4Operational.evtx"
        $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-HighAvailability%4Seeding.evtx"
        $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-HighAvailability%4TruncationDebug.evtx"
        $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-MailboxDatabaseFailureItems%4Operational.evtx"
        $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-MailboxDatabaseFailureItems%4Debug.evtx"

        return $Logs 

    Function Get-HighAvailabilityLogs_V14
        $Logs = @()
        $root = $script:LocalsysRoot

        $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-HighAvailability%4BlockReplication.evtx"
        $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-HighAvailability%4Debug.evtx"
        $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-HighAvailability%4Operational.evtx"
        $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-HighAvailability%4SeedingDebug.evtx"
        $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-HighAvailability%4TruncationDebug.evtx"
        $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-MailboxDatabaseFailureItems%4Operational.evtx"
        $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-MailboxDatabaseFailureItems%4Debug.evtx"
        return $Logs 

    Function Collect-HighAvailabilityLogs 
            $copyTo = $Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\High_Availability_logs"
            $Logs = @() 
                #Cluster log /g for some reason, we can't run this within invoke-command as we get a permission issue not sure why, as everything else works. 
                #going to run this cmdlet outside of invoke-command like all the other exchange cmdlets 
                $test = $script:LocalsysRoot + "\Cluster\Reports\Cluster.log"
                if(Test-Path -Path $test)
                    $Logs += $test
            if($Script:this_ServerObject.Version -ge 15)
                $Logs += Get-HighAvailabilityLogs_V15
            elseif($Script:this_ServerObject.Version -eq 14)
                $Logs += Get-HighAvailabilityLogs_V14 
                Write-Host("[{0}] : unknown server version: {1}" -f $Script:LocalServerName, $Script:this_ServerObject.Version) -ForegroundColor Red
            Copy-BulkItems -CopyToLocation $copyTo -ItemsToCopyLocation $Logs 
            Remove-EventLogChar -location $copyTo
            Zip-Folder -Folder $copyTo
            Write-Host("[{0}] : Doesn't look like this server has the Mailbox Role Installed. Not going to collect the High Availability Logs" -f $Script:LocalServerName)

    Function Collect-AppSysLogs {

        $root = $script:LocalsysRoot
        $Logs = @()
        $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Application.evtx"
        $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\system.evtx"
        $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\MSExchange Management.evtx"

        $copyTo = $Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\App_Sys_Logs"
        Copy-BulkItems -CopyToLocation $copyTo -ItemsToCopyLocation $Logs 

        Zip-Folder -Folder $copyTo


    Function Collect-ManagedAvailabilityLogs {
            $root = $script:LocalsysRoot
            $Logs = @()
            $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-ActiveMonitoring%4ProbeResult.evtx" #Probe Results Logs 
            $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-ManagedAvailability%4RecoveryActionResults.evtx" #Recovery Action Results Logs 
            $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-ManagedAvailability%4RecoveryActionLogs.evtx" #Recovery Action Logs 
            $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-ActiveMonitoring%4ResponderDefinition.evtx" #Responder Definition Logs 
            $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-ActiveMonitoring%4ResponderResult.evtx" #Responder Results Logs 
            $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-ActiveMonitoring%4MonitorDefinition.evtx" #Monitor Definition Logs 
            $Logs += $root + "\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Exchange-ManagedAvailability%4Monitoring.evtx" #Monitoring Logs 

            $copyTo = $Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\MA_Logs"
            Copy-BulkItems -CopyToLocation $copyTo -ItemsToCopyLocation $Logs
            Remove-EventLogChar -location $copyTo 
            Zip-Folder -Folder $copyTo 


    Function Enable-ZipAssembly {
        $oldErrorAction = $ErrorActionPreference
        $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
            Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.Filesystem 
            Write-Host("[{0}] : Failed to load .NET Compression assembly. Disable the ability to zip data" -f $Script:LocalServerName)
            $PassedInfo.Zip = $false
            $ErrorActionPreference = $oldErrorAction


    Function Get-ThisServerObject {

        foreach($srv in $PassedInfo.ServerObjects)
            if($srv.ServerName -eq $Script:LocalServerName)
                $Script:this_ServerObject = $srv 
        if($Script:this_ServerObject -eq $null -or $Script:this_ServerObject.ServerName -ne $Script:LocalServerName)
            #Something went wrong.... 
            Write-Host("[{0}] : Something went wrong trying to find the correct Server Object for this server. Stopping this instance of Execution"-f $Script:LocalServerName)

    Function Set-RootCopyDirectory{
        $date = Get-Date -Format yyyyMd
        $str = "{0}\{1}\{2}" -f $PassedInfo.FilePath, $date, $Script:LocalServerName
        return $str

    Function Set-InstanceRunningVars
        $Script:LocalServerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
        $script:LocalsysRoot = $env:SystemRoot

        $Script:RootCopyToDirectory = Set-RootCopyDirectory
        #Set the local Server Object Information 
        #Set Exchange Install path per running instance 
        if((Test-Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v14\Setup'))
            #Exchange 2010 install 
            $Script:this_Exinstall = (get-itemproperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v14\Setup).MsiInstallPath	
        elseif((Test-Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\Setup'))
            #Exchange 2013 and 2016
            $Script:this_Exinstall = (get-itemproperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\Setup).MsiInstallPath	
        else {
            Write-Host("[{0}] : Something went wrong trying to find the Exchange install path on this server. Stopping this instance of Execution" -f $Script:LocalServerName)
        #shortcut to Exbin directory (probably not really needed)
        $Script:this_ExBin = $Script:this_Exinstall + "Bin\"


    Function Save-DataInfoToFile {
            $xmlOut = $SaveToLocation + ".xml"
            $txtOut = $SaveToLocation + ".txt"
            if($data -ne $null)
                $dataIn | Export-Clixml $xmlOut -Encoding UTF8
                $dataIn | fl * | Out-File $txtOut

    #                                 #
    #         Logman Functions        #
    #                                 #
    Function Start-Logman {
        Write-Host("Starting Data Collection {0} on server {1}" -f $logmanName,$Server_Name)
        logman start -s $Server_Name $logmanName
    Function Stop-Logman {
        Write-Host("Stopping Data Collection {0} on server {1}" -f $logmanName,$Server_Name)
        logman stop -s $Server_Name $logmanName
    Function Copy-LogmanData{
        switch ($objLogman.LogmanName)
            "Exchange_Perfwiz" {$FolderName = "ExPerfWiz_Data"; break}
            "Exmon_Trace" {$FolderName = "ExmonTrace_Data"; break}
            default {$FolderName = "Logman_Data"; break}
        $strDirectory = $objLogman.RootPath
        $copyTo = $Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\" + $FolderName
        New-FolderCreate -Folder $copyTo
        if(Test-Path $strDirectory)
            $wildExt = "*" + $objLogman.Ext
            $filterDate = $objLogman.StartDate
            $files = Get-ChildItem $strDirectory | ?{($_.Name -like $wildExt) -and ($_.CreationTime -ge $filterDate)}
            if($files -ne $null)
                foreach($file in $files)
                    Write-Host("[{0}] : Copying over file {1}..." -f $Script:LocalServerName, $file.VersionInfo.FileName)
                    copy $file.VersionInfo.FileName $copyTo
                Zip-Folder -Folder $copyTo
                Write-Host ("[{0}] : Failed to find any files in the directory: '{1}' that was greater than or equal to this time: {2}" -f $Script:LocalServerName, $strDirectory, $filterDate) -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Write-Host ("[{0}] : Going to try to see if there are any files in this directory for you..." -f $Script:LocalServerName) -NoNewline
                $files = Get-ChildItem $strDirectory | ?{$_.Name -like $wildExt}
                if($files -ne $null)
                    #only want to get lastest data 
                    $newestFilesTime = ($files | Sort CreationTime -Descending)[0].CreationTime.AddDays(-1)
                    $newestFiles = $files | ?{$_.CreationTime -ge $newestFilesTime}
                    foreach($file in $newestFiles)
                        Write-Host("[{0}] : Copying over file {1}..." -f $Script:LocalServerName, $file.VersionInfo.FileName)
                        copy $file.VersionInfo.FileName $copyTo
                    Zip-Folder -Folder $copyTo
                    Write-Warning ("[{0}] : Failed to find any files in the directory: '{1}'" -f $Script:LocalServerName, $strDirectory)      
                    $tempFile = $copyTo + "\NoFiles.txt"    
                    New-Item $tempFile -ItemType File -Value $strDirectory
            Write-Warning ("[{0}] : Doesn't look like this Directory is valid. {1}" -f $Script:LocalServerName, $strDirectory)
            $tempFile = $copyTo + "\NotValidDirectory.txt"
            New-Item $tempFile -ItemType File -Value $strDirectory

    Function Get-LogmanData {
        $objLogman = Get-LogmanObject -logmanName $logmanName -Server_Name $Server_Name
        if($objLogman -ne $null)
            switch ($objLogman.Status) 
                "Running" {
                            Write-Host ("[{0}] : Looks like logman {1} is running...." -f $Script:LocalServerName, $logmanName)
                            Write-Host ("[{0}] : Going to stop {1} to prevent corruption...." -f $Script:LocalServerName, $logmanName)
                            Stop-Logman -logmanName $logmanName -Server_Name $Server_Name
                            Copy-LogmanData -objLogman $objLogman
                            Write-Host("[{0}] : Starting Logman {1} again for you...." -f $Script:LocalServerName, $logmanName)
                            Start-Logman -logmanName $logmanName -Server_Name $Server_Name
                            Write-Host ("[{0}] : Done starting Logman {1} for you" -f $Script:LocalServerName, $logmanName)
                "Stopped" {
                            Write-Host ("[{0}] : Doesn't look like Logman {1} is running, so not going to stop it..." -f $Script:LocalServerName, $logmanName)
                            Copy-LogmanData -objLogman $objLogman
                Default {
                            Write-Host ("[{0}] : Don't know what the status of Logman '{1}' is in" -f $Script:LocalServerName, $logmanName)
                            Write-Host ("[{0}] : This is the status: {1}" -f $Script:LocalServerName, $objLogman.Status)
                            Write-Host ("[{0}] : Going to try stop it just in case..." -f $Script:LocalServerName)
                            Stop-Logman -logmanName $logmanName -Server_Name $Server_Name
                            Copy-LogmanData -objLogman $objLogman
                            Write-Host ("[{0}] : Not going to start it back up again...." -f $Script:LocalServerName)
                            Write-Warning ("[{0}] : Please start this logman '{1}' if you need to...." -f $Script:LocalServerName, $logmanName)
            Write-Host("[{0}] : Can't find {1} on {2} ..... Moving on." -f $Script:LocalServerName, $logmanName, $Server_Name)    
    Function Get-LogmanStatus {
        $status = "Status:"
        $stop = "Stopped"
        $run = "Running"
            $i = 0
            while((-not($rawLogmanData[$i].Contains($status))) -and ($i -lt ($rawLogmanData.count - 1)))
        else {$i = 2}
        $strLine = $rawLogmanData[$i]
        if($strLine.Contains($stop)){$currentStatus = $stop}
        elseif($strLine.Contains($run)){$currentStatus = $run}
        else{$currentStatus = "unknown"}
        return $currentStatus
    Function Get-LogmanRootPath {
        $Root_Path = "Root Path:"
            $i = 0
            while((-not($rawLogmanData[$i].Contains($Root_Path))) -and ($i -lt ($rawLogmanData.count - 1)))
        else {$i = 3}
        $strRootPath = $rawLogmanData[$i]
        $replace = $strRootPath.Replace("Root Path:", "")
        [int]$Index = $replace.IndexOf(":") - 1
        $strReturn = $replace.SubString($Index)
        return $strReturn
    Function Get-LogmanStartDate {
        $strStart_Date = "Start Date:"
            $i = 0
            while((-not($rawLogmanData[$i].Contains($strStart_Date))) -and ($i -lt ($rawLogmanData.count - 1)))
            #Circular Log collection doesn't contain Start Date
                $strReturn = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1).ToString()
                return $strReturn
        else {$i = 11}
        $strLine = $rawLogmanData[$i]
        [int]$index = $strLine.LastIndexOf(" ") + 1 
        $strReturn = $strLine.SubString($index)
        return $strReturn
    Function Get-LogmanExt {
        $strLocation = "Output Location:"
            $i = 0
            while((-not($rawLogmanData[$i].Contains($strLocation))) -and ($i -lt ($rawLogmanData.Count - 1)))
        else{ $i = 15}
        $strLine = $rawLogmanData[$i]
        [int]$index = $strLine.LastIndexOf(".")
        if($index -ne -1)
            $strExt = $strLine.SubString($index)
        else {
            $strExt = $null
        return $strExt
    Function Get-LogmanObject {
        $rawDataResults = logman -s $Server_Name $logmanName
        if($rawDataResults[$rawDataResults.Count - 1].Contains("Set was not found."))
            return $null
            $objLogman = New-Object -TypeName psobject
            $objLogman | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LogmanName -Value $logmanName
            $objLogman | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Status -Value (Get-LogmanStatus -rawLogmanData $rawDataResults)
            $objLogman | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name RootPath -Value (Get-LogmanRootPath -rawLogmanData $rawDataResults)
            $objLogman | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name StartDate -Value (Get-LogmanStartDate -rawLogmanData $rawDataResults)
            $objLogman | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Ext -Value (Get-LogmanExt -rawLogmanData $rawDataResults)
            $objLogman | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name RestartLogman -Value $false
            $objLogman | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ServerName -Value $Server_Name
            $objLogman | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name RawData -Value $rawDataResults
            $objLogman | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SaveRootLocation -Value $FilePath
            return $objLogman

    Function  Collect-LogmanExperfwiz
        Get-LogmanData -logmanName $PassedInfo.Experfwiz_LogmanName -Server_Name $Script:LocalServerName

    Function Collect-LogmanExmon
        Get-LogmanData -logmanName $PassedInfo.Exmon_LogmanName -Server_Name $Script:LocalServerName

    Function Remote-Main {
        Remote-DisplayScriptDebug("Function Enter: Remote-Main")



        $cmdsToRun = @() 
        #                                           #
        #              Exchange 2013 +              #
        #                                           #
        $copyInfo = "-LogPath '{0}' -CopyToThisLocation '{1}'"
        if($Script:this_ServerObject.Version -ge 15)
            Remote-DisplayScriptDebug("Server Version greater than 15")
                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_Exinstall + "Logging\EWS"),($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\EWS_BE_Logs"))
                    if($PassedInfo.CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth){ $cmdsToRun += ("Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info)}
                    else {$cmdsToRun += ("Copy-FullLogFullPathRecurse {0}" -f $info)}
                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_Exinstall + "Logging\HttpProxy\Ews"),($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\EWS_Proxy_Logs"))
                    if($PassedInfo.CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth){ $cmdsToRun += ("Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info)}
                    else{$cmdsToRun += ("Copy-FullLogFullPathRecurse {0}" -f $info)}

                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_Exinstall + "Logging\RPC Client Access"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\RCA_Logs"))
                    if($PassedInfo.CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth){ $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info}
                    else{$cmdsToRun += "Copy-FullLogFullPathRecurse {0}" -f $info}
                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_Exinstall + "Logging\HttpProxy\RpcHttp"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\RCA_Proxy_Logs"))
                    if($PassedInfo.CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth){ $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info}
                    else{$cmdsToRun += "Copy-FullLogFullPathRecurse {0}" -f $info}

                $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_Exinstall + "Logging\RpcHttp"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\RPC_Http_Logs"))
                if($PassedInfo.CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth) {$cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info }
                else {$cmdsToRun += "Copy-FullLogFullPathRecurse {0}" -f $info}

            if($Script:this_ServerObject.CAS -and $PassedInfo.EASLogs)
                $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_Exinstall + "Logging\HttpProxy\Eas"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\EAS_Proxy_Logs"))
                if($PassedInfo.CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth) {$cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info}
                else {$cmdsToRun += "Copy-FullLogFullPathRecurse {0}" -f $info}
                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_Exinstall + "Logging\Autodiscover"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\AutoD_Logs"))
                    if($PassedInfo.CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth) {$cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info}
                    else { $cmdsToRun += "Copy-FullLogFullPathRecurse {0}" -f $info}
                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_Exinstall + "Logging\HttpProxy\Autodiscover"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\AutoD_Proxy_Logs"))
                    if($PassedInfo.CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth) {$cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info}
                    else { $cmdsToRun += "Copy-FullLogFullPathRecurse {0}" -f $info }

                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_Exinstall + "Logging\OWA"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\OWA_Logs"))
                    if($PassedInfo.CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth) {$cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info}
                    else {$cmdsToRun += "Copy-FullLogFullPathRecurse {0}" -f $info}
                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_Exinstall + "Logging\HttpProxy\OwaCalendar"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\OWA_Proxy_Calendar_Logs"))
                    if($PassedInfo.CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth) {$cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info}
                    else { $cmdsToRun += "Copy-FullLogFullPathRecurse {0}" -f $info}

                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_Exinstall + "Logging\HttpProxy\Owa"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\OWA_Proxy_Logs"))
                    if($PassedInfo.CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth) {$cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info }
                    else {$cmdsToRun += "Copy-FullLogFullPathRecurse {0}" -f $info}

                $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_Exinstall + "Logging\ADDriver"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\AD_Driver_Logs"))
                if($PassedInfo.CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth){ $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info}
                else {$cmdsToRun += "Copy-FullLogFullPathRecurse {0}" -f $info}

                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_Exinstall + "Logging\MAPI Client Access"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\MAPI_Logs"))
                    if($PassedInfo.CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth) {$cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info}
                    else {$cmdsToRun += "Copy-FullLogFullPathRecurse {0}" -f $info}

                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_Exinstall + "Logging\HttpProxy\Mapi"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\MAPI_Proxy_Logs"))
                    if($PassedInfo.CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth){$cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info}
                    else {$cmdsToRun += "Copy-FullLogFullPathRecurse {0}" -f $info}

                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_Exinstall + "Logging\ECP"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\ECP_Logs"))
                    if($PassedInfo.CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth){$cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info}
                    else {$cmdsToRun += "Copy-FullLogFullPathRecurse {0}" -f $info}
                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_Exinstall + "Logging\HttpProxy\Ecp"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\ECP_Proxy_Logs"))
                    if($PassedInfo.CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth){$cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info}
                    else {$cmdsToRun += "Copy-FullLogFullPathRecurse {0}" -f $info}

            if($Script:this_ServerObject.Mailbox -and $PassedInfo.SearchLogs)
                $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_ExBin + "Search\Ceres\Diagnostics\Logs"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\Search_Diag_Logs"))
                $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info 
                $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_ExBin + "Search\Ceres\Diagnostics\ETLTraces"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\Search_Diag_ETLs"))
                $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info
                #Daily Performace Logs are always by days worth 
                $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_Exinstall + "Logging\Diagnostics\DailyPerformanceLogs"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\Daily_Performance_Logs"))
                $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info 

                $cmdsToRun += 'Collect-ManagedAvailabilityLogs'

                            $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:IISLogDirectory + "\W3SVC1"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\IIS_FE_Logs"))
                            $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info
                            $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:IISLogDirectory + "\W3SVC2"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\IIS_BE_Logs"))
                            $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info
                        $Folders = Get-ChildItem $Script:IISLogDirectory
                        foreach($folder in $Folders.Name)
                            if($folder -like "W3SVC*")
                                $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:IISLogDirectory + "\" + $folder), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\IIS_" + $folder + "_Logs"))
                                $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info

                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($script:LocalsysRoot +"\System32\LogFiles\HTTPERR"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\HTTPERR_Logs"))
                    $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info 
        #                                          #
        #              Exchange 2010               #
        #                                          #
        if($Script:this_ServerObject.Version -eq 14)
                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_Exinstall + "Logging\RPC Client Access"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\RCA_Logs"))
                    if($PassedInfo.CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth){ $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info}
                    else{$cmdsToRun += "Copy-FullLogFullPathRecurse {0}" -f $info}
                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_Exinstall + "Logging\EWS"),($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\EWS_BE_Logs"))
                    if($PassedInfo.CollectAllLogsBasedOnDaysWorth){ $cmdsToRun += ("Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info)}
                    else {$cmdsToRun += ("Copy-FullLogFullPathRecurse {0}" -f $info)}

            if($PassedInfo.IISLogs -and (Set-IISDirectoryInfo))
                if(-not (Test-IISMultiW3SVCDirectores))
                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:IISLogDirectory + "\W3SVC1"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\IIS_FE_Logs"))
                    $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info
                    $Folders = Get-ChildItem $Script:IISLogDirectory
                    foreach($folder in $Folders.Name)
                        if($folder -like "W3SVC*")
                            $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:IISLogDirectory + "\" + $folder), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\IIS_" + $folder + "_Logs"))
                            $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info
                $info = ($copyInfo -f ($script:LocalsysRoot +"\System32\LogFiles\HTTPERR"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\HTTPERR_Logs"))
                $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info 

        #                                          #
        #          All Exchange Versions           #
        #                                          #
        if($PassedInfo.AnyTransportSwitchesEnabled -and $Script:this_ServerObject.TransportInfoCollect)
                $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_ServerObject.TransportInfo.HubLoggingInfo.MessageTrackingLogPath), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\Message_Tracking_Logs"))
                $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info

                $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_ServerObject.TransportInfo.HubLoggingInfo.ReceiveProtocolLogPath), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\Hub_Receive_Protocol_Logs"))
                $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info
                $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_ServerObject.TransportInfo.HubLoggingInfo.SendProtocolLogPath), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\Hub_Send_Protocol_Logs"))
                $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_ServerObject.TransportInfo.HubLoggingInfo.ConnectivityLogPath), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\Hub_Connectivity_Logs"))
                $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info
                #current queue data 
                $data = $Script:this_ServerObject.TransportInfo.QueueData
                $create = $Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\Queue_Data"
                New-FolderCreate $create 
                $saveLocation = $create + "\Current_Queue_Info"
                Save-DataInfoToFile -dataIn $data -SaveToLocation $saveLocation
                if($Script:this_ServerObject.Version -ge 15)
                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_ServerObject.TransportInfo.HubLoggingInfo.QueueLogPath), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\Queue_V15_Data"))
                    $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info
                $data = $Script:this_ServerObject.TransportInfo.ReceiveConnectorData
                $create = $Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\Connectors"
                New-FolderCreate $create
                $saveLocation = ($create + "\{0}_Receive_Connectors") -f $Script:LocalServerName
                Save-DataInfoToFile -dataIn $data -SaveToLocation $saveLocation
                if($Script:this_ServerObject.Version -ge 15)
                    $items = @()
                    $items += $Script:this_ExBin + "\EdgeTransport.exe.config" 
                    $items += $Script:this_ExBin + "\MSExchangeFrontEndTransport.exe.config" 
                    $items += $Script:this_ExBin + "\MSExchangeDelivery.exe.config" 
                    $items += $Script:this_ExBin + "\MSExchangeSubmission.exe.config"

                    $items = @()
                    $items += $Script:this_ExBin + "\EdgeTransport.exe.config"

                Copy-BulkItems -CopyToLocation ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\Transport_Configuration") -ItemsToCopyLocation $items
            #Exchange 2013+ only 
            if($Script:this_ServerObject.Version -ge 15)
                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_ServerObject.TransportInfo.FELoggingInfo.ConnectivityLogPath), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\FE_Connectivity_Logs"))
                    $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info
                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_ServerObject.TransportInfo.FELoggingInfo.ReceiveProtocolLogPath), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\FE_Receive_Protocol_Logs"))
                    $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info
                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_ServerObject.TransportInfo.FELoggingInfo.SendProtocolLogPath), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\FE_Send_Protocol_Logs"))
                    $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info
                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_ServerObject.TransportInfo.MBXLoggingInfo.ConnectivityLogPath + "\Delivery"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\MBX_Delivery_Connectivity_Logs"))
                    $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info
                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_ServerObject.TransportInfo.MBXLoggingInfo.ConnectivityLogPath + "\Submission"), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\MBX_Submission_Connectivity_Logs"))
                    $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info
                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_ServerObject.TransportInfo.MBXLoggingInfo.ReceiveProtocolLogPath), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\MBX_Receive_Protocol_Logs"))
                    $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info
                    $info = ($copyInfo -f ($Script:this_ServerObject.TransportInfo.MBXLoggingInfo.SendProtocolLogPath), ($Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\MBX_Send_Protocol_Logs"))
                    $cmdsToRun += "Copy-LogsBasedOnTime {0}" -f $info

            $cmdsToRun += "Collect-HighAvailabilityLogs"
            $cmdsToRun += "Collect-ServerInfo"

            $cmdsToRun += 'Collect-AppSysLogs'

            $cmdsToRun += "Collect-LogmanExperfwiz"

            $cmdsToRun += "Collect-LogmanExmon"

        #Execute the cmds 
        foreach($cmd in $cmdsToRun)
            Remote-DisplayScriptDebug("cmd: {0}" -f $cmd)
            Invoke-Expression $cmd

        #Dump out the data that only needs to be collected once, on the server that hosted the execution of the script
        if($Script:LocalServerName -eq ($PassedInfo.HostExeServerName))
            Remote-DisplayScriptDebug("Writting only once data")
                $target = $Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\ConfigNC_msExchVirtualDirectory_All.CSV"
                $PassedInfo.VDirsInfo | Sort-Object -Property Server | Export-Csv $target -NoTypeInformation

                $data = $PassedInfo.DAGInfoData 
                $dagName = $data.DAGInfo.Name 
                $create =  $Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\" + $dagName + "_DAG_MDB_Information"
                New-FolderCreate -Folder $create 
                $saveLocation = $create + "\{0}"
                Save-DataInfoToFile -dataIn ($data.DAGInfo) -SaveToLocation ($saveLocation -f ($dagName +"_DAG_Info"))
                Save-DataInfoToFile -dataIn ($data.DAGNetworkInfo) -SaveToLocation ($saveLocation -f ($dagName + "DAG_Network_Info"))
                foreach($mdb in $data.AllMdbs)
                    Save-DataInfoToFile -dataIn ($mdb.MDBInfo) -SaveToLocation ($saveLocation -f ($mdb.MDBName + "_DB_Info"))
                    Save-DataInfoToFile -dataIn ($mdb.MDBCopyStatus) -SaveToLocation ($saveLocation -f ($mdb.MDBName + "_DB_CopyStatus"))


                $data = $PassedInfo.SendConnectorData
                $create = $Script:RootCopyToDirectory + "\Connectors"
                New-FolderCreate $create
                $saveLocation = $create + "\Send_Connectors"
                Save-DataInfoToFile -dataIn $data -SaveToLocation $saveLocation
        #Zip it all up 
        Zip-Folder -Folder $Script:RootCopyToDirectory -ZipItAll $true



Function Main {

    if(-not (Is-Admin))
        Write-Warning "Hey! The script needs to be executed in elevated mode. Start the Exchange Mangement Shell as an Administrator."
    if($Servers -ne $null)
        #possible to return null or only a single server back (localhost)
        $ValidServers = Test-RemoteExecutionOfServers -Server_List $Servers
        if($ValidServers -ne $null)
            $ValidServers = Test-DiskSpace -Servers $ValidServers -Path $FilePath -CheckSize 15
            $remote_ScriptingBlock = ${Function:Remote-Functions}
            Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ValidServers -ScriptBlock $remote_ScriptingBlock -ArgumentList (Get-ArgumentList -Servers $ValidServers)
            $RootPath = "{0}\{1}\" -f $FilePath, (Get-Date -Format yyyyMd)
            $LogPaths = Get-RemoteLogLocation -Servers $ValidServers -RootPath $RootPath
            if((-not($SkipEndCopyOver)) -and (Test-DiskSpaceForCopyOver -LogPathObject $LogPaths -RootPath $RootPath))
                Write-Host("Copying over the data may take some time depending on the network")
                foreach($svr in $LogPaths)
                    #Don't want to do the local host
                    if($svr.ServerName -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME)
                        $remoteCopyLocation = "\\{0}\{1}" -f $svr.ServerName, ($svr.ZipFolder.Replace(":","$"))
                        Write-Host("[{0}] : Copying File {1}...." -f $svr.ServerName, $remoteCopyLocation) 
                        Copy-Item -Path $remoteCopyLocation -Destination $RootPath
                        Write-Host("[{0}] : Done copying file" -f $svr.ServerName)

                Write-Host("Please collect the following files from these servers and upload them: ")
                foreach($svr in $LogPaths)
                    Write-Host("Server: {0} Path: {1}" -f $svr.ServerName, $svr.ZipFolder) 
            #We have failed to do invoke-command on all the servers.... so we are going to do the same logic locally
            Write-Host("Failed to do remote collection for all the servers in the list...") -ForegroundColor Yellow
                $read = Read-Host("Do you want me to collect from the local server only? 'y' or 'n'")
            }while($read -ne "y" -and $read -ne "n")
            if($read -eq "y")
                Remote-Functions -PassedInfo (Get-ArgumentList -Servers $env:COMPUTERNAME)

        Write-Host("Note: Remote Collection is now possible for Windows Server 2012 and greater on the remote machine. Just use the -Servers paramater with a list of Exchange Server names") -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host("Going to collect the data locally")
        Remote-Functions -PassedInfo (Get-ArgumentList -Servers $env:COMPUTERNAME)

