activatefeature - Activates a function using a trial period or license key.
addhostiogrp - Maps I/O groups to a host object.
addhostport - Adds worldwide port names (WWPNs) or iSCSI names to a host object.
addvdiskaccess - Adds to the set of I/O groups in which a Volume can be made accessible to hosts.
addvdiskcopy - Adds a copy to an existing volume
applydrivesoftware - Upgrades drives.
applysoftware - Updates the system code.
cancellivedump - Cancels a livedump.
catauditlog - Displays the in-memory contents of the audit log.
cfgportip - Assigns an IP address to each node canister ethernet port for iSCSI I/O.
charray - Changes the attributes of an array.
charraymember - Changes an array member's attributes, or swaps a member of a RAID array.
chauthservice - Configures the remote authentication service of the system.
chcontroller - Changes the attributes of a controller.
chcurrentuser - Changes the attributes of the current user.
chdrive - Change the attributes of a drive.
chemail - Sets or changes contact information for email event notifications.
chemailserver - Changes the attributes of an email server.
chemailuser - Changes the attributes for an email recipient.
chenclosure - Changes enclosure properties.
chenclosurecanister - Changes the properties of an enclosure canister.
chenclosureslot - Changes the properties of an enclosure slot.
cherrstate - Marks an unfixed error as fixed or a fixed error as unfixed.
cheventlog - Changes events in the event log.
chfcconsistgrp - Changes the attributes of a FlashCopy consistency group.
chfcmap - Changes the attributes of a FlashCopy mapping.
chhost - Changes the attributes of a host object.
chiogrp - Changes the name and other attributes of an I/O group.
chldap - Changes the system-wide Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) configuration.
chldapserver - Changes a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server.
chmdisk - Changes the attributes of a managed disk.
chmdiskgrp - Changes the attributes of a storage pool.
chnodecanister - Changes the name and other attributes of a node canister.
chnodecanisterhw - Updates the hardware configuration for a node canister.
chpartnership - Changes the partnership bandwidth between the local and remote system.
chquorum - Changes the quorum association.
chrcconsistgrp - Changes the attributes of a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror consistency group
chrcrelationship - Changes the attributes of a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship.
chsecurity - Changes security settings.
chsnmpserver - Changes the attributes of an SNMP server.
chsyslogserver - Changes the attributes of a syslog server.
chsystem - Changes the attributes of an existing system.
chsystemip - Changes the IP configuration parameters for the system.
chuser - Changes the attributes of a user.
chusergrp - Changes the attributes of a user group.
chvdisk - Changes the attributes of a volume.
cleardumps - Cleans the dump directories on a specified node canister.
clearerrlog - Clears all entries from the event log.
cpdumps - Copies dump files to the configuration node canister from another node canister.
deactivatefeature - Deactivates a function.
detectmdisk - Detects new managed disks and rebalances managed disk access.
dumpallmdiskbadblocks - Dumps bad block counts to a dump.
dumpauditlog - Resets or clears the contents of the in-memory audit log.
dumperrlog - Dumps the contents of the event log to a text file.