





      SQL接口提供一套机制来接收命令以及传输结果给用户。MySQL的SQL接口遵从ANSI SQL标准,它和绝大多数遵从ANSI标准的数据库服务器一样接受同样基础的SQL语句。尽管MySQL支持的许多命令中有非ANSI标准 的选项, MySQL的开发者已经努力使它们非常接近于ANSI SQL标准。





      The optimizer used is a SELECT-PROJECT-JOIN strategy that attempts to restructure the query by first doingany restrictions (SELECT) to narrow the number of tuples to work with, then performs theprojections to reduce the number of attributes (fields) in the resulting tuples, and finally evaluatesany join conditions. While not considered a member of the extremely complicated queryoptimizer category, the SELECT-PROJECT-JOIN strategy falls into the category of heuristicoptimizers. In this case, the heuristics (rules) are simply

     • Horizontally eliminate extra data by evaluating the expressions in the WHERE (HAVING)clause.

     • Vertically eliminate extra data by limiting the data to the attributes specified in theattribute list. The exception is the storage of the attributes used in the join clause thatmay not be kept in the final query.

     • Evaluate join expressions.

      This results in a strategy that ensures a known-good access method to retrieve data in anefficient manner. Despite critical reviews, the SELECT-PROJECT-JOIN strategy has proveneffective at executing the typical queries found in transaction processing.The first step in the optimizer is to check for the existence of tables and access control bythe user. If there are errors, the appropriate error message is returned and control returns tothe thread manager, or listener. Once the correct tables have been identified, they are openedand the appropriate locks are applied for concurrency control.Once all of the maintenance and setup tasks are complete, the optimizer uses the internalquery structure and evaluates the WHERE conditions (a restrict operation) of the query.Results are returned as temporary tables to prepare for the next step. If UNION operators arepresent, the optimizer executes the SELECT portions of all statements in a loop before continuing.The next step in the optimizer is to execute the projections. These are executed in a similarmanner as the restrict portions, again storing the intermediate results as temporary tables andsaving only those attributes specified in the column specification in the SELECT statement.Lastly, the structure is analyzed for any JOIN conditions that are built using the join class, andthen the join::optimize() method is called. At this stage the query is optimized by evaluatingthe expressions and eliminating any conditions that result in dead branches or always true oralways false conditions (as well as many other similar optimizations). The optimizer is attemptingto eliminate any known-bad conditions in the query before executing the join. This is donebecause joins are the most expensive and time consuming of all of the relational operators. Itis also important to note that the join optimization step is performed for all queries that have aWHERE or HAVING clause regardless of whether there are any join conditions. This enablesdevelopers to concentrate all of the expression evaluation code in one place. Once the joinoptimization is complete, the optimizer uses a series of conditional statements to route thequery to the appropriate library method for execution.

      Query Execution

       Execution of the query is handled by a set of library methods designed to implement a particularquery. For example, the mysql_insert() method is designed to insert data. Likewise, thereis a mysql_select() method designed to find and return data matching the WHERE clause. Thislibrary of execution methods is located in a variety of source code files under a file of a similarname (e.g., or All of these methods have as a parameter a threadobject that permits the method to access the internal query structure and eases execution.Results from each of the execution methods are returned using the network communicationpathways library. The query execution library methods are clearly implemented using theinterpretative model of query execution 


      虽然不是它自己的子系统,查询缓存应该是查询优化和执行子系统的重要组成部分。查询缓存是一个了不起的发明,不仅缓存查询结构,而且还缓存查询结果。这使系统能够检查常用的查询并且缩短整个查询优化和执行阶段。这是MySQL另一特性。其他数据库系统缓存查询语句,但没有缓存查询结果的。As you can appreciate, the query cache must also allow for situations where the results are “dirty” in the sense that something has changed since the last time the query was run (e.g., an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE was run against the base table) and that the cached queries may need to be occasionally purged. 

      2)    Buffer Manager/Cache and Buffers

       The caching and buffers subsystem is responsible for ensuring that the most frequently useddata (or structures, as you will see) are available in the most efficient manner possible. In otherwords, the data must be resident or ready to read at all times. The caches dramatically increasethe response time for requests for that data because the data is in memory and thus no additionaldisk access is necessary to retrieve it. The cache subsystem was created to encapsulate all of thecaching and buffering into a loosely coupled set of library functions. Although you will find thecaches implemented in several different source code files, they are considered part of the samesubsystem.A number of caches are implemented in this subsystem. Most of the cache mechanismsuse the same or similar concept of storing data as structures in a linked list. The caches areimplemented in different portions of the code to tailor the implementation to the type of datathat is being cached. Let’s look at each of the caches.

      Table Cache

     The table cache was created to minimize the overhead in opening, reading, and closing tables(the .FRM files on disk). For this reason, the table cache is designed to store metadata about thetables in memory. This makes it much faster for a thread to read the schema of the table withouthaving to reopen the file every time. Each thread has its own list of table cache structures. Thispermits the threads to maintain their own views of the tables so that if one thread is altering theschema of a table (but has not committed the changes) another thread may use that table withthe original schema. The structure used is a simple one that includes all of the metadata informationfor a table. The structures are stored in a linked list in memory and associated with eachthread.

Record Cache

      The record cache was created to enhance sequential reads from the storage engines. Thus therecord cache is usually only used during table scans. It works like a read-ahead buffer by retrievinga block of data at a time, thus resulting in fewer disk accesses during the scan. Fewer diskaccesses generally equates to improved performance. Interestingly, the record cache is alsoused in writing data sequentially by writing the new (or altered) data to the cache first and thenwriting the cache to disk when full. In this way write performance is improved as well. Thissequential behavior (called locality of reference) is the main reason the record cache is mostoften used with the MyISAM storage engine, although it is not limited to MyISAM. The recordcache is implemented in an agnostic manner that doesn’t interfere with the code used toaccess the storage engine API. Developers don’t have to do anything to take advantage of therecord cache as it is implemented within the layers of the API.

   Key Cache

   The key cache is a buffer for frequently used index data. In this case, it is a block of data for theindex file (B-tree) and is used exclusively for MyISAM tables (the .MYI files on disk). The indexesthemselves are stored as linked lists within the key cache structure. A key cache is created whena MyISAM table is opened for the first time. The key cache is accessed on every index read. If anindex is found in the cache, it is read from there; otherwise, a new index block must be readfrom disk and placed into the cache. However, the cache has a limited size and is tunable bychanging the key_cache_block_size configuration variable. Thus not all blocks of the index filewill fit into memory. So how does the system keep track of which blocks have been used?The cache implements a monitoring system to keep track of how frequent the index blocksare used. The key cache has been implemented to keep track of how “warm” the index blocks are.Warm in this case refers to how many times the index block has been accessed over time. Valuesfor warm include BLOCK_COLD, BLOCK_WARM, and BLOCK_HOT. As the blocks cool off and new blocksbecome warm, the cold blocks are purged and the warm blocks added. This strategy is a leastrecently used (LRU) page-replacement strategy—the same algorithm used for virtual memorymanagement and disk buffering in operating systems—that has been proven to be remarkablyefficient even in the face of much more sophisticated page-replacement algorithms. In a similarway, the key cache keeps track of the index blocks that have changed (called getting “dirty”).When a dirty block is purged, its data is written back to the index file on disk before being replaced.Conversely, when a clean block is purged it is simply removed from memory.

 Privilege Cache

 The privilege cache is used to store grant data on a user account. This data is stored in the samemanner as an access control list (ACL), which lists all of the privileges a user has for an objectin the system. The privilege cache is implemented as a structure stored in a first in, last out(FILO) hash table. Data for the cache is gathered when the grant tables are read during userauthentication and initialization. It is important to store this data in memory as it saves a lot oftime reading the grant tables.

  Hostname Cache

The hostname cache is another of the helper caches, like the privilege cache. It too is implementedas a stack of a structure. It contains the hostnames of all the connections to the server.It may seem surprising, but this data is frequently requested and therefore in high demand anda candidate for a dedicated cache.


  A number of other small cache mechanisms are implemented throughout the MySQL sourcecode. One example is the join buffer cache used during complex join operations. For example,some join operations require comparing one tuple to all the tuples in the second table. A cachein this case can store the tuples read so that the join can be implemented without having toreread the second table into memory multiple times. 


















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