Motorola S-records

The following fairly complete description of Motorola S-records was found a number of years ago on the man pages of a UNIX system.
srec - S-record file and record format


An S-record file consists of a sequence of specially formatted ASCII character strings. An S-record will be less than or equal to 78 bytes in length.

The order of S-records within a file is of no significance and no particular order may be assumed.

The general format of an S-record follows:

| type | count | address  |            data           | checksum |
type -- A char[2] field. These characters describe the type of record (S0, S1, S2, S3, S5, S7, S8, or S9).

count -- A char[2] field. These characters when paired and interpreted as a hexadecimal value, display the count of remaining character pairs in the record.

address -- A char[4,6, or 8] field. These characters grouped and interpreted as a hexadecimal value, display the address at which the data field is to be loaded into memory. The length of the field depends on the number of bytes necessary to hold the address. A 2-byte address uses 4 characters, a 3-byte address uses 6 characters, and a 4-byte address uses 8 characters.

data -- A char [0-64] field. These characters when paired and interpreted as hexadecimal values represent the memory loadable data or descriptive information.

checksum -- A char[2] field. These characters when paired and interpreted as a hexadecimal value display the least significant byte of the ones complement of the sum of the byte values represented by the pairs of characters making up the count, the address, and the data fields.

Each record is terminated with a line feed. If any additional or different record terminator(s) or delay characters are needed during transmission to the target system it is the responsibility of the transmitting program to provide them.

S0 Record. The type of record is 'S0' (0x5330). The address field is unused and will be filled with zeros (0x0000). The header information within the data field is divided into the following subfields.

mname is char[20] and is the module name.
ver is char[2] and is the version number.
rev is char[2] and is the revision number.
description is char[0-36] and is a text comment.


Each of the subfields is composed of ASCII bytes whose associated characters, when paired, represent one byte hexadecimal values in the case of the version and revision numbers, or represent the hexadecimal values of the ASCII characters comprising the module name and description.

S1 Record. The type of record field is 'S1' (0x5331). The address field is intrepreted as a 2-byte address. The data field is composed of memory loadable data.

S2 Record. The type of record field is 'S2' (0x5332). The address field is intrepreted as a 3-byte address. The data field is composed of memory loadable data.

S3 Record. The type of record field is 'S3' (0x5333). The address field is intrepreted as a 4-byte address. The data field is composed of memory loadable data.

S5 Record. The type of record field is 'S5' (0x5335). The address field is intrepreted as a 2-byte value and contains the count of S1, S2, and S3 records previously transmitted. There is no data field.

S7 Record. The type of record field is 'S7' (0x5337). The address field contains the starting execution address and is intrepreted as 4-byte address. There is no data field.

S8 Record. The type of record field is 'S8' (0x5338). The address field contains the starting execution address and is intrepreted as 3-byte address. There is no data field.

S9 Record. The type of record field is 'S9' (0x5339). The address field contains the starting execution address and is intrepreted as 2-byte address. There is no data field.


Shown below is a typical S-record format file.


The file consists of one S0 record, four S1 records, one S5 record and an S9 record.

The S0 record is comprised as follows:

  • S0 S-record type S0, indicating it is a header record.
  • 06 Hexadecimal 06 (decimal 6), indicating that six character pairs (or ASCII bytes) follow.
  • 00 00 Four character 2-byte address field, zeroes in this example.
  • 48 44 52 ASCII H, D, and R - "HDR".
  • 1B The checksum.
The first S1 record is comprised as follows:
  • S1 S-record type S1, indicating it is a data record to be loaded at a 2-byte address.
  • 13 Hexadecimal 13 (decimal 19), indicating that nineteen character pairs, representing a 2 byte address, 16 bytes of binary data, and a 1 byte checksum, follow.
  • 00 00 Four character 2-byte address field; hexidecimal address 0x0000, where the data which follows is to be loaded.
  • 28 5F 24 5F 22 12 22 6A 00 04 24 29 00 08 23 7C Sixteen character pairs representing the actual binary data.
  • 2A The checksum.

The second and third S1 records each contain 0x13 (19) character pairs and are ended with checksums of 13 and 52, respectively. The fourth S1 record contains 07 character pairs and has a checksum of 92.

The S5 record is comprised as follows:

  • S5 S-record type S5, indicating it is a count record indicating the number of S1 records
  • 03 Hexadecimal 03 (decimal 3), indicating that three character pairs follow.
  • 00 04 Hexadecimal 0004 (decimal 4), indicating that there are four data records previous to this record.
  • F8 The checksum.

The S9 record is comprised as follows:

  • S9 S-record type S9, indicating it is a termination record.
  • 03 Hexadecimal 03 (decimal 3), indicating that three character pairs follow.
  • 00 00 The address field, hexadecimal 0 (decimal 0) indicating the starting execution address.
  • FC The checksum.

Instructor Notes

  • There isn't any evidence that Motorola ever has made use of the header information within the data field of the S0 record, as described above. This must have been used by some third party vendors.
  • This is the only place that a 78-byte limit on total record length or 64-byte limit on data length is documented. These values shouldn't be trusted for the general case.
  • The count field can have values in the range of 0x3 (2 bytes of address + 1 byte checksum = 3, a not very useful record) to 0xff; this is the count of remaining character pairs, including checksum.
  • If you write code to convert S-Records, you should always assume that a record can be as long as 514 (decimal) characters in length (255 * 2 = 510, plus 4 characters for the type and count fields), plus any terminating character(s). That is, in establishing an input buffer in C, you would declare it to be an array of 515 chars, thus leaving room for the terminating null character.


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moto-txt4.0操作说明: 菜单界面中键位 上下键-进行菜单循环 左键-取消当前操作(返回上一级) 右键-确定当前选择 中键-调出操作菜单(或者确定) *键-关闭(打开)背景灯 文件阅读界面中使用手机数字键进行操作 2键向上滚屏(摇杆上) 长按2键快速向上滚屏 8键向下滚屏(摇杆下) 长按8键快速向下滚屏 4键向上翻页(摇杆左) 长按4键快速向上翻 6键向下翻页(摇杆右) 长按6键快速向下翻 7键返回目录浏览界面(或者通话键) 9键添加书签 1键查看当前时间 0键进行自动滚屏设置 *键关闭背景灯 #键反转当前颜色设置 当2分钟内没进行任何操作时自动关闭背景灯 motorola手机安装说明下载解压后得到moto.jar moto.jad两个文件,然后使用软件 MotoMidMan安装即可! 注意:motorola手机必须使用MotoMidMan这个软件来进行安装moto-txt,否则将会无法使用!!! 在此鸣谢dwALX朋友制作了MotoMidMan这么优秀的java安装软件!感谢chinawrc汉化了这个软件! E2手机的安装方法 A1200手机的安装方法和E2一样 E680 E680I A780安装方法 motorola手机终极安装方法:(此方法几乎支持所有motorola手机) 点击下载j2me_domain_registry.rar文件,解压后将j2me_domain_registry.sm覆盖到你的手机的 a/mobile/certs/root/x509/kjava/ 文件夹下,然后重启手机,正常安装moto-txt即可。 NOKIA索爱 手机安装说明 1.解压缩包后得到moto.jar moto.jad 二个文件; 2.用各品牌手机安装JAVA软件的方法正常安装软件。 NOKIA手机设置: 第一步:和装普通的JAVA一样先装在手机上 第二步:在MOTO-TXT软件的"应用软件接入"里的"手机接入"里的"增加和编辑数据"里由“不允许”改选为“每次询问",然后打开MOTO-TXT访问目录时会提示,你就按确定就可以访问目录了.   重要说明: 因为触摸屏手机没有数字键盘,许多moto-txt的阅读操作是需要数字键盘才能完成的,所以MOTO-TXT为触摸屏手机设计了一个模拟数字键盘,以此来保持moto-txt的按键操作风格。 触摸屏手机调用模拟数字键盘的方法:在阅读界面中点击触摸屏任意位置调出模拟键盘,再次点击触摸屏空白处关闭模拟键盘! 阅读繁体中文的文本文件时,请将文本文件的编码更改为UNICODE,MOTO-TXT就可以完美的支持了!!! 常见问题解答: 安装MOTO-TXT后看不见文件列表?答:如果你的是motorola的手机,那就是你没有进行java软件访问手机文件系统的授权操作,大部分的motorola手机可以使用MotoMidMan这个软件进行授权,具体如何使用MotoMidMan,请在百度上搜搜就知道了!! MOTO-TXT支持motorola V3i手机吗?答:V3i可以使用moto-txt3.10,安装方法见网站的“安装方法”页面中的“motorola手机终极安装方法"。 为什么我在MOTO-TXT中修改了字号的大小,但却没有什么用?答:因为你的手机只有一种字号的字库,所有MOTO-TXT中修改字体大小的功能无法使用! 为什么有许多字MOTO-TXT无法显示?答:因为有许多汉字并没有包含在GB2312编码标准中,所以如果你看的TXT文件的编码是GB2312,就有汉字可能无法显示。解决办法为:在电脑中用记事本打开TXT文件,选择另存为菜单,在编码选项中选择为Unicode编码就一且正常了。MOTO-TXT对Unicode编码的支持是最好的!




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