
vim 一个全键盘的的旅程:

ctrl-f                      page up
ctrl-b                      page down
gg            *             go to first line
%                           jump to matching brace
w                           jump to next word
W                           jump to next blank delimited word
e             *             jump to end of word                             
E                           jump to end of blank delimited word
b             *             jump to the beginning of the word
B                           jump to the beginning of blank delimited word
0             *             start of line
^                           first character of line
$                           end of line
gd                          go to def of the function or var under the cursor
gD                          go to def of the file or var 
g_            *             go to non-blank character end of line
G             *             go to last line
:n                          go to line n
fx            *             move the cursor forwards to the next occurrence of character x on the current line
tx                          like fx, move right before the character
),(                         move the cursor to the next,previous sentence
*                           read the string under the cursor and go to next occurrence
#                           same as *, but goes previous occurrence
'.                          go to line last edit
g,            *             go to last edit
m                           mark, ma-mark a line, then 'a, go to thi line
HML                         cursor go to highest,middle,lowest of screen
zz,zt,zb                    let the cursor line go to middle,top,bottom of the screen,z
+                           go to the beginning of next line
-                           go to the beginning of last line
''            *             last mark, such as gd, *
'.            *             last modify line
`.                          last modify poin


#                           next identifier
*                           prev identifier
g#            *             search the word cursor locate, and allow the word is a part of a word,previous
g*                          search the word cursor locate, and allow the word is a part of a word,next
/                           search forward by string
?                           search back by string
n                           find matched word next one
N                           find matched word previou one
/GO\c         *             find go or Go, ignore up and down
q/                          show history of find command
q?                          show and use history of find command
/joe/e                      cursor set to end of match
3/joe/e+1                   find 3rd joe cursor set to end of match plus 1
/joe/s-2                    cursor set to start of match minus 2
:g/start/#    *             show the line which is matched 
/jo[ha]n      *             search john or joan
/\<the                      search the, theatre or then, the is the beginning of the word
/the\>                      search the or breathe, the is the end of the word
/\<the\>      *             search the, exactly matched
/fred\|joe    *             search fred or joe
/\<\d\d\d\d\> *             search exactly 4 digits
/^\n{3}                     find 3 empty line


x               *           delete current character
X                           delete previous character
C               *           cut to end of line and insert character
D                           delete to the end of line
s               *           delete character at cursor and substitute text
S                           delete line at cursor and substitute text
3dd                         delete 3 lines
3cc                         cut 3 lines and edit 
yy              *           copy current line
dd              *           delete current line
dG              *           deletet to the last line
yG                          copy from cursor to last line
3yy                         copy 3 lines
p                           put the clipboard after cursor/current line                             
P                           put the clipboard before the cursor/current line
r                           replace a single character                             
R                           replace mode from here 
y2w                         copy two word
d2w                         delete two word
db                          delete head of word
da>,da<,da(,da),da{,da}     delete <>,().{}
di>,di<,di(,di),di{,di}     delete contnet of <>,().{}
ce                          change  to end of word and go to insert mode
cw                          change word and go to insert mode
c3w                         change 3 word and go to insert mode
d/foo                       delete foo backwards
y?bar                       copy the first bar appear
y2/foo                      copy the string from cursor to the 2nd foo appear
d/fred/                     delete until fred
y/fred/                     yank until fred
c/fred/e                    change until fred end
"*yy                        copy current line to system clipboard
"*p                         paste system clipboard to current line
:%s/*$//g                   delete all white spaces
:g/string/d         *       delete all lines containing string
:v/string/d                 delete all lines containing which didin't contain string  
:g/^s*$/d                   delete all blank lines
:g!/^dd/d                   delete lines not containing string
:v/^dd/d                    delete line not containing string
:g/joe/,/fred/d     *       not line based(very powerfull)
:g/fred/,/joe/j            join lines[N

vim 中增,删,改,查中的改

i                        insert mode at cursor 
I                        insert at the beginning of line
a             *          append after the cursor
A             *          append at the end of the line
s             *          delete character at cursor and substitute text
S                        delete line at cursor and substitute text  
o             *          open blank line below current line
O                        open blank line above current line
r                        replace a single character
J                        join line below t the current line
cc            *          change an entire line
c$                       change to the end of line
cw                       change to end of the word 
.                        repeat last command
~                        switch case
fa                       go to first a location 
guw           *          change to the end of word to lowercase
guiw                     change word to lowercase
gUw           *          change to the end of word to uppercase
gUiw                     hange word to uppercase
guu           *          change word line to lowercase
gUU           *          change word line to uppercase



:%s/old/new/g          *   replace al occurences of old by new in file
:%s/old/new/gc             replace all occurences with confirmation
:2,35/old/new/g            replace all occurences btween 2,35 line
:5,$s/old/new/g            replace all occurences from line 5 to EOF
:%s/^/hello/g              replace the beginning of each line by hello
:%s/$/Harry/g              replace the end of each line by Harry
:%s/onward/forward/gi      replace onward by forward, case unsensitive:s/bill/steve/              replace the first occurence of bill by steve in current line
:s/bill/steve/g            replace bill by steve in current line
:%s/bill/steve/g           replace bill by steve in the whole file
:%s/\r//g                  delete DOS carriage
:%s/\r\r/g                 transform DOS carriage returns in returns
:%s#<[^>]\+>##g            delete HTML tags but keep text
:%s/^\(.*\)\n\1$/\1/       delete lines which appear twice
visual mode

viB                        choose code between { }
vaB                        choose code contain { }
vib                        choose code between ( )
vab                        choose code contain ( )
viw                        choose word
vaw                        choose one word
ctrl-v/ctrl-q              choose block
ctrl-v-I-ESC      *        insert character before block
ctrl-v-A-ESC      *        insert character after block
ctrl-v-C-ESC               change character block
ctrl-v->                   left indent  block
ctrl-v-r                   replace character block in each line

zf                         F-old creation
zo           *             open folder
zc           *             collapse folder
zm                         more collapse folder by one level
zM                         more collapse folder until have no left
zr                         open folder by one level
zR                         open folds until there are none lef

:histshow history
:ls                        show files in the buffer
ctrl-6             *       switch buffer file
:bn                *       buffer next
:bp                *       buffer previous 
:b number                  buffer number
e: file                    edit a file in a new buffer
:bn                        go to next buffer 
:bd                        delete a buffer (close file)
:sp fn                     open a file in new buffer and split window
ctrl-w s                   split window
ctrl-w w                   switch window
ctrl-w q                   quit window
ctrl-w v                   split windows vertically
tabe filename              edit file in new tab
gt                  *      next tab
gT                  *      previous tabs
:tabr                      First tab
:tabl                      last tab
:tabm[N]                   move current tab after tab
marco and register

"ayy                       copy current line to register a 
"Ayy                       copy current line to register a, >>
"ap                        paste a
"bp                        paste b
:reg                       display contents of all register
:reg a                     display contents of register a 
qqq                        empty register "q"
qaq                        empty register "a
qa                         start marco recording
q                          finish recording
@a                         execute the marco a
@@                         execute the last marco
5@@                        execute 5 times last marco executio 
coding indent

coding indent

<                          viB-< decrease indent
>                          viB-> increment indent
<iB,>iB,<aB,>aB      *     indent block directly 
>i{                        move not contain {
>%,<%                      move contain {
=%                         auto indent in {}
ctrl-n/ctrl-p        *     complement
:abbr terry  input terry is input

get external input

:r!<cmd>             *     put cmd's content insert to the file
:r <file>            *     put file's content to the fil
:!dir                      execute dir command in the system
:w  filename               save as filename
:wq                        save and quit






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