Spoken English

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Don’t you see how gross that is? 显然恶劣的

Can open, worms everywhere 一发不可收拾

I beg you not to finish that sentence. 句子,判决

You want the truth?

How do you expect me to grow if you won’t let me blow?

You almost had it.

Don’t take it personnal, he’s under pressure.

It’s not a big deal.

Because I went to an all-boys shool, and God is making up for it.

Can I borrow your G-string?

I got you something.

Once I am used to the extra weigth

On second thought

What do you say ( we make a little l )? 어때 ?

Face it.

Making a calendar . 통계해보자 randy

I would n’t say it was nonsense

You can be a little tough sometimes.

It’s not worth getting upset about.

I’m sure in time, you will get used to it.

Proof that you can’t be happy without a man.

This is not proof of anything.

I learned from the best.

You can make your point and still be nice. 부드럽게 의견을 제기한다 .

Showing gratitude when people have been generous with you. 知恩图报

How selfish men are.

Easy for you to say.

You got ‘hate’ from that? You’re taking a big leap there. 断章取义

You go first. I will go first.


Pretty but dumb, pretty dumb

Don’t get mad, OK?

That’s all I have so far.

I’ve got a deadline. 交货时间到了

I completely understand, you were stressed.

Do you have a quarter for the condom machine. 25펜스

I was having a conversation

You silly diplomat, 어리석은 바보 같은 외교관

A silly ass. You are very silly to go by taxi.

Was I not supposed to? 难道我不该说?

Horrible, nothing compared to you.

He convinced me not to. 설득하다 .

You are one to talk? 你有资格说?你还敢说?


Does it bug you? You bug me.

And the inventor of the door rests happily in his grave . 무덤 , .

Is he married or involved with anyone? 수반하다 .

发展: developmentdevelopevolution [evзlu: зn]

Will you please climb out of my butt .

“I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. “ President Thomas Jefferson

I am serious. I’m intuitive, but my memory sucks 직관력이 있는

That’s not what I said. I know what you meant !

We were going out then. 사귀고 있었다 .

I was kind of having second thoughts too. 후회 했다

It’s not just because I’m jealous . 질투

I need a faver

It’s really just about the math.

You sounded serious on the phone.

I need to be alone

Go to third base. 上了三垒。

We are so in luck.

God does not care about the people like us

Don’t do the crime if can’t do the time.

Your personal best 个人记录


I’m sure you are right, but why?

I know it’s a lot to ask.

Somebody seems to be missing being the hostess.

That was just a theory. There is a lot of theories that didn’t pan out: Lone gunner, Communis m, geometry.

Getting drunk and going to a strip club 喝个烂醉,去脱衣舞厅。

I’m going to be pretend- moving to yemen. To get rid of her

I need a fake ticket to yemen

I’m buying everyone coffee.

I’m in charge of paying the rent

Why don’t I cover you for a while? 帮你先顶一阵怎么样?

When is it due? 预期的,到期的。

You have to take the first step.

The man who set the limits on your thoughts

Like “two and two make four”

Philosophy , therefore, is dead.

Because “whereof we cannot speak, thereof we must be silent.” 凡事不能说的事情,就应该保持沉默。

How dare you!

You are unique.

There would be more variables. 变量,易变的。

Maybe you can help me with my doctoral(Master’s thesis) thesis.

I’d rather make some mistakes than do nothing.

I’d rather mass up than miss out completely.

It appears you are not in agreement with Professor Jung.

I’m sorry, i didn’t understand you.

The essen ce of nature is mathematical. 要素,本质,实质。精华

The butterfly that flutters its wings and causes a hurricane on the other side of the world.

Where is the beauty and harmony in cancer?

Because we need to think that life has meaning .

That everything is governed by logic, and not by mere chance. 统治,支配,控制

Mere words won’t help. 光说没用。

This(mathematic) has nothing to do with truth.

Things have not turned out as you expected.

He was the best in his day.

As sure as today is Wednesday.

True, fasle or impossible to prove?

He was quick in his conclusions, clear in his exposition

I see what happened.


I’m sorry she doesn’t feel the same way.

You are so sweet. 你真好

Hold it. 慢着

Catch you later. 待会见

Important thing to remember: stay cool

When is this ganna air? 什么时候播出?

Why don’t you take a walk? 你何不出去走走?

This doesn’t concern you.与你无关。

You’d be better if you loosened your hips. 臀部方松点会更好。

Are you in second grade? 你是小学生吗?

I don’t want to look stupid. 我不想看起来像是蠢货。

This is not what Christmas is about. 这样不叫圣诞节。

I want to see the look no her face when I give her my present.


Nice to get back to reality, ? 回到现实真好,是把?

Me neither. 我也不(能)

Let me propose a puzzle . 迷,问题,迷惑, 拼图

I’m not following anybody. For God’s sake, least of all you! 看在上帝的份上,何况是你。


Good-for-nothing. 没用的家伙。

Forget it. I’m not bothered by it.

Has she or has she not got a motive ? 动机,目的;运动的,发动的。


She is very loud for such a small people.

Just not two nights in a row . 只是不要连续两个晚上。


Paid your phone bill?

You think I’m a pushover. 没个性

I’m sick of ham. 吃腻了。

The costomer is always right. A smile goes a long way.

Who said you were? 谁说你是了?

Wait a second.

I know it’s in here. 我记得我有的。

I have not been sick in over three years. 我已经三年多没感过冒了。


You will live off the money that you earn . 以……为生;挣钱,赚取。

Don’t take this personally

He’s just a little bookish. 有点书呆子。

You are no longer authorized to distribute birthday muffins. 你不再有送生日松饼的权限了。

I admit it. 我承认。

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Shame on you. You are disgusting . 令人作呕的。

I may teach another class this semester. 学期,半学年。

I will give you hint.

1 28

Now, where was I? 我说到哪里了?

I haven’t spoken to her in ten years and she asks me for a favor ?

Technically, it’s not against the rules. But it’s frowned upon. 原意蹙眉,表示不赞成,有引起非议之 意。

It kind of grows on you. 你有点玩上瘾了。

I think you misunderstood what I was saying.

Joey’s tailor took advantage of me. 裁缝,是豆腐。

Name one. 举个例子

Weren’t you supposed to do sothing, today? 你不是要做什么事情吗?

The stuff you said, I want that. 你说的那些事,是我想要的。

Thunder being stolen. 锋头被抢了。

He is doing the best he can. 他已经尽力了。

They give you away, there is too much wisdom in there. 它们出卖了你,里头有太多的智慧。

A token of our friendship. 令牌,象征。

Money and firm hand. 坚定,公司

I’m putting my foot down. 我很坚决。

I’ve being thinking. 我想过了。

I’ve thought about it too.

Sure you do. 你一定要要的。

I assumed he meant you. 我想他是指你。

Did you correct him? 你纠正他了吗?

Women are mean. 意思,意味,目的,小气, 无情

I couldn’t have done it alone.


Your door isn’t soundproof. 你的们不隔音。

Nothing is good enough for her. 她就是爱挑剔。

Because I cared enough to lie. 因为我在乎到不惜说谎。

Can you figure out what I’m doing? 猜出,知道。

You two think of me as family? 当做,想作。

I love arguing with her. 我喜欢和她吵架。

Be right back. 马上回来。

I’m a professor here. 本校的教授。

You look nothing like I would have though. 和我想的不一样。

It’s fate . 命中注定。

It doesn’t really seem like enough to be fate. 这个看起来不像是命中注定。

I am one-sixteenth Portuguese. 是十六分之一的葡萄牙人。

Couldn’t if I wanted to. 我倒是想啊。


I bet you it’s a girl. I will give you a really good odds. 我跟你打赌是女孩,我给你很高的赔率。

And yet, somehow, it’s true. 但这是真的。

Somebody went to college. 看来有人上过大学。

Who are you kidding? 你骗谁啊?

I feel so used. 我被利用了

If you were bigger you’d hit me. 如果你壮一点

I thought you were mad at me

I thougth it was yours. 我以为那是你的。


He has gone home 他已经回家了

I must be going now 我必须走了

He is gone. 他死了


I would like to have the option. 至少我想要有选择的权力

What does that mean? 那到底是什么意思?

We are going to figure this out. 我们会想出办法的。

Short of that. 简而言之 , 说得简单点 .



And you made it though that? 你竟然熬了过来?

Might be why I don’t remember her, huh? 我知道我为什么忘了她了,嘻嘻

Believe it or not, it’s ture. 信不信由你,是真的

You are so going to heaven. 你一定上天堂!

You have got to stop!你最好停下来!



I am not a politician, I don’t care about politics.

The Chemistry paper is too difficult.

Does any Chinese guys lived here?

Why is there some Chinese books?

We had a deal. 我们约好了。

Would you like to have dinner sometime? 晚餐

When’s that? 那是什么时候?


How often do you shampoo your hair? Having his hair shampooed. 洗头

He is taking a bath. 洗澡

At noon today. 中午

Nearly a year ago. 近一年了

I will contact you on Tuesday. 联系

I will be away that moment. 那是我会不在

I kind of lost it 好像

Do you not like them? 你不喜欢?

You have no idea who I am, do you? 不知道

Hope you find your key. 希望

Aren’t we kind of in the middle of something? 我们不是在忙吗?

From now on, you don’t get to talk to the other people. 从现在起,


I can get a message to her. 传话

Just tell her Jin stopped by. 来过

You’re supposed to be at my party. 本应该

I didn’t know where else to go. 我不知道还能去哪

I left li. li分手

I would love for you to go with me. 我很希望你能和我去。

What should i wear? I’m all narvous. 我该。。很紧张

How about I come up there? 我过去好不好?

It was silly of me to say such a thing. 我说这话这傻。

I do that, 我经常那样。

Was I not supposed to? 难道我不应该。。?

That’s like the least fun game ever. 这可能是最没意思的游戏。

How come are you late? 为什么你迟到了?


You were supposed to be my friend! 我把你当做朋友!






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